1、relationship between Government and business. The “two sessions“, General Secretary of “Pro“, “clear“ the word succinctly summarized the new relationship between Government and business, as pure politics, reshaping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders in handling p
2、olitical and business relations, engage in trading power for money, and finally stumbled, we a lesson, always keep in mind that “Pro“, “clean“ practicing “Pro“, “clear“. “Pro“ is to open a sincere engagement with private enterprise to help solve practical difficulties; “ Clear “is to clarify the Div
3、ision of power, exercised in accordance with, private entrepreneurs with innocent purity, not abusing power for personal gain, not to engage in trading power for money. Third, in order to maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is the lifeline of the rule of law, is the best development
4、environment. Currently, lax law enforcement and the judicial sector in our region also exist to varying degrees, law enforcement departments and individual window units power for personal gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases in which seriously infringe on the legitima
5、te rights and interests of enterprises and people. Especially some law enforcement and inspection for profit purposes, deliberately looking for corporate loopholes, found directly under the ticket does not give business improvement opportunities. We recruit a company doesnt easily, cultivating a bus
6、iness more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked to check to get the enterprise collapsed. To guarantee the legitimate rights and interests. Always proceed from the overall situation of reform and development of services, fully consider the characteristics of
7、production and management in non-public enterprises and social benefits, an accurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and practitioners in innovation and entrepreneurship, enhancing expectations and confidence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcemen
8、t procedures, improve law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervision of law enforcement, exploration and practice of risk control mechanism of law enforcement to further standardize the social security, urban management, road traffic administrative law enforcement, effectively
9、 free, extensive law-enforcement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and other issues. To uphold justice. Justice is the last line of Defense to safeguard fairness and justice, to unequivocally support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level . Judicial activities were rampant,
10、must not be allowed to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the miscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to abuse of power, to make forest mass can be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four to deepen gr
11、ass-roots governance according to lawGrass-roots governance according to law is an important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is no
12、t standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law cultur
13、e, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone “unspoken rules“, formed all law law, abide by the goo
14、d atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justi
15、ce with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well as dispute resolution mechanisms,
16、 implement fully the petitioners cases “third-party“ hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improv
17、ing cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm
18、is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want
19、 to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, some leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and socia
20、l development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution “for the officers not to“ problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the
21、cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identify the problem, accurate pulse河北工业大学硕士学位论文开题报告论文题目 室内燃气火灾蔓延及气相轰燃规律的研究 学号 姓名 所属学院 学科专业名称 热能工程 研究方向 燃烧工程 导师姓名 2007 年 11 月 8 日relationship between Government and business. The “two sessions“, General Secretary of “P
22、ro“, “clear“ the word succinctly summarized the new relationship between Government and business, as pure politics, reshaping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders in handling political and business relations, engage in trading power for money, and finally stumbled,
23、 we a lesson, always keep in mind that “Pro“, “clean“ practicing “Pro“, “clear“. “Pro“ is to open a sincere engagement with private enterprise to help solve practical difficulties; “ Clear “is to clarify the Division of power, exercised in accordance with, private entrepreneurs with innocent purity,
24、 not abusing power for personal gain, not to engage in trading power for money. Third, in order to maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is the lifeline of the rule of law, is the best development environment. Currently, lax law enforcement and the judicial sector in our region also ex
25、ist to varying degrees, law enforcement departments and individual window units power for personal gains and bribes, thick friends, relations, human cases, money cases in which seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and people. Especially some law enforcement and in
26、spection for profit purposes, deliberately looking for corporate loopholes, found directly under the ticket does not give business improvement opportunities. We recruit a company doesnt easily, cultivating a business more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassment, card, last checked
27、to check to get the enterprise collapsed. To guarantee the legitimate rights and interests. Always proceed from the overall situation of reform and development of services, fully consider the characteristics of production and management in non-public enterprises and social benefits, an accurate gras
28、p of legal limits, protect the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and practitioners in innovation and entrepreneurship, enhancing expectations and confidence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, improve law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervisi
29、on of law enforcement, exploration and practice of risk control mechanism of law enforcement to further standardize the social security, urban management, road traffic administrative law enforcement, effectively free, extensive law-enforcement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and other issues.
30、 To uphold justice. Justice is the last line of Defense to safeguard fairness and justice, to unequivocally support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level . Judicial activities were rampant, must not be allowed to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowingly violate the m
31、iscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to abuse of power, to make forest mass can be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four to deepen grass-roots governance according to lawGrass-roots governance according to law is an import
32、ant foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We w
33、ant to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses
34、 and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone “unspoken rules“, formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening pe
35、ace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social ha
36、rmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners cases “third-party“ hearings and supervising system of l
37、etters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary
38、stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, en
39、able the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, s
40、ome leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to com
41、bination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution “for the officers not to“ problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identif
42、y the problem, accurate pulse河 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 开 题 报 告一 课题的背景及意义:火灾是严重危害人民生命财产,直接影响经济发展和社会稳定的最常见的一种灾害。随着 经济建设的快速发展,物质财富的急剧增多和新能源,新材料,新设备的广泛开发利用,以及城市建设规模不断扩大和人民物质文化生活水平的提高,火灾发生的频率越来越高,造成的损失越来越大。80年代,我国共发生火灾约37.6万起,死亡18644人,直接经济损失约32.2亿元;90年代,我国共发生火灾约62.9万起,死亡23715人,直接经济损失约96.6亿元;而在21世纪,仅仅四年的时间,
43、我国共发生火灾约90.9万起,死亡10059人,直接经济损失约60.3亿元 1,2 。随着环保要求的提高,我国燃料结构也在逐步改变。气体燃料,如人工煤气、液化石油气(LPG)和天然气等已逐渐成为城市生活燃料的主体。同时这些气体在工业领域的应用范围也在不断扩大。这就增加了气体泄漏以及发生事故的机率。随着石油化学工业的迅速发展, 液化石油气的生产和利用有了广阔的前景, 在家庭生活中的使用也非常普遍。液化石油气在储存运输过程中因罐体泄漏而造成的火灾爆炸事故时有发生,甚至引发恶性爆炸事故,并造成了巨大的财产损失和人员伤亡。1998年3月5日,西安市液化石油气管理所液化气泄漏后,遇电火花引起爆炸,燃烧,
44、导致现场7人死亡,多人重伤。1998年7月13日,满载液化石油气的货运列车行驶至贵州省朝阳坝二号隧道时,因机车线路故障造成列车颠簸,致使列车13-20位的液化石油气罐由于相互碰撞破裂,大量气体泄漏,遇撞击产生的火花发生爆炸起火,造成湘黔线中断21天,损失巨大。2004年3月29日,辽宁省葫芦岛市一座1000m 3的液化气储罐突然泄漏,237t液化气从储罐底部急剧泄漏,经过消防支队联合抢险,最终堵漏成功。2005年2月21日凌晨,长沙一座LNG储备站发生天然气与液化气的混合气体泄漏事故,因发现及时而未造成人员伤亡 3。因此研究这种火灾的发生发展规律,提高火灾防治的科学性和有效性,用科学的认识指导
45、人类同火灾的斗争,具有极其重要的意义。二火灾研究的现状人类认识到火灾的危害由来已久,在我国古代,人们就总结出“防为上,救次之,戒为下”的经验. 而欧洲在17 世纪中期已经有了城市火灾的法规和标准. 然而,在很长时期内,人们对火灾的认识几乎完全是经验性的,法规标准和扑火方式均缺乏科学指导. 直至20 世纪中叶,物理学、燃烧学、流体力学等已进展到有可能利用科学手段解决复杂火灾问题的阶段,同时,科学计算技术、非线性动力学理论、系统安全原理、宏观与小尺度动态测量技术、统计理论、以及信息技术等的发展,为认识和解决火灾问题提供了丰富的理论支持和技术手段. 这一切,都为火灾科学的兴起奠定了基础.20 世纪7
46、0 年代,美国哈佛大学的埃蒙斯( H.W. Emmons) 教授基于质量守恒、动量守恒、能量守恒和化学反应原理建立了建筑火灾的区域模拟理论 4 ,标志着人类将火灾看作为动力学系统并利用物理和化学原理来认识该系统演化过程的开端,开创了火灾科学研究的先河. 1985 年第一届国际火灾科学大会则标志着火灾科学开始全面兴起. 自此,世界各国均大力推动火灾科学基础研究,研究基地不断扩大。relationship between Government and business. The “two sessions“, General Secretary of “Pro“, “clear“ the word
47、 succinctly summarized the new relationship between Government and business, as pure politics, reshaping the political relationship specified in the direction. District leaders in handling political and business relations, engage in trading power for money, and finally stumbled, we a lesson, always
48、keep in mind that “Pro“, “clean“ practicing “Pro“, “clear“. “Pro“ is to open a sincere engagement with private enterprise to help solve practical difficulties; “ Clear “is to clarify the Division of power, exercised in accordance with, private entrepreneurs with innocent purity, not abusing power fo
49、r personal gain, not to engage in trading power for money. Third, in order to maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is the lifeline of the rule of law, is the best development environment. Currently, lax law enforcement and the judicial sector in our region also exist to varying degrees, law enforcement departments and individual window units power for personal gains and bribes,