1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料老托福听力93篇文本: 谷物摘要: 老托福听力93篇是考生备考托福听力的重要材料,考生们大都是听着音频然后解答其中的题目,然后再根据自己错在哪里重新听一遍,但是却很少有考生知道老托福听力93篇文本,因此小编为大家整理了其中一部分。扫描二维码获取免费资料:马俊 托福 听力场景分类资料包点击查看扫描二维码的方法Everyone is interested in improving their diet.Adding grains is one of the easiest ways.Many people in the United States have a growi
2、ng concern about nutrition, so grains are often served in restaurants.And many grains are now available in grocery stores, too though for some you still have to go to health food stores.You can stock up when you go, though, because uncooked grains keep a long time.Youll find that grains are easy to
3、prepare.Many grains are as simple to cook as spaghetti.Barley, for instance, is just cooked in salted water.Remember, though, whole-grain barley the most nutritious kind never will get as tender as spaghetti no matter how long its cooked.Grain-based salads are easy, too.Just use grains left over fro
4、m a hot meal.You call even put together a grain salad hours before you need it, since grains dont wilt like lettuce does.But to get back to health factors, all grains are nutritious and many have special benefits.Barley has very little fat.Some experts believe that it may even reduce cholesterol levels.Jasmine rice is also low in fat.And it has a bonus in its wonderful aroma, a very special fragrance.托福听力 备考需要大量的材料和练习题,为了给考生们节省寻找资料的时间,我们特别将常用的托福听力资料整理出来提供给大家,本文分享的老托福听力93篇文本:谷物就是其中之一,如果您还需要更多类似内容可以随时点击下面的下载按钮免费获取。相关推荐:新托福听力备考策略重点托福听力长段子的精听方法新托福听力加试答案相关字搜索: 老托福听力93篇文本