Body language学案3.doc

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1、预习导航一、用括号内单词的适当形式填空1Wang Baoqiang is thought to be a _(promise)actor.2_(stand)on the top of the mountain,I could see the whole city.3Not _(know)her telephone number,we couldnt get in touch with her.4_(face)with such a difficult problem,the boy didnt know what to do.5I will never forget the _(smile)f

2、aces I have seen in the 2010 Shanghai Expo.答案:1.promising 2.Standing 3.knowing 4.Faced5smiling二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1He often carefully watched the doctors in the _(operate)room.2_(return)from Boston,he found his hometown greatly changed.3Look out for cars while _(cross)the street.4_(notice)the house on fir

3、e,he dialed 119.5_(catch)in the rain,he was wet all over.6_(see)from the tower,the city looks just magnificent.7When _(ask) ,dont tell him I am in bad health.8Generally _(speak),the level of the New York High School International Division is pretty high.答案:1.operating 2.Returning 3.crossing 4.Notici

4、ng5Caught 6.Seen 7.asked 8.speaking三、读下列句子,说出其中动词ing 形式作的成分(定语、状语、宾语补足语、主语、表语、宾语)1With time going by,I came to know I was wrong._2Near the English coast ,long lines of fishing boats sail out to sea daily._3Coming to Hangzhou by train takes about 16 hours._4The doctor advised taking more exercise._5U

5、sing atomic energy,we can build spaceships._6She went on board the train leaving for Shanghai._7I found the parade quite interesting to watch._8Having no interest in the topic,he didnt go to the lecture._答案:1.宾语补足语 2.定语 3.主语 4.宾语 5.状语 6.定语 7.宾语补足语 8.状语四、用动词ing 形式改写下列句子,注意其作定语或状语的用法范例:I saw the boy.H

6、e was running for the bus.I saw the boy running for the bus.If you drive so fast,you will damage the car.Driving so fast,you will damage the car.1The man is taking a walk on the playground.He is my uncle._2The plan is about planting trees in the garden.It is being discussed._3The girls are mending t

7、he clothes.They are from the nearby villages._4I stood on the top of the mountain.I found the houses below looked like tiny toys._5As I didnt know how to get there,I had to ask the way._6Because he hadnt heard from his friend,he decided to write another letter._7They tried their best to save the man

8、.He is dying._答案:1The man taking a walk on the playground is my uncle.2The plan being discussed is about planting trees in the garden.3The girls mending the clothes are from the nearby villages.4Standing on the top of the mountain,I found the houses below looked like tiny toys.5Not knowing how to get there,I had to ask the way.6Not having heard from his friend,he decided to write another letter.7They tried their best to save the dying man.


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