小学英语短剧剧本 喜羊羊与灰太狼.doc

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1、小学英语短剧剧本Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf第一场:(播放背景乐:喜羊羊和灰太狼) (小天使和五位演员上台亮相,小天使介绍角色,介绍到谁谁就做动作展示 一下自己。 ) Angle:On the beautiful green meadow, lives Pleasant Goat(招牌动作), Fat Goat(睡 觉状), Beauty Goat(I am pretty, right? ), Grey Wolf(阴笑), Red wolf(嘻笑). (五个角色迅速下场,拿上棍子对峙状,上场)Angle:The wolves use their brains e

2、very day, and try to catch these goats. So a long battle between the goats and the wolves begins.(大家定格亮相,从两边下场。)第二场:(红太狼从狼堡出来,在水果树下照镜子,抹口红,臭美样子。灰太狼在狼堡口抬箱子。 )Grey Wolf:Honey, can you carry the box for me? (红太狼不情愿)Red Wolf:What do you want to do? Grey Wolf:I want to put the box under the tree. Then I

3、can pick some fruit for our lunch. Red Wolf:Oh, I cant eat the goats! I can only eat the fruit. Grey Wolf:Ready? One, two .(灰太狼和红太狼抬着箱子走几步后,红太狼猛得把箱子一扔,砸到了灰太狼的手指)Grey Wolf:Oh, my fingers!Red Wolf:Why dont you catch the goats? Youre busy all days. But I cant eat a bite of the goat. Now, go, get me a g

4、oat. Im starving now. (灰太狼忙跳上树,摘了一个果子,赶紧捧着送到红太狼的嘴边)Grey Wolf:Honey, heres some fruit. How delicious! You have some fruit first. I go to catch the goats for you at once. Believe me! (红太狼不情愿,但又无可奈何)Red Wolf:I am not a goat but a wolf. I want goats. (摸摸自己的肚子,做饿状。吃了果子。结果吃完之后就晕过去。 )(灰太狼大声哭泣)Grey Wolf:Hon

5、ey, whats wrong with you? (从天上飘进来一个美丽的小天使。 )Angle:Grey Wolf, you know? You did lots of bad things. God must punish you. You should do some good things for the goats, or your wife cant be awake. (灰太狼立刻擦干眼泪,对她深情款款地)Grey Wolf:Oh, I see. Wait for me, honey, I can save you.(灰太狼把红太狼推回狼堡,并且背上包往羊村跑去)第三场:(几只

6、小羊在玩球)Pleasant Goat:Catch! Beauty Goat. (喜羊羊传给美羊羊,美羊羊又扔给懒羊羊)Beauty Goat:Catch! Fat Goat. ( 球砸到了懒羊羊)Fat Goat:Im tired. Let me have a rest. I want to sleep. (球滚走了,喜羊羊去捡球,看见灰太狼从远处跑过来。 )Pleasant Goat:Look, Grey Wolf is coming. Run, quickly, run.(小羊们大叫):“Run, go, run!”Grey Wolf:Dont be afraid. Dont run,

7、dear goats, I want to be your friend. (喜羊羊叫住大家)Pleasant Goat:Stop! Stop, wait a moment. What? You want to be our friend? You dont want to eat us, right? Grey Wolf:Yes, now I want to try my best to help you. Believe me! I beg you. (小羊们相互看看,不太相信的表情)Pleasant Goat:Really? Beauty Goat:I dont know. Fat Go

8、at:Oh, Im sleepy. You discuss it. I want to sleep.Grey Wolf:To express my sincerity, I bring some presents for you. (拿出丝巾)Grey Wolf:This is a beautiful scarf. Its for you, Beauty Goat. Beauty Goat:Thanks a lot. (美羊羊高兴地戴了起来)Beauty Goat:Wow, how nice! Its from Grey Wolf and Red Wolf, I cant believe it

9、. (戴好后,向前一步走)Grey Wolf:Look, am I pretty? I am very happy.(边唱边跳起舞来。配音乐 If you are happy 做美丽造型!)(灰太狼又拿出一盒巧克力)Grey Wolf:This box of chocolate is for Fat Goat. But hes asleep.Maybe I can give it to . (懒羊羊立马跳起来了)Fat Goat:Oh, Im here. Im awake. Chocolate is my favourite food. (懒羊羊夺过巧克力就跑出去吃了) (边跑边舔嘴唇)Fat

10、 Goat:I go out to eat them. Wow, chocolate! Pleasant Goat:He likes eating best.He always forgets to sleep when he has something to eat. Beauty Goat:Yes!Pleasant Goat:Grey Wolf, what do you mean? Be our friend? If you want to do something for us, you can wash clothes for us. Grey Wolf:Im very glad to

11、 do that. Where are the clothes?Pleasant Goat:Beauty Goat!Beauty Goat:I am coming. Here you are, Grey Wolf. Thank you.(灰太狼立刻把衣服整理一下,坐下来洗了。 ) (配上喜涮涮的音乐。 )Grey Wolf:Pleasant Goat, Beauty Goat, Fat Goat. (三只羊跑过来)Grey Wolf:What else can I do for you?Beauty Goat:Clean the house for us. Lets go on playing

12、.(灰太狼又擦窗户,扫地,烧好了饭菜。 )(懒羊羊寻着饭菜的味道走了过去,吃了起来。又把喜羊羊和美羊羊喊过来。 )Fat Goat:Wow, delicious food. How delicious! Pleasant Goat, Beauty Goat.Beauty Goat:Thank you for your help.Pleasant Goat:We can be friends, I m very happy. Grey Wolf:I am happy, too. I just want to help my wife.(立刻捂着嘴巴,怕被喜羊羊他们听出来。 )第四场:Pleasa

13、nt Goat:Dont be happy now. I dont think Grey Wolf is good.He must have some plots.Beauty Goat:We must be careful. Pleasant Goat:Yes, we must get ready for it. Fat Goat:Youre right. Maybe hell come back and catch us after a while. Beauty Goat:What should we do now? (做害怕状) Pleasant Goat:We can set up

14、a trap for the Grey Wolf at once. Beauty Goat:Good idea. Lets do it at once. (说着就到在门口摆放了若干个弹簧夹,并且用草遮盖好,然后躲在一边等着。 )第五场:(灰太狼跑回了家,发现老婆醒了,他开心极了)Grey Wolf:Oh, Honey, you are awake. I dont think you can be awake. Oh, Im very lucky.(可是老婆一看见他就拿着个锅打他)Red Wolf:Why dont you catch the little goats? (灰太狼立马来了精神立刻

15、跑出去抓羊)Grey Wolf:Yes, honey. I must take the goats back this time. Wait for me!(他一路大跑,结果在门口被大夹子夹处手脚,疼得他大叫着往回跑, )Grey Wolf:Oh, my God, I must come back again.(小羊们高高兴兴地从旁边跑出来,欢呼胜利。 ) (配主题音乐)Goats: Grey Wolf has run away. We win!(小天使飘出来)Angle:Bad deeds, as well as good, may rebound upon the doer. Remember: Never be weary of well doing, our dear friends. (所有演员上台谢幕,手拉手“Thank you.” )


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