On the Value of Lao Tzu's Thought to Environmental Protection.doc

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1、1On the Value of Lao Tzus Thought to Environmental ProtectionAbstract. In recent years,the conflict between human beings and natural environment has reached a very sharp degree.The global ecological crisis has made mankind itself facing unprecedented challenges for survival.Protecting the natural en

2、vironment attracted extensive attention world-widely.As early as two thousand years ago,Lao Tzu,an ancient Chinese philosopher,put forward some ideas such as “Imitation of nature“, “Less private few desires“Small country with small population“ which contain profound ecological wisdom that still has

3、the important enlightening significance for modern people to comply with the laws of nature,advocating a simple life and adhering to human-oriented sustainable development path, so as to realize the harmony between human and nature. Key words: Lao Tzus Thoughts;Environmental Protection;Value INTRODU

4、CTION A report was delivered at the 18th National Congress of the CPC that“To put the ecological civilization construction in 2prominence,and into every aspect and whole process of the economic,political,cultural and social construction.To strive to build a beautiful nation,and realize the sustainab

5、le development of our nation.“The theme of ecological civilization is the harmonious relationship between human and nature,and the purpose is to realize the sustainable development of human society.The construction of ecological civilization is a long-term strategy with regard to the welfare of peop

6、le and the future of our nation.With the continuous development of human society,the contradiction between human and nature has reached a very sharp degree.Global ecological crisis makes mankind itself facing unprecedented challenges for survival.Therefore,in order to overcome the crisis,we must not

7、 only depend on the development of science and technology,the adjustment of social structure and the legislation for environmental protection,but also to re-examine and review their attitudes and behaviors to the nature.As early as in ancient Chinese society,Lao Tzu has come up with that people shou

8、ld be in harmony with nature.So our exploration to the value of Lao Tzus thought on environmental protection will benefit to recognize and solve this problem. 1. Lao Tzus Ecological Ethics 3Nowadays,more and more ecological crisis that threaten human existence and sustainable development of society

9、are emerging,such as air pollution,climate change,geological disasters,etc.As a result,an increasing number of people of vision believe that ecological civilization is the only way for human civilization.In the construction of ecological civilization, we should self-examination on the relationship b

10、etween human and nature.And Lao Tzus ecological ethics has important significance for us to know the relationship between human and nature,to protect the environment and construct ecological civilization. 1.1 Imitation of Nature “Dao“discussed by Lao Tzu contains profound ecological ethics thoughts.

11、“Dao“ is the core of Lao Tzus philosophy. He not only used it to reveal the change of the universe,put it as ontology of the universe,but also regarded it as the movement laws of the universe and the rules of human behavior.Lao Tzu held that we must break the idea of “Anthropocentrism“,because human

12、 is part of the universe and we are parallel to universe.It is acknowledged that people is part of nature,they cannot be separated from nature and exist independently,and emphasized the relationship between man and nature should not be hostile and intense.Human activities should not ignore the 4obje

13、ctive laws of nature, but comply with the natural.1 Lao Tzu also stressed that our ignorance of the natural rules and random action would lead to dangerous consequences inevitably.Whether in ancient or at present,human behaviors that go against nature will result in natures revenge.The ancient natur

14、al disaster,in Lao Tzus view is probably originated from human itself.And the ecological problems we now face are also caused by own behaviors.To rethink the abominable ecological environment,such as the waste of resources by excessively mine and environmental pollution caused by industrial developm

15、ent.The reasons are inseparable from the human factors:if it is not due to they dont know the rules,that is they do it for some interests without respecting the laws of nature. “Imitation of nature“ is from the twenty-fifth chapter of Tao Te Ching.Lao Tzu said,as long as we eliminate the disturbance

16、 of human unnecessary and inappropriate behavior,everything will depend on its function and spontaneously achieve the best state of existence and development.In addition,the universe will naturally maintain their harmony and function fully as a whole.Lao Tzu not only reveals all natural existence an

17、d natural development of the 5true state,but also puts forward human should be learning from the natural harmony of the universe,based on which principle to restrain and guide their behaviors,that is what he called “ Imitation of nature“. 1.2 Less Private Few Desires One of the reasons that people a

18、re getting deeper in the global ecological dilemma is humans excessive greed,the constant pursuit of material wealth and sensual pleasure.It will be seen from this that there is a limit to humans requests from nature.The endless development and abuse will inevitably lead to the severe and unbearable

19、 consequences. Lao Tzu said:“To know satisfactory wont be insulted,to know moderation wont be in danger“.He stressed that when people use the universe must keep the limits of nature,otherwise it will bring disaster.Thus people should abandon anthropocentrism and limit their own behaviors,only in whi

20、ch way can they obtain sustainable development. However, in real life, they always live in continuously desires and satisfy the desires.In the 20th century, Maslow, an American psychologist, put forward hierarchy of needs theory, believing that peoples needs are continuously improving and can be div

21、ided into different hierarchies. The five types of needs according to Maslow 6are:physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem and self-actualization.From the angle of the need, life is the process of continuous efforts to meet various needs. The satisfaction of the reasonable needs will pr

22、omote the development of individual or society objectively. But someone will not feel satisfied forever,whose happiness is only built in the course of ceaseless pursuits and struggles, so he is always in distress. Therefore, it is vital for one to learn to be satisfied with what he has, because an o

23、ptimistic and satisfied person can live a happier life and enjoy longer happiness. In addition,Lao Tzus thought of frugality has an important significance to peoples life and the cultivation of virtue.We do not take the frugal lifestyle for the lack of the survival and development material or povert

24、y,but for the relation to the humanitys survival mode.The expansion of the human desires would make him greedily take from nature.Lao Tzu believe that excessive desire is harmful for peoples survival and development,the increasing desires will hurt peoples virtue.Nowadays,in conditions of air pollut

25、ion caused by automobile emissions,we advocate less car and more walking;in conditions of plastic bags all over the sky,we also use environmental protection bags. Consumption,as long as its not 7for survival material,can be frugal,which only can reduce the pressure on resources and environment,but a

26、lso can improve a persons mental state. 1.3 Small country with small population Lao Tzu lived in the spring and autumn period when China was going through a transition from slave society to feudal society,and the Zhou Dynasty exist only in name but not in reality.Lao Tzu deeply realized the wars bet

27、ween states caused great harm to peoples life.He said:“ When peace reigns over the land,our army horses can help people to do farm work,but when the world is in war,even pregnant mares has to be on the battlefield,where some foals are birthed.“2As a result,he firmly stood in the side to support for

28、peace and against war.We cant enjoy the fruits of victory with the attitude of a winner when faced with a victory, but we should heavily rethink about the war.The war not only makes people struggling,but also a waste of natural resources, and huge amounts of labour power as well as material and fina

29、ncial resources shall be consumed in it,besides the war will cause serious pollution to human survival environment.So,in order to have a good living environment,we need to advocate green life and against the war. 2. Enlightenment of Lao Tzus Ecological Ethics to the 8Contemporary Environmental Livin

30、g in this materialistic society,we are constantly obtaining from nature,participating in the ravages of nature consciously or unconsciously,making the relationship between human and nature more intense.Fortunately,the intense contradictions and conflicts between human and nature have aroused awarene

31、ss.In order to change the tensions between man and nature,we advocate ecological civilization,and care for the environment starting from individuals.At the same time,enlightenment can be gained from the study of Lao Tzus“Imitation of nature“,“Less private few desires“,“Small country with small popul

32、ation“and other thoughts.It is helpful for us to rethink and learn how to deal with the relationship between human and nature. 2.1 Follow the Laws of Nature Entering the 21st century,with the rapid development of economy, peoples living standards are improved constantly.People rely on the industry a

33、nd the power of science and technology to win the rapid growth of material wealth and comfortable living conditions,but also led to the materialism and the lost of humanistic spirit,and an expanded wealth gap as well as damaged ecological environment of human life.In todays world,there is a big prob

34、lem such as environmental crisis,not 9only endangers world peace and development, also makes us lose a sense of security.In order to avoid global warming and other dangers threatening human and ecological survivalentire sectors of industry and agriculture must be suppressed,reduced,or restructured a

35、nd others must be developed,while providing full employment for all.3And we also should be aware of that:The way of life and everything in the world has its diversity.So we should establish the idea of equality between man and nature,respecting and taking responsibility of nature.In view of natural

36、Dao by Lao Tzu,everything is homologous,man,as one of creatures on earth,is the most intelligent of all.He regards the relationship between man and universe as parallel,requests us to break the idea of anthropocentrism,emphasizes harmony between human and nature.This tells us that if we want to reco

37、nstruct the harmony of human and nature,we should love nature,respect the natural law,protect the natural environment and break human anthropocentrism. With the science and technology highly-developed today,the human understanding of natures laws has exceeded the recognition of our ancestors.However

38、,the phenomenon of going against natural occurs frequently.Because people only see the development of science and technology,while ignoring the 10disasters and hidden crises.Modern anthropocentrism even argue that we should be self-centered, conquering nature,forcing nature to obey our will.As a res

39、ult,along with the socioeconomic development,the ecological environment for human survival has been continuously destroyed.If we go against nature and destroy the ecological balance,we will suffer natures relentless revenge,resulting in huge disaster and irreparable loss.So Lao Tzu repeatedly told p

40、eople to follow the laws of nature. At present,the deterioration trend of our countrys natural environment has not been fundamentally curbed. Lao Tzus thought of“Imitation of nature“embodies that the objective laws of the development of things must be respected.And different countries,different nati

41、onalities and different language people are getting to accept the ecological wisdom.It has become important resources for people to solve environmental problems and build a green home. 2.2Advocating a Simple Life Lao Tzu has repeatedly warned people to treat fame and wealth with right attitude,and too much greed and enjoyment will only lead to the destruction of human beings.Likewise,as long as a country luxuries wind prevails,corruptions have their way,it will eventually come to ruin.Only thrift is the long-


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