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1、高中英语必修一第二单元重点、难点 Unit Two English around the world1、 At the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English.到 16 世纪末,大约有五百万到七百万人说英语。易混辨析:at the end of / by the end of / in the end / at an end 1. at the end of 在.末尾Can you see the two lights at the end of the hall? 你能看见大厅尽头的两

2、个灯吗?2. by the end of 在.末尾We had finished learning the first book by the end of last month. 到上个月月末我们已经把第一本书学完了。3. in the end = at last 最后The sports meet was held in the end. 运动会终于举行了。4. at an end 结束;终结 The chairman put the tiring discussion at an end. 会议主席结束了烦人的讨论。特别提示:1. at the end of 和 by the end o

3、f 都表示“ 在.末尾”,即可表示时间概念,也可表示空间概念。但 at the end of 表示段的概念,而 by the end of 表示点的概念。2. 当 by the end of 表示时间概念时,句子谓语一般用过去完成时或将来完成时。命题动向:这几个短语一般考查意思的辨析或者考查题干中有“by the end of +时间”句子谓语的时态。即时活用:1、How many English words_ you _ by the end of last month?A. has; learned B. had; learned C. did; learn D. would; learn

4、 答案:B2、By the time he gets home, his aunt _ for Puerto Rico . A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left 答案:C3、The peace-loving people in the world strongly desire that an end should _ the conflict in Greece.A. be put to B. put up C. ending D. bring 答案:A4、He had learned English well _ the end

5、 of six month. A. in B. at C. though D. by 答案:B2、 In some important ways they are very different from one another. 在一些重要的地方,他们互相有区别。易混辨析:each other 和 one anothereach other 和 one another 都是相互代词,都表示“互相”。但 each other 指“两者之间”或“ 两两之间”,而 one another 指“两者以上之间”We should learn and help each other in our clas

6、s. 在我们班我们应该互相学习,互相帮助。The six blind men could not agree with one another. 六个盲人不能互相同意别人的说法。特别提示:each other 和 one another 的名词所有格形式是:each others 和 one anothers。3、Id like to come up to your apartment. 我愿意去你的公寓。come up 走进;上来She came up and said, “ Glad to meet you”. 她走过来说:“很高兴见到你”。联想扩展:come about 发生 come

7、across 偶然碰到 come around 回来;恢复知觉 come off 实现;离开;举行;成为 come on 赶快;来临;出场;上演 come out 出版;出现;长出;结果是 come into being 形成 come though 经历 come to 总计;达到;复原 come to the point 切中要害 come true 实现;达到 come up with 提出;提供即时活用:Not getting that job was a big disappointment. Dont worry. Something better will _.A. come a

8、long B. take on C. turn on D. carry on 答案: A 出现4、It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 它比我们现在所讲的英语更多的以德语为基础。present 用法归纳:( 1 ) adj. 在场;出席;存在He was the only Englishman present. 他是唯一一个出席会议的英国人。Oxygen is present in the air. 空气中有氧气。( 2 ) n. 目前;礼物At present I am living in Xian

9、. 目前我住在西安。 Father often gives me presents. 父亲常给我买礼物。( 3 ) v. 赠与;呈递He presented a check to the fund. 他给基金会赠了一张支票。She presented her case to the meeting. 她把她的案子递到了大会上。即时活用:1、We _ with a number of plans and will give careful consideration to all of them. A. presented B. are presenting C. have presented

10、D. have been presented 答案:D2、The report about the _ surprised all the _.A. present situation; people present B. present situation; present peopleC. situation present; people who present D. situation present; presented people 答案:A3、All the people _ at the party were his supporters.A. present B. thank

11、ful C. interested D. important 答案:A4、All the people _ at the party were his supporters .A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important 答案:A5、Lets leave things as they are _ , even though we may have a change later on .A. present B. presently C. at present D. for the present 答案:B5、So by the 1600s

12、Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.所以到 17 世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇量比以前任何时期都大。make use of 利用;使用 You should make good use of your time. 你应该很好的利用你的时间。联想扩展:make the most of 充分利用 make the best of 充分利用 make out 明白;理解 make up 编造;构成;弥补 make a noise 吵闹 make sure 确保 make a contributio

13、n to 对做贡献 make a mistake 出差错 make up of 由组成 make it 办成;做到;成功;赶上 make of 理解;由制造 make up to 接近;巴结;向求婚 make up for 弥补 make over 把(财产)转让 make away 离去;逃走 make away with 携而逃;浪费 make for 走向;冲向 make off with 携 而逃 make down 改小(衣服) make out of 用制造 make out 书写;开列 make fun of 开玩笑即时活用:1、A small boy is surrounded

14、 by a group of children. He _ fun of by them.A. is making B. is being made C. is made D. has made 答案:B2、Every minute must be made full use of _our lessons, for the college entrance examination is coming. A. going over B. to go over C. go over D. our going over 答案:B6、Finally by the 19th century the l

15、anguage was settled. 最后到 19 世纪语言被确定下来。settle 用法归纳:(1)解决;处理 With a lot of problems to settle, the newly-elected president will have a hard time.由于有很多问题要解决,新当选的总统将会有一段艰难的时光。(2)结/付账 Please let me settle the bill this time. 这次让我付账吧。(3)定居 We settled in Xian some seventy years ago. 我们 70 年前定居在西安。(4)安定下来 H

16、es just a drifter he cant settle down anywhere. 他只是个流浪汉,没地方安定下来。(5)把安顿好 The nurse settled the children first and then went to bed. 阿姨把孩子们安顿好然后才去睡觉。特别提示:表示“定居下来” 用 settle in + place;表示“安定下来” 用 settle down。联想扩展:settle into 习惯于 settle in for 安心做 settle into sleep 慢慢进入梦乡 settle down to sth. 专心致志于 settle

17、 down into 陷入命题动向及解题技巧:考查 settle 时多考查 settle 构成的动词不定式的主动和被动式作定语或宾语补足语。如果不定式的动作由句子中存在的人发出,就用主动式 to settle; 如果不定式的动作由句子中不存在的人发出,就用被动式 to be settled。即时活用:1、With a lot of difficult problems _, the manager felt worried all the time.Asettled B to be settled C settling Dto settle 答案: B2、 Do you know anyone

18、 in Chicago ? - No, but Ill made friends once _.A. Im settled B. Ill be settled C. Ive been settled D. I have settled 答案:D7、The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者给了美国英语不同的定义。易混辨析:late later latter latest(1)late 为形容词,表示“晚;迟到”。句型是:be late forStudents should apologize to t

19、heir teacher for their being late for school. 学生迟到了就应该向老师道歉。(2) later 即可作形容词,也可作副词。作形容词为 late 的比较级,表示“更迟的”。作副词表示“后来”或“之后”。I cant pay now, please bill me later. 我现在付不了帐,以后把账单寄给我。He studied medicine at first, but some years later he turned to literature. 开始他学医,几年后他转学文学。(3) latter adj. 后面的;后者的Many supp

20、ort the former alternative, but personally I favor the latter 很多人支持前一个选择,但我个人支持后者。(4) latest adj. 最新的;最近的 Is there any latest news in todays newspaper? 今天的报纸上有什么新消息吗?特别提示:这四个词拼写很相近,同学们在做题时一定要认真分辨、判断。8、The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者给了美国英语不同的定义。本句中 separate 为形容词,意

21、为“分别的;不同的”,但 separate 作动词被考几率更大。易混辨析:separate divide 分开(1) separate 表示 “把两个相连或相邻的物体分开”。 句型为: separate A from B.The Cook Strait separates the North Island from the South Island. 库克海峡把北岛和南岛分开。(2) divide 表示“ 把一个整体分成多少份 ”。A. divide into 把分成几份 The teacher divided the class into four groups. 老是把整个班级分成了四组。

22、B. dividein half 把一分为二 Divide the apple and share it with your brother. 把苹果切开,和弟弟分吃了。C. divideby 除 If you divide thirty by five, you can get six. 如果你用 30 除 5,就会得到 6.特别提示:1. separate 的被动式为:A be separated from B byAsia is separated from Europe by the Urals.亚洲和欧洲被乌拉尔山脉分开。2. 几除以几等于多少 用 What is + 数次 divi

23、ded by + 数次?What is thirty divided by five? 三十除以五得几?命题动向:这两个词主要考查意义的区别以及搭配。即时活用:1、The English Channel , _ England from France , is wide enough for her to swim across.A. separated B. separates C. is separates D. separating 答案:D2、The park, _ into two sections along a stream has a couple of small bridg

24、es built over the stream.A. divides B. dividing C. is divided D. divided 答案:D3、He divided the tools _ the children, who were _ three groups.A. between; separated from B. among; divided into C. between; divided into D. among; separated from 答案:B4、The teacher _ his students_ five groups.A dividedinto

25、B. separatedfrom .C. separatedinto D. dividedfrom 答案:A5、As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends. A. spared B. lost .C separated D. missed 答案:C9、English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa.在新加坡和马来西亚人们说英语,并且在像南非这样的非洲国家人们也说英语。易混辨析:such as 和 f

26、or example such as 用来列举同类事物,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个。插在被列举事物和前面的名词之间。后面列举的事物的数量不能等于它前面的总和,一旦相等就要用 that is 或 namely.for example 用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例。作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。takefor example “举为例”为固定句型。I have two good friends at school, namely Liu Wei and Wen Li. 我在学校有两个好朋友,他们是刘伟和文力。You can buy fruit here - or

27、anges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,如桔子和香蕉。即时活用:用 such as;for example 和 namely 填空。1、Some students, _ Liu Tian, studies English well.2、I have many good friends at school, _ Li Hui, Wang Wei and so on.3、We visited some cities during the trip last summer, _ Qingdao, Rizhao and LianYungang.4、The o

28、ld man can speak two foreign languages well, _ English and French.答案:1、for example 2、such as 3、such as 4、namely 10、But it made reading English much more difficult.但是,这使得阅读英语更加困难。make + O + OC 用法归纳:(1) make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 Our teacher makes us read English every morning.我们老师每天早上让我们读英语。(2) make + O

29、 + 形容词 使某人或某物如何Good friends can make you happy.好朋友能使你快乐。(3) make oneself done 使自己被别人 The speaker spoke louder to make himself heard. 演讲者提高了声音以便于别人能够听到。(4) make + O +名词 使成为You can make the desk a bed. 你可以把桌子当床。 We made him monitor. 我们选他当班长。特别提示:1. make sb. do sth.句型改为被动句时,被省略了 to 的宾语补足语前的 to 必须还原。We

30、are made to read English every morning by our teacher.能用于此规定的动词还有:一感 feel; 二听 hear, listen to 三让 let, have, make 四看 watch, notice, see, observe。2. make oneself done 句型中,宾语多用反身代词。3. make + O +n 句型中,作宾语补足语的名词如果表示人的身份、称呼、职位、头衔,名词前不能加冠词,但可以加形容词。命题动向:make, let, have, get, allow 等近义词多出现在单项选择或完形填空题中,一定要特别注

31、意它们句型上的差异和意义上的区别。即时活用;1、Tom studies very hard and his parents dont have to make him _.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned 答案:A2、Our gun shoots and shouts _ the enemy trembling with fear.A. made B. forced C. left D. caused 答案:A3、The woman , in the end, was made_ the necklace from the shop.A.

32、to admit to have stolen B. to admit having stolen C. admit to having stolen D. admit having stolen 答案:B4、The teacher couldnt make himself _ attention to because the students were so noisy.Ato pay B to be paid Cpaid Dpay 答案:C5、Most people are complaining now that the _ of education of their children

33、is higher that before.A. cost B. spent C. paid D. use 答案:A6、-You cant speak English. How did you make yourself _. - _.A. understand; By body language B. understanding; With my expressionC. understood; By body movements D. to understand; using gestures 答案:C7、Wang Tao was made _ the dishes for a week

34、as punishment.A. to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing 答案:A8、- How many parts is the bed _ wood _ ? -Three separate parts .A. made of ; made up of B. made from ; made up C. making of ; making up D. making from ; making up of 答案: A11、These men spent nearly all of their lives trying to collect word

35、s for their dictionaries.这些人花费了几乎一生的时间为他们的字典收集词汇。表示“花费”的几个词的用法归纳(1) pay 花钱 pay some money for something I paid ten Yuan for the book. 我花十块钱买那本书。特别提示:1. pay 的主语必须是人。2. pay for 后跟花钱所买的目标物。如果其后跟的不是目标物,就不能用 pay for,只能用 pay。如Wait a minute, sir. You forgot to pay the bill. ( pay for your meal) 先生,请等一下。您忘了

36、付账了。(2) spend A. 花钱 spend some money on something I spent ten Yuan on the book. 我花十块钱买那本书。B. 花时间 spend some time on sth / doing sth / in doing sthHow long did you spend writing the paper? 你花了多长时间写这篇论文?特别提示:spend 的主语必须是人。命题动向及解题技巧:虽然 spend some time on sth / doing sth / in doing sth,但命题时,命题人常常会把句型调整或

37、把顺序打乱,遇到这种情况,同学们最好用还原法把句子还原到 spend 的原始句型,这样答案就显而易见。另外,有时 spend some time 后并不跟 doing, 而是其他词或结构,同学们一定要审慎题干的意思。(3) cost 花钱 物+cost sb. some moneyThe car cost me almost all my money. 买那辆车几乎花光了我所有的钱。特别提示: cost 还有“cost sb. sth. 使付出代价”句型。(4) take 花时间 It takes / took sb. some time to do sth.It took me a week

38、 to paint my house. 粉刷房子花了我一个星期的时间。即时活用:1、In order not to be disturbed ,I spent three days _ in my study.Alocking Blocked Cto lock Dlock 答案:B2、Mr. Smith_ much time _ studying Chinese history when he was very young.A. cost; in B. spent; on C. took; on D. use; on 答案:B3、Lets see how much has been _ bui

39、lding the new house.A. paid B. cost C. spent D. taken 答案:C4、 What did she _ so much money? - Nothing but a necklace made of glass.A. spend on B. pay for C. buy for D. sell to 答案:C5、A single mistake here could _ you your life.A. pay B.take C. spend D.cost 答案:D12、In winter it felt like a barn, he had

40、to wear a heavy coat and put his feet in a box to keep warm.冬天,那个房子感觉就像车库,他不得不穿上厚厚的大衣并且把双脚放在盒子里保暖。wear, dress, put on, have on, in, be dressed in, pull on, with 穿 用法归纳:(1)强调动作sb. dress sb./oneself sb. put on (衣服、鞋、帽等) sb. pull on (衣服、鞋、帽等)(2)强调状态sb. wear (衣服、鞋、帽、手套、眼镜、头发、胡须等) sb. have on (衣服、鞋、帽、手套等

41、)sb. in (颜色、衣服) sb. be dressed in (颜色、衣服)特别提示:pull on 表示不经心的、随随便便或匆匆忙忙地穿 /戴上。wear 可用于进行时态,也可用 wearing 作状语或定语。have on 不能用于进行时态。in 除了和 be 连用作表语外,还可单独作定语。with 只能接眼镜、手套等;用作定语。命题动向:wear 主要考查“留着;戴着”及现在分词作定语的用法。dress 主要考查后跟人及 dressed 作定语的用法。即时活用:1、Every morning, she has to _ her baby.A. wear B. dress C. ha

42、ve on D. put on 答案:B2. Before liberation there were many areas in China where poor people were dressed _ rags and could not make their ends meet. A. in B. on C. with D. off 答案:A3、-Were you in a hurry when you came out? You_ your socks inside out. -Oh, I didnt notice that. A. are wearing B. were wear

43、ing C. wore D. had worn 答案:A4、She _ a beautiful nightgown. A. dressed B. wore C. was dressing D. clothed 答案:C5、They saw a lady beautifully _.A. dressed B. dressing C. being dressed D. well dressing 答案:A6、Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you _ yesterday?A. tried on B. put on C. had

44、 on D. pulled on 答案:C7、Do you know the girl _ a red coat? A. dressed in B. had on C. wore D. put on 答案:A13、havedifficult/trouble/problems + in dong/ with sth. 句型及用法用法归纳:1. 人 +have /has + much / great / a lot of (有) / little / no(没有) + difficulty / trouble +(in) doing sth某人在做某事方面有/没有困难Most students h

45、ave no difficulty working out the math problem.做出这道数学题大部分同学都没困难。2. 人 +have /has + much / great / a lot of (有) / little / no(没有) + difficulty / trouble + with sth某人在某方面有/没有困难Do you have any trouble with your English? 你在英语方面有困难吗?特别提示:1. 疑问句中用 any 而不用 much / great / a lot of (有) / little / no(没有)。2. 这个

46、句型中,with 后只能跟名词,不能跟 doing。3. 表示所有人都有困难或没有困难时,主语和谓语部分要用 there be 句型。命题动向及解题技巧:命题时,命题人一般会把 difficulty / trouble 前置,这时就会出现 have 后跟(in) doing 的情况。这是对的。这种情况下,同学们千万不能选过去分词。只要同学们用还原法把句子还原到原始状态就能理解。即时活用:1、You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had_ her children.A. brought up B. to bring up C. bringing up D. to have brought up 答案:C2、We have _ in explaining it _ him.A. many difficulties; to B. much difficulty; for C. much difficulty; to D. many difficulties; for 答案:C3、My desk mate has some trouble _ spelling some of the words in American English whi


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