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1、U1 1、请先倒垃圾好吗?是的,可以。1、Could you please take out the rubbish first? Yes, sure.2、请不要扫地好吗?没问题。 2、Could you please not sweep the floor? No problem.3、请叠叠衣服好吗? 3、Could you please fold the clothes?4、你能帮我洗碗吗? 4、Could you please help me do the dishes ?5、请你整理床铺好吗? 5.Could you please make the bed?6、你能打扫一下客厅吗? 6

2、.Could you please sweep the floor?7、请你带狗散步好吗? 7.Could you please take the dog for a walk?8、请你把盐递给我好吗?是的,给你。 8. Could you please pass me the salt?/ pass the salt to me? Yes, here you are.9、请你借一些钱给我好吗? 9.Could you please lend me some money?10、看完电影之后我们能弄点喝的东西吗?是的,你们能。不,你们不能。 10.Could we get something t

3、o drink after the movie? Yes, you can. No, you cant.11、我能跟朋友出去吃饭吗?当然,那应该可以。11.Could I go out for dinner with my friends? Sure, that should be OK.12、我能用你的电脑吗? 12. Could I use your computer?13、我能邀请我的朋友来举办一个聚会吗?不,你不能。13.Could I invite my friends to a party? No, you cant.14、我能从图书馆借一些书吗? 14.Could I borro

4、w some books from the library?15、你能帮忙做几件事吗? 15.Could you please help out with a few things?16、如果她看到这么凌乱会不高兴的。She wont be happy if she sees this mess.17、 “发生什么事了?”她吃惊地问。 “What happened?” She asked in surprise.18、我终于明白了我们需要分担家务来拥有一个干净舒适的家。I finally understand that we need to share the housework to hav

5、e a clean and comfortable home.19、我妈妈没有说什么便走开了。My mom didnt say anything and walked away.20、一个星期,她没做任何家务,我也没有做。For one week, she didnt do any housework and neither did I.21、一个星期我们两个都没有做家务。Neither of us did any housework for a week.22、我就跟你一样累。Im just as tired as you are.23、我一坐到电视机前我妈妈就走了过来。My mom cam

6、e over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.24、做家务是浪费他们的时间。Housework is a waste of their time.25、他们应该将时间花在功课上,为了取得好成绩进入一所好的大学。They should spend their time on schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university.26、我不介意做家务。I dont mind doing chores.27、我认为让孩子学习如何做家务并帮助父母做家务很重要。I th

7、ink its important for children to learn how to do chores and help their parents with housework.28、仅仅在学校取得好的成绩是不够的。Its not enough to just get good grades at school.29、对他们来说现在不需要做家务。There is no need for them to do housework now.30、孩子越早学会独立对他们的将来越好。The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better i

8、t is for their future.31、现在的孩子过于依赖父母。Children these days depend on their parents too much.32、每个人都应该尽自己的职责来保持房子干净整洁。Everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy.33、在家为孩子提供一个干净、舒适的环境是父母的责任。Its the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment.U21、为什么你不和你的父母谈谈呢?Why dont you/W

9、hy not talk to your parents?2、我父母不允许我跟我的朋友们闲逛。My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.3、你怎么了?Whats wrong? /Whats the matter?/Whats the trouble (with you)?4、昨晚我学到半夜所以我睡眠不足。I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep.5、今晚你何不早一点睡呢?Why dont you go to sleep earlier this e

10、vening?6、我该做什么?为什么你不忘掉它呢?尽管她错了,但这不是什么大事。What should I do? Why dont you forget it? Although shes wrong, its not a big deal.7、他该做什么呢?他该和他的朋友谈谈以便能说对不起。What should he do? He should talk to his friends so that he can say hes sorry.8、我和我最好的朋友打了一架。 I got into/had a fight with my best friend. 9、我不擅长写信。Im no

11、t good at writing letters.10、昨天我发现我妹妹在翻看我的东西。I found my sister looking through my things yesterday.11、我的问题是我无法与家人和睦相处。My problem is that I cant get on/along with my family.12、你可以告诉他把音量调小。You could tell him to turn down the TV.13、他总是拒绝让我看我喜欢的电视节目。 He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show

12、.14、相反,晚上他想看什么就看到很晚。 Instead he watches whatever he wants until late last night.15、在你这个确实不容易,有这些感受是正常的。 Its not easy being your age, and its normal to have these feelings.16、如果你的父母有问题,你应该主动提供帮助。 If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help.17、其次,为什么你不坐下来和你的哥哥交流一下呢?Secondly, why dont

13、 you sit down and communicate with your brother?18、在学校里我不得不和同学竞争。 I have to compete with my classmates at school.19、你能给我解释一下怎样做这道数学题吗?Can you explain to me how to do this problems?20、你害怕在人前讲话。Youre afraid of speaking in front of people.21、妈妈们总是把他们和其他的孩子比较。Mothers are always comparing them with other

14、 children.22、医生说太多的压力不利于孩子的发育。Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development.23、依我看,你最好在等十分钟。 In my opinion, youd better wait another ten minutes. 24、尽管希望孩子成功很正常,但让他们开心甚至更重要。 Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.25、人们不应该把

15、孩子逼得那么紧。 People shouldnt push their kids so hard. U31、暴风雨来临时这个女孩正在干什么?1、What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm?2、在暴风雨来临时她正在等公交车。2. She was waiting for the bus at the time of the rainstorm.3、昨天晚上 7 点钟你在干什么?3. What were you doing at seven last night?4、那时我在洗澡。4. I was taking/having a show

16、er at that time.5、当暴风雨来的时候他在干什么?5.What was he doing when the rainstorm came?6、暴风雨来的时候他正在图书馆看书。6.He was reading books in the library when the rainstorm came?7、开始下大雨时 Ben 在干什么?7.What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?8. 开始下大雨时 Ben 正在帮他妈妈做饭。8.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when it began

17、to rain heavily?=When it began to rain heavily, Ben was helping his mom make dinner.9、Linda 在睡觉时 Jenny 在干什么?9.What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?10、Linda 睡觉时 Jenny 在帮助 Mary 做作业。10.While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.=Jenny was helping Mary with her homework

18、while Linda was sleeping.11、我正忙着找伞以至于我没有看见一辆车过来。11.I was so busy looking for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming.12、我的闹钟没有响,因此我起晚了。 12.My alarm didnt go off so I woke up late.13、昨天早晨那位老人发生什么事了?13. What happened to the old man yesterday morning?14、你打电话时我正在购物。14. I was shopping when you called/

19、telephoned.= When you called, I was shopping.15、大约凌晨 3 点钟当风逐渐减弱时,他终于入睡了。15. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3 a.m.16、当他醒来时,太阳正在升起。16. When he woke up, the sun was rising.17、他和家人走到外面发现社区一片混乱。17.He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess. 18、虽然暴风

20、雨拆散了很多东西,但它使家人和邻居的关系更加紧密。18. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.19、当学校篮球比赛开始时,Kate 仍在前往学校的路上。 19. When the school basketball competition started, Kate was still making her way to school.20、听到这个坏消息我的父母完全惊呆了。20. My parents were completely shoc

21、ked to hear the bad news.21、我们沉默地吃完了剩下的晚饭。21. We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.22、我是那么恐惧以至于之后我几乎什么都想不清楚了。22. I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that. 23、当她到达北京时我正在拍照。23. I was taking photos when she arrived in Beijing.U41. 这个故事是怎样开始的?1、 How does the story begin?2、接下

22、来发生了什么事?2、What happened next?3、这个人一说完愚公就说在他死后他的家人会继续移山。2.As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said that his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.4、关于愚公的故事你们是怎么想的?What do you think about/of the story of Yu Gong?5. 愚公找的了一个好办法解决他的难题。Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem.6.


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