On the Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights【毕业论文】.doc

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1、毕业论文 文客久久 本科 毕业论文 (设计 ) 题 目: On the Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights 学 院: 学生姓名: 专 业: 英语 班 级: 指导教师: 起 止 日期: Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 3 1. The Origin of Goth and Emilys Gothic Complex 3 1.1 The Origin of Goth and Gothic Literature 3 1.2 Emilys Gothic Complex 4 2. The Gothic Features in Wut

2、hering Heights 5 2.1 The Gothic Theme in Wuthering Heights 5 2.2 The Gothic Characters in Wuthering Heights 6 2.2.1 The Gothic Hero- Heathcliff . 6 2.2.2 The Gothic Heroine -Isabella . 7 2.2.3 The Reflection of Gothic Screwball -Catharine 7 2.3 The Gothic Environment in Wuthering Heights . 8 2.4 The

3、 Gothic Supernatural Elements in Wuthering Heights 8 3. The Inheritance and Development of Gothic Literature 9 3.1 The Deepening of the Theme 9 3.2 The Deepening of Characters Psychology 10 3.3The Change of Narrative Method 11 Conclusion . .12 References. . . 13 1 摘要 艾米莉 勃朗特 是 19 世纪英国女作家 ,她以她唯一的小说呼啸

4、山庄而闻名。这是一部奇特而有力的小说。即使时间流逝,呼啸山庄对世人的魅力还是有增无减。呼啸山庄是一部关于爱情与复仇的故事。它描写了弃儿 希思克利夫被山庄老主人收养后 , 因不堪受辱和恋爱受挫,外出致富。回来后发现女友凯瑟琳已与地主林顿结婚,继而对 林顿 及其子女进行报复的故事。 哥特特点的运用是这部小说获得成功的一个重要的因素。本文主要通过三个部分来分析呼啸山庄中的哥特特点。第一部分介绍哥特的起源以及艾米丽的哥特情结。第二部分从三个方面来阐述呼啸山庄中的哥特特点。第一,主题的 哥特性。第二,人物的哥特性。第三,环境和背景的哥特性。第四,超自然的哥特性。第三部分则是探讨艾米丽对于传统哥特的继承与

5、发展。 本文通过对呼啸山庄中一些哥特特点的分析来使读者能基本了解哥特式小说的风格,展现男女主人公疯狂炙热的爱情,使人们更加深入了解作品中的人物与情节,更好地了解呼啸山庄这部旷世之作。 关键词 :艾米丽 勃朗特;呼啸山庄;哥特 2 Abstract Emily Bronte was born in 19th century in England. She is famous for her only novel-Wuthering Heights. It is such a strange and powerful book. Even if time flies, the attractive

6、ness of Wuthering Heights to human beings still increases. Wuthering Heights is a story about love and revenge. It describes a foundling named Heathcliff, who is adopted by the owner of Wuthering Heights, can not stand being insulted and crossed in love, and goes out to make a fortune. When he comes

7、 back, he finds that his girlfriend-Catherine has already married laird-Linton, then he revenges to Linton and his children. The use of gothic features is one of the reasons that make the novel Wuthering Heights so successful. The thesis attempts to analyze the gothic features in Wuthering Heights f

8、rom three aspects. The first part introduces the origin of Goth and Emilys gothic complex. The second part is the detailed interpretation of gothic features in Wuthering Heights. Firstly, the theme is gothic; secondly, the characters are gothic; thirdly, the background and environment are gothic; fo

9、urthly, the supernaturalism is gothic. The third part is a research about Emilys inheritance and development of gothic features. Through the analysis of the gothic features in Wuthering Heights, this paper makes the readers get acquainted with the style of gothic novels and the crazy love between th

10、e hero and heroine. Besides, readers can know more about the characters and plots through this paper, and understand the splendid novel better. Key words: Emily; Wuthering Heights; Goth 3 On the Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights Introduction Emily Bronte, as a splendid writer and poet, was born i

11、n a small city named Thornton, Yorkshire, in the north of England. She and her two sisters-Charlotte and Anne, are called “three sisters of Bronte”. Emily is an ingenious, even though she is very shy. Her only novel Wuthering Heights was published in 1847. Different from Charlottes hot hit, until Em

12、ilys death, the book began to be highly valued. However, Wuthering Heights is still an unusual novel compared with other styles of novel. In spite of the unpopularity of the gothic novels in 19th century, Emily Bronte still adopted the gothic traditions in her only novel-Wuthering Heights. So it is

13、full of as well as gothic traditions- complex, obscure, and difficult in Wuthering Heights. However, if Emily merely adopted the gothic traditions, Wuthering Heights could not be such an excellent novel and be admired by so many litterateurs. In a light, the achievement of Wuthering Heights originat

14、es from the gothic features. The researches about the Goth started a long time ago. Nevertheless, the gothic study about Wuthering Heights was unfolded until 1927 by Lovecraft Henceforth. There are a few papers about gothic features in Wuthering Heights at home. This paper mainly discusses and explo

15、res the gothic features from four aspects in Wuthering Heights, and then analyses the inheritance to gothic features that Emily did. Furthermore, through the gothic factors, this paper aims to show the readers the dramatic love between the hero and the heroine. 1. The Origin of Goth and Emilys Gothi

16、c Complex 1.1The Origin of Goth and Gothic Literature “Goth” represents Germanic tribes in Western Europe in origin. Furthermore, it is a member of the nomadic peoples. And they are famous for their atrocity and barbarism. From the 1st century AD to the 5th century AD, under the pressure of existenc

17、e, Goth tribe continuously extend their territory so that they are despised and rejected for their inhumanity by the Romans at that time. Compared with the 4 civilization of the Romans, the Goth is barbaric and uncivilized. Until a thousand years later of the end of the Roman Empire, an Italy who is

18、 called Vasari named a style of medieval architecture as “Goth”- “Soaring spaces, heavy stones, narrow windows, dyeing glasses, gloomy inside, somber cuniculus and even repositories for the bones (Xiao, 2001:90).” Thereby, under the influence of Renaissance, the architecture-Goth is gradually given

19、new insignificances which are called “barbarisms, consternations, a cultural backwater, secrets, a dark age and the middle century and other negative meanings (Xiao, 2001:90).” When it came to the middle they are often lured and pursued by a villain-hero (Liu, 2006:14).” The heroine-Isabella in Wuth

20、ering Heights is a reflection of those people. She is attracted by the villain-hero-Heathcliff, and loves him very much so as to run away with him. She is too pure to be seduced and cheated. When Heathcliff marries Isabella, he begins to torture her for revenging. The traditional gothic heroine is n

21、aive and without experiences in common, and Isabella was born in Thrushcross Grange, a rich family. Certainly, she is protected and pampered so that she knows nothing about evil in humans nature. Until she marries Heathcliff, she begins to change her mind about human nature. Because she is in such a

22、gony that she has to escapes to London. From the heroines experience, we can conclude that Isabella is a sample of gothic character in gothic tradition. 2.2.3The Reflection of Gothic Screwball -Catharine In Wuthering Heights, Catherine is a key to the book. Because of her betray, Heathcliff loses hi

23、s senses and becomes a demon. She is such an important role in this book that the author Emily also uses gothic features depicting her. Whats more, Catherines gothic features find expression in her gothic screwball. She often produces illusion and can not distinguish between illusion and reality. Sh

24、e loves Heathcliff, but she can not give up her status and her honor that Linton gives her. So when she knows that Heathcliff comes back and marries Isabella, she is out of control 8 and loses her mind. 2.3 The Gothic Environment in Wuthering Heights With the speaking of Wuthering, we can have some

25、cool feelings. Wuthering Heights is also a place that Heathcliff lives in. The word-“wuthering” has two meanings in Chinese. One is whistle, especially a sound produced from high speed. The other is pipe; it is like a wind screamed through the trees. Both of those meanings give us a feeling of oppre

26、ssion and coldness. And then, Emily shows a typical gothic environment to us readers. “Wuthering” being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather (Bronte, 2006:3). It is a narration from Lockwood, a guest in Wuthering

27、Heights. From the narration, we can indirectly get some information that something will happen in Wuthering Heights. Then, Lockwood tells us what he sees in Wuthering Heights, “Before passing the threshold, I paused to admire a quantity of grotesque carving lavished over the front, and especially ab

28、out the principal door; above which, among a wilderness of crumbling griffins and shameless little boys, I detected the date 1500, and the name Hareton Earnshaw.(Bronte, 2006:3).” Wuthering Heights is like a huge soul house. It is so brumal, dilapidated, charnel that makes something to be feared. In

29、side the heights, there is no sunshine daylong and something bloodcurdling happens here and there. And outside the heights, only a howling wilderness exists. And the trees around the house do not grow straight, but are bent by the north wind, which blows over the moors every day of the year. Besides

30、, the gothic story is often set in wilderness, castles, and temples. The setting in the story is usually horrible. From the atmosphere of Wuthering Heights, we can conclude that the book is adhering to the gothic traditions. The style of the building in the book is gothic just as the style. From tho

31、se descriptions of the environment, we can get a sense of gothic desolation. 2.4 The Gothic Supernatural Elements in Wuthering Heights Supernaturalism can also be called something supernatural or hyperphysical. It means that events, forces or powers which can not be explained by the laws of science


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