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1、航空英语口语1 Good morning. Welcome aboard! 早上好,欢迎登机!2 Excuse me. May I see your boarding pass? 对不起,能看一下您的登机牌吗? 3 Whats your seat number? 您的座位号是多少? 4 Im afraid you are in the wrong seat. 恐怕您坐错了座位。 5 May I help you with your bag? 我能帮您提行李吗? 6 Please carry your bag and follow me. 请提着行李跟我来。 7 Im afraid youll

2、have to stow your bag under the seat in front of you. 恐怕您要将行李放您前排的座椅下面。 8 You may adjust your seat back by pressing the button on the arm of your seat. 您可以通过座椅扶手的按钮来调节座椅靠背。 9 If theres anything we can do for you, just press the call button. 如有任何需要,请按呼唤铃。 10 Your hot towel/wet towel, madam/sir. 请您用热毛

3、巾/湿纸巾,女士/先生。 11 There are toilets in the front and rear of the cabin. 客舱的前面和后面都有洗手间。 12 Lavatory is not allowed to use during takeoff. 飞机起飞期间,洗手间禁止使用。 13 We have Peoples Daily, China Daily, CAAC inflight magazines, Phoenix weekly, Commercial Travel and other local papers for you to read. Which would

4、 you like? 我们有人民日报 、 中国日报 、 中国民航杂志 、 凤凰周刊 、 商旅报和其他一些地方报纸。请问您想要哪一种?14 Do you speak English? 您说英语吗? Yes, I speak a little English. 是的,说一点点。 15 How long does our flight take? 我们要飞多久? Our flight takes three hours. 我们的空中飞行时间为3 小时。 16 At what altitude are we flying? 飞机现在的飞行高度是多少? We are flying at an altit

5、ude of 9000 meters. 我们的飞行高度为 9000 米。 17 What is the speed of our plane? 我们飞行的速度是多少? Its 950 kilometers an hour. 我们的飞行速度为每小时 950 公里。 18 Shall I bring you a blanket? 我给您拿床毯子好吗?19 Where are we now/Which place is it? 我们现在在哪里?/这是什么地方? We are flying over the Yangtze River. 我们正在飞越长江。 20 Well soon be servin

6、g drinks/dinner. Please put down the tray table in front of you. 我们很快就要供应饮料/ 正餐。请将您前面的小桌板放下来。 21 What would you like, sir? 先生,您想要点什么? 22 Would you like some ice in your drink? 您想在饮料里加点冰块吗? 23 Sorry, but we are out of orange juice. 对不起,橙汁已经没有了。 24 Why arent we taking off yet? 为什么我们还没有起飞? We are waiti

7、ng for the aircraft ahead of us to take off. 我们要等前面的飞机起飞以后才行。 25 Im sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 对不起,让您久等了。 26 Im sorry. I didnt get that. Could you repeat it? 对不起,我没有完全听懂。您能重复一遍吗? 27 May I clear off your table now? 我可以清理小桌板了吗? 28 How far is the city from the airport? 这个城市离机场有多远? The city

8、is 26 kilometers from the airport. 该城市距离机场 26 公里。 29 According to the latest weather report, the outside temperature is 20 degrees centigrade. 根据最新的天气消息,外面温度为摄氏 20 度。 30 Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop. 在飞机完全停稳前,请不要离开您的座位。 31 Now wed like you to accept the little gif

9、t as a souvenir. We hope youll like it. 现在请您接受这小小的纪念品。希望您会喜欢。 32Could you give us some advice on improving inflight service?您能就提高机上服务质量给我们提些建议吗? 33 I hope you have a nice trip in Beijing. 希望您在北京玩得开心。 34 We thank you for flying with us and we hope to have the pleasure of being with you again. 感谢您乘坐我们

10、的航班,希望能有幸再次和您见面。 35 Excuse me, sir. Could you please step aside and allow the other passengers to go through? 对不起,先生。您能往边上站一点让其他旅客过去吗? 36 Could you please take the seat according to your seat number? 您能按座位号入座吗? 37 Would you mind me putting your baggage somewhere else? 您不介意我帮您把行李放到别的地方吧? 38 Your bag

11、is too heavy. It might fall down in case of turbulence and hurt somebody. 您的行李太重,万一飞机颠簸掉下来,会砸伤人的。 39 To be safe, you should bring your seat backs to an upright position and keep your seat belts fastened during takeoff and landing. 为了安全起见,在飞机起飞和着陆时,您应将座椅靠背调直,系好安全带。 40 Excuse me, madam. Would you plea

12、se hold your baby outside the seat belt? That will be more comfortable for the baby. 对不起,女士。请将您的小孩放在安全带的外面好吗?那样小孩会感到舒服些。 41 We have mineral water, orange juice, Coke, Sprite and coffee. Which do you prefer? 我们有矿泉水、橙汁、可乐、雪碧和咖啡。您想要哪一种? 42 Sorry, sir.Im afraid we dont have it on board.Would you like so

13、mething else? 对不起,先生。飞机上没有配备,您想来点别的吗? 43 Sorry, sir. This is a short flight. We only serve snacks. 对不起,先生。这是短途航线,我们只供应点心。 44 Whats this? 这是什么? Its beef, sir. Would you like some? 这是牛肉,您来一点吗? 45 You should be seated in the assigned seat, in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft w

14、hen it takes off. 为了飞机起飞时的配载平衡,您应坐在指定的位置。 46 Im sorry, sir. We have double booked. Would you mind taking another seat? 对不起,这个座位我们开了重号,您不介意坐其他座位吧?47My wife and I got separate seats but we want to sit together. Would you please take the seat assigned to you for the time being? Ill try to let you sit t

15、ogether. Ill ask if that passenger mind moving to another seat. 我和我妻子的座位是分开的,但我们想坐在一起。 请暂时按座位号坐好吗?我会尽量让你们坐在一起的。我去问问那位旅客是否愿意换座位。 48 According to the regulation of CAAC, the departure time on your ticket refers to the time for closing cabin door, but not for taking off. There is about 15 minutes between them. 根据民航总局的规定,在您机票上的离港时间是指关机舱门的时间,而不是起飞时间,两者之间大约相隔 15 分钟。 49 When will we take off? 我们什么时候才能起飞? We have to wait until the cargo is loaded. 我们要等


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