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1、仁爱版八年级上册同步练习 Unit1 Topic1-Topic3(分 Section)同步练习(Unit1Topic1 Section A)一选词填空1. I will go for a picnic with my friends this Sunday. Would you like to_ us?Yes, Id love to.2. Our class will have a basketball game _ Class 1 this Saturday afternoon.3. Zhang Yining plays table tennis well because she pract

2、ices it _.4. Do you think our school will_ the football game?Yes, I think so.5. My friends are going to_ me_ when I play in the game next week.二、单项选择。1.Which drink do you _, tea _ milk?A glass of milk please.A. like; and B. prefer; orC. prefer; and D. like best; or2. Lin Tao is hard-working(努力的). I

3、see him _ English every morning.A. read B. readsC. to read D. be reading3. Do you hope it _ tomorrow? I hope so. Its too hot these days.A. rains B. rained C. to rain D. will rain4. Many Chinese people eat dumplings _ the Spring Festival.Thats right.A. with B. on C. during D. to5. Mary, whats your pl

4、an for next Saturday?I _ play basketball with my friends.A. am going B. am going to C. went to D. go to三、根据要求完成下面的句子。1. Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing? (同义句转换)Which sport do you _ _, skating or skiing?2. Are you going to play football? (作肯定回答)quite a lot, join, against, cheer.on, winYe

5、s, _ _.3. Jane is going to perform magic tricks at the party. (改为疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ Jane _ _ _ magic tricks at the party?Yes, she _.4. David is going to row a boat tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)_ _ David _ _ _ tomorrow?同步练习(Unit1Topic1Section B)一单词 1. My _is to be a singer like Liu Huan. 2.-What are you going to do

6、in the _ ? -I am going to be a teacher. 3. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball _ in the world. 4. My aunts work in the police station, and they are _ . 5. Maria wants to be a_ like Edison. 6. He likes music, and he wants to be a _ .二单项选择 ( )1. My daughter is going to be a teacher when she_ . A. g

7、row B. grew C. grows up D. grew up ( )2.Lin Shuhao plays _the Houston Rockets in America. A. to B. for C. at D. on ( )3. Mike wants to be _ actor like Jackie Chan. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )4. Would you like to come to see the football match with me? - _ . A. Thats right B. Sure, Id love to C. Yes,

8、I am. D. Thank you( )5. My sister wants to buy a new dress. She _ it to the party. A. wears B. wear C. wore D. is going to wear ( )6. -Did you know_the accident? A. something about B. anything about C. something for D. anything for三对话理解,有一项是多余的。 A:Which sport do you prefer, table tennis or basketbal

9、l? B: Basketball, of course. A: 1 _ B: Yao Ming. A: Oh. He was a famous player in the NBA. 2 _ B: The Houston Rockets. 3 _ A: I prefer playing table tennis. B: Table tennis? 4 _ A: No, she isnt. My favorite player is Zhang yining.B: 5 _ A: Because she works very hard and she is very calm. B: Yes, th

10、ats right.4、 句子理解1. 下周 Kate 会和我们一起放风筝。_2. 比起钓鱼 Jane 不喜欢游泳。_3. I like the soccer player Lionel Messi best.= _ _ _ _ _ Lionel Messi.4. Tom is going to be a policeman when he grows up.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ _ _ when he grows up.5. 我最喜欢的运动是滑冰。_6. 下周三,一班将与二班举行足球比赛。_7. 我喜欢你能来为我们加油。I hope you can _ _ _ _ _.A. Wh

11、ich kind of sports do you prefer? B. How long do you play table tennis? C. Why do you like her best? D. Whos your favorite player? E. Is Wang Nan your favorite player? F. Which team did he play for?同步练习(Unit1Topic1Section C)一、熟记并默写。1小时 2锻炼,做操 3棒球 4周末 5心脏 6肺,肺脏 7山,山脉 8做运动 9度过;花费 10花费(时间)做 11跳跃 12跳高 1

12、3跳远 14放松,轻松 15颇,相当 16相当好 17流行的,受欢迎的 18到处,遍及 19对有益 20健康的;健壮的 21适合的;健康的 22保持健康 23后天 二、写出下面动词的过去式spend-_ take-_ do- _ make-_cost- _ keep-_三、翻译1.go cycling_ 2.go mountain climbing_ 3. all over the world_ 4.half an hour_ 5.spenddoing_ 6.do exercise_ 7.pretty well_ 8.school sports meet_ 9.next weekend_ 10

13、.the high jump_11.the long jump_ 12.be sure that_ 13.make me strong_ 14.be good for_ 15.keep healthy_ _ 16. a good way to keep fit_ 四、重点句型:1她每天在体育馆花半小时做锻炼。 2下周末将有一场校运动会。 3他们确信她将会赢。 4因为它使我强壮并且在全世界它是受欢迎的。五、选择填空( )1Look at the clouds_AIts going to rain BItll be raining CIt will be rained DItll rain ( )

14、2My family_to stay in London for some timeAis going Bare going Cgo Dare go ( )3There_ two English films next week Ais going to be Bare going to have Cwill have Dare going to be( )4There is going to_ a volleyball match on our school playgroundThe match is going to_ at six this eveningAhave; be Bbe; h

15、ave Cbe; be Dhave; have( )5-Are you busy this afternoon? -NoI _to watch a football matchAam going Bwill Cshall Dcan( )6Who_help him to move the box away?Aare Bis going Cis going to Dis( )7Where _ buy a computer for your son?Ayou are Bare going Cyou go Dare you going to( )8Next year my little sister

16、_ ten years oldAis to be Bare going to be Cshall be Dwill be( )9Swimming is a good way fitAkeep Bto keep Ckeeps Dkeeping( )10Doing sports good our healthAis, to Bare, to Care, at Dis, for六、根据所给单词的适当形式填空。1Li Lei goes swimming (two) a week2You are so tired(劳累的) You should relax (you) in your free time

17、3The song is very , but the singer didnt sing it (good)4 is very important to usWe should keep (health)5Their (plan ) are not so good6The skirt (fit ) you wellDo you l ike it?7. . I spent three hours in (make) a kite .8. There is going to (be) a football match next week .9 . Maria gets up early and

18、does morning (exercise).10.Mr.Lee is (pop)with his students.七、单项选择.1、 do you water the plants?- Twice a day.A、How long B、How soon C、How often D、How much2、There a talk show on CCTV at nine this evening.A、will have B、 is going to be C、is going to have D、is hawing3、- I a picnic this Sunday.-Would you l

19、ike to go with me?- Good idea!A、have B、has C、am going to have D、 am having(四) 、选词,并用它的适当形式填空。Ann likes _ very muchShe often _ hiking on Sundays and goes _ _ a w eekShe spends _ hour in the gym every dayShe plays baseball pretty _ and she is also good at _There is going to_ a school sport s meet next

20、 monthShe is going to take part in the long jumpHer classmates are going to cheer her _a, be, sport, two, jump, on, win, good, go, cycle同步练习(Unit1Topic1 Section D)一,用所给词的适当形式填空 1. My favorite sport is_ (skate). What about yours? 2. She often goes _ (row) in summer. 3. Swimming helps to keep your hea

21、rt and lungs _ (health). 4. Beckhams _(arrive) in Beijing made soccer fans very _ (excite) last week. And he and his teammates gave us a very _ game.(excite) 5. Edison(爱迪生) is one of the famous (science) in the world. 6. _(jump) is a good exercise. Most people like it. 7. Who_(win) the first gold me

22、dal(金牌)for China? 8. There _ (be) a movie next Monday. 9. The police _(be) going to look for the missing boy. 10. Sally and Jane are _ (play) from Canada. Look! They are practicing _ (play) baseball over there. 11. Our plane _ (fly) to Beijing at ten oclock tonight(今晚). 二,单选 ( )1. They need to_ them

23、selves after carrying so many heavy bags. A. taking B. relaxing C. take D. relax ( )2. It was a great _ for them to lose the game. Because they practiced it for a long time. A. sorry B. pity C. sad D. happy ( )3. It usually snows in most _ of China in winter. A. parts B. part C. country D. countries

24、 ( )4. She is a kind girl. I often see her _ the old man to cross the road. A. helps B. helping C. help D. to help ( )5. Do you exercise _ to keep fit? A. many B. much C. lots of D. more ( )6. What time did the train arrive _ Xiamen? At five oclock. And I arrived_ home at half past five. A. in , at

25、B. at , in C. at , / D. in , / ( )7. My brother is going to _ the basket ball team. A. joined B. take part in C. took part in D. join 同步练习(Unit1Topic2 Section A)一,单选 1. Jane doesnt do well in playing soccer, but she would like_ . A.to have to try B. having to try C.to have a try D.having a try 2. -W

26、ould you mind _the door? Its cold outside. -Ok. Ill do it right away. A. open B.opening C.close D.closing 3. -Could you please pass me the book? - _ . A.Yes, I could. B.No, I couldnt C. Sure. Here you are D.Not at all. 4.-Tom, your coat is under the chair. Please dont_ . -OK, Mom. A.throw it around

27、B.throw around it C.put it on D.put on it 5. Jane doesnt l_ playing soccer, but she thought it _ her health. A.do well in ,is good for B.do well in ,is good at C.do well in ,was good for D.do well in ,was good at 二,翻译 1.- Could you please _ _ (帮我一把)? -Sure. 2.- Could you please _ _ _ _ (帮我一把)? -Sure

28、. 3.Would you mind_ _ _ _ _ (我再试一下)? 4.Would you mind _ _ _ _ (我再试一下)? 5. I am going to put my clothes _ _ ?(别的地方) 7. Could you _ his coat _ him _ _?( 立即传给) 9.Its cold outside. Youd better wear a coat, or youll _ _ (患病)? 10. Would you mind _ _ (加入我们)in studying English? _ _ _(当然不) 11. Im very sorry

29、for _ _ _(乱丢瓶子). 12. It was cold yesterday. Many people _ _(病倒了). 13._ _ _ _me the story? (请告诉) 三,补全对话。 1. A: Its a little cold. Tom, _B: Not at all. 2. A: My computer doesnt work._ B: Of course not. Ill come soon. 3. A: I hear you playing the piano beautifully. But I think it is too loud(大声). _ B:I

30、m sorry about that. Ill play quietly. 4. A: Im sorry for losing your pencil. B: _ I have another one in my bag.同步练习(Unit1Topic2 Section B)一,单词 1. Mary is a good girl. She _ (完成)her homework on time every day. 2. Lucy _ _(生气)because she lost her pen. 3.They_ _ _(打一架)because of the lost game. But soon

31、 they said sorry to each other after _ (打架) . 4._ _ (冲.喊叫)others is not polite.(礼貌) 二,单选 ( )1.You should not _ your parents.It is not polite.(礼貌) A.talk with B.look after C.shout at D.play with ( )2. Mr. Lee _ because the students forgot to do he homework. A. is angry B.is angry with C.was angry wit

32、h D.was angry( )3. I dont want to talk _ the problem _ you. A. to , with B.with , with C.about , with D.with , about ( )4.Zhang Mings English is not good, but he does his best _ it well. A. learn B.to learning C.to learn D.learning ( )5.Im sorry for being late again. -_ A. No problem. B.Thats right. C. Its nothing. D.Never minding. ( )6._, the girl found her lost book. A. With Li Lei help B. With help of Li Lei C. With the help of Li Leis D. With the help of Li Lei ( )7. I was not good at English, but I kept _ hard. A. study B.to study C.studies D.studying


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