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1、开头句:1. When it comes to , overwhelming majority of people believe 当提及 时,多数人认为 2Nowadays, it is widely/commonly/universally believed that 如今,人们普遍认为3. A proverb/saying/an old saying goes like this, .有一句(古老的)谚语这样说4. According to a recent survey, 根据最近的调查.5. It has become apparent to us that .已经变得很明显6Wit

2、h the rapid development of .随着的发展7With the rapid growth of , .has become increasingly significant in随着.的增长,.变得越来越重要8Nowadays, there is a growing awareness / recognition that .如今,人们越来越意识到.9has become immediate concern成了刻不容缓的事情10It is often said that 人们常说.11More and more people have come to realize .越

3、来越多的人意识到.12. Recently the issue of . has aroused public attention.最近,事情已引起了公众的注意。13Currently there is a widespread concern about .最近,人们开始关注.14. There is heated debate where . is concerned.当谈及时,人们争论激烈。15There is abundant proof that / for . 有充分的证据可以证明16Faced with such phenomena, quite a few people arg

4、ue that .面对这种现状,一些人认为.结尾句:1. From above, . / From what has been discussed above, .综上所述.2. Its time for us to put an immediate end to 该是立即结束.的时候了。3. Its time for us to give priority to . 是该考虑的时候了4. Its high time that we put considerable emphasis on 是该重视.的时候了5. Taking into account all these factors, w

5、e may safely reach the conclusion that .考虑了所有的这些因素,我们可以得出这样的结论6. To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must .为解决上述问题,我们必须.7. With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 通过各方面的努力,问题一定会被彻底解决的。8. Prompt action is needed. 有必要立即采取措施。9. We should get acquainted with

6、. 我们应了解 .10. Taking into account all of these factors, we may draw the conclusion that . 考虑到所有因素,我们得出结论原因句:1. A number of factors are accountable/responsible for this situation.有许多原因导致这种现象。2. A number of factors can contribute to this problem.有许多原因导致这个问题。3The answer to this problem involves many fac

7、tors.问题的解决包括许多因素。4The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that .这种现象主要是由于.5Another contributing factor is . 另一个原因是.6. Perhaps the primary factor is that . 最主要的因素可能是7. The fundamental cause is that . 最根本的原因是.8. There are many reasons explaining this case.这个问题是由很多原因引起的。9. The reasons about this prob

8、lem would inevitably involve three factors.这个问题的原因必然有三方面。10.Owing to/Thanks to . 由于.比较句:1.The advantage far outweighs the disadvantages .利大于弊。2.However, the same is not applicable to B.然而 B 不这样。3.A and B differ in several ways. A 和 B 有几点不同。4.The same is true of B. B 也是这样。5.Compared with A, B has its

9、 drawbacks. 与 A 相比,B 有些缺点。6.A bears striking resemblances to B. A 与 B 极为相似。7.While on the one hand, , on the other hand, 一方面.,另一方面.。8.In comparison/contrast, 比较而言,.表示不同看法的句式:1. Different people have / hold different opinions / views on the question /problem /matter. Some believe that .; Others argue

10、 that ; Still others maintain that . 人们的观点不同,一些人认为 ., 一些人认为., 另一些人认为.2. People think quite differently on this question.对于这一问题,人们的观点各有不同。3. Opinions vary from individual to individual.人们的观点各有不同。4. Personally speaking, I vote for .就我个人而言,我支持.5. In my opinion, this point of view doesnt hold water.在我看来

11、,这个观点站不住脚。6. People differ greatly in their attitudes towards this problem. Some maintain that Others, on the contrary, hold the opinion that Personally, I stand on the side of . 人们对于这一问题的态度差异很大。 有人认为,与此相反,有人认为, 我认为.用于解释性和阐述性的句式:1. Everyone knows that . 人人都知道.2. It can be easily proved that . 很容易证明.3. It is true that . .是正确的。4. No one can deny that . 毫无疑问.5. We must recognize that . 我们必须认识到6. There is no doubt that . 毫无疑问7. But that is another story. 不过那是另一回事了。8. Take . for example. 以 为例。9. A good case in point is . 一个很好的相关例子是


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