1、 全国商务英语 翻译考试笔译资料 全国商务英语翻译考试练习题(一) Part I. Translate the following sentences into English 1. 产品通过广告(例如:电视广告、收音机广告、报纸广告以及广告牌),包装(例如:设计、标签、材料),产品宣传,公关以及个人推销等途径介绍给顾客。 2. 经济界人士普遍认为:两家大公司不约而同在中国举行如此高级别和大规模的业务会议,说明了中国市场对他们的重要性。 3. 如果选择直接投资,必须解决两个问题:第一、选择合适的合作方;第二、要对合作方及其市场情况作财务、技术和法律分析,以确定投资可取性。 4. 故宫也称紫禁城
2、,位于北京市中心, 500 年中曾居住过 24 个皇帝,是明清两代的皇宫。它是中国最大、最完整的宫殿群,是中国文化遗产之宝库。 Part II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. I would appreciate it if you could quote us your best CIF price, giving a full specification of your product and shipping date. Of course our technical department would need to
3、have some samples to test before we could place a firm order. 2. The landscape of Guilin tops those elsewhere, the landscape of Yangshuo tops that of Guilin. The latter gives a perfect combination of natural scenery and cultural heritage. 3. To adapt to the changes in world trade and in compliance w
4、ith the requirements of both visitors and exhibitors, the Chinese Export Commodities Fair is introducing a major reform in its operation. 4. You would get a full refund if there should be a delay in the shipment. However, should you fail to honor your payment in due time, we would terminate the cont
5、ract and lodge a claim against you. 全国商务英语翻译考试练习题(二 ) Part I. Translate the following sentences into English 1. 德国人在商务往来时以十分拘泥于礼节而著称,对德国人来说,头衔很重要,忘记称呼某人的头衔会造成极大的冒犯。同样,以别人没有的头衔来称呼也同样会冒犯他们。 2. 随函附上第 303号询价单一份,盼望你方早日给我们报纽约到岸价,包括我方 5%的佣金。报价时请说明最早交货期和可供数量。 3. 如有偶发的经济事件发生时,本代理契约可经双方同意做部分的修改,如果本协议的部分被违反,并不
6、意味整个协议的终止。 4. 全球经济中最令人惊异的状况之一就是日本经济的回升之势,尤其值得一提的是,其经济复苏越来越得力于国内的需求,这既来自于商业投资,也来自于消费支出。 Part II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. According to the national preferential treatment, for an advanced science and technology project, which is environmental friendly, period for half deducti
7、on of enterprise income tax to be paid shall be extended for three years. 2. This contract is made by and between the authorized representatives of LONDON LTD (hereinafter called the Seller) and the Dacheng Corporation (hereinafter called the Buyer) through friendly discussion, according to the term
8、s and conditions stipulated hereunder. 3. The scenery of Guilin, which is well-know for the green hills, limpid water, grotesque caves and fantastic stalagmites and stalactites, enjoys the reputation of “the best sight under Heaven.” 4. He quickly built a reputation for having the best food in Switz
9、erland. People from all over came to see what all the fuss was about. His aim was to open a chain of restaurants that was affordable for all to dine at. He had a motto which was “just make it taste good.” 全国商务英语翻译考试练习题(三 ) Part I. Translate the following sentences into English 1. 我代表美国商务部和美国机械制造技术协会
10、谨向第四届中国国际机床展览会( CIMT)表示祝贺,欢迎诸位光临美国展团。 2. 当许多国外大企业正受经济不景气的冲击时,中国的小企业却因政府调整利率的下降而受益良多。 3. 我有时既是公共关系专家又是前台经理。我是客人到酒店最先见到的员工之一,必须对他们友好相待,提供帮助,使其对酒店和员工产生好感。 4. 如果你方答应提前交货,我们可接受你方价格,若你方能对价格再做百分之二的让步,我方愿加倍订购此货。 Part II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. Satellite TV has turned European socc
11、er into Asias sport of choice. Now Europes teams and Asias businesses are racing to convert the fans favor into cash. That mix looks set to change the face of soccer forever. 2. The information world is in the midst of a second wireless revolution, as profound as the one that gave us radio 100 years
12、 ago. As cell phones become more and more powerful, many think theyre on course to replace the PC. 3. The company has a $10 billion market capitalization on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In order to protect the interests of small and medium shareholders, it will further enhance transparency in liste
13、d companies. 4. Management is in crisis all over the world and the MBA, the flagship course of most business schools, bears a substantial part of the blame about such a bad condition. 全国商务英语翻译考试练习题(四 ) Part I. Translate the following passage into English 如今,大多数青少年在校园里感觉到的一种压力,不是因为学业成绩,更不是因为人际关系或者经济问
14、题,而是负面的身体形象。很多青少年自我感觉相貌不好或者由于过度肥胖而严重自卑。这种感觉(理论上称为 “不安全感 “)往往是由媒体造成的。对自身形象有个正确地看待极为重要。媒体往往传达矛盾的信息。许多女性杂志经常用好几页的文字以及身材匀称的超级模特儿来宣传一个完美的身体形象。实际上,研究表明,基本体形是不可能改变的,因为不可能改变基因。想拥有一种合适且健康的生活方式没有错,关键是不能用盲目的方式渴求一步到位。一个饮食失调研究 协会希望人们认识到:健康就是美,身体健康才能促进头脑健康。因此它给家长们的建议是:尽可能多地鼓励和欣赏孩子 -无论他们高矮胖瘦,只要身体健康且有一个积极的人生观 -就心满意
15、足吧! Part II. Translate the following passages into Chinese Passage 1 China has pulled out all the stops to get the 2008 Olympic Games after a heartbreaking loss to Sydney for 2000. State media here have steadily promised a world-beating Game at a cost of $20 to $40 billion. Yet such triumphal tones
16、are now giving way to a more modest depiction of the 2008 enterprise. One former Chinese official, speaking on terms of anonymity, stated that, “It goes against the Chinese tradition of modesty for us to brag about our games. We need to ensure the quality of materials is high. Thats been the problem
17、 in our past. It isnt just the cost. But this plan does cost a lot, and we need to be practical.” Beijing secured the 2008 Olympics after a hard-fought competition with Paris and Toronto. For China, snagging the Olympics was not only a matter of prestige but of international respect. More important,
18、 as a Security Council member and a rising power in Asia, the victory brought confidence that China would now be able to show the world its efficient central-planning system and its new technocratic class of savvy organizational managers who would put on a world-class games. Still, despite continued
19、 hopes for private-sector contributions, the financing side of the games remains largely state-run. The principal partners are state-owned enterprises: The Bank of China, Air China, and China Netcom. Volkswagen has signed on, however, as has General Electric and McDonalds. Passage 2 Asias booming in
20、itial-public-offering market is a sure sign that solid economic recovery is growing deeper roots. The rush to list shares on the regions stock markets signals that Asias entrepreneurs are back in the game. And its not all internet company fever, though theres plenty of that; companies in many indust
21、ries are lining up to issue shares. In Hong Kong China, eight companies have listed on the Growth Enterprise Market, which opened in late November. The latest to join GEM, China Data Broadcast Holdings, rose 310% on its first day of trading on January 24. As in the United States, stock valuations so
22、metimes dont make much sense to traditional-minded investors. But the stock market isnt about making sense, its about making money. For many companies selling shares, the stock market is primarily about raising money for new investment. The new-issues boomif it doesnt fizzle outcould help Asia susta
23、in and accelerate economic recovery. Many public-sector and private economists, including those at the International Monetary Fund, have argued that Asian economies were too dependent on financing by banks, which often lent money to the best-connected companies instead of the best-run. When the bank
24、s ran into trouble, the effects immediately filtered down into the real economy. Some economists argue that stock markets can better discipline corporate management than local banks, although it remains to be seen whether the creation of an “equity culture” will improve performance. The ability of s
25、tock markets to deliver capital and stimulate private industry will make it much easier for governments to take away the deficit crutches and bring their budgets back into balance. Passage 3 The U.S. military is developing technology to extend the life of its spy satellites. But instead of creating
26、a complex chemical propellant, the Pentagon has turned to one of the simplest compounds on Earth-water. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working with Proton Energy Systems on the Water Rocket program, which would develop a satellite that exploits a “closed loop“ regenerative fuel cel
27、l: Solar power electrolyzes water into hydrogen, and then the hydrogen is converted into electricity and water. Satellites that generate their own power could remain in service for up to 20 years, as long as they dont become technologically obsolete. The solar panel and fuel cell in development prov
28、ides 1 kilowatt of electricity, which is sufficient to power the thrusters for maintaining orbits or for short journeys. Prolonging the life of satellites could reduce the amount of wayward “space junk.“ Passage 4 Generally speaking, Chinas economy has kept a continuous, rapid and healthy developmen
29、t in the first half of the year. Viewed from macroeconomics, it is wrong to allege there is an “overheat“ in this economy. Strictly speaking, “overheat“ which refers to a kind of sickness corresponding to “fever“ in the human body is not an economic term. The use of such an imprecise term in economi
30、c life may cause misunderstandings. For example, how would you explain the relationship between overheat and high speed, or does the latter mean the former? Of course it is necessary to keep vigilance all the time. However, it wont bring any conclusive result if the whole society talks at length abo
31、ut the “overheat“ of the economy. For instance, if Chinas economy was really overheated at present, inflation would surely follow, then the brake must be applied and as a result foreign investors would re-examine their investments in China, and then domestic entrepreneurs would follow suit. Too much
32、 talk about “overheat“ would have an adverse effect on some non-expert personnel. A scientific and careful attitude is needed in such talks, just like the way a doctor tells his patient what disease he is suffering from, lest it should become some psychological burden on the part of the patient. Psy
33、chological factors are becoming more and more important in social economic life and a correct orientation is needed on the part of the media in order to lead the public opinion in the right direction. 全国商务英语翻译考试模拟题(一 ) Part I. Translate the following sentences into English or into Chinese 1. 早在 1910
34、 年,通用电器就开始与中国发展贸易,被认为是最活跃和最有影响力的在华外国企业之一。 2. 近年来,中泰两国国民经济发展迅速,为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础。 3. 本合同用中、英两种文字写成,每种文字正本两份。两种文本具有同等效力,签字后双方各执中、英文本一份为凭。 4. 布朗先生曾经能吃能睡,但现在由于作为领导责任重大而变得吃不下睡不好。 5. 由于我们也要支付我们供货商的货款,因此您的还款期限不能再延长了。 6. Do not ask questions that respondents feel are rude or embarrassing. If such question
35、s are necessary, people should be offered the chance to say that they prefer not to answer. What constitutes an invasive question will vary from culture to culture. 7. He knew this guy was a smart political worker. But he was hard to control. In fact, he was a loose cannon who might do more damage t
36、o his side than the man he was running against. 8. As a region with the largest number of developed countries, the EU boasts abundant capital and advanced technology. Therefore, both the EU countries and China enjoy a high degree of complementarities in economic, trade, scientific and technological
37、fields. 9. I had the honor of attending the opening ceremony of the Beijing Youth Palace earlier this week and was proud to see that Compaq was making such a large contribution to Chinas youth. 10. Though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we cite
38、the incredible slaughter of men, women and children on the roads. Man versus the motor car. Part II. Translate the following passages into Chinese Passage 1 On behalf of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Association for Manufacturing Technology, I would extend my greetings to the seventh China
39、 International Machine Tool Show (CIMT2010), and welcome the visitors to the U.S. Pavilion. We are proud of our U.S. Pavilion, where 170 U.S. exhibitors are displaying the latest world class machine tool technology and related manufacturing services. The technology and services demonstrated here are
40、 the primary building blocks for industrialization in every nation of the world. I hope you will utilize this opportunity to assess products and services offered in the U.S. Pavilion and discuss with representatives of our U.S. industry how these goods and services can meet your particular industria
41、l needs. China and the United States have made tremendous strides in forging mutually-beneficial commercial relationships. We at the Department of Commerce, working closely with the U.S. private sector, are proud of the role we have played in developing these ties, and we look forward to strengtheni
42、ng our relationship in the months and years ahead. It is through events like CIMT2010 that our growing ties will be reinforced. Again I welcome you to this impressive show, and I wish you a successful and productive visit to our U.S. Pavilion. Passage 2 Dear Sirs, Our representatives, upon their ret
43、urn from Shanghai, made a report concerning their discussions with your senior cadres on forming a joint venture company, expounding their deep impression on the rapid growth of Chinas economy and the favourable environment for making investment in China. We are very grateful for the many kindness a
44、nd hospitality extended to our representatives by your cadres and staff of China International Trust but every man can exert such judgment upon the works of others; and he whom nature has made weak, and idleness keeps ignorant, may yet support his vanity by the name of a critic. 7. If the Contract s
45、hall, on the written request of the Engineer, make available to any such other contractor any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the Contractor is responsible, or permit the use by any such of the Contractors scaffolding or other plant on the Site, the Employer shall pay the Contractor in re
46、spect of such use or service such sum or sums as shall, in the opinion of the Engineer, be reasonable. 8. But just as all nations can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is immune to its perils. We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, and in confronting threats that r
47、espects no bordersterrorism and drug trafficking, disease and environmental destruction. 9. The present regulations are formulated in order to guard against the risks of foreign exchange rate, stabilize the costs of import and export trade (including other foreign economic activities) and develop th
48、e businesses of buy and sale of spot and forward foreign exchange. 10. And the problems that arise from the continuing coexistence of affluence and povertyand particularly the process by which good fortune is justified in the presence of the ill fortune of othershave been an intellectual preoccupati
49、on for centuries. Part II. Translate the following passages into Chinese Passage 1 International Tender 1. In order to be considered further by the Employer in the process of tender evaluation, each alternative shall be accompanied by a detailed price breakdown indicating the tenders estimate of the additional or reduced cost in present (discounted) value to the Employer compared with the basic Tender Sum, if the alternative offer were to be accepted by the Employer and incorporated into the Contract. 2. The tender shall submit a bas