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1、医学英语翻译与写作,昆明医科大学外语部 杨克西,课程简介,目的:改变单一公共英语的重复教学,尝试发 展ESP(English for Special Purpose)。内容:一、英译汉、汉译英技巧 二、文献综述、摘要、病例报告、入 院记录、病历、医用应用文(药品说 明、医用广告、医用函件等)的写作 方法。 三、考评:平时成绩50%,卷面成绩 50%。开卷。,教学方法,课前预习了解重点。课上填充笔记,边听边写,课程结束按专业分组交回检查。课后分组完成任务。,第一部分 英译汉技巧一、两种语言的基本区别: 1.英语重结构,汉语重语义英语为形合(hypotaxis)语言,以形合为主,意合为辅,以形制意

2、。主谓结构为主干,以谓语动词为中心,借助诸如分词、介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词之类的连接手段,把句子中的其他各类语法成分层层搭架,呈现出由中心向外扩展的“分岔式”结构。中文为意合(parataxis)语言,以意合为主,形合为辅,以意驭形; (特殊结构:虚拟条件,否定方法,倒装句等的结构和意义),汉语的词性没有英语词性在句法结构上区分明显,词性在英语学习中显得特别重要。吃(正在吃、已吃过、想吃、被吃) eat (be eating; have/has eaten; will eat; be eaten)劳动(他劳动;劳动光荣;他爱劳动;关心劳动人民) He works(动词); Working

3、(动名词做主语) is honorable; He enjoys working(动名词做宾语); Care working(现在分词做形容词) people,2. 英语多长句,汉语多短句 英语中,只要结构上没有出现错误,许多意思往往可以放在一个长句中表达;汉语则正好相反,语义通过字词直接表达,不同的意思往往通过不同的短句表达出来。正是由于这个原因,考研英译汉试题几乎百分之百都是长而复杂的句子,而翻译成中文经常就成了许多短小的句子。,3. 英语多从句,汉语多分句 英语句子不仅可以在简单句中使用很长的修饰语使句子变长,同时也可以用从句使句子变复杂,而这些从句往往通过从句引导词与主句或其它从句连接

4、,整个句子尽管表面上看错综复杂却是一个整体。汉语本来就喜欢用短句,加上表达结构相对松散,英语句子中的从句翻成汉语时往往成了一些分句。,4. 英语多代词,汉语多名词 英语在主语,宾语等名词成分上不仅有we、you、he、they等人称代词,而且还有that、which之类的关系代词,在长而复杂的句子中,为了使句子结构正确、语义清楚,同时避免表达上的重复,英语往往使用很多代词。汉语虽然也有代词,但由于结构相对松散、句子相对较短,汉语里不能使用太多的代词,使用名词往往使语义更加清楚。,5. 英语多被动,汉语多主动 英语比较喜欢用被动语态,科技英语尤其如此。汉语虽然也有被、由之类的词表示动作是被动的,

5、但这种表达远没有英语的被动语态那么常见,因此,英语中的被动在汉译中往往成了主动。,常用被动句型的汉译: It must be pointed out that.必须指出 It must be admitted that.必须承认 It is imagined that.人们认为 It is reported that据报道 It can not be denied that.不可否认 It will be seen from this that.由此可知 It should be realized that.必须认识到 It is (always) stressed that.人们(总是)强调

6、 It may be said without fear of exaggeration that.可以毫不夸张地说,6. 英语多前重心,汉语多后重心 在表达逻辑思维时,英语往往是判断或结论等在前,事实或描写等在后,即重心在前;汉语则是由因到果、由假设到推论、由事实到结论,即重心在后。,英汉词法及句法差异比较 例:1. A notion has been taken hold in the US to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are tho

7、se who can afford them. 在美国有一个根深蒂固的观点,只有那些抚养得起子女的人才应鼓励生育。,2. Whats wrong with the argument that a dying and a pain wrecked patient could ask doctors for a prescription for a fatal overdose? 有人主张濒临死亡的、极端痛苦的病人应该可以要求医生开大剂量的致命的药物处方。这种想法又有什么错呢? 3. Whether you die at a young age or when you are older is l

8、ess important than whether you have fully lived the years you have had. 不论是在青年时夭折,还是在老年死去,都没有是否虚度年华来的重要。,特殊结构 1Young as he is, he has seen much of the world. 虽然他年轻,但是 2Should he act like that , he would be punished. 假如 ,二、翻译技巧1. 翻译要符合专业习惯,使用专门术语 找出医学英语专用术语并解释其含义: 1.Another favorite spot for embolus(

9、血栓) to strike is the brain. favorite spot:易发部位Strike:发作、袭击,2. The ways in which damage may be produced by the parasites include the following: trauma or physical damage, lytic necrosis, stimulation of host-tissue reactions, toxic and allergic phenomena, and the opening or pathways for the entry of o

10、ther pathogens into tissue.Lytic: 细胞溶解酶,松解的, 渐退的Necrosis:坏疽、坏死lytic necrosis :“液化性坏死” host-tissue:“宿主组织”,3. Medicine is a branch of medical science that treats patients solely with the use of drugs, or non-surgically.句中的“medicine”译作 “内科学”。 4. Medicine is not only a branch of applied biology. It also

11、 subsumed (包含)many aspects of psychology, sociology, and economics. 句中的“medicine”译作“医学”。,练习Any chronic inflammatory liver disease has the potential to induce heptocellular carcinoma, but the pathophysiologic process most commonly associated with the disease is cirrhosis, found in up to 80% of cases.

12、 任何慢性炎症性肝病都可能引起肝细胞癌,但与肝细胞癌相关的最为常见的病理生理病变则是肝硬化,高达80%的肝细胞病理都可见肝硬化。Many diseases are preventable through healthy living, and a primary public health goal is to educate the general public about how to prevent noninfectious diseases. 许多疾病都可以通过健康生活方式来加以预防,公共卫生的一个基本目标就是要教育一般民众如何预防非传染性疾病。,练习The dose of aspr

13、in should be individualized on the basis of patient preferences and the presence of comorbid conditions, such as peptic ulcer. 根据病人的喜好及同时并存的其它病情(如消化道溃疡), 阿司匹林的剂量应当有个体的差异。Glaucoma can be classified as primary or secondary based on etiology. 青光眼可根据病因学分为原发性和继发性青光眼。,2. 翻译专门术语必须基于词语的基本含义进行变化 1. Active CA

14、D is an inflammatory process.Active:活跃的、积极的,含义具体了。活动性冠状动脉是一种炎性病变。 2. A heavy person with a heavy complexion was breathing heavily in a heavy condition due to heavy drinking last night.Heavy:含义各不相同,分别指:体态、 面貌、呼吸、 身体危及情况、醉酒状况。一个体态臃肿的人因昨晚酗酒而呈现痛苦面容与呼吸困难的危急状况。,3. Some patients find an ice bag applied to

15、the parotid(腮 腺) region comforting, but others prefer heat. heat:“热敷”,含义具体化了。4. Therapeutic measures were tailored to fit the patient. tailor:“制订”,含义抽象化了。5. In elderly patients the radical approach is often the correct one. radical:根本的、基本的,转化为“根治手术” 。6. brief loss of vision in one eye “一只眼睛暂时瞎了”改译为“

16、一过性单眼失明”,3. 普通词汇医学化(医学术语中的两栖词汇)Asthma(哮喘) is not a disease entity but one form of clinical presentation of a variety of disorders of the bronchus. entity:实体、本质 疾病的病种 哮喘并不是一种疾病病种而是支气管的众多病症中 的一种临床表现。 2. Coryza(鼻炎)is the primary infection of the nose and nasopharynx(鼻咽). primary:主要的、根本的 原发的 鼻炎是鼻和鼻咽的原发感

17、染。,3. Cholelithiasis(胆结石) may be associated with present or past episodes of either acute or chronic cholecystitis(胆囊炎). Episodes:插曲、偶发事件 发作 胆结石可能是与现在和过去的急慢性胆囊炎发作有关。4. As more muscles are involved, rigidity becomes increased and generalized. rigidity:僵硬、死板 强直 随着更多肌肉受到影响,强直加剧至全身。,5. Heart failure is

18、a frequent and important complication of subacute(亚急性) bacterial endocarditis(心内膜炎). Failure:失败、不及格 衰竭、故障 Complication:复杂 并发症 心衰是亚急性细菌性心内膜炎的常见而重要的并发症。6. The blood concentration of urea and other nitrogenous compound(含氮化合物) steadily rises. concentration:集中、专心 浓度 血液中尿素和其他含氮化合物的浓度在稳定上升。,7. Lymph nodes

19、are often enlarged but are not tender. tender:温柔的、亲切的 触痛、敏感. 淋巴结往往肿胀,但无触痛感。 8. In such cases heart murmur is often present. murmur:低语、低声 杂音、心脏杂音 在这样的病例中,总是存在心脏杂音。,9. The higher fatality rates were usually attributable to secondary bacterial pneumonia. Secondary:第二的、中级的 继发的 较高的死亡率常归因于继发性细菌性肺炎。10. Car

20、diac arrest may be defined as an unexplained and unanticipated cessation of cardiac activity. Arrest:逮捕、监禁 停止、阻止、心脏骤停 心脏骤停可以被定义为一种难以解释的、难以预料的心脏搏动的停止。,11. The lungs should be carefully examined at frequent intervals for signs of pulmonary consolidation. consolidation:巩固、团结 实变 肺部应接受定期的认真的检查以发现肺部组织实变迹象

21、。12. As term approaches, there is a good possibility of complications. term:学期、期间、术语 预产期、足孕 随着预产期的临近,并发症发生的可能性极大。,13. HIV-contaminated surfaces can easily be cleaned and disinfected because HIV is inactivated by heat and by common disinfectants(消毒剂) such as hydrogen, peroxide and alcohol. inactivate

22、:使不活跃、不活动 灭活、减除活性 被艾滋病病毒污染过的表面可以很容易的被清理和消毒,因为艾滋病病毒可以通过加热被灭活,或者通过诸如氢、过氧化物以及酒精等普通消毒剂加以灭活。 14. This lady is going into labor, we must send her to the hospital. labor:劳动、劳力 分娩、阵痛 这个女士快要分娩了,我们必须送她去医院。,15. Health promotion efforts in the 1990s increased public awareness of osteoporosis(骨质疏松), a condition

23、that causes disabling bone fractures among older people. condition:条件、情况 疾病 二十世纪九十年代为促进健康所做的努力提高了人们对骨质疏松症的了解,这种病能导致高龄老人骨折从而失去活动能力。16. End-of-life care means once aggressive treatment becomes inappropriate for cancer patients, care should focus on relieving pain and suffering. End-of-life care:生命尽头的关

24、心 临终关怀 aggressive:侵略性的 积极的 临终关怀指的是曾经积极的治疗已不适合癌症病人,对病人的关心应专注于减轻其痛苦。,两栖词汇,两栖词汇,两栖词汇,dressing 绷带敷料 discharge 出院 entity病种intervention治疗、介入conception 妊娠culture medium 培养基trace elements 微量元素acid fast 抗酸的identical twin 同卵双生labor 分娩acute 急性的,tender 触痛感 primary 原发性的 secondary 继发性的 cardiac arrest 心脏骤停 term 预产

25、期、足孕 administration 用药 angry 发炎肿痛的 attack 发作 brainstorm 脑卒病变 calf 小腿 murmur 杂音,4.医学英语术语的特征 1)最基本特征-“一词三式” 英语医学术语主要来自3个语言成分:央格鲁-撒克逊语(古英语 Anglo-Saxon),古希腊语(Greek)与古拉丁语(Latin)。拉丁语和希腊语这两大古代语言为医学英语术语提供了大量可灵活运用并含义确切的词根,这样就出现了相同含义,不同拼写的词根与各种前后缀结合构成大量的含义相同或不同的医学英语术语,这就是医学英语术语的一词三式现象。,“一词三式”举例,例:体躯系统 英语 希腊源

26、拉丁源Body somato- coporo-Head cephalo- capito-neck trachelo- cervico-limb acro- membrumfinger dactylo- digito-thigh股 mero- femoro-chest thoraco- pecto-breast masto- mammo-belly ventro- abdomino-flank肋腹 laporo-, celioback opitho- dorsi-waist lumbo- loin,其他各系统的“一词三式”举例详见Word文档,2)医学英语术语的其他来源,一、以医生或者患者名字为

27、术语: Parkinsons Dissease,振颤麻痹,以医生为名; Hippocratic face 死后面相,以医生为名; Christmas disease, 凝血因子IX缺乏(克雷司马斯病); Hela cells 希拉细胞(子宫颈癌细胞),以患者为名。 二、以文学作品或事件中人物为术语: Achilleus tendon 跟腱; Achilles Jerk 跟腱反射; Oedipus complex 恋母情节; Electra complex 恋父情结; Jocasta complex 恋子情结; Lear Complex 恋女情结; Diana complex 独身情节; Cai

28、n complex 兄弟敌对情节; 三、以地名冠名: Keshan disease 中国克山微量元素缺乏; Mediterrannian anemia 地中海贫血; Schistosoma mekongi 湄公河血吸虫,Achilleus tendon 跟腱,An Achilles heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially lead to downfall.,Diana complex 独身情节,Diana 存在于古罗马神话中,是月亮女神和狩猎女神,宙斯的女儿

29、,太阳神阿波罗的孪生妹妹。狄安娜身材修长、匀称,相貌美丽,又是处女的保护神,所以她的名字常成为“贞洁处女”的同义词。据说,她有很多求婚者,但她不愿结婚,宣称自己特别热爱自由,愿意与森林中的仙女们永远生活在一起。因此,在英语中,to be a Diana 可用来表示“终身不嫁”。,Oedipus complex 恋母情结,在精神分析中指以本能冲动力为核心的一种欲望。通俗地讲是指男性的一种心理倾向,就是无论到什么年纪,都总是服从和依恋母亲,在心理上还没有断乳。这种男性被称为mama boy。,complex,Abnormal mental state resulting from past exp

30、erience or suppressed desires 情结,3)医学英语术语的缩略表达,医学缩略语及相关符号、代号在各国的医学领域使用都非常广泛,既简化了书写过程,又有利于医学工作的管理和国际交流。,医学英语术语的缩略表达,首字母BP GHMRI DNAMeSHRC ID,blood pressure 血压growth hormone 生长激素magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振deoxyriboneuclsic acid 脱氧核糖核酸 Medical subject headings 医学主题词表conditioned response 条件反射diabeti

31、c index 糖尿病指数,医学英语术语的缩略表达,首字母I&DS.T.S.B.I.H. P.H.L.P. G.A. L.A. U.T.I.,incision and drainage 切开排脓surgical toilet and suture 外科清创缝合bilateral inguinal hernia 双侧腹股沟疝prostate hypertrophy 前列腺肥大lumber puncture 腰穿general anesthesia 全麻local anesthesia 局麻urinary tract infection 泌尿道感染,医学英语术语的缩略表达,词首+词尾Abortio

32、n+mortuarymetabolism+genomics nutrition+pharmaceutical,Abortuary 流产胎儿存放室; Metanomics 代谢组织;Nutriceutical 营养药、滋补药;,医学英语术语的缩略表达,词首+整词 medical careradiation therapy,Medicare 医疗护理、医疗保险Radiotherapy 放射疗法,医学英语术语的缩略表达,截取一部分influenzapoliomyelitis tuberculosis hemoglobinintravenous subcutaneousintramuscularcar

33、cinomaposteroanterioranteroposterior,Flu 流感Polio 小儿麻痹症TB 肺结核Hb 血红蛋白i.v. 静脉内的、经静脉的SC皮下的i.m. 肌肉的、肌内的Ca 癌症、肿瘤P.A.后前位的A. P.前后位的,希腊词源,4)医学英语术语的复数形式,拉丁词源,4)医学英语术语的复数形式,更多例子:,Conjunctiva Conjunctivae 结膜Apex apices 尖端Analysis Analyses 分析 Appendix Appendices 阑尾Edema edemata 水肿bacterium bacteria 细菌Axilla axil

34、lae 咯肢窝, 腋窝 diagnosis diagnoses 诊断codex codices 药典Fundus fundi 基底Fungus fungi 菌类, 蘑菇 corpus corpora 全集、语料库,5.转换译法(Transformation),1. Cough and expectoration(咳痰) are frequent complaints in patients with cardiac failure.2. Relapse following initial improvement is a common signal of this event. 3. They

35、 at last successfully stopped the bleeding and got the patient out of danger.4. Hanging on the wall was a splendid painting. 墙上挂着一幅精美的画。,主诉 v.,复发、好转 v.,脱离 v.,5. The preventive measures include elimination of snails, control of excreta, provision of safe water supplies, and proper and prompt treatmen

36、t of the patients. 6. Admission to hospital due to severe asthma indicates that the clinical medicines used have failed. 7. Nocturnal cough and sleep disturbance is a conspicuous complaint by the parents.8. He is physically weak but mentally sound.,消灭、管理、提供、治疗 v.,的指征是n.,主诉 v.,身体、思想 n.,9. Doctors hav

37、e said that they are not sure they can save his life.10. She opened the window to let the fresh air in.11. The inflammation is characterized by red, swelling, fever and pain. 炎症的特点是红、肿、热、痛。12. They did their best to help the sick and the wounded.13. The baby doubled its weight in a year.,确定 v.,进来 v.

38、,特点 n.,病号和伤员 n.,婴儿的 adj.,6.增减译法(Addition & Reduction),1. Susceptibility(易感性) to colds varies.2. In a number of studies, the cases are documented poorly, if they are documented at all.3. Mary washed for a living after her husband died of acute pneumonia. 4. It is hard to say which, the drug or the di

39、et, should be a matter of immediate concern for patients with atherosclerosis(动脉粥样硬化).,就算/即使记载,因人而异,洗衣服,5. While the process meets the presently accepted definitions of emphysema(肺气肿), it may be merely an anatomic consequence of aging.这个过程一方面固然符合现在的肺气肿的定义,另一方面可能仅仅是一种老年人身体的解剖学上的变化 。6. Many mistakes h

40、ad been made, bad ones.已经犯了很多错,而且还是糟糕的错误。7. What is medicine? Medicine is not a science. 医学不是一门单纯的科学8. In particular, promiscuity and anonymous sexual contact have been implicated in AIDS.性行为混乱尤其与艾滋病有关。,9. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 10. Applicants who had worked at a job

41、would receive preference over those who had not.有工作经验的申请者优先录取。11. As winter comes, the leaves are gone from trees and the grass is dead. 冬天来了,叶落草枯。12. Now complaints of road reconstruction are heard in all parts of the city.现在整个城市的人们都对道路改造怨声载道。,练习(采用增减、转换、引申等手段)1. Prompt attention to the symptoms of

42、 stroke can often make all the difference between a healthy life and a half-healthy life which are in a twilight zone. 及时注意中风症状往往可以分辨健康生活和亚健 康生活,这两者常常界限不清。2. There may be temporary loss of speech or difficulty in speaking or understanding speech. 可能出现暂时的失语或听说障碍 。3. Other potential interventions incl

43、ude use interferon(干 扰素), and other antiviral agents for treatment of chronic viral hepatitis. 其它可能使用的治疗慢性病毒性肝炎的方法是使用 干扰素和抗病毒药。,4. Patients with head injury benefit from formal rehabilitation during convalescence(恢复、康复). 头部受伤的人在恢复期进行正规的康复治疗是有好处的。5. Diabetes is among the leading causes of kidney failure, but its frequency varies between populations and is also related to the severity and duration of the disease. 糖尿病是引起肾衰竭的主要原因,但取决于人种、病情的严重性和持续性。,


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