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1、,Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS),AIDPAMANAMSANMFS,Ganglioside,神经节苷脂广泛分布于全身各组织细胞的外表面,在神经系统中含量丰富,在周围神经系统中主要存在于轴索,而在胶质和髓鞘中浓度较低根据其糖基结合唾液酸分子的数目及部位分为GM、GD、GT 及GQ,Pathology,AMAN and AMASN are associated with Campylobacter jejuni enteritisand antibodies against gangliosides,chemical structure of gangliosides,


3、与Miller-Fisher 综合征(MFS),Bickerstaff脑干脑炎(BEE)等存在眼肌麻痹或球部肌肉受累的疾病相关,After exogenous gangliosides injection,High titers of anti-GM1 antibodies were found in patients who developed GBS following exogenous gangliosides injection , leading to the suspicion that exogenous gangliosides might be foreign to hum

4、ans and may act as an immunogenic agent.,GBS following intravenous use of gangliosides in Europe severaldecades agoled to its withdrawal from European market,Figueras A, Morales-Olivas FJ, Capella D, Palop V, Laporte JR (1992) Bovinegangliosides and acute motor polyneuropathy. BMJ 305:13301331.,We i

5、dentified 7 patients who developed GBS after intravenous use of gangliosides,Department of Neurology of the First Hospital of Jilin University 2013Gangliosides as an exclusive component or part of a compoundhave never been used in our department and all the enrolled patients were referred to our dep

6、artment from other departments or from other hospitals.,Grouping,Enrolled subjects were divided into the ganglioside+ group(ganglioside-associated) and the ganglioside- group (non-ganglioside-associated) according to whether they received exogenousgangliosides before disease onset.,Evaluation of cli

7、nical severity and functional impairment,Motor function deficits of patients were scored by the Hughes Functional Grading Scale(HFGS) scoreNeurologic function was also evaluated by using the Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score of six bilateral muscles in arms and legs, ranging from 0 (tetrapara

8、lytic) to 60 (normal strength),The association between exogenous gangliosides and GBS,high titers of anti-GM1 antibodies were found in some of the patients who developed GBS after receiving a ganglioside therapy, leading to the suspicion that exogenous gangliosides might be foreign to humans and mig

9、ht be neuritogenic in humansThe association between exogenous gangliosides and GBS wasfurther evidenced by the positivity of anti-GM1 and anti-GT1aantibodies in CSF and plasma,Sum,In sum, exogenous gangliosides may be associated withdevelopment of GBS due to incompletely recognized pathogenesis.Ganglioside-associated GBS is more severe in clinical course withpoorer short-term prognosis as compared with non-gangliosideassociated GBS in northeast China.,


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