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1、1第一讲 上 翻译的理解与表达一、翻译的前提:原文理解 他总是口是心非. 环保主义者对政府兴建核电站的决定口诛笔伐. 新市长来看望了城市贫民, 这一关怀之举赢得了他们的某种好感。 他回到英国时,身体瘦弱,衣裳褴褛,一只眼睛蒙着眼罩,头发稀少, 皮肤又黄又黑。他周身上下最象样的就只有那只仍然炯炯有神的眼睛。(二)原文的理解与语法结构 说那个啥是那个啥就是说说那个啥是那个啥不是那个啥。 卖淫女 “耶胡” 身上有一种病, 会使倒在她们怀里的人烂骨头。 货栈在一条小街街尾的最后的一栋房子里,小街沿坡而下,直到河边,尽头有几级阶梯,那里是人们上下船的地方。 我说: “与你妈妈的来信相比,那些信简直就是小

2、巫见大巫啊。 她每次都说起你,就连算出一道数学题也不忘告诉我。 ” The old mans difficulty in life and his worries about the future of his family are all brought out to the full. And it can be seen that all his troubles have part of their cause in white ants - the ruinous calamity in the region.二、翻译成功的关键:语言转换(表达) 他身体虽弱,但头脑(思维)健全 我们

3、只能迷迷糊糊打几个盹,布拉格电台断断续续的广播很难听清 马克思在夫人病危时,再也无法照常进行研究工作使他忘记她的痛苦的方法只有一个:一头扎进数学里 The further we got into the grasslands, the more we found it wild. 经过三个星期的努力攻关,那位科学家最终恍然大悟,成功地完成了实验 邱吉尔说: “ 在海上, 我们是小巫, 而美国可称得上大巫。 ” 想当年的军旅生涯,那儿要求遵章守纪,循规蹈矩,对待上司敬重有加,命令一发,就得服从,军服一穿,就是战友。 他横躺在床上,想看看如果把头仰到床沿下,血会不会都往头上流。果然如此,总是如此。

4、 她一面煮着咖啡,一面数落着她那位虔诚的衣店老板的不是,胡安妮塔却只把她的诉苦当作耳边风。 He closed the door and cried his disappointment and bitterness with his head beneath the bedding. He did not fight back, neither did he think of resisting.第一讲下 直译、意译与语序调整一、形式对应问题lie down on the job 磨洋工 非 (一心扑在工作上)hold ones horse 不要急躁(非悬崖勒马)black books 失宠

5、(非黑书) 白酒 liquor / spirits (非 white wine)街道妇女 women in the neighborhood (非 street women)A good dog deserves a good bone 有功者受禄。They beat him black and blue 他们打得他青一块紫一块。二、概说直意译 女人用不着男人,就像鱼用不着单车。 辟果提先生走出去,倒了满满一壶热水洗脸不一会又进来了,外表已大大改观。 他与往日的生活已经彻底决裂,只要不走老路,派他干什么都行。 We should bring younger people into the Ce

6、ntral Committee. It comes by the name of Wonder Land for its numerous waterfalls, fantastic mountain-ridges, 2towering rocks, and deep valleys and caverns.三、直译意译与误解 “睡在山上可不行, ”瑞普想, “万一这一逛我发起风湿痛来,整天下不了床,那我跟我的凡温克尔太太可真有好日子过了!” We must lose no time in manuring the crops.四、直译与自然通顺 一切都像往日的星期天早上一样宁静,唯独我例外。

7、 见到一两所小房子门前挂着 “旅社”的牌子,我本想进去,但又怕把身上仅有的几个钱花得精光,加上想起一路上的那帮流浪汉的凶神恶煞样,心里更不由得害怕.于是,我就决定在露天过夜.五、语序调整(一)定语语序排列与调整 美国没有工党,工人也没有自己 领属 任何 指示性或数量 其它 限定性 群众性 修饰性 政治 性质 组织。 这是一支装备精良的 修饰性 现代化 表性质 军队。 他写了一篇关于希腊 领属 古代 性质 史的文章。 这个文件必须视为对联合国 领属 第二个 数量 发展十年的一种支持。 这只手表既美观,又防磁、防水,还能抗震、耐热。 丘陵的特点彼此迥异,有的丘陵岩石重叠,寸草不生,无人居住;有的丘

8、陵砂土覆盖,荆棘丛生,人迹罕至;有的丘陵土壤肥沃,树木成林,人口稠密。(二)状语语序排列及调整 她每天早晨在室外高声朗读。 他们昨天下午在教室里热烈地讨论这个计划。 今天上午 8 点到 12 点,新同学在物理实验室做实验。 中国于 1970 年 4 月成功发射了第一颗人造卫星。 我们刚刚向别的组织发出了挑战。 他上课很少迟到。 令人伤心的是他将不在那里了。 (或:他将不在那里,这使他感到伤心。 ) 双方在这一点上达成协议是有希望的(或:令人满怀希望的是,双方有望在这一点上达成协议。 ) 他从不知他是在开自己的玩笑,这很有意思。 她认真听讲。 她自夸烹调技术高超,这是情有可原的。第二讲上 词类转

9、换与结构转换一、英译汉的词类转换(一)名词转译为动词 完成目前任务后,还有更为艰巨的任务。 他感到疲倦,因此下决心,一遇到就近的荫凉处,就坐下来休息。 这位老猎人滑雪滑得很好。 还是进去一下吧,他想,看看有没有什么人留言;也看看有没有什么人打过电话。(二)形容词转译为动词 他提心吊胆,往四下里扫了几眼,闩上门后对她说,流传的事情是真的。 我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。 他太不懂世道常情了。 我们希望这个实验能够成功。 (三)副词转译为动词 他们有的成单,有的成双,避开雨,走向月台的棚下。3 一出来,他便步履匆匆地走向东面的麦迪逊大街。 埃利斯往后退,抽出把小刀,晃着自卫,叫丹尼斯别管闲事。(四)介

10、词转译为动词 有人给他撑腰。 说完这些话,她便走了。 他既不求名也不求利。 她到商店去买瓶酱油. 他们伴着悦耳的音乐翩翩起舞。(五)动词转译为名词 他的动机是想达成某种妥协。 骆驼的特性是能够许多天不喝水。 建立联合国的目的是促进国际合作和维护世界和平。 由于爱因斯坦的学说,科学家们对世界的看法与过去再也不一样了。(六)形容词转译为名词 布莱克眼角的余光还能瞥见窗外的景色。这里是工业区,此刻正一片萧条景象。 一路上顺利得很,风是顺风,天气相当好。 他笑容可掬,脸上的神采比得过下凡来的天使。(七)副词转译为名词 妈妈总对我说,穷人的本质是好的,所以我想这个人不会害我。 有人一想到在活火山口停留就

11、不免心惊肉跳,但阿斯基亚山在 1961 年发生过一次大喷发,准能沉寂一段时间。算算活动周期,我们相当安全。(八)副词和名词转译为形容词 她很聪明,决定不干了。 冰岛的这块小地方人口也很稠密。 没有人来,没有人往。在冷清清,黑沉沉的冬夜,既无处有人来,也无处有人往。 她生性单纯,乐观,知足,感恩,赢得了每个人的称赞。(九)形容词转译成副词 除了你说的 17 次情况外,你有没有对某位邻座曾稍稍产生过兴趣,无论是高是矮,是白是黑,是胖是瘦? 爱玛办事利索果断,马上邀请她,鼓励她,嘱咐她常来,两人相处越多越亲昵。(十)名词转译成副词 下一次大选磁铁般牵引着英国的经济政策。 昨天,我来不及细述,而这件事

12、又公开得太突然,也可以说太荒唐,非解释清楚不可。二、汉译英中的词类转换(一)动词转换成名词 His face reddened like a red-tipped match, but Mr. Sun came to his rescue. They sprang up with exclamations of amazement. The evening breeze was too cool and exhilarating, and every moment brought a fresh wave of visitors into the park.(二)动词转换成形容词 Mrs. W

13、u was rather taken aback by this unexpected show of courtesy. As he was saying this a sudden breath of perfume heralded a young woman in a sleeveless dress. He sat pensive and silent. Then this young man, who had flashed through her life like a comet, suddenly disappeared and left her heart-broken.(

14、三)动词转换成副词 “How old are you this year?“I gave my age as thirty. Actually, I am fifty-four.”4 She glanced, however, unconcernedly, and replied unhurriedly, “Oh, but Ive heard a different story.”(四)动词转换成介词 He said “yes” but his little rat-like eyes stared at the boss with great embarrassment. Ive got s

15、ome important information for the police. He gripped the pipe hard and sucked away at it as if nothing had happened, when a shrill accusation caught his ear above the hubbub of cursing and shouting.(五)名词转换成动词 Sacrifices are inevitable when there is any serious fighting. But dont forget the enemy is

16、being hit even harder. Suddenly she looked worried as if she was wrestling with some knotting problem. He firmly believed that, as long as the problem of distribution of wealth remained unresolved, China - and indeed the whole world - would remain in chaos.(六)名词转换成形容词 He is a born liar. His wife sat

17、 opposite him on a chair, puckering her brows slightly and looking cross and depressed. He was planning how to tide over his present financial difficulties on the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival.(七)名词转换成副词 They were not very strong financially themselves. Suddenly he scrambled off his couch and pace

18、d up and down. He forced a smile though he was inwardly rather disappointed. But he quickly swallowed his disappointment and soon he was talking and laughing again.(八)形容词转换成副词 The body of Old Mr. Wu was lying on his bier in the centre of the room, heaped about with mounds of flowers among which larg

19、e blocks of ice glittered coldly. Suddenly she uncovered her face and glared distainfully at him. She had not been weeping at all, though her eyes were red.(九)形容词转换成名词 He had a reputation for engineering friendship between strangers and was a skillful flatterer. With the light of determination in hi

20、s eyes, he looked first at his wife and then at his son. He drew a deep breath and looked up at the sky, a cold feeling of loneliness and desolation flooding his poetic soul.(十)副词转换成形容词 He broke into loud cynical laughter. He stood up and drew a deep sigh. When the Kuomingtang flag had flown over th

21、e town of Shuangqiao for the first time, there had been a great deal of noisy but serious shouting of such slogans as “Down with the despotic landlords and gentry!”(十一)副词转换成名词 Life is just one long battle. Were walking over a mine field. At any time you may be blown into pieces. Standing in the door

22、way was an upstanding young man in uniform, a suspicion of a smile on his handsome, dignified face.三、结构转换 - 译文达与雅 读者看到小说最后几页不禁毛骨悚然原来,书中的女主角,就是那位和蔼可亲,总是无论对谁都好的老太太,年轻时竟然接二连三毒死过五个丈夫5 The country people thought the world of this old bell and would rub it lovingly. Years of constant rubbing had made some

23、 parts as bright as a bronze mirror, so that you could see yourself in them.第二讲下 增词、重复、省略、分句与合句一、增词 汤姆康迪原本出生贫寒,穿着破旧,生活悲惨,可你瞧他现在这个气派! 她感觉自己手里握着花,嘴唇吻着花,甚至连胸中都乐开了花 After his death, his fame had spread far and wide. His story, still told, would never be forgotten. 一天夜晚,他与一位来自西海岸的人比赛,这是他参加拳击以来被打得最惨的一次 Wh

24、en the wine and dishes were finished, they brought in cakes of maize-flour, noodle soup, and fried paprika with green onions. 他是个中年人,戴副眼镜衣服好几处穿破了,打了补丁,没有破的地方不是皱,就是鼓 你以前听说过这个故事吗?听没听过没有关系,我再讲一遍吧,因为这个故事能说明一种道德观不仅如此,它更能说明一种心理状态 6 月 15 日, “明天” 号从默西河口起锚,航行几个星期,海上风平浪静,天空万里无云 Back on his native soil, he fel

25、t like a child who had snuggled up to its mother - filled with an indescribable sense of well-being. 他欠债了,与每一个一朝落魄的人一样,为了钱而急得团团转一天早上,风和日丽,离发工资还有一周的时间,一文不名的他掂量着变卖点什么二、重复 她与他截然不同:一个冷静,一个急躁;一个温和,一个偏激;一个宽容,一个尖刻;一个缄默,一个饶舌三、省略(一) 表意性省略 我在被子里翻来覆去,覆去翻来,既心焦又害怕,难受极了 Take a long view. The old proverb is right:

26、 “Ten years is not too long to take revenge.”(二)结构性省略 他喜欢他那热情可爱的妹妹,不喜欢他那冷漠高傲的哥哥 The phrase the Eldest Young Miss had always used in talking of womens lot revolved in her brain - “wretched fate”.(三)逻辑性省略 She had wept many tears in that period, received many a curse and many a blow. But these had beco

27、me commonplace, mere frills to her dull existence. Unavoidable things which, while she didnt relish them, had to be endured.(四)修辞性省略孩子们一下车,就被带去见奶奶“孩子们, ”她说, “你们就在我这儿痛痛快快玩吧” 她的声音和蔼,脸上挂着笑容,但她毕竟年事已高,眼睛也似乎不管用了四、分句与合句(一)分句 美好的夜晚终于来了皓月当空,万里无云 他累了,天又越来越热,因此打定主意,一遇到路边有荫凉的地方就坐下休息 星期一晚上开第一次家长会,我因小儿子受凉,没有去其实我很

28、想见见查尔斯的妈妈6(二)合句 The two traversed a small hump-backed bridge to the opposite shore. Then, crossing a narrow strip of lawn, they mounted stone stairs to a large garden of magnolia trees. 他饿极了似的吃着三明治从早上到现在粒米没进,因为太激动了吃不下吃完三明治后,他又从衣兜里掏出一瓶威士忌,喝了一小口,然后又放回衣兜第三讲 句的翻译 上一、英语被动语态的汉译一) 技巧与方法(一) 保留形式被动: 强调承受者 (人

29、),执行者为物 世人大都为食为情所主宰,而帕克尔泰夫人却例外,她的行为和思想基本上为对卢娜比姆顿的恨所左右.(二) 译为意义被动:译文只说出了动作的承受者 直到 1918 年和平终于恢复时,他才得以继续工作.(三) 译为无主语句 树上搭了个台,选的是棵既舒适又方便的树隔台不近不远处系着头羊(四) 译为主动语态句 每当受伤时他都要装得若无其事. 这消息是一位外国记者捎给我的. 我的外祖父英年早逝. 这所房子有过一段有趣的经历. 据说, 泽西伯爵曾买下给他的情妇住. 说来也怪, 就在一个半世纪之前, 人们对恐龙还一无所知. 恐龙尚有待发现,研究, 它的模样尚有待想象.(五) 重新组合句子 非洲突然

30、出现在世界舞台,人们国际社会 对非洲人也就不得不刮目相看了 爱因斯坦一证明出光速是物质运行的最大速度,便难倒了科幻作家由于到相当近的恒星都要费不知多少时日,写星系间往来的故事也就难以下笔了(六) 固定套语二、 定语从句的汉译一) 技巧与方法(一)前置法 这种事不是发生在 100 年前,而是在 1965 年,是在一个自喜经济繁荣社会和谐的国家,一个自称文明的国家,一个信奉全球自由信念的国家。 阿道夫希特勒及其纳粹党徒不喜欢知识分子。他们还痛恨犹太人,而且动手迫害他们,就连从不过问时间、空间和政治问题的艾尔伯特爱因斯坦也得不到安宁。(二)并列法 他那天生善解人意而又天真无邪的妻子,在人前无拘无束,

31、有头脑的人认为这是纯洁的象征,傻瓜蛋却认为这是轻佻的表现。 无疑,演讲者与听众隔膜了。演讲厅里,听众东一拨西一拨,上了年纪的太太们丝毫不掩饰自己的厌烦感,一些模样像退休军官的男人装模作样地在听讲。(三)合句法 许多人头部受的伤用常规方法检查是发现不了的。 船停泊在码头。它们运来了登陆艇,坦克,军队,现在又准备把破破烂烂,就是在北非战场打坏了的装备运走,送到鼓风炉里,再造出新坦克和登陆艇来。(四)拆句法 约翰布里尔进入我的生活是在我的乔治叔叔结婚以后。叔叔住在我们家附近,很晚才7结婚,娶了个人缘很好的女孩,那就是我的卡丽阿姨,我很喜欢她。 爱德华泰德是位退了休的邮递员,住在布朗克斯区。一个月前,

32、他在离家不远的地道入口处被抢。(五)转换法查尔斯觉得尴尬。她已把自己的底细和盘托出。她说的是实话,尽管他不想打听。打定主意干风流事后,他马上给这位太太写了封情书,说一定在第二天晚上某个时刻,趁她丈夫不在家时好好侍奉她。三、连动式与兼语式及长句的英译一) 连动式(汉语复杂谓语)的英译1动词都译成谓语动词 She rushed into his room, knelt at his feet and sobbed out her whole bitter story. They could only gaze at each other and converse wordlessly at a d

33、istance.2分别译成谓语动词和分词 Raising her tear-stained face, she looked into Madam Zhous eyes. She waved her hand until his sedan-chair disappeared around a bend in the road. Then, supporting her heavy abdomen, she went into the house.3分别译成谓语动词和不定式 The meal over, the three brothers went out to the street to

34、see whether there was any news.4译成谓语动词和介词或介词短语 He constantly encouraged her with a promise of final victory.5省略法 When they hear what you are going to earn on your brooms, their mouths drop open as big as bowls. The battle positions of the heroes never wavered. Mr. Li was panicky and irresolute. His

35、children cried and complained they were hungry.6译成动词和形容词或副词 “Whats hard about it?” It will be much quieter outside the city,” she said with a forced smile.二) 兼语式的英译1译成“动词+宾语+ 宾补”的形式 Dahai wanted to retract his last move. Wangsan wouldnt allow it. Shengbao urged Dahai to concede defeat and start agai

36、n. They could add another game today. My health isnt what it used to be; Im thinking of suspending my time at home and having you help me run the household affairs. All the more reason youll be needing a wife.2译成“动词+宾语”的形式 Your position will be quite different from that of a girl bought from outside

37、, for as soon as you enter our house we shall go through the ceremonies and give you the rank of a secondary wife, treated with all respect and honor.3译成“动词+宾语+ 状语”的形式 We blamed our father and stepmother for not knowing what was in Big Brothers heart and not caring about his happiness. But in fact i

38、t wasnt their fault at all.4译成“动词+宾语从句”的形式 Seeing her husbands mournful expression, Mrs. Li regretted she had spoken so sharply.5其它译法 All was still here except for the chuckling of a hidden brook. Can you think of our relatives who could dare approve of such a thing?第四讲 句的翻译(下)一、语序调整81定语的位置 which pr

39、esent the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at various stages. Fishing is an outdoor sport that can help cultivate your mind and it is good for our mental and physical health.2状语的位置 Unnoticed by others, I lifted the curtain and peeped from my small room at the bustling kaleidoscope down in

40、the garden. Chinese people has never regarded human beings as the highest creature among everything else since ancient times.3强弱词语的顺序不同 Overwhelmed by a bitter sense of being forgotten and abandoned by people, I just couldnt help crying my heart out.4否定的转移 All metals do not conduct electricity equal

41、ly well. She wont go away until you promise to help her.5习惯用法 Food, clothing, shelter and transportation are the biggest concern of the common people.二、正反转换1汉语正说,英语反译 He entered the room with no shoes on.2汉语反说,英语反译 A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language. Under no circumst

42、ances should we give up our hope. Not every one can do his own job well. There is hardly any coal left in the house.3. 汉语反说,英语正译 She refrained from laughing. He would die before yielding.4双重否定的翻译 There is no rule but has no exceptions. There can be no sunshine without shadow.三、长句翻译1 As long as they

43、are living, they always work and study as hard as possible, unwilling to dream their life away, let alone waste even a single moment of their lives. Once segregated and confined in a small house on the hillside of the garden, I felt like being deposed into a cold palace, and I began to taste the bit

44、terness of depression and frustration immediately. Unnoticed by others, I lifted the curtain and peeped from my small room at the bustling kaleidoscope down in the garden Half of them have come to Vancouver area over the past five years only, making it the largest Chinese settlement outside Asia. Ch

45、inese people has never regarded human beings as the highest creature among everything else since ancient times, whose behavior in both philosophy and arts takes a rather appropriate proportion with all others in the natural world, but not as an absolute dominant ruler.2分句合译 Hardly any of them cares

46、to look up and throws a glance at the beautiful twilight. Could there be any standards to evaluate the meaning of ones life?93断句分译 One spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter w

47、as heard all over there. The current visit to Taiwan for exchange, brief and cursory as it is, has enabled us to see many places, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances. An important topic for discussing at our gathering was the prosperity of Chinese nation in the 21st century.4主次信息句 At

48、 the turn of the century, our motherland is becoming more prosperous and powerful. People across the Straits will strengthen their exchanges, and work together to realize the cause of the reunification of their motherland. This national hero lives on, his story lighting up the hearts of millions of people.四、无主句 However, if we, on the whole, can find out whether his attitude towards his life is serious or not and what is his attitude towards his life and work, it would not be that difficult to make an appropriate evaluation of the meanin


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