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1、1第四届“英为我秀”外语文化文化节闭幕式主持稿一、 开场白女:尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好。男:Good evening, my honored teachers and my fellow students女: 欢迎大家来到第四届“英为我秀”外语文化节闭幕式的现场!男:Welcome to the closing ceremony of the Fourth Cultural Festival of Foreign Language. 女:第四届“英为我秀”外语文化节历时一个多月,今天即将落下帷幕。男: After more than one months time advanc

2、ed, the Fourth Cultural Festival of Foreign Language is about to conclude today.二、介绍嘉宾女:出席本次闭幕式的嘉宾有:法商学院团委书记陶金勇老师、团委刘俊义老师,外语文化节演讲板块指导老师欧阳宾飞老师、陶练老师,歌曲板块指导老师 老师、 老师,配音板块指导老师 蔡洁老师、何苗老师,单词记忆板块指导老师郭苗苗老师、 老师以及各系团总支书记等。男: Thanks for your attending!三、致闭幕词女:下面让我们掌声有请外语系综合办主任曹青老师为第四届“英为我秀”外语文化节致闭幕辞,欢迎!男:Welco

3、me!女:感谢曹青老师的精彩致辞。男:Thanks.四、表演:女:都说语言是文化的载体,语言之美在于其所传递的文化。男:As is known to all, language is the carrier of culture and the beauty of the culture is reflected by language.女:当两种不同的文化交融到了一起,文化的碰撞在所难免,又将产生怎样的风情?2男:The culture shock between east and west culture could not be avoided during the communicat

4、ion with each other. What will be made after the combination of different cultures? 女:现在,让我们来切身感受一下,请欣赏新版梁祝 ,重温经典,领略别样风情。男:Now, lets enjoy the new edition of the classical LiangZhu to call back the memory of us.女:欣赏完了新版梁祝 ,你是否为他们爱情的凄美所动容,为语言的魅力所震撼,为文化的博大所欢呼。男:I wonder whether you are moved by the be

5、autiful love story, whether you are shocked by the magic of language and cheerful for the broad and profound culture. 女:下面是万琪珑为我们带来的演讲,大家欢迎。男:Applause for the speech delivered by 万琪珑. 女:听完激动人心的演讲,让我们把节奏放缓,一起聆听歌曲的美妙。有请 XXX 为我们带来 XXX。男:Lets slow down the pace and enjoy a song after the exciting speech

6、. Welcome XXX.女:歌声悠扬,沁人心脾,入人心灵。回过神来,精彩还要继续,有请李思瑶为我们带来英文电影配音爱丽丝梦游仙境 ,欢迎。男:Voice of the singing reached the deepest place of our heart。 Back to the stage, performance need to be continuous. Part of the film Alices Adventures in Wonderland dubbed by 李思瑶. 女:又一场视听盛宴,不仅让我们为电影片段所吸引,更为那精湛的配音技巧所惊叹。男:Its a fe

7、ast both for our eyes and ears that we are attracted by the film and surprised by the skill of dubbing.女:现在是我们的互动环节。3男:Now, its time for interaction.女:这里有三种形式:1 看图片猜电影名;2 听歌词猜歌曲名;3 你做动作我猜单词。男:There are three means indeed.女:精彩要继续,互动乐不听。现在互动环节结束,男:Though there are much fun in the interaction, performa

8、nce need to go on. 女:有请代敏为我们带来不一样的精彩。男:Applause for the speech delivered by 代敏.女:下面有请 XXX 带来歌曲 XXX男:Coming next is a song, welcome. 女:歌声依旧,经典依旧,掌声有请柯玉泽为我们带来对电视剧生活大爆炸经典片段的配音。男:Part of The Big Bang Theory dubbed by 柯玉泽, welcome.女:选手们带给我们一波接一波的惊喜,现在让我们掌声请出我们的嘉宾黄汉文给我们带来更加震撼的 B-box 表演。男:There are so many

9、 surprising showed for us. Next, lets applause for the B-box show. Welcome 黄汉文.女:震撼不停转,又一波震撼已经来临。吴静带着她的演讲来了。 男:吴静 is coming with her speech to shock us.女:愿乘着音乐的翅膀,让我心飞扬,一起聆听 XXX 的声音。男:Now, we are going to listen to XXX.女:他的声音是不是他,一起见证。欢迎刘畅为我们带来闻香识女人男:Lets see whether his voice is his or not. 女:选手们的表

10、演已告一段落,你还有什么期待?有请经英 12402班的同学为我们带来话剧臭脚的故事 。男:What are you looking for after performances of the participants? Now, enjoy the drama Smelly Feet .4女:最激动人心的时刻马上来临了,有请外语文化节演讲板块的一等奖吴静、二等奖代敏、三等奖万琪珑上台领奖。男:请欧阳宾飞老师和陶练老师为他们颁奖并合影留念。 女:有请外语文化节歌曲板块的一等奖 XXX、二等奖 XXX、三等奖XXX 上台领奖。男:请 XXX 老师和 XXX 老师为他们颁奖并合影留念。女:有请外语文

11、化节配音板块的一等奖 XXX、二等奖 XXX、三等奖XXX 上台领奖。男:请 XXX 老师和 XXX 老师为他们颁奖并合影留念。女:有请外语文化节单词记忆板块的一等奖 XXX、二等奖 XXX、三等奖 XXX 上台领奖。男:请 XXX 老师和 XXX 老师为他们颁奖并合影留念。女:Congratulate to them.男:They deserve that. 五、结束语女:美好时光总是显得很短暂,尽管不能尽情徜徉,但语言的世界已经开放。男:Though happy time is always short that we can not enjoy ourselves,the world of language is open to us. 女:第四届“英为我秀”外语文化节到此圆满结束,让我们以同样的激情,迎接下一次盛会的到来。男:The Fourth Cultural Festival of Foreign Language has come to an end and let us look forward to the grand event the next time with equal passion.5合:Thanks!


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