312植树节知识科普主题教育Arbor Day is a festival that publicizes the protection of trees in accordance with the law ARBORDAY汇报人:xxx绿/化/环/境 保/护/环/境Arbor day Arbor day 01节日起源Origin of the festival02生态价值E c o l o g i c a l v a l u e03节日成效Holiday effectiveness04网络植树Network tree planting目录CONTENTS绿/化/环/境 保/护/环/境Arbor day Arbor Day is a festival that publicizes the protection of trees in accordance with the law 节 日 起 源第一章节Origin of the festival节 日 起 源Origin of the festival植树节是按照法律规定宣传保护树木,并组织动员群众积极参加以植树造林为活动内容的节