高三英语一轮复习课时作业 (32).doc

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1、1课时作业(三十二) 选修 7 Unit 2 Robots.单项填空1(2011辽宁卷)_a strange plant!Ive never seen it before.AWhich BWhatCHow DWhether2As he stood up and _,he saw the waiter standing behind him and giving him an understanding smile.Aturned off Bturned aroundCturned over Dturned up3Do remember to_me up at 7 oclock in the m

2、orning on that day,or I will forget all about the party.No problem.Alift BbringCring Dtake4Now that you are in charge of the department,you are_to carry out the plan.Aeager BanxiousCinterested Dbound5He feels it dangerous for a girl to be out late at night so he wont have his daughter_home late.Aarr

3、ive BarrivedCto arrive Darriving6If we_another two weeks,we will be able to finish the task.Agive Bwill giveCare given Dwill be given7(2012临沂质量检测)You didnt wait for Elizabeth last night,did you?Yes, but we_.She didnt come at all.Adont have to Bneednt haveCneed to Dshould have8By the time you realize

4、 that you_to the drug, itll be too late for you to do anything about it.Awere addicted Bare addictedChave been addicted Dhad been addicted9Generally_as the “small Olympic Games”,the International UniversitiesGames are held every two years.2Ahaving known Bto be knownCknowing Dknown10The company provi

5、des inexpensive Internet access._,it makes shareware freely available.AIn addition BIn briefCIn return DIn all11To our delight,the government has_money in the budget this year to deal with recovery from natural disasters.Aset off Bcut outCcut down Dset aside12(2012山西太原模拟)The education of_young is al

6、ways_hot and serious topic in modern society.Athe;/ Ba ;theC/;the Dthe;a13Dont worry.Ill get the computer_and get someone_it to you tomorrow.Arepaired;send Bto repair;to sendCrepair;send Drepaired ;to send14Hurry up.The film is on for ten minutes.OK.But the beginning_.Ais missed Bwill be missedChas

7、been missed Dhad been missed15If you always come to work late,you will be fired._?I dont care.AWhat for BHow comeCSo what DWhy so.完形填空建议用时 15(2012成都毕业班诊断)There is a small shop about 200 meters from where I live that sells groceries,meat and other basic necessities.About 10 years ago,there was a begg

8、ar who would go into the shop every day and ask the owner for a_1_.The owner,_2_he would love to help,simply didnt have any jobs available, so he kept_3_the mans offers.This situation continued_4_for a few months,until the owner_5_to give the homeless man a job which_6_sweeping outside the shop.Ever

9、y single day from 5 am,the homeless man was there doing the very_7_he could for the_8_,making it the communitys favorite,even though it did earn him pennies._9_,the owner saw how good a job the man was doing and 3gave him a job working_10_a cashier (收银员)He was watched closely to make sure that he di

10、dnt_11_any of the money received from the sales.He was still homeless,after all.The homeless man did a/an_12_job as a cashier for over 2 years,and did such a good job that he was promoted to_13_the finances for the whole shop.To my_14_, this was the arrangement up until 2 years ago,when the owner_15

11、_.In his will,he only had one_16_,to give the whole shop to the now stable homelessman.Now,I could walk into that shop and see him working as hard as_17_,with his own business that is still_18_and active 10 years after getting his job as a sweeper.From this story,we can probably get the inspiration:

12、work hard and give everything your best effort;even if it isnt your_19_situation,it may well turn out to_20_some day in the future.,1. Acoin BhomeCjob Dmeal2. Aalthough BunlessCbecause Dif3. Aexpecting BconsideringCaccepting Drefusing4. Aagain BoftenCweekly Ddaily5. Aoffered BagreedCplanned Dfailed6

13、A.meant BinvolvedCcontrolled Dtrained7A.best BleastCbetter Dless8. Afamily BownerCinterest Dmoment9. ASuddenly BFortunatelyCQuietly DEventually10. Afor BwithCas Dlike11. Alose BpocketCspend Dsave12. Ahonest BloyalCfantastic Dkind413. Aguard BraiseCprovide Dmanage14. Aknowledge BmindCscare Djoy15. Ag

14、ot retired Bbecame oldCpassed away Dgave up16. Athought BpurposeCrequest Dsuggestion17. Aever BnecessaryCexpected Drequired18. Abig BnewCshabby Dpopular19. Aideal BcurrentCown Dfinancial20. Abecome BbeChappen Ddo.阅读理解(2012宁夏三市模拟)When editors considered the possible demand for “Autobiography (自传) of

15、Mark Twain” ,they kept their expectations within 7,500 copies.However, the book reached the No.7 on The New York Timesbestseller list published on Nov.28.On Friday afternoon it was No.4 on the BN.com bestseller list.It is a hit across the country,landing on bestseller lists and going back to press s

16、ix times, for a total of 275,000 so far.The publisher cannot print copies quickly enough,leaving some bookstores and online retailers (零售商) hopeless without copies just as the holiday shopping season begins.“Its frustrating, ”said Rona,the owner of the BookMark.“In this age of instant books,why does

17、 it take so long to reprint it?” Kris,an owner of a bookstore said:“ It was sold right out.Theres a lasting love affair with Mark Twain,especially around here.Anybody within a stones throw of the Mississippi River has a Twain attachment.”Mr Ingram said:“Im sure every bookseller in the world is sayin

18、g, I_should_have_been_sharper.I should have thought this one through more carefully.” Earlier this week,the book was sold out at a handful of bookstores.Some booksellers said they had been told,much to their disappointment,that they would not receive reorders until midDecember or even January.Many b

19、ooksellers said the book has a holidaygift quality, which has a unique story behind 5its publication.Twain ordered that the book be published a century after his death.It is more political than his previous works,being frank,funny,angry and full of memories from his childhood.Its literary,but not to

20、o tough to read.The content,itself,is very readable.It can be easily picked up and read without the worry of continuity (连贯性) “Ive only had a chance to look at it,but from what I did see,it looked like the kind of book you would never finish,and you would never even think of reading from the beginni

21、ng to the end, ”said Mr Ingram of Prairie Lights.“Its the kind of book you would read a little bit every day of your life.”“He was a wonderful showman.And he was cool.Lets face it.Thats part of it.”Mr Kettmann said.“We feel Americas kind of excited about a literary icon, ”said Ms Dahne.“Theres somet

22、hing very sweet about the fact that people are interested in a 736page scholarly book about Mark Twain.”1We can find this article in a_.Anewspaper BbrochureCnovel Dguidebook2 “I should have been sharper” here means that booksellers_.Ashould raise the price of the bookBwere not smart enough to notice

23、 the situationCshould print more copies of the bookDwere quite clear about the situation3 “Autobiography of Mark Twain” is a book that_.Awill be easily put down once readBis hard for us to understandCis only suitable to be a holiday giftDshould be read in small bites4The article intends to tell us_.

24、AAmericans like reading books very muchBMark Twains autobiography is well receivedCmany booksellers are crazy about Mark TwainDthe business of American bookstores is good课时作业( 三十二).单项填空1解析: 句意为:这种植物真奇怪!我以前从未 见过。本题考查感叹句。设空处修饰名词,故答案为 B 项。答案: B2解析: 句意为:他站起来 转身时,看 见背后站着的那名侍者正对自己心照不宣地微6笑。turn around 回转,转

25、身,符合句意。turn off 关掉;turn over(使) 翻倒,翻 过( 书页);turn up 出现,开大(声音等)。答案: B3解析: 句意为:那天早上七点 钟一定要记得给我打电话,否 则我会把聚会的事儿全忘了。没问题。ring up 给打电话,符合 题意。lift up 提起;鼓舞;bring up 培养;提出;take up 占据;从事。答案: C4解析: be bound to 一定做,必 须做。句意 为:既然你负责这个部门,你必须执行这个计划。eager 渴望的; anxious 渴望的,焦 虑的;interested 感 兴趣的。答案: D5解析: 考查 have sb.d

26、oing 的用法。have sb.doing 表示允许或容忍(某事物)发生,尤其是在否定句中用于 will not,can not 等之后。答案: D6解析: 考查动词的时态 和语态。在条件状 语从句中,应用一般现在时表示将来。give 和 we 之间存在动宾关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态形式。答案: C7解析: 考查情态动词。句意为:你昨天晚上没有等到伊丽莎白,是吗?是的,但是我们本没有必要等。她根本就没来。根据句意可知,此处表示本没有必要做某事,故用 neednt have done。答案: B8解析: 考查时态。在时间、条件状语从句中,用现在完成时代替将来完成时。句意为:当你意识到自己已

27、经对毒品上瘾时,再想来 补救就已经 来不及了。答案: C9解析: 考查非谓语动词 。句意 为:世界大学生运动会每两年举办一次,素有“小奥运会”之称。International UniversitiesGames 与 know 之 间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。答案: D10解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:这个公司提供低廉的互联网接入服务。除此之外,这个公司有无限制的共享。in addition 另外,此外;in brief 简言之;in return 作为报答;in all 总计 。答案: A11解析: 考查动词词组辨析。句意为:令人高兴的是,今年,政府在财政中预留了用于自然灾害恢复

28、的钱。set off 开始;爆炸;cut out 切去,省略,停止;cut down 削减;set aside 留出,拨出。7答案: D12解析: 考查冠词。第一空是 the形容词, 这里表示 “年轻人” ;第二空表示“一个热门而严肃的话题” ,表泛指,故用不定冠词 a。答案: D13解析: 考查非谓语动词 。句意 为:别担心。我会把电脑修好,然后明天让人给你送去。get sth.done 某人完成;get sb.to do 让某人做某事。答案: D14解析: 考查被动语态。句意为:快点!电影已经开演 10 分钟了。恐怕开始部分已经错过了。根据句中 The film is on for ten

29、 minutes,可判断 miss 的动作发生在过去并持续到了现在且表示被动,故用 现在完成时的被动语态 。答案: C15解析: 考查情景交际。句意为:如果你上班总迟到就会被开除。那又怎么样?我不在乎。根据句中的 I dont care.可推断答话者 对“被开除”持无所谓的态度。so what 那又怎么 样,怎么了。答案: C.完形填空语篇解读: 有一个乞丐每天都去商店,恳请老板给他一份工作。虽然老板愿意帮他,但他没有任何空缺的职位。迫于他的坚持,老板最终给了他一份清理商店外卫生的工作。勤奋的乞丐受到老板的青睐,最后,店老板去世前将商店赠给了他。1解析: 十年前,有一个乞丐每天都会到商店去 恳

30、请老板给他一份工作。下句中的“.be would love to help,simply didnt have any jobs available.”是答案提示。答案: C2解析: 虽然老板愿意帮助他,但是他没有空缺的 职位。although 引导让步状语从句。答案: A3解析: 尽管老板愿意帮助,但是他没有任何空缺的 职位,所以他一直“拒绝”这个乞丐的要求。答案: D4解析: 在接下来的好几个月里,乞丐每天都来商店,恳请老板给他一份工作。daily表示“每天” 。上文的“go into the shop every day”是答案提示。答案: D5解析: agree to do sth.同

31、意做某事。最终老板同意给这位无家可归的人一份工作。答案: B6解析: involve 需要,包含。工作需要他打扫商店外的卫生。答案: B87解析: 他尽可能为老板做到最好。最后一段的“work hard and give everything your best effort.”是答案提示。答案: A8解析: 上文提到商店的老板 给了这位无家可归的人一份工作,此处表示这位无家可归的人尽自己最大的努力为老板工作。答案: B9解析: 最终,店主看到他工作兢兢业业,就给他换了一份收银员的工作。eventually最后,终于。答案: D10解析: as 表示“作为,身为” 。句意 见上题解析。下文“a

32、s a cashier for over 2 years”也是答案提示。答案: C11解析: 他被密切监视,以确保他没有偷钱。pocket 表示“盗用,窃取,侵吞 ”。答案: B12解析: 两年多来,这个无家可归的男人当收银员干得很踏实。honest 努力认真的,勤劳的。答案: A13解析: 由于工作出色,老板提拔了他,让他“管理”全店的财务。答案: D14解析: to ones knowledge 表示“据所知” ,符合语境。答案: A15解析: 根据下一句中的 “In his will”可知,两年前老板去世了。pass away 死,逝世。答案: C16解析: 老板在遗嘱中只有一个要求,那

33、就是把整个商店留给这位无家可归的人。request 要求。答案: C17解析: 现在,我可以走到那家商店,看见他和往常一样努力工作。as.as ever 与往昔一样答案: A18解析: popular 受欢迎的。十年前他的老板 给了他一份清洁工的工作, 现在老板把整个商店给了他,生意依旧很受 欢迎。答案: D19解析: 即使不是理想的工作,你也要努力工作,付出你最大的努力。ideal 理想的,最合适的。9答案: A20解析: 将来有一天,不理想的工作有可能会成 为理想的工作。turn out to be 表示“最终成为,最后结果是” ,为固定用法。答案: B.阅读理解语篇解读: 本文是一则报道

34、, 马克吐温自传受到人们的追捧,登上了纽约时报畅销书榜单第七名。1解析: 文章出处题。从全文可知,这是一篇介绍马克吐温自传畅销的新闻报道,所以文章最有可能来自于报纸,答案 选 A 项。答案: A2解析: 句意理解题。语意表示“我本该眼光更敏锐些” ,再结合语境可知该句隐含着书商对形势估计不足,从而 产生一种惋惜和自责的情绪 ,所以句意同 B 项较一致。答案: B3解析: 事实细节题。从文章第三段最后一句我们不难发现, 马克 吐温自传需要读者仔细阅读,点滴阅读,所以答案选 D 项。答案: D4解析: 写作目的题。全文主要向读者介绍了马克吐温自传受到人们的追捧,畅销于世,所以选 B 项。答案: B


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