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1、2015 年雅礼中学牛津英语必修一第一次月考试卷(B 卷)时间:( 120 分钟) 满分:(150 分) 检测范围: (Unit 1 school life)第卷 (选择题 满分 100 分)第一部分:单项选择 (共 20 题;每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)1.If my plan _,all my work will have been wasted.( )Adoesnt approve of Bisnt approvedCis against Disnt in favor of2.The children were left _ charge of a nurse.( )Ain Bto

2、 the Cin the Dwith3._ from him,I wrote to him.( )AUpon hearing BUpon heard CUpon I heard DUpon to hear4.Do you have anything in mind _ youd like for supper?( )Well, _ is okay with me.Athat; anything Bwhich; everything Cwhat; whatever Dwhere; something5.The newly published book,which refers_basic Eng

3、lish grammar,is_only for beginners.( )21 教育网Aas ;meant Bfor ;intended Cto;planned Dto;intended6.The headmaster shows great interest in the way _ she teaches English.Which of the following is WRONG?( )21*cnjy*comAwhich Bthat C/ Din which7.It is _to join a dancing party on weekends and you can make a

4、lot of friends.( )Aunfair Bfunny Cfun Dwonder 8. The increasing number of the students makes the limited computers not _ for each student.2( )-1-c-n-j-yAuseful BHopefu Cavailable Dsuitable9.In the past ten years,the _ mountain climber _ a lot from his own adventurous_( )Aexperienced;experienced;expe

5、rience Bexperience;experienced;experiencesCexperienced;has experienced;experiences Dexperience;has experience;experience10.Through hard work you will _ the respect of your fellow workers. Which of the following is not appropriate?( )A. gain B. earn C. win D. accept11. _ is known to us all is that th

6、e 2022 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.( )AIt BWhat CAs DWhich 12. I was close to being killed the other day.A car passed me at _ I thought was a dangerous speed.【2Aas Bwhich Cwhat Dthat ( )13Children who a re not active or_diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.( )Awhat Bwhose Cwhich

7、 Dthat14Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school_I met in the English speech contest last year.( )21Awho Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich15I ref use to accept the blame for something_was someone elses fault.( )Awho Bthat Cas Dwhat16.In the police station I saw the man from_room the thief

8、 had stolen the TV set.( )Awhom Bwhich Cthat Dwhose17He made another wonderful discovery_of great importance to science.( )2Awhich is Bwhich it is Cwho is Dit is18Those_break the rule will be punished.( )Athat Bwho Cthey Dwhom19Do you still remember the days_we spent together then? ( )Awhen Bduring

9、which C/ Don which20.Which of the trains is the one_goes to Nanjing?( )网版权所有Awhere BWhich Cthat Dwhat第二部分:阅读理解 (共 20 题;每题 2 分,满分 40 分)AThe United States is trying to improve its education system that produces millions of citizens who cannot read,write ,or addlet alone finding their country on a map.

10、In his first State of Union message since taking office a year ago,President George Bush promised to wipe out illiteracy(文盲) in the next decade and declared that “by the year 2008,US students must be the first in the world in math and science achievements”They have a long way to go.American students

11、 were placed 14th in a recent general science test conducted in 16 countries.In a separate survey of chemistry students,the United States came 12 out of 14.In a mathematics test,they were last.According to Bush,there are 17 million illiterates in this country of 245 million people.Other estimates pu

12、t the number as high as 23 million.In percentage terms,that ranks the United States alongside Nicaragua and below Cuba.“This nation, ”Bush said in his State of the Union address, “will not accept anything but excellent in education.”Bush,who has declared himself “Education President”,and senior offi

13、cials of his administration are warning that the United States will be unable to compete in the world without an educated workforce.How to increase educational standards is a matter of debate in a country whose schools have no uniform national curriculum and are subject to a confusing variety of sta

14、te and local controls.Most experts think that the problem lies at the elementary and high schools levels rather than with universitiesbut even their graduates show huge gaps in general knowledge.Among the root causes most frequently mentioned in education debates is the low respect in which US socie

15、ty holds teachersin contrast to Japan and Germany.In Japan teaching is a profession of high prestige(威望) and high pay.In the United States teachers are near the bottom of the society.21.The causes of low educational level in America include the following EXCEPT that_.( ) Asome problems exist in prim

16、ary and secondary educationBsociety keeps teachers in low respectCAmerica pays more attention to economy instead of educationDAmerica has no uniform national courses22Whi ch of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?( )APresident Bush carried out his promise made in his first Stat

17、e of Union message.BThe education in Japan and Germany is in higher level.【出处:21 教育名师】CAccord ing to Bush,the number of illiterates accounts for 9% of the total.DTeac hers in the United States enjoy good treatment and great respect.23Which of the following is the right order of the least-first of th

18、e percent of illiterates?( )AGermany,Cuba,Nicaragua. BGermany,Nicaragua,Cuba.CNicaragua, Japan,Cuba. DCuba,Japan,Nicaragua.BOur first expression is “in the red”. It is another way of saying that a business is losing money. In the past, numbers in the financial (金融的) records of a company were written

19、 in red ink to show a loss (损失).A business magazine recently published a report about a television company. The report said the company was still in the red, but was able to cut its loss from the year before. A profit by a business is written in black numbers. So a company that is “in the black” is

20、making money. Another financial expression is “run on the bank”. That is what happens when many people try to get all their money back from a bank. A “run on the bank” usually happens when people believe there is a danger that a bank may fail or close down. Newspaper reports about a bank crisis (危机)

21、 in Russia used that expression. They said the government acted because of the fear that the crisis would cause a run on the bank. “Day trading” is a new expression about a system that lets investors (投资者) trade directly in an electronic market system. The system is known as NASDAQ, short for the Na

22、tional Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation. It was the first completely computerized stock market (股票市场). Day trading companies offer a desk and a computer system to an investor who wants to trade. Investors must provide fifty thousand dollars or more for the trading company to pay

23、 for the stocks they buy. Thousands of other investors do day trading at their homes.A day trader keeps a watchful eye on stock prices. When he sees a stock rise in price, he makes use of the computer to buy shares of the stock. If the stock continues to rise in price in the next few minutes, the da

24、y trader sells out the shares quickly to make a small profit. Then he looks for another stock to buy. If a stock goes down, he may sell his shares and accept the loss.The idea is to make a small profit many times during the day. Many day traders may break down in a week or so. Only about thirty perc

25、ent people succeed in earning enough money from their efforts to continue day trading.21*cnjy*com24. What does the passage mainly talk about?( )A. Some financial words and expressions.B. Newspaper reports about a bank crisis.C. Some interesting stories about making money.D. Some tips on how to buy a

26、nd sell stocks.25. When a company runs well, the financial records will be written in ink. ( )A. red B. black C. green D. yellow26. When a bank is faced with a crisis, we can use the expression “ ”.( )A. break the bank B. run on the bankC. in the red D. day trading27. In which section of a newspaper

27、 will this passage appear?( )A. Economy. B. Health 每小题1分, 满分10分)【新题型】短文中共有10处错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号() ,并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。When I first learn to write in English, I ran into much difficulties. The main

28、 problem was that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate into my own language everything which I came across while I was reading. My teacher advised myself to keep a diary. I followed his advices and put down 100 words or so each day.Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself as I was learning

29、 to express myself with simple English. One day I wrote a story and showed to my teacher. He liked it very much that he read it to the class. All said that the story was a good one. Their words were an great encouragement to me.第二节 书面表达 (下列两道作文 题,请任选一题作答,若两题都写算作文1的分。 满分25分)作文 1.假如你叫李华,高中开学已经一周了,请根据下

30、表写一封电子邮件告知你的朋友张浩有关你新学校的一些情况。学校概况 3 000 多名学生,40 个班级,200 多名教职员工班级情况 高一(5) 班:45 名学生,其中 30 名男生、15 名女生班主任 一位女老师,教英语,心地善良、工作严谨学习科目 语文、数学、英语为必修课,另外还有许多选修课注意:词数 100 左右;参考词汇:员工 staff;必修课 compulsory course;选修课 optional course_ 作文 2 为了丰富外国留学生的生活,你校学生会将举办一次音乐周活动。请你以组织者的身份写一个英文书面通知。有关内容如下:2-1-c-n-j-y时间:5 月的第一周。活

31、动:1.演唱歌曲:流行歌曲;2器乐演奏:古典和民间音乐;3音乐比赛:听歌曲片断,然后猜出处。地点:届时通知。注意:1.书面通知应写成一篇连贯的短文;2可以适当增减细节;3参加者于 4 月 20 日前报名。参考词汇:古典(的)classical ;民间 (的)folk;乐器 musical instruments。_【备选题】 (若时间有余,可以选做,得分算入总得分,但总得分不得超过 150 分)任务型阅读【以前的湖南题型】(每空 3 分,共 30 分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的词。注意:每空只填 1 个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。Ch

32、eating is common in various kinds of exams in college. Students dont feel shameful to cheat in exams. They know that if caught cheating in an exam, the punishment will not be serious. This leads to frequent cheating in exams.At the Universityof Nevada, after students photographed test questions with

33、 their cell-phone cameras, transmitted them to classmates outside the exam room and got the answers back in text messages, the university put in place a new monitoring system.With their electronic tools, students these days find it easier to cheat. So college officials find themselves in a new game

34、of cat and mouse, trying to gain an advantage over would-be cheats this exam season with a range of strategiescutting off Internet access from laptops, or demanding the surrender of cellphones before tests.Mr. Dapremont said technology had made cheating easier, but added that plagiarism in writing p

35、apers was probably a bigger problem because students can easily lift other peoples writings off the Internet.Still, some students said they thought cheating these days was more a product of an attitude, not the tool at hand. Pressure to succeed sometimes clouds everything and makes people do things

36、that they shouldnt do. Students today feel more pressure to do well in order to graduate from school and secure a job.Whatever the reasons for cheating, college officials say the battle against it is wearing them out. First, people who cheat in exams will lose interest in studying. Second, they beli

37、eve studying isnt meaningful. Even though they dont do anything, they can still pass. Third, people who cheat in exams will influence others. Plenty of hard working people will see that their results are lower than people who cheat in exams. Thus, we must prevent cheating in exams. We reduce the opp

38、ortunities for cheating in exams.The vast majority of Americans still believe that honesty is an important part of the American character. For that reason, there are numerous watchdog committees at all level of society. Although signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more

39、numerous in recent years than in the past, could that because we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty? 21*cnjy*comMany educators feel that as students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, they are less likely to cheat. Surprisingly, some efforts to prevent cheating may actua

40、lly encourage cheatinga person may feel “ they dont trust me anyway”, and be tempted to “ beat the system”. Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust.Title : Cheating in exams in collegeFacts Cheating in exams is 1. in college.Students dont think cheating in exams to be shameful.Ways of cheating and plagiarismUse 2. .Surf the Internet.3. for cheatingCheats are not 4. seriously.The latest technology makes it 5. for students to cheat.heavy pressure makes students wan


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