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1、以需求为导向,探索展览服务模式 以 “凤舞九天 楚文物特展 ”为例主讲人 : 李建毛Exploring the Exhibition Service Modes through Need-orientation-with the Example of “ Cultural Relics of Chu Region” Special ExhibitionsLI Jianmao Deputy Director of Hunan Provincial Museum 一、博物馆概况1. Brief Introduction to Hunan Provincial Museum (HPM) 成立时间:

2、1956年Founded in the year of 1956 定 位:全省最大的历史艺术类博物馆 the largest historical and artistic museum in Hunan Province;中国八家央地共建的博物馆之一one of the first eight National Foremost Museums eligible to be co-constructed by central and local governments in China; 馆藏文物丰富,数量约 18万件 /套,包括从旧石器时代至现代历代文物,尤以蜚声中外的马王堆汉墓文物、商周

3、青铜器、楚文物、历代陶瓷、书画和近现代名人手迹文物等最具特色。Magnificent collection of 180,000, including the cultural relics from the Palaeolithic Period to modern times, especially those excavated from the world-famous Mawangdui Tombs of Han Dynasty, the bronze wares of the Shang and the Zhou Dynasties, cultural relics of Chu

4、Dynasty, pottery and porcelain works from various dynasties, calligraphy works and paintings, and modern cultural relics. 2000年至今,湖南省博物馆举办、推出、引进各类临时展览 150余个。From 2000, HPM has organized or introduced more than 150 special exhibitions of all kinds目前,我馆已全面启动第二次原址改扩建工程,必将为湖南省博物馆带来新的活力与动力。闭馆前年观众 140万左右

5、,改扩建后 ,展览面积 25000平方米 ,预计年观众量 250-300万。At present, HPM has launched the second round of renovation and expansion project at the same location, which is surely to bring vitality and dynamic force to its development. Before it was closed for the project, the annual amount of visitors has reached 1.4 mi

6、llion. Once the project is completed, the exhibition area will reach 25,000 square meters and the estimated annual amount of visitors will reach 2.5 to 3 million.自 2008年 博物馆免费开放后,对博物馆与社会的互动关系提出了新的挑战。社会公众急剧增加的文化消费需求,迫使博物馆加速其社会化进程,了解观众需求,不断调整思路与做法,策划观众需要的展览,提高服务质量,真正满足观众需求。The free admission policy ca

7、rried out in 2008 has posed new challenges to the interaction between the museum and society. The quickly-growing cultural consumption needs from the public have forced the museum to accelerate its socialization process, to learn about visitors needs, to adjust constantly the thoughts and practice,

8、to plan those exhibitions needed by visitors, to improve the quality of service and ultimately to truly meet visitors needs.二、观众需求调查的实施环节2. Implementation of Visitors Needs Surveyp展览策划前 Pre-exhibition Stage1、观众调查A. Survey on Visitors展览要赢得观众,必须先了解观众需求,对本地观众、展览市场做深入调查研究,以观众需求为展览策划与实施的科学依据。If the exhib

9、ition intends to be attracted to the visitors, it should first learn about their needs by making in-depth investigation and study of the local visitors and exhibition market and then take visitors needs as the basis for planning and organizing the exhibition.我馆采取委托第三方专业调查机构,和本馆自己工作人员调查两种类型。每年委托长沙市城调

10、队对观众进行调查,分展厅调查、入户调查两种形式;两种形式调查的内容不同。HPM employs the third-party institution and engages its own staff to carry out the surveys. Every year HPM entrusts the professional survey team from the government, who adopts two types of surveys: on-site survey and door-to-door survey.u入户调查 door to door survey(

11、 1)基本信息 主要包括性别、年龄、职业、文化程度、居住地、家庭收入、家庭成员构成等(1) Basic information mainly including gender, age, profession, degree of education, residence, household income, family members and so on.( 2)主观性问题 对博物馆的认知、对博物馆的总体期望、参观次数、知晓途径、参观原因、与谁同行、交通工具、参观时间、感兴趣的展览题材、展品个性化需求满足程度、服务个性化需求满足程度评价、选择主要导览方式及效果评价、最感兴趣的教育活动、展览

12、总体质量评价、参观时发生不愉快事情的频率、对服务抱怨与抱怨的处理方式满意度,对候场环境、展厅环境、线路导向、休息设施的满意度,是否会再次观展或向他人推荐参观博物馆,是否购买了纪念品、购买纪念品的费用、种类、购买的原因、对博物馆整体评价等。(2) Subjective questions: knowledge and overall expectation of museums, visiting times, awareness ways, visiting reasons, company, vehicles, visiting time, exhibition themes with sp

13、ecial interest, satisfaction degree of special exhibit demands, assessment of satisfaction degree of individualized service, assessment of main ways of guided tours and the effectiveness, the education activities with the most interest, overall quality assessment of exhibition, frequency of unpleasa

14、nt matters in visit, complaints about service and satisfaction of the handling ways, satisfaction degree of stand-by environment, exhibition hall atmosphere, tour guidance, lounge facilities, whether to visit again, to recommend others to visit museums or to buy some souvenirs, souvenir expense, kinds, reasons for purchasing and the general evaluation of museums.


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