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1、 1 人类滑雪起源地 中 国 新疆阿勒泰 The Original Place of SkiingAltay Prefecture of Xinjiang, China 2 阿勒泰古老滑雪比赛蓄势待发 Skiers are ready to go in an ancient skiing competition held in Altay prefecture 3 编者的话 Editors note 中国新疆阿勒泰地区是人类滑雪起源地学说的研究,历经十余年的艰苦努力,终于在 2006 年 1 月 16 日得以完成,形成阿勒泰宣言。当年 12 月 15 日由新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆、中国西北大学为

2、发布单位,由新疆阿勒泰市人民政府、中国滑雪协会为主办单位,在北京人民大会堂举行了“中国新疆阿勒泰是人类滑雪最早起源地”的新闻发布会。众多部门的人士及百余家新闻媒体单位应邀出席,信息得以广泛传播,现已引起国内外媒体与学术界的注目。 阿勒泰宣言诞生以来,专家们并未停止研究的步伐,目前除敦德布拉克滑雪狩猎岩绘画之外,又从 布尔津县冲乎儿乡,新疆阿勒泰市汗德尕特乡、哈巴河县萨尔布拉克乡以及从各地展览馆所藏资料、实物中,多部图书中搜集了多幅可供研究的滑雪岩画和“雪踏”岩画,进一步夯实了阿勒泰宣言的基础。(见本书中的中国新疆阿勒泰地区滑雪岩画的分布及旅游、考察路线图) 5 年来,围绕人类滑雪起源地的阿勒泰

3、宣言,产生了一些热点问题,本书对新产生的热点问题做了全面的诠释(见本书的阿勒泰宣言相关重要热点问题的诠释) 5 年来,阿勒泰古老滑雪传统不断地得以保护、传承与弘扬,收效明显。根据阿勒泰宣言的倡议,新疆阿勒泰 市政府作出决定,每年的 1 月 16 日,定为人类滑雪起源地纪念日,当日将在新疆阿勒泰市举行世界独特的阿勒泰农牧民古老毛皮滑雪板比赛。这种比赛已举行了五届。第六届比赛将于 2011 年 1 月 16 日在新疆阿勒泰市将军4 山滑雪场如期举行。其它的一些多彩庆祝活动也将在新疆阿勒泰市、喀纳斯湖、禾木村等地先后举办。 美国滑雪文化与历史研究学者尼尔拉尔森先生多年来在喀纳斯 禾木地区及新疆阿勒泰

4、市对阿勒泰古老的滑雪文化进行了深入广泛的考察研究。撰写了永远的阿勒泰滑雪人,并亲自拍摄,亲自编辑,亲自解说制成了 DVD 影视片 永远的阿勒泰滑雪人,还有另外的三部短片:“阿勒泰的夏天与岩画”、“ 2007 年新疆阿勒泰市滑雪节”、“ 2009 年阿尔泰山滑雪人”,现已全部制成中文版,广泛宣传,深受中国广大滑雪者的好评。尼尔拉尔森先生对阿勒泰古老滑雪文化的研究精神,本书编委会向他表示敬意! 中文版 DVD“永远的阿勒泰滑雪人”是由新疆喀纳斯景区管委会制作,单兆鉴策划与解说,徐大年技术合成。 2010 年,由新疆阿勒泰市与中央电视台合制的上下集 90 分钟大型专题片滑雪者寻源之旅,形象直观地展现

5、出“阿勒泰是人类滑雪起源地”的考察研究历程,广纳了 阿勒泰得天独厚的天然滑雪资源,阿勒泰古老的璀璨文化,以及阿勒泰美丽的冬天与夏天本片必将使国内外滑雪界的朋友们饱享眼福,为之震撼。 在阿勒泰宣言发布五周年之际,由新疆阿勒泰市人民政府联合新疆自治区旅游局、新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆、中国西北大学等部门委托(北京)人民体育出版社、新疆人民出版社出版人类滑雪起源地 中国新疆阿勒泰一书。该书系统、全面、科学地论述了人类滑雪起源的重大理论问题,客观介绍了境外这一领域研究的5 成果,并以多种翔实史料认证了中国新疆阿勒泰地区是至今为止人类滑雪的最早起源 地。 本书由多学科,多名国内外专家学者撰稿,全部书稿均译成

6、英文,阿勒泰宣言还译成俄文与蒙古国家文,以便于供境外人士阅读、研究、考证和探索。 感谢为本书编写提供史料的加拿大乔瑟芬菲茨杰拉尔德先生、意大利艾文先生。 在本书出版之际,对本书编辑、撰稿、汇编、出版过程中给予积极支持的部门与人士,表示诚挚谢意 ! 感谢名单列在本书之后。 郑重声明:若引用本书相关信息,必须提及阿勒泰宣言和注明相关文稿作者。 人类滑雪起源地 中国新疆阿勒泰编委会 2010 年 7 月 30 日 Thanks to more than ten years of hard work, the research of The Original Place of Skiing Altay

7、 of Xinjiang, China was completed on Jan.16th, 2006 and achieved Altay Declaration which was issued by the museum of Xinjiang Autonomous region and China Northwestern University officially at a press conference held by Altay municipal government and Chinese Skiing Association at the Great Hall of th

8、e People in Beijing on Dec. 15th, 2006. The press conference was attended by many experts and researchers on relevant disciplines as well as hundreds of media attention home and abroad. Since the birth of the Altay Declaration, the Expert Group has never stopped investigation. They have discovered n

9、ew rock paintings in Chonghuer Village of Buerjin County, Handegate Village in Altay city and Saerbulake Village of Habahe County. They also collected some new “Snow Shoe” rock paintings in some historical materials, laying a solid 6 foundation for the Altay Declaration.(see Tourism and Exploration

10、Route Map for the Altay Skiing Rock Paintings Xinjiang China ). For the past five years, there have been some heated debates on the Altay Declaration. Therefore, this book made a comprehensive explanation for the hot issued arising from those debates.(see The Explanatory Notes of Relevant Hot Issues

11、 on the Altay Declaration). According to the Altay Declaration, the Altay government decided to make the Jan. 16th each year a Memorial Day for the place of origin of skiingAltay of Xinjiang, China. Farmers and herdsman in Altay will hold skiing contests to celebrate this day. The 6th Skiing Contest

12、 will be held at the General Mountain Skiing Resort in Altay city on Jan. 16th, 2011 and other celebratory activities will also be held in Kanasi Lake, Hemu Village and Altay city center. Nils Larsen, a U.S. cultural and historical ski researcher, has rich experiences in carrying out the research wo

13、rk of skiing in Humu in Kanas. He is the author, editor, photographer and commentator of the documentary film “Timeless Altay Skiers” (The DVD of Chinese version of the book “Timeless Altay Skiers” is produced by the Scenic Spot Management Committee in Kanas of Xinjiang: Shan Zhaojian, the commentat

14、or and planner; Xu Danian, the technician). He also made other three short films: “ Summer and Rock Paintings in the Altay”,“ 2007 Altay Skiing Festival” and “Skiers in the Altay Mountains in 2009”. The Chinese version of those films are welcomed and praised by many Chinese readers. We extend our pr

15、ofound gratitude to him for his dedication to the completion of this book. Before the publication of this book, Altay Municipal government and China Central Television (CCTV) made a significant Documentary Film called “A Journey for the Origin of Skiing by Skiers” which demonstrated the research cou

16、rse for the Original Place of Skiing Altay Prefecture of Xinjiang, China, the rich natural resources like snow, the tradition of Altay skiing and the beautiful winter and summer landscapes in Altay prefecture. This film will provide the domestic and foreign readers with a fresh insight into the skii

17、ng industry. On the occasion of the fifth Anniversary of the release of Altay Declaration, the Original Place of Skiing Altay Prefecture of Xinjiang, China, is published by Beijing Peoples Education Press and Xinjiang Peoples Press on the request of Altay municipal government, the Museum of Xinjiang

18、 Autonomous Region, and China Northwestern 7 University. It discusses some major theories of the origin of skiing in a systematic, comprehensive and scientific way, and supported by a variety of evidence, it certified that Altay of Xinjiang is the original place of skiing. Many experts and scholars

19、home and abroad contributed to the writing of the book which has been translated into English (Altay Declaration is also translated into Russian and Khalkha Mongolian) so that foreign readers can read, analyze and probe into new discoveries. We want express our sincere thanks to Mr. Josephine Fitzge

20、rald (Canadian) and Mr. Erwin Stricker (Italy) for their historical materials provided for the book Upon the publication, we also extend our gratitude to the government departments and individuals which deserve our highest and sincere appreciation. Asseveration: if any reference to this book is need

21、ed, the Altay Declaration and relevant authors in this book should be indicated. By the Editorial Board of the Original Place of Skiing Altay of Xinjiang, China July 30, 2010 阿勒泰雪山 Snowy Mountain in Altay 8 前 言 Forward 新疆阿勒泰市市委书记 王仕斌 新疆阿勒泰市市长 木拉提 卡开 Left: Wang Shibin, Altay Municipal Party Secretary

22、 Right: Mulatikakai, Mayor of Altay Municipal Government 新疆阿勒泰市地处新疆北部,阿尔泰山南麓,准噶尔盆地北缘,总面积 1.15 万平方公里,是阿勒泰地区政治、经济、文化中心;也是人类古老滑雪文化传承与研究的重要地区。在阿勒泰这片神奇的土地上,先人们自古就选择在这里 繁衍生息,不断创造出人类文明。据相关领域专家们的艰苦和科学考证,距今至少一万年之前,阿尔泰山的先民们就开始了滑雪狩猎活动,成为人类滑雪最早起源地! 专家们于 2006年初聚集于新疆阿勒泰市进行了有历史意义的研讨与论证,形成了 “中国新彊阿勒泰地区是人类滑雪最早起源地的阿勒泰

23、宣言,并于 2006 年 12 月 15 日在北京人民大会堂举行了由新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆、中国西北大学为联合发布单位,新疆阿勒泰市人民政府、中国滑雪协会为主办单位的新闻发布会,向全世界发布了阿勒泰宣言,这一振奋人心的宣言,使我们阿勒泰各族人民感 到十分自豪!使阿勒泰人对自身生活的这块土地有了新的认识。我们有决心保护好,传承好阿勒泰各族人民的祖先为我们创造的灿烂的历史文化遗产。我们决定将每年的 1 月 16 日定为 “人类滑雪最早起源地纪念日 ”,届时会举行 “阿勒泰农牧民古老毛皮滑雪板的比赛 ”等丰富多彩的民间庆祝活动,使我们对建设好这座具有古老滑雪氛围的现代旅游名城9 也更充满信心! 新疆

24、阿勒泰市是一座典型的山水城市,不但自然环境优美,历史悠久、物产丰富、文化多元、民风古朴,而且冰雪运动的资源条件得天独厚,冬季漫长、雪量充沛、气候优良,当地居民参与冰雪活动热情高。目 前,我们正在努力打造将其打造成 “山水宜居,生态园林,民族文化,休闲度假 ”以及 “人类滑雪起源传统文化的集中展现地,古老滑雪遗产世代传承弘扬的坚实基地 ”,积极开发和发展特色冰雪旅游产业,以促进经济与社会的全面发展。 新疆阿勒泰市现聚居着汉族、哈萨克族、蒙古族、维吾尔族、回族等 26 个民族。近年来,随着经济的不断发展和旅游业的日益壮大,人类滑雪最早起源地的阿勒泰宣言在新疆阿勒泰市的诞生,使这个边陲小城越来越被世

25、人所熟知。 阿勒泰宣言的诞生与人类滑雪最早起源地 中国 新疆 阿勒泰的出版与单兆鉴先生的不懈 努力密切相关。 单兆鉴先生是中国第一位滑雪冠军,从事滑雪运动五十余年,是国内知名的滑雪运动专家。他已被授予新疆阿勒泰市优秀荣誉市民的称号。最近国际滑雪组织又向他颁发了 “对世界滑雪运动做出贡献 ”的奖牌。他对人类滑雪起源的学说进行了十余年艰苦的考察与研究。 1993 年后,他就在多部著作中提到阿勒泰地区是人类滑雪起源地的观点。他与考古专家、历史专家王博、王建新、刘国防、吕恩国、刘永年、鲁礼鹏、郑颉等一起通过考证史料、收集论据,最终宣布 “人类滑雪起源地 ”就在中国新疆阿勒泰大地!以此改写了世界滑雪起源

26、地研究的历史。 阿勒泰市能为本书的策划与出版做出贡献感到十分荣幸! 弘扬传承阿勒泰古老滑雪传统是我们神圣的历史责任! 在本书出版之际,我们代表新疆阿勒泰市市委、市政府向在“人类滑雪起源 ”研究领域中做出突出贡献的专家、学者表示崇高地敬意!对本书的出版表示衷心地祝贺! Altay city is located in northern Xinjiang, China with an area of 11,500 km. It lies in northern margin of Junggar Basin and borders the south of Altay Mountains. It

27、is the political, economic and cultural center of Altay Prefecture and the inheritance and research center of ancient skiing culture. Altay people have created its splendid skiing culture since the first human settlement which dates back to thousands of years ago. After the research and investigatio

28、n of archaeologist, historians and some local 10 experts, they come to the conclusion that Altay ancestors has long taken the skiing as a major means for hunting and Altay is the place of origin for human skiing. In 2006, an Expert Group made up of those historians and archaeologists gathered in Alt

29、ay city and held discussions and developed arguments to reach the consensus on the fact that Altay of Xinjiang in China is the place of origin for human skiing. The Group drafted an “Altay Declaration” which was officially announced at a press conference held by Altay municipal government and Chines

30、e Skiing Association at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The museum of Xinjiang Autonomous region and China Northwestern University jointly issued the inspiring declaration at the press conference, making every Altai people feel proud of it. The Group cast new light on Altay by its skiing cu

31、lture. We are obliged and determined to protect this land and pass its skiing tradition to future generations. To that end, we decided to set Jan. 15th as the Day of Origin of human skiing origin marked by many commemorating events like Fur-Ski Skiing Game. We are confident to build Altay city as a

32、modern tourist city with a taste of ancient skiing. Altay city is a typical landscape city with a long history, rich resources, diverse culture and simple and unsophisticated folkways. It embodies the major features of traditional culture of skiing origin of mankind and has laid solid basis for carr

33、ying forward the legacy of ancient skiing from generation to generation. It is exceptionally rich in its snow and ice resources which we are trying to bring into full play. It has such advantages as long winter, plenty snow and pleasant climate and the locals are also enthusiastic in participating i

34、n snow activities. By all those advantages stated above, we hope that we can build it into one of the most livable cities, tourists destinations and ecological parks in Western China. We also expect that the skiing culture with Altai characteristics can promote the economic and social development of

35、 Altay Prefecture. Altay was the only major subdivision of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture with 26 ethnic groups such as Kazakhs, Han Chinese, Hui Chinese Uyghur and Mongolian. The birth of Altay Declaration makes Altay city and its people begin to be known by the outside world. Shan Zhaojian is the honorary citizen of Altay city, technical consultant of Chinese Skiing Association, well-known skiing expert with more than


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