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1、U1:1. 他对这次面试中可能提到的问题做好了准备。 (confront )He has well prepared answers to the questions that he might confront with in the interview.2. 他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。 (touch)His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cry.3. 他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。 (hand in hand)They walked hand in hand along the river, cha

2、tting and laughing.4. 听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。 (well up)Tears of joy welt up in his eyes after hearing this exciting news.5. 上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。 (in common)The people of SH can understand Suzhou hua easily as they have many things in common.6. 亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在 3 年内买一幢新房子。 (look into )Henry an

3、d his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house.7. 女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。 (give in to)He finally gave in to his daughter repeated request studying abroad.8. 我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。 (lock away)We have locked all the expensive things away before leaving for the holiday.9. 虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱

4、们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part)Although we have parted from each other, I hope we will remain good friends to care and help each other just like we did in the past.10. 在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。 (summon)At that critical moment, the army leader summoned all the officers to work out strategies and tac

5、tics to fight with enemies.U2:1. 一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期 3 天的友好访问。 (head)A government delegation headed by foreign minister arrived in South Africa yesterday,and began a 3-day friendly visit the country.2. 看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。 (awfully funny)Its awfully funny to see these comics about irony so

6、cial drawbacks.3. 计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出来。 (show on a screen)Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, all of the homework and answers can be shown on a screen.4. 张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。 (send for )Zhanglis mother suddenly fell ill the day before yesterday, a doctor was se

7、nt for quickly.5. 他去年高考失败,但他并未感到沮丧。他继续努力,今年考上了一所名牌大学。(disappoint)He failed the university entrance exam last year, but he wasnt disappointed at it. He kept on studying hard and finally he was admitted to a famous university.6. 这个中学生有许多英语单词发音不准。 (pronounce)This student pronounces not correctly at man

8、y English words.7. 在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们必须不断更新知识,才能适应工作的需要。 (become adjusted to)In this era of information explosion, we must keep on updating knowledge and become adjusted to the work.8. 那男孩把衬衫塞进裤腰里,将皮包夹在腋下,看上去俨然一副老板模样。 (tuck)The boy put his shirt tucked into the waistband and put the bag under his arm, it

9、s seems that he was a boss.9. 这位女孩虽然只有 8 岁,但已擅长计算分数了。难怪她父母为她感到自豪。 (fraction)Although she was just 8 years old, the girl was good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents are proud of her.10. 街坊四邻都已听说那个消息了,而你却没听说过,你说怪不怪?(neighborhood)The neighborhood has heard this news, yet you havent heard i

10、t. Dont you think it is strange?U3:1. 对不起,我迟到了,我刚才在开会脱不开身。 (get away)Im sorry Im late; I was at a meeting and could not get away.2. 在音乐会上,歌手唱完每一首美妙动听的歌曲时,观众便高声喝彩表示赞赏。(appreciation)At the concert whenever a singer finished singing a beautiful song, the audiences would burst into loud cheers to show t

11、heir appreciation.3. 她是个穿着时髦的人,对饮食很少讲究。 (stylish)As a stylish dresser, she always wears stylish clothes, but she seldom cares about what she eats and drinks.4. 护士告诉我医生奇迹般地治好了你的心脏病。 (do wonders for)The nurse told me that the doctor had done wonders for your heart disease.5. 主席颁奖时赞美获奖者为人类做出了巨大贡献。 (com

12、pliment)When awarding the prize, the chairman complimented the winner on the great contribution to mankind.6. 这个问题许多年来使专家们迷惑不解。 (bother)These problems have bothered the experts many years.7. 警察到达后,示威的人群逐渐散开了。 (melt away )The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived.8. 既然准时是个好习惯,我们应

13、该十分注意准时,努力养成这种好习惯。 (punctuality)Since punctuality is a good habit, we should pay much attention to it and make great efforts to form this good habit.9. 老人疼爱那女孩,就好像她是自己的女儿一样。 (cherish )The old man cherishes the girl, as if she was his daughter.10. 这只是例行的体格检查,没有什么好担心的。 (routine)Its just a routine phys

14、ical checkup, nothing to get worried about.U4:1. 这是为增强我们的竞争能力所作的尝试。 (strengthen)Its a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability.2. 这个地区的警察知道那些小偷经常出没于哪些地方。 (hang out)The police in this area know where the thieves often hang out.3. 这些签署的协议将冲破对自由贸易设置的所有障碍。 (break down)The agreements sign

15、ed will break down all the barriers to the free trade.4. 那是一种非常困难的局势,但他应付得很成功。 (handle)That was a very difficult situation, but he handled it quite successfully.5. 他是我最好的朋友。既然他需要我的帮助,我可不能对他置之不理。 (turn ones back on)He is my best friend; I cannot turn my back on him now that he needs my help.6. 只要你努力工

16、作,你迟早一定会获得成功,实现自己的抱负。 (sooner or later)So long as you work hard, you will be succeed and realize your ambition sooner or later.7. 虽然他讨厌这工作,但他决心坚持干下去,因为他需要钱来养家。 (stick it out)Though he hates this work, yet he is determined to stick it out as he needs the money to support his family.8. 那位癌症病人对疾病始终抱乐观的

17、态度,坚持与疾病作斗争,最后终于战胜了癌症。(keep an attitude)The cancer patient kept an optimistic attitude, persisted in combating the disease, finally he conquered the cancer.9. 这所大学拥有教职工 2000 多人,其中包括 150 名左右教授和 500 余名副教授。 (have a staff)This university has a staff of more than 2000, including about 150 professors and

18、over 500 associate professors.10. 举办这场音乐会是为了纪念这位作曲家逝世 75 周年。 (mark)This concert was held to mark the 75th anniversary of this composers death.U5:1. 那个精神科医生因在公众场合谈论他的病人而被指控违反了职业道德规范。 (ethics)That doctor was charged with violating professional ethics because he talked about his patients in public.2. 教

19、室的墙上悬挂着一些名言,令人鼓舞,催人奋发。 (hang on)There are some sayings hanging on the walls of the classroom to summon up students energy and encouragement.3. 各种各样的商品应有尽有,什么都不短缺。 (in short supply)All kinds of goods are available, nothing is in short supply.4. 我们都信任董事长,因为他是个刚正不阿的人。 (integrity)We all believe in chair

20、man who is a man of absolute integrity.5. 在我们投票支持他之前,我们想知道他的主张。 (stand for)Before we vote for him, we want to know what he stands for.6. 这笔钱是在被告家里发现的,被告不能对此做出令人满意的解释。 (account for )The defendant cannot account for the money found in his home.7. 看到他是正确的,我只好放弃原来的主张。 (back down)I have to back down when

21、 he is right.8. 因为她既聪明又勤奋,所以被任命为销售经理。 (appoint)She was appointed sales manager for her intelligence and hard-working.9. 本届政府所面临的最大挑战之一是创造更多的就业机会。 (challenge)One of the greatest challenges faced by the present government is creating new industries.10. 我们的战士们猛攻敌人的堡垒,其势如暴风骤雨,没过多久,敌人就投降了。(succumb)Our so

22、ldiers stormed the enemys stronghold, and its potential, such as hurricane, not long before the enemy surrendered.U6:1. 她感到为难的是要不要把丈夫得了不治之症的真相告诉他。 (dilemma)She faced the dilemma whether or not to tell her husband that he has got an incurable disease.2. 你都三十几岁了还在啃老,难道不觉得羞耻吗?(stigma)You have been more

23、 than 30 years old, but you still depend on your parents. Dont you feel a stigma?3. 全世界几乎所有的政府都十分关注这个金融问题。 (be concerned about)Almost all the governments around the world are concerned about this financial problem.4. 至于英语教学研讨会,我建议在本周末召开。 (with regard to)I suggested holding a forum with regard to tea

24、ching English this weekend.5. 要不要出国进修就完全由你自己决定吧。 (whether or not)Its up to you whether to study abroad or not.6. 只要有一颗火星就能在充满煤气的房间里引起爆炸。 (lead to)Only firelight can lead to the explosion in the house which full of gas.7. 无论政府作了多少努力,房价几乎没有下降。 (decline)No matter how many efforts did the government mak

25、e, the room price hardly decline.8. 为了通过“托福”考试(TOEFL) ,他把业余时间的每分每秒几乎全花在学习英语上了。(devoteto)In order to pass the TOEFL, he devotes every seconds to studying English.9. 凭借他的表演潜力,那个小伙子有可能成为娱乐界的超级明星。 (potential n.)That guy may be a super star in the entertainment with his acting potential.10. 人们相信,兄弟姐妹之间的妒

26、忌多见于有钱人家,而不是贫困人家。 (sibling jealousy)People believe that sibling jealousy can be seen with rich but not poor.U7:1. 我爬上峭壁,以便饱览大海的景色。 (scramble)I scrambled up the cliff over the rocks for a better look at the sea.2. 他向盗贼猛扑过去,为夺取武器与之搏斗。 (lunge)He lunged towards and fought with the thieves for the weapon

27、.3. 我认为我国国民经济将继续快速增长。 (figure)I figure that our national economy will continue develop rapidly.4. 董事长力图让股东们放心,公司业绩不佳的情况不会再发生。 (reassure)The chairman tries his best to reassure the shareholders that the bad result of the company will not happen again.5. 别像个孩子似的,要控制住你自己!(pull oneself together)Stop act

28、ing like a baby! Please pull yourself together!6. 他是个非常隐秘的人,从不向任何人透露自己的秘密。 (confide in )Being a very much private man, he never confide in anyone.7. 我们憎恨恐怖分子对普通人不加区别的施暴行为。 (indiscriminate )We hate the terrorists indiscriminately violence against ordinary people.8. 这个国家有许多人对暴力犯罪案件的急剧增加感到惊慌。 (alarm)Th

29、e people of this country were alarmed by the sharp develop of violent crime.9. 我们预料敌人可能设法过河,所以我们把桥摧毁了。 (anticipate)We anticipated enemies may manage to cross the river, so we destroyed it.10. 我十分感激那些为使聚会取得圆满成功而不辞辛劳的人们。 (be indebted to)I was indebted to the people who worked hard for the success of t

30、he party.U8:1. 圣诞节期间,大家都很开心,互相拜访,互赠贺卡和礼物。 (enjoy)People enjoy themselves and visit each other, they also send cards and presents to each other during the Christmas.2. 她的卧室和起居室墙上贴满了流行歌星和电影明星的照片。 (decorate)The walls of her bedroom and sitting-room are decorated the pictures of pop singers and film sta

31、rs.3. 索菲娅委婉地取笑汤姆那顶新帽子,而汤姆则不顾情面地就她的卷发戏弄了她一番。(tease sb. about)Sophia teased Tom about his new hat mildly, but Tom teased she about her curly hair unkindly.4. 他取得了非凡的成就,超过了为自己确定的目标。 (surpass )He had got great achievements that surpassed his original goal.5. 他痛哭不止,我设法劝他不要过度悲伤。 (give way to)He cried sadl

32、y, so I manage to make him gave way to sadness.6. 我想当然地认为你想看这出戏,所以给你买了一张票。 (take for granted)I took it for granted that you want to see this film, so I have bought a ticket for you.7. 他们已经把这些问题降到优先考虑事项表上靠后的位置了。 (relegate)They have relegated these problems to the priority list.8. 我将通过唐娜的律师把这封信寄给她。 (a

33、ddress)I address this letter to Donna through her lawyer.9. 我告诉她那个消息时,不知自己为什么喉咙哽咽起来。 (a lump in ones throat)I didnt know why a lump in my throat when I tell her that news.10. 水手们白天用信号旗发信号,夜间则用信号灯发信号。 (signal)Sailors signaled with flag in daytime and with light at night.U9:1. 这座山峰耸立在群山之上,从山峰上可以看到一片美丽

34、的景色。 (peak )This mountain stands in the mountains above, can be seen from beautiful mountain scenery.2. 我请朋友们推荐一位擅长给儿童看病的医生。 (recommend)I asked my friends to recommend doctors who are good at treating children.3. 孩子们在悬吊在树枝的一根绳子上荡秋千。 (swing)Children are swinging on a rope suspending with the tree.4.

35、政府下定决心无论如何要避免食品价格陡然上涨。 (at all costs)The government is determined to avoid the development of the food price at all costs.5. 他竭尽全力试图去救那个溺水的男孩,但没能成功。 (in vain)He tried all his best to save that drowning boy but in vain.6. 那个老妇人总是喜欢管别人的事情。 (interfere in )The old woman always interferes in other people

36、s affairs.7. 发表了几篇有影响的论文以后,他在学术界颇有名气。 (distinguished)Several influential papers published, he became distinguished in the academic circles.8. 那个地区污染严重,村民们几乎找不到适合饮用的水。 (fit a.)That area was polluted serious, the villagers can hardly find fit water to drink.9. 我把可能需要的东西都塞进手提箱。 (pack)I pack a suitcase

37、with all the things that I might need.10. 我们中国人往往将春节与家人团聚联系起来。 (associate with)Spring Festival is always associated with family unite by Chinese.U10:1. 有些学生渴望学自己想要学的,而不是被要求学的东西。 (long v.)Some students long to learn what they want to learn but not what they asked to.2. 许多志愿者为北京 2008 奥运会提供了有价值的服务。 (re

38、nder a service to )Many volunteers have rendered a valuable service to Beijing 2008 Olympic Game.3. 世界经济处于紧急状态,各国政府必须采取紧急措施来应对。 (desperate)The worlds economy is in a desperate situation, each country must take desperate measures.4. 剪刀、刀具、火柴及药物都必须置于孩子们拿不到的地方。 (beyond the reach of)Scissors, knives, ma

39、tches and medicines must keep on the place beyond the reach of children.5. 我身边总放着一笔钱,至少一千元,以备急用。 (on hand)I always put at least 1000yuan on hand for emergency.6. 诚实的人鄙视谎言和撒谎的人。 (despise)Honest people despise lies and liars.7. 我花了很长的时间才开始感觉到能自如运用英语。 (feel at home)It took me long to feel at home with

40、English.8. 由于经济衰退,有些中小企业家可以说是债台高筑。 (so to speak)Because of the financial recession, some of those running small and middle-sized businesses are, so to speak, up to their necks in debt.9. 他就是这样的人,总是人前甜言蜜语,背后恶语相向。 (mouth v.)He always mouths fine words face the people and mouths bad words from the back.10. 我当时被那些激进分子表现出来的狂热给吓坏了。 (zest)I was scared by the zest of the demonstrators at that time.


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