EGP与EAP接口思考 - 中国学术英语教学研究会.ppt

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1、EGP与EAP接口思考,刘悦明东华理工大学 江西南昌,2015-01-24复旦大学,研究背景,ESP与EAP是中国高等教育新常态形势下大学英语教学改革的必然趋势。目前ESP与EAP仍然处于理论上的讨论,特别是概念性和必要性的讨论。对于具体教学环节的探讨不够。尤其是针对中国高等院校的层次性、专业性差异研究不够。,Dilemma,大学英语的改革经历了30多年先后4轮大的改革,带来的最终结果是对现行的大学英语的教学诟病不断,批判连连。ESP早在20年前就提出来了,然而始终停留在理论层面假想之中,对这一新的理念实行和探索因种种原因总是停留在外围转悠,在一片质疑声中孤独前行。内在渴求变革的中国大学英语教

2、学与现实社会中寸步难行的矛盾使得中国大学外语的教学陷入一片茫然、进退两难的维谷。但,中国高校分类改革的新常态倒逼大学英语不得不寻求新的出路:EOP与EAP,研究问题,EGP与EGAP、ESAP之间的语言层次联系与教学要求联系是什么?是充分条件,必要条件,还是充要条件 ?是连续统,还是并列块?,研究方法,找出了四个相关的文本作为EGP-I,EGP-II,EGAP,ESAP。对四个文本从语篇研究视角(Text Linguistics) 进行对比分析。四个文本均关于美国科罗拉多大峡谷地质地貌文章,EGP-I是课外阅读材料,EGP-II是托福考试阅读材料,EGAP是摘自美国www.G 科普性介绍文章,

3、ESAP是摘自The Journal of Geology杂志上Arizona州立大学教授写的论文。将四个文本做两种不同模式小样本测试并接受问卷调查。,Most people think that the landscape is unchanging. But the Earth is always changing, and its surface is always changing slowly. However, it changes rapidly in the history of the Earth (about 4,500 billion years now). There

4、are two main influences that made todays landscape: the first is constructive process such as rising, which create new landscape features; the second is destructive process such as erasing, which makes some features disappear.,Most people consider the landscape to be unchanging, but Earth is a dynam

5、ic body, and its surface is continually altering-slowly on the human time scale, but relatively rapidly when compared to the great age of Earth (about 4,500 billion years). There are two principal influences that shape the terrain: constructive processes such as uplift, which create new landscape fe

6、atures, and destructive forces such as erosion, which gradually wear away exposed landforms.,The Grand Canyon is one of the most recognizable landforms on planet Earth and the most often asked question about it is, When did it form? If only there were a simply answer! Geologists still debate many of

7、 the details about the origin and age of the canyon but recent geologic research has shed new light on the topic. Using new, sophisticated laboratory techniques geologists are able to tease ever more information from the canyons seemingly stubborn rocks.,Pleistocene basaltic lava dams and outburst-o

8、od deposits in the western Grand Canyon, Arizona, have been correlated by means of cosmogenic 3 He(3Hec) ages and concentrations of SiO2, Na2O, K2O, and rare earth elements. These data indicate that basalt clasts and vitro clasts in a given outburst-ood deposit came from a common source, alava dam.

9、With these data, it is possible to distinguish individual dam-ood events and improve our understanding of the interrelations of volcanism and river processes. At least ve lava dams on the Colorado River failed catastrophically between 100 and 525 ka; subsequent outburst oods emplaced basalt-rich dep

10、osits preserved on benches as high as 200m above the current river and up to 53km down stream of dam sites.,参数设置(II),Word frequency: wf-nWord scale ws-tSentence density sd-n Combined sentences cs-nAdjacent sentences as-nSubjects s/c-nObjects s/c-nGrammatical Metaphor gm-tSentence patterns sp-t,参数设置(II),对词汇的接受性评价对句子结构评价对语篇修辞策略评价对信息认知性评价每个维度的评价借用里克特表思想设置1-5分,统计分数以表明显著度。,ESAP,EGAP,EGP-II,EGP-I,EGP,EGAP,ESAP,THKS!,


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