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1、对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2012-2013 学年第一学期 大学英语(四)复习大纲一、单选题 1. at the meeting that everyone present was convinced. ( )A. So forcefully he spoke B. So forcefully did he speak C. So forcefully was he spoken D. So forcefully has he spoken 2. Alice usually her little brother when her parents are away from home. (

2、)A. looks on B. looks for C. looks about D. looks after 3. his things, he hurried to the station. ( )A. Having packed up B. Packed up C. Packing up D. Being packed up 4. Hardly the people ran toward it. ( )A. the plane had landed when B. had the plane landed when C. the plane had landed than D. had

3、the plane landed than 5. It is people, not things are decisive. ( )A. what B. those C. that D. who 6. He was not enough to give the old woman his seat on the bus. ( )A. modest B. concerned C. considerate D. moderate 7. Is she said really true? ( )A. what B. that C. which D. it 8. If you had told me

4、in advance, I you at the airport. ( )A. would meet B. would have met C. met D. had 9. Betty moved out from the dormitory the noise. ( )A. because of B. in spite of C. because D. despite 10. If a piece of iron to a high temperature, it begins to melt. ( )A. is being heating B. will be heated C. is he

5、ated D. heats 11. Seldom him in the past five years. ( )A. I have seen B. have I seen C. I saw D. did I see 12. You have to pay a sales on everything you buy in New York city. ( )A. charge B. tax C. cash D. fee 13. I wonder what at this time tomorrow morning. ( )A. he has done B. will have done C. w

6、ill have been doing D. he will be doing 14. She has that she is unable to get a job. ( )A. such small education B. so little education C. a such little education D. a so small education 15. At first I thought the math problem would be rather difficult, but it to be fairly easy.( )A. turned on B. tur

7、ned off C. turned out D. turned down 16. It is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as . ( )A. he came B. he will come C. he shall come D. he comes 17. We should not risk that building in its present condition. ( )A. to enter B. entering C.

8、to have entered D. having entered 18. difficulties we may come across, well help one another to overcome them. ( )A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However D. Whenever 19. These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you you need. ( )A. all the information B. all information C. all of the info

9、rmation D. all of the informations 20. Johns score on the test is the highest in his class; he very hard. ( )A. should study B. should have C. must have studied D. must have to study 21. He had a guilty when he looked at everyone in the room. ( )A. manner B. way C. method D. form 22. When she heard

10、the bad news, she completely. ( )A. broke into B. broke in C. broke out D. broke down 23. One of the girl students when the teacher came in. ( )A. has sung B. have sung C. were singing D. was singing 24. Dictionaries out of the reading room. ( )A. cant take B. mustnt be taken C. shant be taken D. ne

11、ednt be taken 25. Professor Black had us compositions every Friday. ( )A. to write B. written C. write D. writing 26. The school bus was by a thick fog. ( )A. held up B. broken off C. kept up D. put off 27. Im feeling sick. I so much chocolate. ( )A. oughtnt have eaten B. couldnt have eaten C. needn

12、t have eaten D. shouldnt have eaten 28. Suddenly, in front of me, I saw a man . ( )A. lying on the snow B. lying in the snow C. laying on the snow D. laying in the snow 29. Take your umbrella it should rain. ( )A. in case B. fearing C. in that D. even if 30. We should great importance to education.

13、( )A. pay B. give C. attach D. attend 31. My brother had a cold last week, so I. ( )A. had B. did C. am D. have 32. It was already late when we discovered that we had got on the wrong bus . ( )A. by mistake B. by the mistake C. with mistake D. with the mistake 33. When the first prize, he beamed wit

14、h delight. ( )A. presenting B. presented C. presented to D. presented with 34. More and more advertisers use television medium to _ their products. ( )A. publish B. advise C. advertise D. announce 35. anyone come, ask them to wait for a minute. ( )A. Would B. Might C. Should D. Had 36. I remember fo

15、r the job, but I have forgotten the exact amount. ( )A. to be paid B. paying C. to pay D. being paid 37. This international company _ five departments and three branches abroad. ( )A. composes of B. makes up of C. is consisted of D. consists of 38. Our classroom is in the school building. ( )A. bigg

16、er than any other one B. bigger than any one C. the biggest of all the others D. the biggest of any one 39. In a second-hand bookshop, Billy came across a book which he thought was certainly a edition. ( )A. rare B. scarce C. seldom D. hardly 40. You will see the product wherever you go. ( )A. adver

17、tise B. advertised C. to be advertised D. advertising 41. insurance ( )A. 保险 B. 保护 C. 担保 42. grant ( )A. 同意 B. 奖励 C. 欣赏 43. abandon ( )A. 允诺 B. 遵守 C. 放弃 44. deem ( )A. 认为 B. 似乎 C. 想念 45. forward ( )A. 装船 B. 转运 C. 保留 46. minimize ( )A. 最大化 B. 中等化 C. 最小化 47. proportion ( )A. 比例 B. 合适 C. 中等 48. durable

18、 ( )A. 耐用的 B. 预期的 C. 常用的 49. reimburse ( )A. 计算 B. 报销 C. 遭受 50. shortage ( )A. 短缺 B. 富足 C. 溢装 51. representative ( )A. 代表 B. 样品 C. 外表 52. expert ( )A. 出口 B. 进口 C. 专家 53. commission ( )A. 委员会 B. 任务 C. 原则 54. expand ( )A. 缩小 B. 扩展 C. 调整 55. exceed ( )A. 落后 B. 超越 C. 加强 56. surplus ( )A. 过剩 B. 不足 C. 持平

19、57. currency ( )A. 时尚 B. 货币 C. 现在 58. bargain ( )A. 廉价品 B. 次品 C. 贵重物品 59. authority ( )A. 作者 B. 权威 C. 能力 60. unified ( )A. 杂乱的 B. 合理的 C. 统一的 61. revenue ( )A. 支出 B. 场馆 C. 收入 62. deposit ( )A. 存款 B. 付款 C. 贷款 63. dignity ( )A. 生气 B. 尊严 C. 紧张 64. awkward ( )A. 灵活的 B. 凸凹的 C. 笨拙的 65. deputy ( )A. 代理人 B.

20、经理人 C. 主管 66. injustice ( )A. 公平 B. 不公正 C. 邪恶 67. revenge ( )A. 报复 B. 报恩 C. 感恩 68. cultivate ( )A. 文化 B. 种植 C. 挖掘 69. campaign ( )A. 露营 B. 策略 C. 活动 70. statistics ( )A. 宣言 B. 策划 C. 统计 71. The film appears to be quite complicated but its_a love story ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. bas

21、ically E. dependable 72. He joined the_services and was posted to China ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. diplomatic 73. To be in a strange city without money and friends is an extremely_situation ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. dependable 74. Ja

22、ne smiled at Mike,_her affection for him with her eyes ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. communicating 75. If you _ your credit card, phone this number immediately ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. lose 76. All my efforts to persuade them were begi

23、nning to have an_ ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. effect 77. Customers are advised to make seat _ well in advance ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. reservation 78. He thought of himself as a responsible and _ person ( )A. original B. distressing

24、C. introduced D. basically E. dependable 79. Our _plan was to go camping, but it was pouring with rain ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. dependable 80. It has been nearly 2000 years since Buddhism was_ to China ( )A. original B. distressing C. introduced D. basically E. dep

25、endable 二、阅读 81. One study shows that Americans prefer to answer with a brief Yes , No , Sure , or the very popular Yeah rather than with a longer reply. But brief replies do not mean Americans are impolite or unfriendly to some extent. Very often, Americans are in a hurry and may greet you with a s

26、ingle word Hi , indeed; this is a greeting you will hear again and again during your stay in the United States. It is used by everyone, regardless of rank and occupation. However, those who are accustomed to longer greetings may require a little more time before they feel comfortable with American s

27、imple talk. Americans sometimes use plain talk when they are uncomfortable. If people praise them or thank them in an especially polite way, they may become uncomfortable and not know what to say in reply. They dont want to be impolite or rude, you can be sure that they liked what was said about the

28、m. Except for certain holidays, such as Christmas, Americans dont usually give gifts. Thus, you will find Americans embarrassed as they accept gifts, especially if they have nothing to give in return. They are generally a warm but informal people. 1. The fact that Americans like shorter answers tell

29、s us_. ( )A. they reply very quickly in a hurry B. they choose words too carefully C. they like replying brieflyD. they want to be as polite as they can 2. Those who like using beautiful or formal words _. ( )A. need more time to get used to American simple greeting B. need no time to get familiar w

30、ith American greeting C. do not very much like American way of greetingD. think Americans are not polite whatever 3. Which of the following is NOT true? ( )A. Americans often answer with the words like “ sure ” , “ yeah ” . B. They are not impolite with brief replies. C. Americans in high ranks must

31、 use formal words in greetingD. Americans are a warm but informal people.4. The Americans like others praise but if in a polite way_. ( )A. they dont know what to say in reply B. they feel somewhat uneasy C. they dont want to reply D. both A and B 5. The passage indicates that _. ( )A. Americans exc

32、hange gifts the first time they meet. B. Americans seldom give gifts except for some holidays. C. Americans often bring some gifts to their friends.D. Americans only want to get gifts from others. 82. If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Fin

33、nish people are.Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz with a fare of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. Th

34、e driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.The dining rooms in all big h1. While taking a taxi in Finland, _ . ( )A. a passenger can go anywhere without having to pay the driver B. a passenger pays two US dollars for a taxi rideC. a passenger can never be turned down by the taxi driver wherever he wants D. a passenger needs to provide good faith demonstration before they leave2. We know from the passage that big hotels in Finland_ . ( )A. provide meal for only those who live in the hotelsB. provide meals for any dinersC. provide free wine and charge for foodD. are


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