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1、任务型教学在高中英语教学中的应用摘 要本文试图把任务型教学理念引入到高中英语教学中,共分三部分.第一部分简要介绍任务型教学的重要性和定义.第二部分介绍任务型教学在实施中的过程和例子.第三部分总结任务型教学的优点是在协作中的实践意义. 关键词任务型教学 写作 英语教学 中图分类号:G372 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2015)10-0186-01 一、介绍 在 20实际初,一种新的教学模式在教学中得到应用.那就是任务型教学. 任务型教学是 20世纪 80年代外语教学法研究者和二语习得研究者在大量研究和时间的基础上提出来的教学理论,是一种强调做中学的语言教学方法,目前在不少国家

2、和地区盛行.同时也在我国外语界一起广泛兴趣. 任务型教学是交际教学法的发展,他关注学习的过程,强调学生之间以及学生和教师之间的多边互动,力图创立一个自然正式的语言环境,使学生在完成任务的过程中,通过意义的磋商,交流和做事来使用语言,从而发展学生的语言能力,特别是语言交际能力. 二、下面对任务型教学写作的步骤进行介绍: 根据任务的特点,Jane Wills (1996) 总结了任务型写作的三个步骤: 1. 任务前: 教师介绍任务和话题给学生, 然后学生根据任务收集材料,选择话题,构思大意,.为了能够更好使学生知道该如何人去写作,教师还应该采取一些任务前的活动,例如头脑风暴造句游戏,图片描述等.

3、2. 任务后:讨论后学生作好笔记,指出每个小组的优点和不足,作好反馈.最后教师做出总结 任务型写作的例子:根据写作要求的三步骤,教师设计了几个写作例子. 1. Write a diary Pre-task: teacher show a task to students according to Chinese instruction. 2012 年 7月 10日上午,星期二,天气晴. 李华在操场上打篮球时不小心把一百圆钱丢了,他很着急难过.之后他在学校的展板上贴了寻物启示,下午就有人归还了他的钱,他很开心,并且对那位同学表示了感谢. Task cycle: The teacher guide

4、s students to understand task by answering questions. T: Do you think Li hua was lucky or unlucky that day? Why? S1: He was unlucky, he lost his money. S2: He was lucky. He found his money at last. T: I think Li hua was lucky. He met a good student to find his money. Do you think so? Ss: Yes. T: How

5、 should he remember this experience? S3: Writing it down. S4: Writing it in his diary. T: Ok. Suppose you were Li hua, please write a diary according to Chinese introduction above. Now discuss how to write this diary. Pay attention to: 1) What tense should be used? 2) What person should be used? 3)

6、What is the form of a diary? Post-task: finish task After discussion students tell the teacher 1) Use the past tense 2) Use the first person 3) The format of a diary is: write the date, weather on the first line One member of each group gives the teacher their diary in oral, after correcting the cla

7、ss gets this diary: Tuesday July, 10, 2012 Sunny This morning, I played basketball with my classmates on the playground. Because mu careless, I lost my money, at that time, I was worried and sad. So I decided to write a found on the blackboard. After afternoon, a boy found me, he said he picked up o

8、ne hundred Yuan, and then he give it to me, I happy and tanked him! I was lucky today! By this practice, the activities between students and teacher make the atmosphere of class is brisk. Students understand the rule of diary easily. 2 Write a letter Pre-task: teacher shows task to according teacher

9、 statement. T: How do you celebrate your birthday? S1: With my parents. S2: With my friends. T: If you have a friend to live another city, how do you express your wishes? S3: Send a birthday card. S4: Give a call. Task cycle: Now teacher is leading the students to the task that he has designed. T: G

10、ood methods! Now, if you are Cathy. This is the birthday of your friend Alice. Write a letter expressing your congratulation and mentioning that you will send her gift. When you are writing a letter , you must make these clear: )1 The format of a letter )2 The tense of a letter )3 The person of a le

11、tter Post-task: Then students discuss how to write the letter. The following is a student letter. Dear Alice, Congratulations and sincere wishes on your birthday! I hope that all your years to come will be twice as happy and as merry as those past. Please remember that I miss you every much and wish

12、 you the best of everything. The gift is a taken of my sincere wishes for success and happiness. Sincerely yours, Cathy By the writing practice, students not only writer letter, but also story and fairy tale after the class. Some stories have more than 500 words. Students understand the format, tens

13、e and person of a letter, but also use objective clause and adverbial clause. 三、总结 通过这个教学方法,学生能够很好的应用到写作中,80%的学生对这个教学方法感到满意.通过任务型教学,提高了学生的写作兴趣和信心.但是在教学中教师也应该注意以下几点: 首先是学生的位置.学生是课堂的中心,教师因该给学生更多的表现机会,任务的设计必须符合学生的英语水平.其次要考虑学生的需要.学生的直接需要是通过英语考试,随着学生英语水平的提高,增加了学生的信心,增强了学生的能力.再次是教师的责任.教师的责任感直接影响教学的好坏,当前,知

14、识更新越来越快,教师应该不断提高自己的英语水平才能适应知识的更新. 高中的学生充满了想象力和创造力,他们喜欢面对挑战. 这样就要求教师在课堂教学中能够充分发挥一个引导者的作用,在教学中多个学生布置容易接受理解的饿任务,让学生自主研究学习,解决任务,去开发学生的潜力.任务型教学培养了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生的交流能力,在课堂中越来越受到了欢迎. 参考文献 1 包玉彬,陈素燕.(2004) 中学英语任务教学的策略与艺术浙江学出版社. 2 程小堂.(2004) “任务的定义和类型” 中小学外语教学 11期.9-11页 3 鲁子问.(2002) “任务教学的课堂程序研究”中小学外语教学2期,13-16 页. 4 魏涌红.(2004) 任务型外语教学研究 上海: 华东师范大学出社版.


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