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1、1如何让英语作文靓起来一、 状语提前所谓状语提前就是把副词、介词、现在分词或者动词不定式组成的小语段放在句首,对前置部分起到强调作用,而使用这种语法最大的好处是让你的句子有一个长短相合的节奏感。每篇文章中出现两、三处这样的亮点,会让阅卷老师感到心旷神怡,是一种很拿分的策略。1. 副词及短语作状语,常用的词有 fortunately/unfortunately, personally, perhaps, instead, similarly, overall, in particular 等。 They will probably go to a nursery school when they

2、 are much younger instead. Instead, they will probably go to a nursery school when they are much younger.I personally think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of stars.Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more ju

3、stified than the huge earnings of stars. I want to in particular sell my big dining table.In particular I want to sell my big dinning table.2. 介词及介词短语作状语, 常用的词和短语有 besides, in addiction to , apart from, in terms of , despite , as a result of, in spite of 等The largest quantity of water was used for a

4、gricultural purposes throughout the country. Throughout the country , the largest quantity of water was used for agricultural purposes.3. 现在分词短语作状语, 这里有一个额外提醒, 即一定要保持句子的主语和分词逻辑主语的一致性。I bear in mind the circumstances and trust you will kindly waive any fines that may have accumulated.Bear in mind the

5、 circumstances, I trust you will kindly waive any fines that may have accumulated.4. 动词不定式作状语,表目的。The government should encourage people to avoid going out at rush hour to alleviate traffic jams.To alleviate traffic jams, the government should encourage people to avoid going out at rush hour二、插入语插入语

6、是一种独立成分,一般与句中的其他成分没有语法上的关系,大多是对一句话进行的附加说明或解释,常由一个词、一个短语或一个句子构成,常置于句中或句末,一般用逗号与句子隔开。插入语是一种地道的英语表达方式,可以让单调的句子富于变化,而且更有跳跃性,活泼却不失严谨。There is , however, another possible way of defining that part of the quotation.1. 凡是表示个人观点或态度的时候,都可以用介词短语,不定式以及主谓结构作插入成分。Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is how we de

7、fine “responsible for bringing the children up”.Well, I just got so fed up with it I was working really long hours and, to be honest, the pay wasnt great. 2Hell work only during daytime hours, so you wont be disturbed in the evening again, I promise.2. 凡是表示时间的时候,都可以用介词作插入语。That is why, in recent yea

8、rs, there has been a growing body of opinion in favor of putting more resources into health education and preventive measures.3.凡是表示列举的时候,也可以用介词作插入结构。Others, such as medical advances, positively help people to live better or longer, and so very much help traditional ways of life.4.凡是表示补充说明的时候,都可以用现在

9、分词和分词短语作插入语The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980.此外,要补充一点,除了“四个凡是” ,类似于这样的副词,however, though, indeed, admittedly 等也是可以用作插入语的。三、倒装倒装结构是恰当使用也是可以让文章出彩的,主要是起强调作用,转换语气,是考试中很让考官眼前一亮的好句子。 (如何倒装请参考语法的倒装部分)如:Next came central heating ownership,

10、 rising from 37% of household in 1972 to 64% in 1983.Another country, Italy, comes close only in the case of tennis racquets.Only in the case of tennis racquets does another country, Italy, comes close. So difficult was the situation that the government decided to take measures to alleviate it.Try a

11、s they might, these children still dont obtain good education.四、强调为了突出某个单词、词组或句子,就要用到强调,常用形式 It is/was .that/who。这是考官比较心仪的一种结构,与前面带有强调作用的语法相比,它突出强调的意味更浓,使阅读的人把重心全放在你想强调的那一部分上,所以这种结构不仅能创造出多样化的句式,而且还可以传达出丰富的内涵。It is this second, fuller, concept of “fatherhood”that I am in favor of , although I also re

12、alize how difficult it is to achieve sometimes.It was not until she went abroad that she knew the truth of the fact.五、虚拟语气虚拟语气把动作当作一种只存在于讲话人想象中的“假设”或“推测” ,而不是当作客观现实中的真实事件,可以传达出怀疑、忧虑、推测、假设、想象或祝愿等含义。与一般意义上的过去时,现在时和将来时不同,虚拟语气可谓是“绅士”级别的用法,也是对语言能力比较高的要求。因为它通过谓语动词的特殊形式,显示出语气的弱化,表现形式更加准确、细腻。虚拟语气常出现在表示条件或结果

13、的句子中,分别能反映与现在事实相反、与过去事实相反、与将来事实可能相反的情况。If this were not true, then we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born.They have the demand that the library (should) be open even on Sunday.It is necessary that some immediate effort (should) be made.六、被动语

14、态当不需要强调动作的执行者时,被动语态是一个不错的选择,它可以用来错开句式,让你的作文从一味地用人作主语开头的模式中跳跃出来,使文章的句式错落有致。1. 主动变被动3不需要体现动作的执行者, 因而使用被动语态将会使表达更贴切。 We should advise people to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false advertisements.People should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray b

15、y false advertisements.需要强调动作的陈述者,如下列句中是“Mr. Li”被选为主席,就应该使用被动语态The employees elected Mr. Li chairman of the committee last week.Mr. Li was elected chairman of the committee by the employees last week.保持陈述对象的一致性,以求行文通顺Computer may help scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculation, while

16、 engineers make use of some computers in designing a plane, or a spaceship.Computer may help scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculation, while some computers are made use of by engineers in designing a plane, or a spaceship.七、逻辑衔接词1. 表示时间次序的衔接词首先:first, firstly, in the first place 其次

17、:second, secondly, in the second place 再次:next, third, thirdly 最后:finally, eventually, at last, lastly, in the end, last but not least(最后但同等重要的是) ;thereafter(其后) ,previously(先前)e.g. 1. I must apologize for not having written to you previously.2. Last but not least, government should stipulate laws i

18、n consumers interests.2. 表示让步转折but, though, although, even if, even so, despite, yet , however, in spite of ,nevertheless, instead, whereas(然而) ,regardless of (不管,不顾)by contrast(相反,相比之下) ,the other way around (相反,反之)e.g. 1. He found me, not the other way around. 他发现了我,而不是我发现了他。2. The physical punish

19、ment, regardless of its original intentions, has a negative impact on the bond between parents and children.3. 表示因果因为:because, because of, for, since, as, thanks to , due to , owing to所以:so, as a result, therefore, thus, hence, on this(that)account, as a consequence4. 表示递进furthermore, moreover, besi

20、des, also, too, apart from, what is more, in addition, not onlybut also, in additione.g. In addition, the space is smaller in the apartment and you can never expect to hold a decent party at your place.5. 表示类比like, unlike, likewise(同样地) ,in the same way, equally, similar, similarly(类似地) ,in comparis

21、on(相比之下) ,the same as, be similar to, in a like manner(以同样的方式)6. 表示概括总结in summary, in a word, in other words, in conclusion, to conclude, in short, all in all, in general, on the whole. as has been said(如上所述) , by and large(总的来说) ,in most cases(大多数情况下) ,for the most part(大多数情况下) ,in simpler terms(简单

22、地说)e.g. In most cases, if you choose to live in an apartment, you neednt worry about your budget, 4for it is relatively cheap to rent or buy an apartment.7. 表示显而易见as one might expect(正如人们所预料的) ,obviously, clearly(显然地,无疑地) ,apparently, naturally, of course, surely, it goes without saying(毋庸置疑地)8. 表说话

23、人的态度admittedly(无可否认地) ,undoubtedly, certainly, fortunately, unfortunately, luckily, oddly enough(奇怪的是) ,strangely enough(奇怪的是)9. 表示强调Least of all(尤其,最不) ,notably(显著地,特别地) ,particularly , in particular, especially, mainly, chiefly, significantly(显著地),interestingly, in fact, indeed, basically(基本上,本质上)

24、常用写作句式一对立观点型论说文常用句型 点明文章主题的常用句式1. . . . has become a hot topic among people recently. Opinions towards it vary from person to person. 已经成为人们谈论的热门话题,不同的人对此有不同的看法。2. There is an argumentmuch disagreementno consensus of opinions among people concerningoveras toon. . . 关于,人们的看法不尽相同。3. Nowadays, people a

25、re divided on the question as to whether. . . 4. When it comes to , some people believe that., but others argue/claim that(the opposite/reverse is true). There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but(I tend to agree to/would prefer the former/latter)5. When asked about. . . differen

26、t people will offer different answers. 当被问及时,不同的人会给出不同的答案。6. There is a public debatediscussioncontroversy today about the problem of. . . 如今关于的问题,公众已经展开了辩论讨论。7. The issue of whether or not. . . has been widely argueddebated currently. 关于是否的问题,如今公众已经展开了广泛的讨论。 具体介绍两种对立观点的常用句式1. Some people suggestmai

27、ntainhold the opinion that. . . But However While NeverthelessYet, other people hold a different point of view. . . 有些人认为,但是另外一些人却持有不同的观点。2. Some people are inclined to think that. . . On the contraryIn contrast, there are still many people who wont agree, and they claim. . . 一些人往往认为,但是仍然有些人对此表示异议,他

28、们认为3. Those who criticizeoppose to object to. . . argue that. . . . But people who advocatefavor. . , on the other hand, maintain assert that. . . 那些批评反对的人认为,但是赞成的人认为4. Now it is commonlygenerallywidelyuniversally thoughtaccepted believed held that. . . But I wonderdoubt whether. . . 现在大家普遍认为,我却对此持怀

29、疑态度。5. To the general publicpopular mind, . . But despitein spite of. . . I still believe. . . 尽管大部分人(都认为),我仍然认为6. Nowadays, an overwhelming majority of people think that. . . Nevertheless, there are still some 5people of the opinion that. . . 虽然如今绝大多数人认为,但是还是有些人认为。 陈述自己观点的常用句式1. For my part As to m

30、eAs far as I am concerned, Id like to agree to the formermy favor goes to the first view. 就我而言,我赞同前一种观点。2. I agree to the latter opinion to some extent. 我比较同意后一种观点。3. Im in favor of. . . Im on the side of. . . 我赞成4. In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we. . . we should take into conside

31、ration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision.我认为双方都有一定的道理。当我们,我们应该全面地考虑该问题,然后做出正确的决定。5. There is probably some truth in both argumentsstatements, but. . . 两种观点都有一些道理,但是二问题解决型论说文常用句型 引出话题的常用句式1. Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face. 如今已经成为我们必须面对的问题。2. Nowadays, more a

32、nd more people are concerned about the problem of现在越来越多的人开始关注的问题。3. Although. . . has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well. 尽管给我们带来了很多便利,但是很多人已经认识到它也会制造麻烦。4. Recently, the rise in the phenomenon of. . . has drawn arousedcaptured worldw

33、ide attention. 最近 现象的日益增多已经引起了全世界的注意。5. Recently, the issueproblemquestion ofhas been brought into focusbrought to public attentionposed among public attention.最近的问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。6. In recent years, many citiesnationspeople have been facedtroubled with the serious problem of. . . 在最近几年里,很多城市国家人已经面临问题受

34、到问题的干扰。7Nowadays, an increasing number of people come to realizebe aware of the importance of 现在越来越多的人开始意识到的重要性。8With the rapidamazing fantastic developmentgrowthimprovement of economy, great changes have taken place in随着经济的快速(惊人的,令人瞩目的 )发展,发生了巨大的变化。9One of the urgentpressing problemsissues we are c

35、onfronted with is that 我们正面临的一个紧迫问题是。10It is undeniableThere is no denying the fact thathas be come the utmost concern among people nowadays. 不可否认,已经成为人们最关注的问题。11Once in a newspaper, I hit uponcame across a report that 我曾经在报纸上看到一篇关于的报道。分析原因的常用句式1Here are manyseverala number ofa variety of reasons fo

36、r it. FirstSecondFinally这件事的起因很多,第一第二第三2The reasons can be listed as follows. For one thing For another6原因有以下几点,一方面一个原因是另一方面另一个原因是 3. What has possibly contributed to this problem? In the first place In the second place是什么导致了这个问题呢?首先其次4Perhaps the mainprimary most important reason is 可能最主要根本重要的原因是5.

37、 is alsopartlysolelychiefly responsible for the problem. 也是问题产生的部分主要原因。6It is no easy job to identify the reasons for which involves several complicated factors. For some For others 要找出的原因并不容易,因为其中牵涉到几方面的复杂因素。可能也可能6One may traceattributeowe this problem to 有人也许会将这个问题归结于7A number of factors could acc

38、ount forlead tocontribute toresult inbe conducive to几方面的因素可能导致8This problem may result frombe attributable tobe largely due tostem from a combination of factors. 这个问题是由很多因素造成的。9The explanation for this phenomenon involves many complex reasons. For one thing For another, 这种现象的发生有很多复杂的原因。其一,其二。10Some

39、people may think that is to blame for this problem, but its causes go stillfar deeper.一些人也许认为我们应该把这个问题归咎于,但是,这个问题还有更深层次的原因。11It will exert a far-reachingprofound impactinfluenceeffect on 它将对产生深远的影响。12Admittedly, it may creategive rise tobring about a host of problems, 诚然,这将会导致很多的问题。提出解决方案的常用句式1The f

40、irst key factor to solve this problem is Another key factor is解决这个问题的第一关键是另一个关键是2Then, how should we solve this problem? Here are some suggestions, which may be of some help.那么,如何来解决这个问题呢?这里有些建议可能会有点帮助。 3Faced with, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.面对,我们应该采取一系

41、列的措施来应对目前的形势。4It is high time that Here are a few examples of some of the measures that might be taken immediately.真的应该必须。这里列举几个可以马上付诸实施的措施。5Obviously, if we ignoreare blind to this problem, the chances are thatit is most likely that there is every chance that will be put in jeopardy.显然,倘若我们对这一点置若罔闻

42、的话,很可能就会处于一种危险的境地。6We need to take a freshclear look at this mattersituation in a new perspectivefrom a wider standpoint. Otherwise, we won t come anywhere near solving it.我们应该从一个新的角度(一个更广泛的角度) 来看待这个问题。否则的话,我们将很难解决它。7It is essentialindispensable that proper actionseffective measures should be taken

43、to reverse this situationtrend.为了扭转局势,我们有必要采取有效的措施。78It is hoped suggested that considerablegreat efforts should be directed tofocused on希望(据建议)我们全力以赴9There is no easyimmediate solutionapproach to the issue of but might be beneficialhelpful.并没有很容易的方法来解决这个问题,有可能会有帮助的。三说明利弊型论说文的常用句型说明事物优点的常用句式1There a

44、re several advantages inofThe firstbiggest advantage is that 有几方面的优点,第一个最大的优点是2NothingFew things can equalmatch withbe compared within terms of在方面,(几乎)没有什么东西可以和相媲美。3For allIn spite ofDespite the disadvantagesside effects, it has its compensating advantagesbeneficial effects.尽管存在一些缺点负面影响,但它并非一无是处。4 h

45、as a positive impactinfluenceeffect on peoples lives.对人们的生活起到一种积极的作用。5 is playing an increasingly important role in peoples lives.在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。 说明事物缺点的常用句式 1However, just like anything else, has its negative side as well.但是,和其它事物一样,也有其不好的一面。4However, just as everything has two sides, also has m

46、any disadvantages.但是,正如每个事物都有两面性一样,也有很多缺点。5However, may also causebring aboutlead toresult incontribute to some problems.但是,也可能诱发一些问题。6However, its often blamed for its obvious defects.但是,它经常因一些明显的缺陷而受到指责。7Everything has two sides is no exception.每个事物都有两面性,也不例外。8As the proverb goes, every coin has i

47、ts two sidesno garden without its weedsevery medal has its reverseis no exception.正如有句谚语所说的那样,每件事物都有利有弊。也毫不例外。9However, the negative aspects are also apparentobviousevident. To begin with, To make matters worse, Worst of all, 不足之处也是显而易见的首先,;更糟的是,;最后。 表明事物利大于弊的常用句式1As to me, I think the advantages ou

48、tweighcarry more eight than the disadvantages.就我而言,我认为利大于弊。2Anyway, I still believehas more advantages than disadvantages.不管怎样,我仍然相信的利大于弊。3But for me, I think what is more important is its positive side.但就我而言,我认为它积极的一面更加重要。4The advantages ofderived from far outweighare much greater than the disadvantages problemsentails. 的优点远远多于它引发的问题。 举例说明的常用句式81, sayfor example


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