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1、一百零一只斑点狗 Bertie: Oh 柏蒂: 喔 Pongle: Bertie, darling, you are all right? 庞哥: 柏蒂,亲爱的,还没事吧? Bertie: Uh, of course dear, after all, dogs have puppies long before our time. 柏蒂: 嗯,当然,亲爱的,毕竟,狗生小宝宝的历史已经远远超过了我们生活的时间。 Pongle: Bertie? 庞哥: 柏蒂? Bertie: That witch, that devil woman, she wants our puppy. That is all

2、 shes here for. 柏蒂: 那个巫婆,那个坏女人,她想要我们的小狗。这就是她来这里的原因。 witch:巫婆,女巫。 Pongle: Dont worry, Bertie. There out of her. Nothing is going to our puppies. 庞哥: 别担心,柏蒂。她已经离开了,我们的孩子不会有事的。 Bertie: What does she want with them? She cant possibly love them. Oh, Pongle, I was so happy at first, but now I, now I wish

3、we wont have any 柏蒂: 她要他们想做什么呢?她不可能爱他们的。哦,庞哥,起初我很高兴,但现在,现在我希望我们一只也不要有 Nanny: Ten Eleven. Wait a minute, wait a minute! Thirteen! No, no, no! Fourteen! Oh, fifteen! And the mother is doing fine! Love. You darling thing! 保姆: 十个十一。等一等!十三个!不,不是,不是!十四个!哦,十五个!小狗的妈妈一切都好。亲爱的,你这个可爱的家伙! Roger: Fifteen puppies

4、! Well, Pongle boy! Thats marvelous! Its fabulous! Well, you old rascal! 罗杰: 十五只小狗!好啊,庞哥小子!太棒了!简直难以置信!噢,你这个坏家伙! Fabulous:神话般的,难以置信的。 Nanny: Fourteen. Just fourteen. We lost one. Oh, poor little thing! 保姆: 十四只。只有十四只。我们失去了一只,哦,可怜的小东西! Roger: Oh, Pongle boy. Its just one of those things! And yet, and y

5、et, I wonder look, Pongle! Anita, Nanny. Fifteen! We still have fifteen! 罗杰: 哦,宠哥小伙子。这种事情时有发生!不过,我觉得看啊,宠哥!安妮塔,姆妈,十五只,我们还是有十五只! Anita: Oh, Roger, its all right. Thank heavens! 安妮塔: 哦,罗杰,他没事了。谢天谢地! Roger: See, its just as good as you! 罗杰: 看,它和你一样健康! Anita: Can you imagine, Bertie? Fifteen puppies! 安妮塔

6、: 你能想到吗,柏蒂?十五只小狗! Pongle: Bertie, Im afraid its all up to us. 庞哥: 柏蒂,恐怕要靠我们自己了。 Bertie: Oh, Pongle, isnt there any hope? 柏蒂: 噢,庞哥,没有任何希望了吗? Pongle: Yes, lets try like bark. 庞哥: 有,让我们试试犬声。 Bertie: Try like bark? But dear, there isnt anything that will be changed. 柏蒂: 用犬声?但是亲爱的,不会有 什么因此而发生变化的。 Pongle:

7、 Bark is a very fast way to send news. If our puppies are anywhere in the city, the London dogs will know. Now well set to work tonight, when they take us to walk in the park. 庞哥: 犬叫非常快,能传递信息。如果我们的孩子还在伦敦,城里其他的狗就会知道。今晚我们就行动,就在他们带我们去公园散步时行 动。 Berlusy: Toserf, Toserf, whats going on? What is it? Whats

8、all the gossip? 柏露西: 托瑟夫,托瑟夫,发生什么事了?怎么了?说什么闲话呢? Toserf: Please, no gossip, Berlusy. It is being all the way from London. 15 puppies stolen. Well then well sing the word along, maybe up to me to reach the colonel. Hell be the only one in Barking Reign. 托瑟夫: 拜托,不是闲话,柏露西。是一路从伦敦传来的消息。十五只小狗被偷了。这样吧,我们接着传话

9、,或许该由我来把消息传给上校。他是唯一在吠叫时代生活过的狗。 Berlusy: Oh, youll never reach him at this hour! 柏露西: 哦,在这个时刻你不可能通知到他! Toserf: Well, I can try. 托瑟夫: 噢,我可以试试。 Captain: Sergeant! Sergeant Tips! I say Sergeant! 上尉: 警官!堤普警官!我说警官! Sergeant: What? Oh, yes, Captain. 警官: 什么?噢,是,上尉。 Captain: Barking signal; its alert. Report

10、 to the Colonel at once. 上尉: 犬叫信号,有急事,快去报告上校。 Sergeant: Yes, sir. Right away, sir. Colonel, Colonel Colone l, sir! Colonel! 警官: 是,长官。马上就去。上校,上校上校先生,上校! Colonel: What? What? Who is that? 上校: 什么?什么?是谁呀? Sergeant: Sergeant Tigs report. 警官: 堤普警官报到。 Colonel: Tips, Tips, oh, yes, Sergeant Tips. 上校: 堤普,堤普,

11、哦,是堤普警官。 Sergeant: Colonel, sir. 警官: 上校先生。 Colonel: Now look here, Tips. What an idea of barking at this hour at night? 上校: 你看看,堤普,在晚上这个时候大叫是什么意思? Sergeant: But Colonel 警官: 可是上校 Colonel: Oh, now Sergeant, hear that, sounds like alert. 上校: 哦,警官,听听,听起来很急。 Alert:提防的,警惕的。 Sergeant: Yes, Colonel. 警官: 是,上

12、校。 Colonel: Go and look what we can do. Come on, Tips. 上校: 走,看看我们能做什么,来,堤普。 Berlusy: Youd better be loud and clear, or theyll never get it. 柏露西: 你最好大声点,清楚点,否则,他们永远也不会听到的。 Colonel: One long howl, two short, one yelp of wolf. 上校: 一个长音,两个短音,一声狼的呜咽。 Sergeant: Two yelps, sir. 警官: 两声 呜咽,长官。 Captain: Whats

13、 the word, Colonel? 上尉: 什么意思,上校? Colonel: Its from London. 上校: 是从伦敦来的。 Sergeant: They must be important. 警官: 他们 一定很重要。 Colonel: Yes, yes. Ill get it right down. Sound like a number. 3 times 5 is 13. 上校: 是,是的。我尽快搞明白。听起来像一个数字, 3 乘以 5 是 13个。 Sergeant: Thats 15, sir. 警官: 是 15,长官。 Colonel: 15, of course. 15. 上校: 15,当然。 15。 Sergeant: Better double check it, sir. 警官: 最好再听一次,核实一下,先生。 Colonel: Oh, yes, yes. Two howls, one yelp of the wolf. 上校: 哦,是,是的。两声长长的吠声,一声狼的呜咽。 Sergeant: It sounds like puppies, sir. 警官 : 听起来像是小狗,先生。 Colonel: Of course, puppies. 上校: 当然,是小狗。


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