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1、Lesson 1. Narrator:Meet Sandy and Sue!Narrator:This is Sues class.Narrator:Her teachers Mr Crisp.Mr Crisp:Which is your pen,Sue?Sue:The red pen,sir.Mr Crisp:Here you are,Sue.Sue:Thank you,sir.Lesson 3 Narrator:This is Sandys class.Narrator:His teachers Miss WilliamsMiss Williams:Whose is this cap?To

2、m:Its Sandys,Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Sandy!Sandy:Yes,Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Come here,pleaseSandy:Yes,Miss Williams.Miss Williams:Is this your cap?Sandy:Yes,it is.Miss Williams:Here you are Sandy.Sit down,please.Sandy:Thank you,Miss Williams.Lesson 5 Tom:Kick the ball,Sandy!Sandy:All right,

3、Tom.Tom:Look,Sandy!Mr Crisp:Oh!Mr Crisp:Its all right,Sandy.Whose is this ball?Mr Crisp:Is this your ball,Tom?Tom:No,it isnt,sir.Mr Crisp:Is this your ball,Sandy?Sandy:Yes,it is,sir.Lesson 7 Mr May:Whos that girl,Mr Crisp?Mr Crisp:Which girl,Mr May?Mr May:The girl on the red bicycleMr Crisp:Thats Su

4、e Clark.Shes in my classMr May:Whos that boy,Mr CrispMr Crisp:Which boy,Mr May?Mr May:The boy with the football.Mr Crisp:Thats Sandy Clark Hes Sues brother.Tom:Kick the ball,Sandy!Mr Crisp:Look out,Mr May!Lesson 9 Mother:Hullo,Sandy!Hullo,Sue!Children:Hullo,Mum!Mother:Teas ready.Mother:Are you hungr

5、y,Sue?Sue:Yes,I am.Mother:Are you hungry,Sandy?Sandy:No,Im not.Sandy:Whats for tea?Mother:Look!Mother:Are you hungry now,Sandy?Sandy:Oh yes,Im very hungry.Lesson 11 Sandy:Look at my picture,Sue.Sue:Thats nice,Sandy.Sue:Whats that?Sandy:Its a bicycle.Sue:Whos that?Sandy:Its Tom.Hes on his bicycleSue:

6、Whats this?Sandy:Its a car.Sue:Whos this?Sandy:Its Mr Crisp.Sandy:Hes in his car.Lesson 13 Mother:This egg is for you,Sandy!Sandy:Thanks,Mum.Sue:Listen,Sandy!Thats Dads car.Eat your egg quickly.Sue:Now put the egg in the egg-cup like thisFather: Good evening,Betty.Mother:Good evening,Jim.Father: Goo

7、d evening,Children.Children:Good evening,Dad.Sandy:Teas ready,Dad.This egg is for youFather: An egg!Thats nice.Im hungryFather: Oh!Its empty!Lesson 15 Sue:Put on Dads hat,Sandy!Sandy:Put on Mums shoes,Sue!Sandy:You are funny,Sue!Sue:Youre funny,too,Sandy!Sue:Come with me.Sandy:Knock at the door,Sue.

8、Mother:Come in!Sandy:Look at me!Im an actorSue:Look at me!Im an actress.Lesson 17 Sandy:Whos that boy,Tom?Tom:Which boy,Sandy?Sandy:That fat boy.Tom:Hes a new boy.His names Billy BriggsSandy:Look at him!Miss Williams:Billy!Billy:Yes,Miss WilliamsMiss Williams:Open your desk and give me that appleBil

9、ly:Im sorry,Miss Williams.Im hungryLesson 19 Sandy:My bags heavy!Tom:Whats in it,SandySandy:Open it and see.Tom:Six books and six exercise-booksBilly:My bags heavy,too.Tom:Whats in it,BillyBilly:Open it and see!Tom:One book,two apples,three oranges and a banana!Lesson 21 Tom and Bill:What nationalit

10、y are you? French or GermanSandy(whispering):Im FrenchTom:Come on my side!Tom and Billy:What nationality are you?Sue(whispering):Im German.Billy:Come on my side.Tom and Billy:Pull! Pull!Lesson 23 Sandy:Give me that box please,Sue.Sue:Which box,Sandy?This one?Sandy:No,not that one.The big blue oneSue

11、:Whats in it,Sandy?Sandy:Open it and see.Sue:Oh!Sandy:Its a Jack-in-the-box!Lesson 25 Sue:Theres a man at the door,Dad.Father: Who is it,Sue?Open the door!Sue:Its the postman,Dad.Postman:Good morning,Sue.Sue:Good morning,postman.Postman:Theres a letter for your mother.And theres a letter for your fa

12、ther.Sue:Thank you.Sue:Dad!Theres a letter for mumand theres a letter for you.Father: This isnt a letter!Its a bill!Lesson 27 Gym Master:Look at these shoes!Gym Master:Which are your shoes,Sandy?Sandy:The brown shoes,sir.Gym Master:What colour are your shoes,Tom?Tom:My shoes are black sir.Gym Master

13、:Here you are,Tom.Tom:Thank you,sir.Gym Master:Theres a shoe on this locker.Whose is it?Tom:Its Billys,sir.Lesson 29 Mother:Are your hands clean,Sandy?Sandy:Yes,my hands are clean,Mum.Mother:Show me your hands,Sandy.Mother:Your hands arent clean.Theyre very dirty!Mother:Go and wash your hands at onc

14、e!Sandy:All right,Mum.Mother:Are your hands clean now,Sandy?Sandy:Yes,they are,MumMother:Sandy!Look at my nice clean Towel!Lesson 31 Tom:Heads or tails,Sue?Sue(calling):Heads!Sue:Its heads!Tom:Come on our side.Tom:Heads or tails,Sandy?Sandy(calling):Tails!Sandy:Its tails!Tom:Go on their side.Tom and

15、 Billy:Pull!Pull!Lesson 33 Mother:These shoes are nice.Try on these shoes,Sue.Salesman:Sit down here,please.Mother:How are they,Sue?Sue:Theyre very tight,MumSue:Oh,Mum!Look at those shoes.Those are pretty shoesSalesman:Here you are,young lady.Mother:How are they,Sue?Sue:Theyre just right!Lesson 35 S

16、andy:What are these,Billy?Billy:Theyre stamps.Billy:These are French stamps.Billy:And those are Italian stamps.Sandy:Show me those Italian stamps,Billy Theyre very prettySandy:Give me this one please,BillyBilly:Give me two apples then.Sandy:Two apples for one stamp! No,thank you!Lesson 37 Mr Crisp:G

17、ood morning,childrenClass:Good morning,sirMr Crisp:Sit down,please.Mr Crisp:These two girls are new pupilsTheir names are Liz and Lillie.Mr Crisp:Liz and Lillie are twins. They are in our class.Mr Crisp:This is.er.Liz.And this is.er.LillieLillie:Im not Liz.Im Lillie.Shes LizLiz: Im not Lillie.Im Liz

18、.Shes LillieMr Grisp:Twins!Lesson 39 Sandy:Whose are these sandwiches,Tom?Tom:Theyre Billys.Tom:Open the packet,Sandy.Tom:Take out the sandwiches.Tom:Put in this duster and this bookTom:Hurry up!Theres Billy!Billy:Hey!Leave my sandwiches alone!Sandy:Here you are,Billy.Billy:Thats funny.These sandwic

19、hes are very hardBilly:Oh!Give me my sandwiches quickly!Lesson 41 Sandy:Listen,Sue!Thats the school bellSue:Hurry up,Sandy!Were late for schoolSandy:Whats the time,Sue?Sue:Its nine oclock.Sandy:Look!Theres the headmaster.Hes in the playgroundSue:Oh,dear!Headmaster:Youre both very late this morning.S

20、andy and Sue:Were sorry,sir.Headmaster:Go to your classrooms quickly!Sandy and Sue:Yes,sir.Lesson 43 Father:The children are very quiet this morning,Betty.Mother:Sandy!Sue!Breakfasts ready.Father: Go upstairs and see,Betty.Perhaps theyre still asleep.Mother:Wake up,Sandy! Its eight oclock.Sandy(slee

21、pily):Eh?Mother:Wake up!Youre late.Sandy:No,Im not,Mum.The schools shut today.Its a holiday!Mother:Lazybones!Lesson 45 Sue:Give us two packets of sweets please,Mr HillMr Hill:Which packets,Sue?These blue ones?Sue:No,not those.The big red ones.Sandy:How much are they,Mr Hill?Mr Hill:A shilling each.S

22、andy:A shilling each!Thats all our pocket-money!Sue:Give us two small lollipops instead.Lesson 47 Miss Williams:This prize is for Billy, Sandy and Tom. Here you are,Billy.Billy:Thank you,Miss Williams.Tom:What is it,Billy?Billy:Its a box of chocolatesSandy:How many chocolates are there?Count them,Bi

23、llyBilly:One,two,three,four,five,six.There are twenty-four.Tom:Eight chocolates each.Share them,Billy.Billy:One for Tom and one for me.One for Sandy and one for meOne for Tom and one for me.One for Sandy and one for meSandy and Tom:Hey!Thats not right!Lesson 49 Mother:Post these letters for me pleas

24、e,Sue.Sue:O.K.Mum.Sue:Good morning,postman.Postman:Good morning,Sue.How are you todaySue:Fine,thanks.Sue:Are there any letters in the letter box this morningPostman:No,there arent any letters here.Sue:Just a minute.Sue:There are some letters in the letter box now.Postman:Thank you,Sue.Lesson 51 Fath

25、ers glassesFather: Where are my glasses Sue?Are they over there?Sue:Where,dad?Father: There.Near that box.Sue:No,they arent here,dad.Father: And they arent under this newspaperSue:Perhaps theyre in your pocket,dad.Father: So they are!How silly of me!Lesson 53 Hide-and-seekSue:Lets play hide-and-seek

26、Billy:Count up to ten,Sue.Sue:One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.Im ready!Sue:I can see you,Billy.Youre behind that fenceSue:Wheres Sandy?Billy:Hes beside that tree.Sue:Thats funny!Hes not here.Sue:Look!There he is!Hes up there!Lesson 55 Sandys kiteSandy:Hold this kite for me please,Su

27、eSandy:Now stand between those two trees.Sue:All right,Sandy.Sandy:Ready,Sue?Sue:Im ready,Sandy.Pull the kite.Sandy:Look at it,Sue!Its like a bird!Sue:I cant see it. Where is it?Sandy:Its over that building.Sue:I can see it now.Its very high.Lesson 57 Silly BillyTeacher:Get into lines boys.Good.Now

28、we can do some exercisesTeacher:Jump together!One,two,three,four,stop!Teacher:Touch your knees!Teacher:Touch your toes!Teacher:Pay attention,Tom.Dont laugh!Sandy:Whats the matter,Tom?Tom:Silly Billy cant touch his toes.Lesson 59 Good old Billy!Teacher:Bring me that ball please,TomTom:Yes,sir.Teacher

29、:Now lets play football.Are you all ready.Boys:Yes,sir.Tom:Quick,Sandy!Pass me the ball!Tom:Oh,Sandy!Dont pass it to Billy.Pass it to me.Sandy:Kick it,Billy!Tom:Its a goal!Sandy:Good old Billy!Teacher:Billy cant touch his toes,but he can play footballLesson 61 The birds nestMother:Whats the matter,J

30、im?Father: I cant light this fire.Father: Please hold this ladder,dear.Father: Well!Well!Mother:What can you see,Jim?Father: Theres a birds nest in our chimneyMother:Show it to Sandy and Sue.Father: Sandy!Sue!Come here a moment.Sandy and Sue:Yes,dad.Father: Look at this birds nest.There are three pr

31、etty eggs in it.Sue:Give them to Sandy and meLesson 63. A paper boat.Sandy:Look at this paper boat,SueSue:Thats a nice boat,Sandy.Sue:Lets fill the wash-basin with waterSandy:Turn on the tap.Sue:Can I make a boat like that?Show me,SandySandy:Take a piece of paper and fold it like thisMother:Sandy!Su

32、e!Look at this wash-basin! Turn the tap off at once.Lesson 65 Upside-down.Sandy:Can you stand on your head,Tom?Sandy:Look!Like this.Tom:Let me try.Tom:Thats easy.I can do it.Tom:Billy cant stand on his head.Billy:Of course,I can!Billy:Watch me!Now Im upside-down.Sandy:Look,Tom!Billys pockets are ful

33、l of sweets!Lesson 67 A punctureTom:Pump up this tyre,Sandy.Its very flatSue:What are you doing,Sandy?Sandy:Im pumping up this tyre.Sandy:Whew!Im tired.Tom:Its still flat.Tom:Lets take the tyre off the wheelSue:Put the tube in this basin,Sandy.Tom:Look at those bubbles. Theres a puncture in this tubeLesson 69 A game of hopscotchBilly:Hullo Liz,hullo Lillie,hullo Sue.Girls:Hullo Billy.Billy:What are you doing?Liz: Were playing hopscotchBilly:Can I play,too?Girls:All right.


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