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1、2011 中考英语一轮复习巧 用 暗 示 语 巧 解 动 词 填 空 题初中英语中的动词填空题是中考的必考内容。抓住此类题目的时间暗示语,能收到事半功倍的效果。常见的暗示语包括时间状语暗示、前后动词暗示、特殊连词暗示、特殊动词暗示等 。1. 时间状语暗示(1) The foreign friends _(visit) the factory last night.解析last night 指过去的时间,故用一般 过去时,所以填 visited.(2) Li Ping _(write) a composition every week.解析every week 表示经常性,故用一般 现在时,而且

2、主语 Li Ping 是第三人称单数,所 以填 writes.2. 前后动词暗示(1) Tom was ill and he _(have) to stay in bed.解析and 前半句用的是一般过去时,an d 表示并列关系,所以后半句的谓语动词 have也要用一般过去时,所以填 hadx*k.Com(2) This morning Sam got up late. He put on his clothes and _(hurry) to school without breakfast.解析由并列连词 and 和前句 got 可知, hurry应当用 过去式,所以填 hurried

3、Z而当它们后面有 of 的时候,就要加 s 成为一个形容词性的短语-hundreds of, thousands of, millions of 译为“成百上千的,成千上万的”序数词基数词变序数词的规律1,2,3 特殊记:one-first, two-seco nd, three-third,不仅 1,2,3 本身还有21,22,23,等等也是这样哦。其余数字把 th 进行到底ve 要变 f 再加 th: five-fifth, twelve-twelfthy 结尾要变 ie:twenty-twentieth, thirty-thirtieth9 是唯一要去 e:nine-ninth8 结尾有

4、 t 不重复:eight-eighth具体变化:序数词1st first2nd second3rd third4th fourth5th fifth6th sixth7th seventh8th eighth9th ninth10th tenth11th eleventh12th twelfth20th twentieth21st twenty-first22nd twenty-second29th twenty-ninth30th thirtieth31st thirty-first40th fortieth50th fiftieth60th sixtieth70th seventieth8

5、0th eightieth90th ninetieth100th hundredth序数词的用途用来表示时间例如:2008 年 2 月 28 日可以表示为 February 28th, 2007用来表示顺序例如:He is always the first to come to school.他总是第一个来学校用来表示楼层例如:He lives on the fourth floor.他住在四楼。连字符数词的考题中,我们还要注意连字符的问题。要记住有连字符的数词词组中,名词不加复数,没有连字符的数词词组,名词有复数。例如:3 years old, 3 year-old 都是对的;还要注意的是带

6、有连字符的词组只能做定语修饰后面的名词,不能单独存作为表语。例如:我们可以说 my 5-year old brother 但不能说 my brother is 5-year old.2011 中考英语一轮复习介词 in 和 at 在课本中构成的短语in a hurry 匆忙 in a loud voice 大声地 in a low voice 低声地 in a minute 一会儿,立刻 in a month 一个月后 in a short while 不久 in English(Russian) 用英(俄)语 in fact 实际上 in far -away villages 在 遥远的村庄

7、 in front of 在前面 in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里in life 一生中 in line 成一直线 in (great)need of (很)需要 in no time 立刻,很快 in order to 为了 in prison 在监狱中 in public 当众,公开地 in school 在学校 in the school 在学校里(不一定是上学,可能办事等之类的)in bed 在床上(大部分是因病躺在床上休息)in the bed 在床上in space 在空间 in surprise 惊奇地 in the day 在白天 in t

8、he daytime 在白天,在白昼 in the fields of 在领域里 in the end 最 后,终于 in t he face of 在当中 in the fields 在田地里 in the middle o f 在当中 in the north (south) 在北(南)方 in the past fifty years 在过去的五十年里 in the sky 在天上 in the 17th century 在第十七世纪in the street 在街上 in the tree 在树上 in time 及时 in tow n 在镇上 in those days 在那些日子里

9、 in trouble 处于困境(苦恼)中 at a street corner 在街道拐角处 at first 起先,开始的时候 at home 在家(里) at last 最一,终于 at night 在夜里 at noon 在中午 at once 马上 at that ti m e 在那时 at the age of 在岁时 at the cinema 在电影院at the doctors 在医生诊所,在医务室 at the e nd of 在的末梢, 在的尽头 at the foot of 在脚下 at the railway station 在火车站 at the universit

10、y 在大学 at work 在工作 2011 中考英语一轮复习 可数不可数名词讲解英语中的名词按其表示的事物性质的不同可分为可数名词与不可数名词。这两种名词在用法上是有区别的,现归纳如下 :一、可数名词有单数、复数之分,如:mapmaps;oniononions;bakerbakers不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如:some water;a lot of bread:二、单数可数名词表示泛指时,前面要用不定冠词 a(an);而不可数名词不能用 a(an)。如: Li Hong is a driver.I am a teacher. 李红是一名司机,我是一名教师 。We cant se

11、e milk on the table. 我们看不见桌上有牛奶。友情提醒在表示特指时,不可数名词和可数 名词前都要用定冠词 the,如:Pass me the ball,please. 请把球传给我。The chicken on the plate is yours. 盘子 里的鸡肉是你的。三、可数名词表示复数意义时可用 many 等词修饰。如:many apples;a lot of tomatoes;a few pens不可数名词则要用 much、a little 等词修饰。如:mu ch meat a little breadlittle water友情提醒 这两类名词都可以被 some

12、、any、a lot of(lost of)等修饰。如:some eggs/paper(纸)。 A lot of (lots of) kniv es/orange juice四、可数名词前通常可用具体的数词来修饰。如:three women ten babies不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词+表示数量的名词(可数名词)+of+不可数名词”。如:two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶 five pieces of bread 五片面包_k.Com五、可数名词作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数与主语的单、复数须保持一致。不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式

13、。 如:There is some rice in the bowl.碗里有些米饭。 All the stud ents are in the classroom.所有的学生都在教室里。友情提醒如果不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词须用复数形式。如:There are two bags of rice in the room. 房间里有两袋大米。六、对可数名词的数量提问用 how many; 对不可数名词的数量提问要用 how much,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用 how many。如:I can see two pictures on the wall. How

14、 many pictures can you see on the wall?There is a lot of pork in the basket. How much pork is there in the basket?I want three glasses of water. How many glasses of water do you want?七、另外,有些集合名词也是可数名词,但不同的是,它们以单数形式出现,表示复数概念,如 people,police,family 等;而有些可数名词 本身就以复数形式出现,如clothes,glasses(眼镜)等;有的可数名词单、复数

15、形式相同,如Japanese,sheep,Chinese 等。如:The Chinese people are hardworking and brave.中国人民勤劳勇敢。The sports clothes are new. 这些运动服是新的。I have one sheep. He has two sheep. 我有一只羊,他有三只羊2011 中考英语一轮复习难句解密1. We havent got any at the moment. 我们现在没有(这方面的书)。解析: have / has got 与 have / has 同义, 前者多见于英国英语(主要用于口语), 后者多见于美国

16、英语 。句子变一般疑问句时,把 have / has 提前,变否定句时,在 have / has 后加 not 即可。例如:Have you(Has your brother) got a computer? 你(你兄弟) 有电脑吗?I havent got a car. 我没有轿车。2. Have you found t he book? 你找着那本书了吗?Not yet. Ive looked for it everywhere, but I still cant find it. 还没有,我找了好多地方,但仍然找不到。解析: yet 在句中用作副词 ,意为“仍, 至今”, 用于疑问句和否

17、定句中, 常与现在完成时连用。例 如:Have they finished planting the trees yet? 他们已经种完树了吗?I havent finished my homework yet. 我还没有完成作业呢 。另外, yet 还可作连词,意为“然而,但是” 。例如:He worked hard, yet he failed. 他努力工作,但是他失败了。3. Dont worry. Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later. 别着急, 迟早会有人发现它并把它送还 回来的。解析: return

18、在本单元有两种用法:return 在本句中是及物动词 ,意为“归还”,即 give sth. back,其后接宾语,又因 return 本身就有again 和 back 的含义,因此不能说 return again 或 return back。例如: Have you returned t he novel to him? 你已经把那本小说还给他了吗?He returned the money to me yesterday. 他昨天把钱还给我了。return 作不及物动词,意为“归来”,其后不能直接跟宾语。retu rn from. 表示“从某地归 来”;return to. 表示 “回到某

19、地” 。例如: His parents returned from Beijing yesterday. 他父母昨天从北京归来。The reporter has already returned to Canada. 那位记者已经 回到加拿大。4. “Im afraid Ill have to pay for the lost books ,” said Grandma sadly. “恐怕我得赔偿 这些丢失的书了”,奶奶难过地说。解析: Im afraid(that). 意为“恐怕”,表示对事情的一种担心或推测。例如 :Im afraid I cant come to your birthd

20、ay party tomorrow. 恐怕明天我不能来参加你的生日晚会了。 来pay for sth.意为“为某物付钱”或“为某事受到惩罚,付出代价”。注意: 付的钱数应加在 pay 和 for 之间。例如:I paid 50 yuan for the dictionary. 买这本字典我花了 50 块钱。People shouldnt pay for what they havent done.人们不应该为自己没有做的事而受惩罚。2011 中考英语一轮复习初中英语“问”字句型1. 问天气:Whats the weather like? How is the weather?2. 问时间:Wh

21、ats the time, please? What time is it, please?3. 问职业:Whats your father?Whats your fathers job?What does your father do?4. 问价格:Whats the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay the book?5. 问年龄:How old are you? Whats your age? 6. 问地址:Where do you live?

22、Whats your address?7. 问姓名:Whats your name?May I have your name?May I know your name?8. 问词义:Whats the meaning of this word?What does the word mean?What do you mean by this word?9. 问单位:Where do you work? Which company are you working for?10. 问爱好;Whats your hobby?What do you like best?Whats your favori

23、te? 11. 问感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?12. 问距离:How far is i t from Beijing to Nanjing?How far away is it from Beijing to Nanjing?How many kilometres is from Beijing to Nanjing?13. 问人口:Whats the population of China?How many people are there in China?网How large ?14. 问尺寸:Wha

24、t size do you want ?What size do you need?What size is your sweater?15. 问数量:How many ? How much ?16. 问路线:Can you tell me the way to the hospital?网How can I get to the hospital?Where is the hospital, please? 2011 中考英语一轮复习 “that”用法大集合“that”是英语中使用频率极高的一个词,兼有代词、副词和连词等几个词性,既发挥实词的作用,又担当架构复杂句式的重任。在每年的高考试卷中

25、,that 的考查几乎是不可或缺的。一个 that,不同“身 份”请看下面一组句子,你能够辨清 that 的词性、词义和作用吗?1. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from that spoken in England.2. Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?Victoria Street? That is where the Grand Theatre is.3. The thought of going back home w

26、as all that kept him happy while he was working abroad.4. A warm thought suddenly came to me that I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.5. Pop music is such an important part of society that it has even influenced our language.6. Roses need special care so that the

27、y can live through winter.7. It was in New Zealand that Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.8. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasnt always that much to do.在上面的几句话中,that 分别表示:1. 用作代词,替代前面提到的单数不可数名词或概念,本句中代指 the English;2. 用作代词,说明上面刚刚提到的人、事物、想法等,本句中代指Victoria Street;3. 关系代词,在限定性定语

28、从句中代替先行词 all,在从句充当主语;4. 从属连词,引导名词性从句,只起连接作用,无具体意义,在本句中是thought 的同位语;5. 引导结果状语从句;6. 引导目的状语从句;7. 用于强调句型中,起连接作用;8. 程度副词,等于 so。由于在多个语法结构中,都涉及 that 的使用,而 that 又容易与其他相关的词或结构发生混淆,所以要真正掌握 that 的用法,必须把握好几组词和结构的区别。把握 that,辨清区别1.that 和 one,it在使用作为代词的 that 时,要区别好它与 one 和 it 的区别。请看下面三个题目:1. The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than _ in the newspaper.


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