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1、状语从句练习题1. I had been looking for the book for two days_ I found it at last.a. until b. when c. before d. while2. He punished his students _ they did anything wrong.a. however b. whenever c. whatever d. whichever3. Those passengers will wait here_ the bus arrives.a. until b. because c. though d. as4.

2、 Hardly had we reached home _ it began to rain.a. before b. than c. as soon as d. when5. No sooner had we arrived at the cinema_ the film began.a. than b. before c. when d. as soon as6. You cant watch TV _ youve finished your homework.a. since b. until c. as d. after7. We had scarcely left our schoo

3、l_ the rain began.a. before b. than c. while d. when8. We have never seen her again_ she went to work in another city.a. when b. as c. since d. while9. _ the fight stopped, travel across the country has been quite safe.a. Since b. When c. After d. Unless10.They were just about to leave_ the telephon

4、e rang.a. before b. when c. as d. than11. He hurried out of the room_ the meeting was over. a. the moment b. a moment ago c. after a minute d. a minute after 12.-“Did you catch the first bus this morning?”-“No. It had left the stop_ I got there.”a.as soon as b. at the time c. by the time d. during t

5、he time 13.I shall start the work _ he comes. I dont know what to do first.a. after b. until c. before d. unless14.The old man prefers to live_ the climate is mild.a. that b. which c. what d. where15. _ it is a holiday today, the children need not go to school.a. As b. When c. For d. As long as16. _

6、 we were staying in China , we saw many interesting things.a. Since b. While c. After d. During17. I got up early_ I might catch the first bus.a. in order that b. in case c. for fear that d. now that18. _ we had been invited to the party, we wore our best clothes.a. Though b. If c. Even if d. As19.

7、“How soon will you be able to finish your homework?”“_”a. After two hours b. In two hours c. Two hours later d. For two hours 20. You may use the book as you like,_ you keep it clean.a. as soon as b. for c. as long as d. as well asB1. _ I like the color of that hat, I dont like its shape.a. That b.

8、While c. So long as d. So2. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome the difficulty,_ great it is.a. what b. however c. whatever d. how3. I have told the story just_ it happened.a. as b. if c. then d. when4. We found people friendly_ we went.a. to which b. in which c. wherever d. to where5. Th

9、e day breaks, _ the birds are singing.a. because b. as c. since d. for6. It was 12 _ they finished the work.a. since b. which c. that d. when.7.Why do you want a new job_ youve got such a good one already?a. That b. where c. which d. when8-What was the party like?-Wonderful. It was years _ I had enj

10、oyed myself so much.a. after b. before c. when d. since9.I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.a. first time b. for the first time c. the first time d. by the first time10. After the war, a new school building was put up _ there had once been a theatre.a. that b. where c. which d. when11.John ma

11、y phone tonight. I dont want to go out_ he phones.a. as long as b. in order that c. in case d. so that12. _ , mother will wait for him to have dinner together.a. However late is he b. However he is late c. However is he late d. However late he is13. I think I should prefer to go on Friday,_ its all

12、the same to you.a. unless b. if c. as soon as d. though14. -The experiment is of particular importance.-I see. We will carry on with it _ we can get enough money.a. until b. unless c. whether d. however15. Someone called me up in the middle of the night but they hung up_ I could answer the phone.a.

13、as b. since c. until d. before16.-Its a long time_ I saw you last.-Yes, and what a pity it is since it will be a long time_ we see each other again!a. before, since b. when, when c. since, before d. when ,then17. He whispered to his wife_ he might wake up the sleeping baby.a. so that b. on condition

14、 that c. for fear that d. so long as18. I wont give you any help _ you tell me the truth. Its none of my business.a. unless b. since c. if d. even if19. I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice_ I picked up the phone.a. immediately b. quickly c. suddenly d. hurriedly20. -Can I join you

15、 in the game?-Sorry, not_ you have finished your homework.a. if b. since c. unless d. thatC1. I thought things would get better, but_ it is they are getting worse.a. before b. because c. as d. after2. Their tent, _ light as a feather, remained firm in the storm last night.a. as if b. even c. though

16、d. if3. -When did he leave the classroom?- He left _ you turned back to write on the blackboard.a. the minute b. the time c. until d. before4. In France dogs can go_ their owners can because people there love pets very much.a. no matter where b. anywhere c. somewhere d. nowhere5. _ , he does get ann

17、oyed with her sometimes.a. Although much he loves her b. Much although he loves herc. As he loves her much d. Much as he loves her.6.The gas must have been used up, _ the fire went out of itself.a. because b. as c for d. since7. -Dont look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages.- Oh, yes._ others

18、are weak , he is strong.a. If b. When c. Though d. Where8. It seems only seconds_ they came back.a. when b. after c. before d. till9. -Do you think we can get there on time?-Yes,_ the truck doesnt break down.a. even if b. unless c. until d. so long as10We wont give up _ we should fail ten times.a. e

19、ven if b. since c. whether d. until11. I have kept that portrait _ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.a. which b. where c. whether d. when12.-Are you sure that you have met him before?-_ I am mistaken.a. If b. Since .c. Unless d. More than13.I dont think

20、I will need any money but I will bring some_.a. at last b. in case c. once again d. in time14.-Id like to invite you to my new house next weekend.-Thank you, but _ Ill have time I am not sure at the moment.a. when b. as c. in case d. unless15.-Have some Maotai, please.-No, thanks. Its 3 years _ I dr

21、ank.a. before b. since c. after d. when16. John knocked at the door for nearly five minutes _ his wife opened.a. when b. before c. until d. while17. We hadnt been out for long _ she felt sick.a. as b. when c. while d. after18. His success is _ by talent as by energy.a. not so much b. so not much c.

22、much not so d. so much not19.She had golden hair when she was a child, but _ she got older and older, her hair wenta. while b when c after d. as 20. We liked the oil painting better_ we looked at it.a. as b. while c. the moment d. the more答案与解析1.答 c. 这里的 before 意为“过了(多久)才-”。本句意为“这本书我找了两天才找到”。其他选项中,a

23、 项最具迷惑性, 但此项不对,因为在 until/not-until 的句型中,until 前面一般不接表示具体的一段时间状语,而此题中有 for two days 的具体时间状语。2.答 b. 本句的语意为:无论学生什么时候做错事,他都要 惩罚他们。 However 后一般跟形容词或副词。whatever 也不对,因为从句中已经有了 anything wrong, 如要用 whatever, 应说成 whatever wrong they did. 如果选用whichever, 就要有一定的范围。如:You can take whichever of them.3.答 a. 根据题意只能选

24、a.4.答 d. hardly -when 是固定用法,表示“一-就-”5.答 a. no sooner-than-是固定用法,表示“一-就-”6.答 b. 只有 until 才符合题意:你不能看电视直到你做完你的作业。7.答 d. scarcely-when-=hardly-when8.答 c. 注意本句的时态, 从句中用过去时,主句中用 现在完成时, 所以只能选择 c. 本句意 为“自从她去另一城市工作以来,我们再也没见过她”9.答 a. 解析同上。10.答 b. be about to do -when- 是常用固定 结构,表示“ 正要- 就在这时-”11.答 a. the moment

25、 -在此作 as soon as 解。12.答 c. 从应 答语“No”中得到暗示: 当他到达车站时,汽车已开走了。13.答 a. 从答 语 I dont know what to do first 中得到暗示:只有当他来了以后我才可以开始工作。14.答 d. where 引导状 语从句,表示“ 在- 的地方 ”15 答 a. as 在本句中意为“ 因为“, for 引导的原因状语从句一般不放在句首。16.答 b. 四个选项中只有 b 项 while 才可作“当-时候 ”解。17 答 a. in order that 引导目的状语从句, “为了,以便”;in case “万一” 与题意不符;f

26、or fear that “惟恐” 也与句意不符; now that “既然” , 也与句意不符, 而且它引导的从句往往在句首.18.答 d. a 项(though) 与句意的逻辑不符; 如用 b 项(if),则原句的主从句时态不符合逻辑;c 项(even if)也与句意的 逻辑不符; 本句的语意是: 因为我们是被邀请参加晚会的, 所以我们 穿上了我们最好的衣服.19.答 b. 原句的提问是 “how soon” “再过多久”,往往用于将来时, 所以在答语中表示一段时间后要用 “in +一段时间”20.答 c. as long as/so long as/ on condition that-

27、都表示 “只要”能力提高题1. 答 b. while 在此表示 “尽管,虽然” 相当于 although/though. 又如: while(she is ) respected, she is not liked.1. 答 b. 本题的关键词是横线后的形容词 great. however great it is =no matter how great it is. What 和 whatever 后都不能直接跟形容词或副词;how 后可以跟形容词或副词, 但为本句的句法所不容。2. 答 a. as “就像” “就如同 ” , 后接方式状语从句.其他选项均与原题意不符.3. 答 c. 本句相

28、当于: No matter where we went, we found people friendly.4. 答 d. 本题是从结果推断出原因, 不是表示直接的从原因导致结果, 故选 for.5. 答 d. 本题中的 it 指 时间. it 指时间外还可指天气, 环境, 距离等. 又如: They live on a busy main road. It must be very noisy.6. 答 d. when 在本题 中的意思是:在-的情况下。本题意为: 在你已经找到了一份好工作的情况下,你为什么还要另找工作呢?7. 答 d. 答语中的关键词是:great( 太棒了); It wa

29、s years since I had enjoyed myself so much 的语意是: 我好几年没这样开心过了。8. 答 c. the first time 相当于 when -for the first time. 选项 a 少了定冠词 the. 选项 b 只能作为状语 如:In Oct,1968 I met him for the first time. 选项 d (by the time) 虽然后可接从句, 但主句的 时态应用过去完成时,而且也与原意不符。本题意为:当我第一次遇见她的时候,我就认为她很好,很老实。9. 答 b. 本句是 where 引导的让步状语从句, 相当于 at the place where-.10.答 c. 本题的关键词是 may. “John 今天会打 电话来。 (所以)我今天不想


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