Life in the future课件6.ppt

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1、Unit3 Using Language1. Do you think its possible for human being to have a time travel?2. If you have the chance the take a time travel to the year AD 3005 as Li Qiang did, what places will you go to visit? Discussion Do you think there are alien creatures in outer space?What do you think they look

2、like?Read the passage, then finish the following exercises1. How many types of creatures are mentioned in the passage? What are they?2. Where are they from?Two types of creatures. They are the mu-mu and the dimpodsThe mu-mu are a family from the Pleiades group of stars.The dimpods are from a galaxy

3、near NGC 6240.Read Para 1. and answer: 3. What is the space station like?4. What do the alien creatures do with the human scientists?It is an enormous round plate.They work with human space scientists searching for new worlds.Read Para2. and fill the blanks.5. If you go to the stars where mu-mu live

4、, you must wear _ on your helmets so that you can _, but the mu-mu wont _.6 . Mu-mu have _ the discovery of planets round the _ star in the nightlightsseebe disturbedassisted infourth Pleiades systemRead Para3.Do the “True or False”.7. Dimpods can build a new spaceship in twenty-four years.8.

5、Dimpods can produce a liquid which melts metal.Read Para4 and answer:9. Can humans communicate with these creatures easily?Both of them eat food that contains carbon. The mu-mu drink a strange mixture of carrot juice and cocoa, while the dimpods drink lemonade mixed with herbs.10. What kind of food do they eat?


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