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1、一、填空題1. In most biochemical reactions, ATP provides energy usually through _底物水平磷酸化_rather than simple hydrolysis.2. F1 of ATP synthase has nine subunits with the composition 3.in these subunits, the catalytic site of ATP synthesis is on the _subunits.3. Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) acts as the carr

2、ier of _乙酰基_group in TPP-dependent reactions.4. The first purine nucleotide during the de novo synthesis of nucleotides is _次黄嘌呤核苷酸_.5. in some cases the polypeptide-coding region of the mRNA is also modified by_甲基化_6. The precursor for biological synthesis of nitric oxide_精氨酸_.7. Deoxyribonucleotid

3、es are derived from ribonucleotides at the _NDP_level.8. RNA polymerase binds to specific sequences in the DAN called _启动子_, which direct the transcription of adjacent segments of DNA.9. NTP 在生物體的生命活動中起著重要的作用。 ATP 是能量的載體,GTP 用於蛋白質的合成,CTP 用於磷脂的合成,UTP 用於_糖原_的合成。10. 糖酵解途徑中限速酶磷酸果糖激酶 1(PFK-1)最強的變構激活劑是_。1

4、1. 假如給小鼠注射 2,4-二硝基苯酚 (DNP),最顯著的生理變化是_升温_。12. 腳氣病以及金屬汞和亞砷酸盐中毒的機理都是由於_丙酮酸脱氢酶_失活。13. 糖異生途徑是需要能量的,三步繞道反應中,耗能最多的是_。14. 長鏈脂肪酸氧化的限速步驟是_。15. 正電子斷層掃瞄技術(positron emission tomography, PET)診斷腫瘤的原理是腫瘤細胞中_糖酵解_途徑很活躍。16. 磺胺類藥物的作用機制是干擾_核酸_的代謝。17. 在尿素合成過程中,其中的一個 N 直接來源於_。18. 在蛋白質生物合成過程中,氨基酸活性的是_羧基_基團。19. 分泌蛋白質20. 核苷酸

5、合成過程中核糖是由_PRPP_提供的。二、是非判斷題1. The glyoxylate cycle happens in plants, certain invertebrates and some microorganism, but not in vertebrates.2. Generally, anabolism is endergonic, and catabolism is exergonic.3. In mammals, insulin is the only hormone that results in decreasing the level of blood glucos

6、e.4. Transcription begins at an origin and usually proceeds bidirectionally.5. dTDP is derived from TDP.6. Glutathione (GSH) is oligopeptide synthesized in ribosome.7. Interaction between aminoacyl-tRna synthetases and tRNAs has been referred to as the “second genetic code”.8. 糖酵解過程沒有氧的消耗,但仍可進行氧化還原反

7、應,但如果沒有無機磷酸的參加,酵解會終止。9. 綫粒體內膜上的 ATP-ADP 轉位酶,在催化 ATP 運出綫粒體的同時把 ADP 運進綫粒體。這個過程是需要消耗能量的。10. 三羧酸循環是生物氧化的中心途徑,因此,三羧循環的反應在厭氧生物中是不存在的。11. 高能化合物指的是斷裂高能鍵,需要大於 25 千焦/摩爾的自由能的化合物。12. 假設魚藤酮和抗霉素 A 在阻斷各自作用的電子傳遞鏈位點的效率是相同的,魚藤酮的毒性更大。13. 糖原降解從糖原的非還原性末端開始,而糖原合成的方向相反。14. 壞血病是一種顯性遺傳病。是由於合成抗壞血酸的基因突變所造成的。15. 一個 tRNA(上的反密碼子

8、 )最多可以識別個密碼子。16. DNA 中的編碼鏈就是模板鏈。17. Methionine 含有一個活潑甲基,是機體甲基化反應中甲基的主要直接供體。18. 簡併性是遺傳密碼的特征之一。19. 通常只有轉錄完成以後才開始進行翻譯。20. 轉錄只使用一條 DNA 模板,所以轉錄也可以認為是半保留轉錄。三、間答題1. (缺)2. Why we say “Cholesterol in LDL is bad Cholesterol, and Cholesterol in HDL is good Cholesterol?(5 分)3. 為什麼說無糖膳食時,食用含奇數碳脂肪酸的食物比食用含偶數碳脂肪的食物

9、好?(5分)4. 如何區分一個化學物是電子傳遞抑制劑還是 ATP 合酶抑制劑?請設計一個實驗。(5 分)5. 為什麼說化學滲透學說是 20 世紀生物學最偉大的統一理論?(10 分)6. 用 glutamine amidotransferase 抑制劑處理正在生長的細胞,核苷酸合成過程中的哪一個中間產物將會堆積,為什麼(5 分)7. There are two routes for transforming Asp to Asn as the expense of ATP. Many bacteria have an Asn synthetase that uses ammonia ion as

10、 the nitrogen donor. Mammals have an Asn synthetase that uses Glu as the nitrogen donor. given that the latter requires an extra ATP for the synthesis of Glu.Why do mammals use the route?8. Normal human blood plasma contains all the amino acids required for the synthesis of body proteins, but not in

11、 equal concentrations. Alanine and glutamine are present in much higher concentrations than any other amino acids. suggest why?(5 分)9. The base composition of phage M13 DNA is A,23%;T,36%;G,21%;C,20%.that does this tell you about the DNA of phage M13?(5 分)10. Describe three properties common to reac

12、tions catalyzed by DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase, reverse transcriptase, and RNA replicase.(5 分)11. The isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase has a proofreading function and that ensure the fidelity of the aminoacylation reaction, but the histidyl-tRNA synthetase lacks such a proofreading function. Explain.(5 分)


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