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1、 英语辅导报社网站题库中心 2005 年全国大学生英语竞赛样题听力录音原文及答案(A 级)Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 points)Section A Dialogues (10 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short dialoguesAt the end of each dialogue,a question will be asked about what was said Both the dialogue and the question w

2、ill be read only onceAfter each question, there will be a pauseDuring the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. W: Have you ever sold computers?M: N

3、o, I havent, but Ive sold stereo equipment, and Im confident Id be able to sell computers very easily.Q: Whats the mans former occupation? (D)2. M: Can I have two tickets for the concert tonight?W: Yes, sir. Where would you like to sit?Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? ()3. W: Exc

4、use me. Does this train go to the Bronx?M: No, it doesnt. It goes to Queens. You want the number 4 train, on track 2.Q: Which train should the woman take? ()4. W: Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesnt start till seven.M: I dont want to be at the traffic there. Its a nightmare on the express

5、 way during rush hour.Q: What does the man mean? ()5. W: There sure are a lot of people from Italy visiting right now.英语辅导报社网站题库中心 M: Im not surprised. Our school year just ended, and a lot of Italians are on vacation.Q: What might the mans nationality be? ()6. W: Good morning, Fogg Art Museum, may

6、I help you?M: Yes, can you tell me what time you open?W: We open at 10 in the morning, except on Saturdays when its midday.Q: When does the museum open on Mondays? (B)7. M: Mmm! These are delicious! Whats in them?W: Lets see . a little flour, a little cheese, a few tomatoes, and . uh, oh yes, a litt

7、le ground beef.M: Are they difficult to make?W: No, not at all. Ill be happy to give you the recipe.Q: What is not included in the recipe? ()8. W: Have you given out your monthly report yet?M: No, I havent. I was planning to give it out this afternoon.W: Please do it as soon as possible. The monthly

8、 report is supposed to be given out before lunch hour.M: Im sorry, I didnt know that. Ill do it right away.Q: When should the report be given out? ()9. M: Excuse me. Where can I find washing machines?W: Washing machines? Theyre in the Household Appliance Department in the basement.M: In the basement

9、? I see. Could you tell me how to get there?W: Sure. Take the elevator over there down one floor.Q: Where does the man stand? ()英语辅导报社网站题库中心 10. W: Good evening, this is the East Coast Grill.M: Hi, Id like to make a reservation for a table for tomorrow night.W: Sure, and how many people would that b

10、e for?M: Six.W: So, a table for six on Friday June 7th. Bye.M: Thanks, bye.Q: When was the reservation made? (B)Section B News Item(10 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short pieces of news from BBC or VOA. After each news item and question, there will be a pause. During the pause

11、, you must read the three choices marked A, B, and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.11. Last week the British Parliament decided to end almost 700 years of fox-hunting in England and Wales. Early next

12、 year it will be illegal to hunt foxes with dogs. Pro-hunt supporters immediately promised to protest against the decision and on the same day 1,000 people demonstrated outside Windsor Castle where the Queen was meeting the French president, Jacques Chirac, and Tony Blair.Question: When did fox-hunt

13、ing begin in England? ()12. At Fort Hood, in Texas, a military court has sentenced U.S. Army Specialist Charles Graner to ten years in prison for abuse of Iraqi detainees at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison. Question: Where was the sentence made? ()13. Tens of thousands of tourists from around the wor

14、ld visit Thailands famous dive sites each year. But marine experts say the killer tsunami two weeks ago has temporarily damaged some of the areas picture perfect coral reefs. Question: What caused the damage to the tourist sites? ()英语辅导报社网站题库中心 14. An explosion ripped through a tent at a military ba

15、se near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, killing at least 22 people and wounding more than 60 others. At least 19 American military personnel are among the dead. Question: How many people died in this attack? ()15. U.N.-sponsored talks on climate change ended early Saturday with little progress mad

16、e on efforts to further curb emissions of so-called greenhouse gases, believed to cause global warming. However, the United States and European Union agreed to meet again in May for informal climate discussions.Question: When will the informal discussions be held again? ()16. The U.S. economy create

17、d 337,000 jobs in October, far more than had been predicted by private sector forecasters. In addition, job growth in August and September was revised upwards, meaning at least 225,000 jobs have been created in each of the past three months. Some of the job growth in October was due to rebuilding an

18、d cleanup activities following damaging hurricanes in the American southeast. Question: What can we infer from the news? ()17. The U.S. space agency, NASA, launched a satellite Saturday that scientists hope will help them locate the sources of mysterious gamma ray explosions, the brightest most ener

19、getic bursts in the universe. This is a nearly 40-year-old puzzle.Question: Whats the purpose of launching the satellite in the news? ()18. China Netcom raised more than $1 billion from its initial public offering, while South Korea has acted to jumpstart its economy. China Netcom, the countrys lead

20、ing fixed-line phone operator, will use proceeds from its initial public offering to expand its network and pay off bank loans. Question: Which country cooperated with China Netcom? ()19. Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey stars in, co-wrote and directed a musical biography of versatile performer Bobby Darin

21、, the 1960s pop superstar who died at age 37 after a short but momentous career.英语辅导报社网站题库中心 Question: What is true about Kevin Spacey according to the news? (C)20. More than 6,000 delegates from 194 nations have gathered in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires for the 10th annual United Nations Co

22、nvention on Climate Change. Mondays opening ceremony allowed participants to reflect on recent accomplishments and look to the future. Question: Whats the main theme of the convention? (A)Section C Passages (10 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage,

23、 you will hear 5 questions. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneMaria came to the United States from Mexico a few days ago. Shes

24、staying with her brother and his family all summer because she wants to study English at the local university.Maria had to fill out a long form at the university. She was very surprised because she had to remember so many numbers. She wrote her brothers address with the zip code and apartment number

25、, her new telephone number and area code, her passport number, and her brothers office telephone number. The form also asked for a Social Security number and a medical insurance I.D. number, but she didnt have those. Maria gave the form to the secretary in the English Department. The secretary took

26、the form and said, “Write this number down. Dont forget it. Its your student I.D. number, and its very important. Please put this number on your check when you pay your tuition, and put it under your name whenever you take tests. Youll also need this number to take books out of the library.” Another

27、 number to remember! Maria wrote down the long number: 90X31058.Maria had a headache and wanted to go home. She remembered that the Number 93 bus came at 10:11. Or was it the Number 39 bus at 11:10? Oh, no! Too many numbers!英语辅导报社网站题库中心 Questions 21 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard

28、.21. What is Maria? ()22. Where is Maria? ()23. What did Maria write on the form? ()24. Whats the number 90X31058? ()25. What confused Maria? ()Passage Two Many people look forward to the weekend. Its the time to relax, have fun, and do things around the house.On Friday nights, many people like to r

29、elax after work. They go out for dinner, or they go to movies, concerts, or plays. Other people just like to stay home and watch TV.On Saturday mornings, supermarkets and shopping malls are crowded with people buying food, clothing, presents, and other things they need.Many people do chores around t

30、he house on Saturday afternoons. They paint, clean attics and basements, rake leaves, do laundry, and wash cars.On Saturday evenings, many people like to go out. They visit friends, invite people to come over for dinner, or go to a movie, the theater, or a sporting event.On Sunday mornings, many peo

31、ple like to sleep late, especially people who stayed up late on Saturday nights. People often go to church on Sunday. They read the newspaper and often eat a late breakfast called “brunch”.On Sunday afternoons when the weather is nice, many families go to the zoo or to the park. During the winter, m

32、any people spend Sunday afternoons at theaters, museums, or shopping malls. Many families have a big dinner on Sunday afternoons. Grandparents and other relatives often come to visit.On Sunday evenings, people usually stay home and prepare for the week ahead. Weekends can be very busy!英语辅导报社网站题库中心 Q

33、uestions 26 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. When do most people do their shopping? ()27. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? ()28. Why do most people stay home on Sunday evenings? ()29. What do many people do on Sunday mornings? ()30. When do p

34、eople probably go to bed early? ()Part II Vocabulary and Structure (5 minutes, 10 points)31. B 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. D Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes, 10 points)41 B 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. D 48. C 49. A 50. B Part IV IQ Test (5 minutes, 5 points)51

35、. D. (The diamond moves clockwise, first by one corner, then two, then three, etc. The hexagon alternates: white/ shaded/ black. The diamond alternates: black/ white, shaded.)52. D. STOPPAGE. (STOP is a synonym of HALT. PAGE is a synoym of LEAF.)53. A. 1 (Give the vowels the following values: A=0, E

36、=1, I=2, O=3, U=4. Adding these in each name gives the number of children. MAUD=0+4=4; JOHN=3 ect.)54. B. 2A 55. B. 2 Part V Reading Comprehension (25 minutes, 35 points)Section A Multiple Choice (5 points)56. C 57. A 58. B 59. D 60. BSection B Short Answer Questions (20 points)61. More than 1 milli

37、on.英语辅导报社网站题库中心 62. 20%.63. More than 100.64. 25 years.65. Burning oil, coal and gas.66. treatments for long-term diseases67. primates and humans68. chromosomes from an adult cell69. cloning babies70. a milestone in medical researchSection C True or False (10 points)71. F 72. F 73. F 74. T 75. F 76.

38、 T 77. F 78. F 79. T 80. FPart VI Cloze-Test (10 minutes, 10 points)81. with 82. learn 83. concern 84. speak 85. possession 86. includes 87. seldom 88. first 89. but 90. levelPart VII Translation (15 minutes, 20 points)Section A English-Chinese Translation (10 points)91. 曾几何时,音乐家们创作过模拟海啸声响效果的乐曲,纽约华尔

39、街的分析家们预测不利消息会像“海啸”一样涌来,还有些日本饭店提供名叫“海啸”的寿司卷。 92. 由于南亚的海啸导致超过 15万人丧生,“海啸”这个词和“归零地”(世贸中心遗址)一样,现在仅存一种肃穆的意味了。“归零地”本来的意思是“开始点”,但在 9.11恐怖袭击事件后,专指世贸中心双塔曾经竖立的地方。 93. 9.11恐怖袭击事件发生之前,“归零地”只是一个陈腐的商业术语,意思是“开始点”,特指“重新开始某项目或方案,重回起点”。 94. 他说, “同样,我们预想今后人们在使用海啸这个词之前,将会相当慎重地考虑它是否仅适用于某种严肃的场合。” 英语辅导报社网站题库中心 95. 报纸头条新闻作

40、者同样喜欢这个吸引人的词汇,比如底特律新闻上的“福特新品上市掀起海啸冲击波”和伦敦时代杂志上的“乘着想像的海浪向总统宝座进军”。Section B Chinese-English Translation (10 points)96. Travel is very exciting to you since you can see landscape much different from where you live and work.97. The world is a competitive world. We will have to compete for jobs, business

41、, etc. Examination is also a kind of competition.98. Love is an art of understanding. Deep and mutual understanding is the fertile soil for the evergreen tree of love.99. Indigo represents thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. The world need it for balance and contrast, for prayer and inn

42、er peace.100. The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweeter.Part VIII Writing (30 minutes, 30 points)Task I 应用文的评分标准一、 评分原则:1 本题满分为 10分。2 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。3 词数少于 100或多于 150的,从总分中减去 2分。4 如书写较差,以致影响交流,将分数降

43、低一个档次。二、各档次的给分范围和要求:第四档:9 分完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性很好,基本上无词汇和语法错误。第三档:7 分英语辅导报社网站题库中心 基本符合写作格式的要求,有个别地方表达思想不够清楚,文字基本通顺、连贯,有少量词汇和语法错误。第二档:5 分未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。第一档:2 分未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想紊乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将信息传达给读者。0分白卷;作文与题目毫不相关;内容太少,无法评判;所写内容无法看清。三、 说明:1 内容要点可用不同方式表达。2 对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。3 漏掉每个要点扣 12分。Task II 议论文的评分标准一、 评分原则:1 本题满分为 20分。2 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。3 词数少于 130或多于 170的,从总分中减去 2分。4 如书写较差,以致影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。二、各档次的给分范围和要求:第四档:1620 分完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性很好,基本上无词汇和语法错误。第三档:1115 分


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