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1、1剖析高考试题中的特殊句式考点专题导航 特殊句式是高考英语单选题中的考点之一,它主要考查“倒装句、强调句、反意疑问句、省略句、it 和 there 句式”等,其中针对“倒装句”考点的试题屡屡出现,其次是“强调句”和“反意疑问句” 。 一、倒装句 倒装有两种形式,一是主谓倒装,二是其他句子成分的倒装。近年来,高考英语试题中出现了以下十种“以开头”的倒装句考点: (一)以否定副词开头 以 never, hardly, seldom, little, few, nowhere, not, no, not until, by no means, hardlywhen, no sooner than等否

2、定副词开头的句子,大多采用部分倒装语序。例如: Little did he know that the police were after him. 他一点也不知道警察在找他。 Hardly had he arrived at the station when the train began to leave. 他一到车站,火车就开动了。 【试题】1. Never before seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. (2012 年江西卷) A. had sheB. she had C. has sheD. she has 22.

3、 No sooner his speech than the newspaper reporters fired off a series of questions. A. had the president finished B. the president had finished C. the president finished D. finished the president 【解析】第 1 题以否定副词 never 开头,因此句子的谓语应使用部分倒装语序,故选 C。 第 2 题 no sooner 从句中的谓语要用过去完成时,且要用部分倒装语序,故选 A。 (二)以 so, ne

4、ither, nor 开头 表示“也”的 so、 “也不”的 neither 和 nor 位于句首,且谓语是连系动词 be 时,句子用完全倒装语序;谓语是行为动词时,句子用部分倒装语序。例如: The publishers and authors who give away free e|books still make money, and so do the musicians who give away free music. 提供免费电子图书的出版商和作者还是有利可图的,提供免费音乐的音乐人也不例外。 Mary doesnt like swimming, neither/nor doe

5、s her elder sister Kate. 玛丽不喜欢游泳,她姐姐凯特也不喜欢。 特别提醒:1.如果 so 表示“确实如此” ,则后面的主谓不用倒装语序。例如: 3John has done a good job. 约翰干得不错。 So he has. 他的确干得不错。 2.注意例中 neither 后的谓语要用肯定式。例如: I didnt say anything at the meeting and neither did anyone else. 我在会议上什么都没说,其他人也是沉默不语。 【试题】1. I dont know about you, but Im sick and

6、 tired of this weather. . I cant stand all this rain. (2012 年山东卷) A. I dont careB. Its hard to say C. So am ID. I hope not 2. I hear Huang Gang made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday. , and . A. So he did; so did I B. So did he; so I did C. So he was; so was I D. So was he; so I

7、 was 【解析】第 1 题 but Im sick and tired of this weather 中的谓语是连系动词 am,因此下句表示“我也是” ,应用 So am I,故选 C。 第 2 题第 1 个空处的意思应该是“他的确如此” ,第 2 个空处的意思应该是“我也如此” ,因此应选择 A 项。 (三)以 so that 结构中的“so+形容词/副词”开头 4当 so that 结构中的“so+形容词/副词 ”位于句子开头时, so这个句子要用倒装语序,但 that 从句不用倒装语序。例如: So frightened was he in the darkness that he

8、didnt dare to move an inch. 他在黑暗中如此害怕,以致他寸步难行。 So loudly did he speak that he was heard upstairs. 他说话声音这么大,楼上都听得见。 【试题】1. So difficult it to live in an English |speaking country that I was determined to learn English. A. I have feltB. have I felt C. I did feelD. did I feel 2. So that no fish can liv

9、e in it. A. the lake is shallow B. shallow the lake is C. shallow is the lake D. is the lake shallow 【解析】第 1 题中的 that I was determined 属一般过去时,因此在 so difficult 开头的倒装句中也要用一般过去时 did I feel,故选D。 第 2 题中,so 后应先接形容词 shallow,再接主谓倒装式 is the lake,因此应选择 C 项。 (四)以 only, not onlybut also, neithernor 开头 以“only+副词

10、/介词短语” , “only + when/after 从句” ,not 5onlybut also, neithernor 等开头的句子使用倒装语序的用法规则是: only 后接一副词或介词短语,如 only then, only in this way, only with hard work 等,句子要用倒装语序; only when, only after 等引导从句时,后面的主句要用倒装语序;not onlybut also 各引导一个句子时,在 not only 这个句子中应使用倒装语序; neithernor 各引导一个句子时,在 neither 和 nor 这两个句子中都要使用

11、倒装语序。 请看例句: Only then will their true value to the organization be fully realized. 只有到那时这个组织的真正价值才能被体现出来。 Only when a reservoir is built here can we solve our irrigation problem. 只有在这里修个水库, 才能解决灌溉问题。 Not only should we learn from books, but also we should learn from practice. 我们不但要向书本学习,还要向实践学习。 Nei

12、ther has he gone to see her, nor will he do so. 他没有去看她,也不想那么做。 【试题】1. Only after Mary read her composition the second time the spelling mistake. (2012 年天津卷) A. did she notice 6B. she notice C. does she notice D. she has noticed 2. Not only a promise, but also it. A. he made; he kept B. did he make;

13、he kept C. did he make; did he keep D. he made; did he keep 3. Neither a sister nor . A. does Mrs. White have; her husband does B. does Mrs. White have; does her husband C. Mrs. White has; her husband does D. has Mrs. White; her husband does 【解析】第 1 题属“only 修饰状语”开头,因此句子或主句要用倒装语序,故选 A。 第 2 题属 not onl

14、ybut also 各引导一个句子的句型,在 not only这个句子中应使用倒装语序,故选 B。 第 3 题是 neithernor 各引导一个句子,前后两个句子都应使用倒装语序,故选 B。 (五)以 here, there, first, then 开头 以 here, there, first 或 then 开头,且谓语动词是 be, go, come, stand, lie, live 时,句子常用完全倒装语序,其中以 there7开头的倒装句考点最为常见。例如: Here are some of my ideas. What would you add? 这是我的一些想法,你有什么补

15、充的吗? There stands a small bookcase near the window of my room. 在我房间的窗户边上,有一个小巧的书柜。 First is the weather, which is the most important for a picnic. 首先是天气,这对野餐来说是最重要的。 Then comes the problem of trying to dress yourself properly for work. 接下来的问题是,如何尽力做到穿着得体去上班。 特别提醒:here, there 和 then 后动词的单、复数要与后面的名词保持

16、一致。另外,在这种倒装句式中,一般将来时应用一般现在时表示。 【试题】1. The old man pointed to the grave and said, “Here who loved us and whom we love.” A. the one liesB. lies the one C. the one layD. does the one lie 2. First your final conclusion on your work of this year, and then your plan for the next year. A. is; comesB. are;

17、comes C. is; comeD. are; come 【解析】第 1 题引号中的句子以 here 开头,后面直接用 lies 构成“完全倒装” ,句意是:老人指着那座坟墓说, “这里躺着的是爱我们和我们爱的朋友。 ”故选 B。 8第 2 题分别以 first 和 then 开头,后面直接用 is 和 comes 构成“完全倒装” ,句意是:首先是对你今年工作的总结,然后是关于下一年的工作计划。故选 A。 (六)以介词短语及动词|ing 短语开头 用作地点状语的介词短语以及动词|ing 短语位于句首时,句子常用完全倒装语序。此时,谓语动词主要是 be, stand, sit, live,

18、lie 等。例如: Inside the tomb were the bodies of the King and Queen. 这个坟墓里埋葬的是国王和王后的尸体。 In the front of the stage stood the famous singer. 台前站着的就是那位著名歌手。 特别提醒:这类介词短语以及动词|ing 短语后动词的单、复数要与后面的名词保持一致。 【试题】1. At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River , one of the ten largest cities in C

19、hina. A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie 2. Standing on the top of the tall building a radio and television transmission tower, which was built last year. A. areB. were 9C. isD. was 【解析】第 1 题中,At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing Rive

20、r 是表示方位的地点状语位于句首,句子要用完全倒装,故选 A。 第 2 题中,Standing on the top of the tall building 属动词|ing 短语位于句首,句子要用完全倒装,故选 C。 (七)以省略 if 的虚拟条件句开头 英语虚拟条件句省略 if 时就要采用倒装式,直接把 were, should或 had 移到从句的句首。高考英语题中,常用这类倒装式从句考查主句谓语表示法。例如: Were my father here now, he would tell me what to do. 要是我父亲现在在这,他会告诉我该怎么做。 Had I known ab

21、out this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy would have been saved.要是知道这个电脑程序,我就已经节省了大量的时间和经历了。 Should it snow tomorrow, we would have a snowball fight together, OK? 如果明天下雪,我们一起去打雪仗好吗? 【试题】1. Had they known what was coming next, they second thoughts. A. may haveB. could have C. must h

22、ave hadD. might have had 2. to the doctor, you would be all right now. 10A. Had you listened B. You had listened C. If had listened D. Had listened you 3. you where I am from, just say Im your sister. A. He should ask B. Should he ask C. Should ask he D. Should he ask 【解析】第 1 题考查倒装式从句后的主句谓语表示法,根据 ha

23、d known 的提示,可知是与过去事实相反,因此主句中应该用 might have had,故选 D。 第 2 题考查与过去事实相反的倒装式表达法,因此应选 Had you listened。 第 3 题考查虚拟语气将来情况的倒装式表达法,因此要选 Should he ask。 (八)以 as 和 however 构成让步状语从句的开头 as 引导让步状语从句时,应把相应的形容词、副词、动词等放在句首。however 引导让步状语从句时,也是在这个从句本身构成倒装语序,有两种构成形式:“however+形容词/副词+主语+谓语”和“however+形容词+名词+主语+谓语” 。例如: Old as he is, he works like a young man. 尽管他很老了,但他工作起来却像个年轻人。


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