风机盘管空调系统在大空间建筑中的应用摘要:本文试图通过在设备选择,设计,施工三个方面对风机盘管加新风系统的上述“致命”缺点做一些建议和改进,近而使其有可能在人员密集的大空间超市商场类建筑中发挥出自身应有的优点。关键词:风机盘管;空调系统;应用abstract: this paper makes some suggestions and improvement to the fan coil plus fresh air system “ fatal “shortage from the equipment selection, design, construction these three aspects, and make it possible to play their own advantages in a densely populated large space supermarket shopping malls building.key words: fan coil ;air conditioning system; application中图分