Reseach on Effects of Health Promotion Management Mode on Community Elderly Health Literacy.doc

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1、1Reseach on Effects of Health Promotion Management Mode on Community Elderly Health LiteracyAbstract. Based on the health promotion management model, a detailed care plan for the elderly in community was designed to help them establish the correct view of health, prevent chronic diseases, and ultima

2、tely improve the level of health literacy in the elderly. 56 aged people living in Qingdao Street Community Health Center from June 2011 to September 2010 were selected as the research subjects and the health promotion management model was applied to give the elderly systemic nursing intervention. T

3、he results showed that the nursing intervention for the elderly could improve significantly the concept of health literacy, literacy of infectious diseases prevention, literacy of health behaviors, literacy of basic medical knowledge, but there was a little change in security literacy. It can be con

4、cluded that the implementation of effective health interventions for the elderly based on health promotion management model can improve the health concept, health behaviors and safety awareness of the elderly, and ultimately their health literacy levels. 2Key words: Health promotion management model

5、; Communities; Elderly; Health literacy 1.Introduction Health literacy refers to the individual to obtain, understand and deal with basic health knowledge and services, and use of these information and services to make the right judgments to maintain and promote their own health capacity1. In 2009,

6、Chinas first residents health literacy survey results showed that residents overall health literacy level was 6.48 %, but the elderly health literacy level was lowest. Marcus and other people believed that low health literacy levels should be a silent public health epidemic, the pictures and literac

7、y were used together to improve client understanding, and carried out the communication of medical information by using some easy-to-understand, non-medical terms to increase client compliance, and finally, it is most important to improve the effect of health care2. To this end, this study was to ex

8、plore the effects of community health intervention implementation on the elderly health to provide a scientific basis for the development of appropriate health education policies and interventions. 2. Materials And Methods 32.1 Subjects 56 Community elderly ( 60 years) who lived in Qingdao Street Co

9、mmunity Health Center in Jinlin city from September 2010 to June 2011 were chosen as the subjects. 2.2 Methods Initial Assessment: The elderly families were visited, talked to them to obtain the trust of the elderly; explained the purpose and effects of the intervention, and tried to get the coopera

10、tion of the elderly. Distributed questionnaires and made the initial assessment. Investigation Method: The investigator visited the each family for the questionnaires survey. Investigation Tool: Based on “2009 Chinese citizens health literacy questionnaire”3, an elderly health literacy rating scale

11、was designed. Moreover, three experts were asked to modify it to improve its content validity. Cronbacha coefficient of the health literacy scale was 0.85. Intervention Forms: There was a health education seminar every two weeks. The contents included basic medical knowledge, chronic disease managem

12、ent, infectious disease prevention and safety knowledge education. Each elderly was communicated one time weekly through telephone communication, semi-monthly 4visited in family every two weeks, and could exchange his or her ideas with the investigators at any time if it was necessary. Intervention

13、Contents: (1) Health education seminars: a health education seminar was conducted every two weeks. The elderly were given the lectures on health-related knowledge to strengthen their understanding of the health concept, improve their health ideas, such as normal values of the vital signs, and charac

14、teristics, transmission route and prevention measures of chronic diseases and infectious diseases, and the name, application and side effects of commonly used drugs, the type of first aid and emergencies methods responding to them; (2) Health behavior guidance: the elderly were encouraged to establi

15、sh good life habits, such as early to bed and early to rise, stop smoking, moderate consumption of alcohol, and be on low-salt diet. They were taught how to identify attack signals of common diseases and to contact the community health service center or hospital immediately to inform the event of at

16、tack signal. They were asked to learned methods for measuring some vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, breathing and blood glucose to strengthen the monitoring of important indexes for the elderly. The elderly were taught to 5mark different drugs, make clear administration m

17、ethods, precautions and adverse reactions of the different drugs they were going to take, and follow the doctors advice to take their prescribed medication. They received physical examination at least one time each year for early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment; (3) Guidance for the p

18、revention and treatment of infectious diseases: To inform the importance of prevention of infectious diseases for the elderly, to teach the mode of transmission of AIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, to change their bad behavior, such as not sharing towels, hand washing, the consumptio

19、n of vegetables, fruits and so on; (4) Safety guidance: to inform the elderly often to open windows for ventilation, keep indoor air fresh and the brightness of the lights within the room properly, place furniture neatly; to teach them to understand the basic electricity and fire prevention knowledg

20、e, often check the electricity and fire facilities, update some old electrical and gas appliances; to take anti-skid measures for the floor of the bathroom, fit with handrails in the bathroom if necessary, and to mark hot and cold taps with color for distinguishing them; to tell the elderly that the

21、 length and width of their clothes and pants should be appropriate, their shoes should be anti-6skid to avoid tumbling 4; First aid guidance: in case of emergencies, such as gas poisoning, fire, disease, sudden onset, they should know how to help themselves and understand the cognition of some dange

22、rous signs such as inflammable, explosive, toxic, high pressure, radiation, etc. 2.3 Data analysis The data were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 software, the measurement data were described with means S, and the enumeration data were expressed as a percentage (%). 3. RESULTS 3.1 Elderly Health Literacy Sur

23、vey The results of the initial assessment showed that the elderly with the literacy of health concept accounted for 6.75% in the community, the elderly with the prevention literacy of infectious diseases accounted for 14.4%, the elderly with the literacy of health behaviors accounted for 4.95%, the

24、elderly with the literacy of the basic medical knowledge accounted for 7.7%, and security literacy accounted for 44.4% (Table 1). 3.2 Comparison of health literacy in the elderly before and after the intervention Compared with those before and after the intervention, differences in literacy of healt

25、h concept, prevention literacy 7of infectious diseases, literacy of health behaviors, literacy of basic medical knowledge after the intervention, were statistically significant (P 0.05) (Table 2). 4. Discussion 4.1 Strengthening the health concept of the elderly by applying the health promotion mana

26、gement model The concept of health is the first step for the elderly to have health literacy. The concept of health can help older people have a wealth of knowledge on health and maintain proper health behavior to promote physical and mental health. World Health Organization defines health as “healt

27、h is not only absence of disease and physical defects, but also have a complete physical, mental state and a good social adaptability 5. The results showed that 35.6% of the elderly believed that only a health correct is established, can they better prevent and treat diseases. This indicated that af

28、ter the intervention, the elderly cognized health more deeply, namely, they could not only pay more attention to their physical health, but also to the psychological and social health. 4.2 Improving the health behaviors by applying the health promotion management model Health behavior is one of impo

29、rtant indicators to evaluate 8the level of health literacy of elderly. Health Managements aim is to mobilize the enthusiasm of individuals and groups and use of limited resources to achieve maximum health outcomes 6. In this study, the community nurses gave health education to the elderly at regular

30、 intervals to make them establish a good life habit, taught the elderly how to identify signals or signs of the onset of the common diseases, trained them to understand measuring methods for blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, breathing, blood sugar and other signs, strengthened monitoring vari

31、ous indicators for the elderly, and the elderly were taught to mark different drugs, make clear administration methods, precautions and adverse reactions of the different drugs they were going to take, and follow the doctors advice to take their prescribed medication. The results showed that indicat

32、ors of health behaviors in the elderly after the intervention were statistically significant, indicating that the intervention could produce a good effect to help the elderly establish good health behaviors. Enhancing the safety awareness of the elderly by applying the health promotion management mo

33、del The survey results showed that scores of security literacy in the elderly were higher, but the knowledge of first aid awareness was low. This indicated that the older people more concerned 9about the acquisition of knowledge of general security in their daily lives, such as window opening for ve

34、ntilation, keeping indoor air clean, basic electricity and fire prevention and they could correctly deal with them, but the awareness rate of some marks for some substances or conditions which they could not often meet with, such as flammable, explosive, highly toxic, high pressure, radiation, and o

35、ther signs. Due to this reason, it is recommended to strengthen the publicity in this aspect to reduce the risk of accidents. 4.3 Conclusions The implementation of effective health interventions for the elderly based on health promotion management model can improve the health concept, health behavio

36、rs and safety awareness of the elderly, and ultimately their health literacy levels. Acknowledgements The Social Science Fund of Jilin province (2011B146) References 1.US Department of Health and Human ServicesHealthy People 2010RWashington,DC,US Government Printing Office,2000. 2.Robert A. Logan, P

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