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1、TBBT 笔记(B 版)s01e02 The Big Bran Hypothesis 1.普通级词汇dolly:n. 小轮搬运车,手推车fulcrum:n.(杠杆的)支点,支轴vortex:n. 漩涡 ,旋风entropy:n. 熵transvestite:n. 易装癖者immaculate:adj. 无缺点的,无瑕疵的evening gown: n. (通常带有拖地长裙的) 女夜礼服insomnia:n.失眠unorthodox:adj. 非传统的,异端的sinus:n. 鼻窦sleep apnea:睡眠时呼吸暂停otolaryngologist:n. 耳鼻喉科医师proctologist:

2、n. 直肠科医师pelvis:n. 骨盘Intoxicating:adj. 醉人的,使人兴奋的dowels:n.木钉 ,暗销infrared repeater:n. 红外线中继器photocell:n. 光电池aquarium pump:n. 潜水泵drip tray:n. 除霜水盘sluice: n. 水闸overflow reservoir:n. 蓄水池, 储液器heat sink:n. 散热片junkyard:n. 废品旧货栈oxyacetylene torch:n. 氧乙炔炬2.爆炸级词汇Lois Lane:超人前女友Green Lantern:绿灯侠Mandelbrot set of

3、 complex numbers:芒德勃罗(Beno?t Mandelbrot,1924- ) ,波兰几何学家,分形理论创始人。Mandelbrot 集又被称为“数学恐龙” ,对每一个 C,让 z0=0 代入迭代式:f(z) = z*z + C,经足够多次迭代后函数值不扩散,这样的 C 所组成的集合为 M 集。M集被认为是数学上最为复杂、最美丽的集合之一。Oppenheimer:奥本海默,1945 年带领“曼哈顿计划”洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室全体科学家成功研制出世界上第一枚原子弹3.爆炸级食品pad thai:泰式炒面Vienna sausages:维也纳香肠Honey Puffs:一种低纤维麦片B

4、ig Bran:一种含有糠麸的高纤维麦片4.精选语录Raj: Are there any chopsticks?Sheldon: You dont need chopsticks. This is Thai food.Leonard: Here we go.Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century. Interestingly they dont put the fork in their mouth, they use it toput the food on a spoon, w

5、hich then goes into their mouth.Leonard: Ask him for a napkin, I dare you.听谢博士讲泰国餐具Leonard: Penny, wait.Penny: Yeah?Leonard: Um. If you dont have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon?Penny: A marathon? Wow, how many Superman movies are there?Sheldon: Yo

6、ure kidding, right?Penny: Yeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that?All guys: One.我只看过超人一Sheldon: You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.Penny: Yes, I know, men cant fly.Sheldon: No, no. Lets a

7、ssume that they can. Hmm. Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour, hits them and is immediately sliced into three equ

8、al pieces.Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates.Sheldon: In what space, sir? In what space? Shes 2 feet above the ground. Yeah, frankly, if he really loved her, hed let her hit the pavement. Itd be a more merciful death.钢铁手臂三段式Leonard: I guess well just bring it up ourselves.She

9、ldon: I hardly think so.Leonard: Why not?Sheldon: Well, we dont have a dolly or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength.Leonard: We dont need strength. Were physicists. We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes. Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the Earth. Its just a m

10、atter. I dont have this. I dont have this! I dont have this.Sheldon: Archimedes would be so proud.阿基米德的后代们Leonard: Im not surprised. A well-known folk cure for insomnia is to break in your neighbors apartment andclean.Sheldon: Sarcasm?Leonard: You think?Sheldon: Granted, my methods may have been som

11、ewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Pennys quality of life.Leonard: You know what, you convinced me. Maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet.Sheldon: You dont think that crosses a line?Leonard: Yes. For Gods sake, Sheldon, do I have to hol

12、d up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?Sheldon: You have a sarcasm sign?Leonard: No, I do not have a sarcasm sign.讽刺?Leonard: Uh. Heres the thing: ,Penny, just as Oppenheimer came to regret his contributions to the first atomic bomb, so too I regret my participation in what was, at the very

13、least, an error in judgment. The hallmark of the great human experiment is the willingness to recognize ones mistakes. Some mistakes, such as Madam Curies discovery of radium, turned out to have great scientific potential, even though she would later die a slow, painful death from radiation poisonin

14、g. Another example, from the field of Ebola research.Leonard 的科学道歉5.地道表达swoop down:猛扑下straighten up:整理,整顿get out of your hair:不打扰了,get in ones hair 打扰某人per se:本质上, 本身6.本集八卦他们住在四楼,以前 Penny 的房间住的是有异装癖的警察Leonard 有 2600 本漫画书,但是跳舞毯上赢不了 HowardPenny 在农场长大,12 岁时组装过拖拉机马达,但是睡觉会打鼾Sheldon 有一个 Master 和两个 Ph.D.学位

15、,但是不懂什么是讽刺Howard 用俄语泡妞,但是对花生(包括花生油)过敏Raj 是个好的倾听者,但是。 。 。TBBT 笔记(B 版)103 绒靴推论1.普通级词汇frosty:adj. 下霜的,严寒的, 冷淡的goblin:n. 恶鬼,小妖精prehensile:adj. 能抓住的,可握住的goggle:n. 护目镜pheromones:n.外激素spittle:n. 口水,唾液arousal:n. 激励,鼓励, 唤醒asthma: n. 哮喘feline:adj. 猫科的 n. 猫,猫科动物calicos:n. 白棉布,印花布cuddly:adj. 抱着很舒服地chisel: n. 凿子

16、crescent shaped:新月形的Colonoscopy:n. 结肠镜检查chafing:n. 医皮炎concussion:n. 脑震荡2.爆炸级词汇Azeroth:魔兽世界(WOW)里的艾泽拉斯oxygen iodine laser:氧碘化学激光器Asimovs three laws of robotics:美国著名科幻作家阿西莫夫( Isaac Asimov,1920-1992)在其“机器人”系列科幻作品中,提出“机器人学三定律” ,为机器人建立了一套行为规范和道德准则,从而演绎出一系列推理性和逻辑性极强的漂亮故事。以下是“机器人学三定律”:1. A robot may not in

17、jure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First o

18、r Second Law.hypoallergenic:adj. 【医学】 低变应原的,不会导致过敏反应的Quiznos:奎兹诺斯( Quiznos)是美国著名的快餐品牌Aramis:雅男仕,雅诗兰黛旗下品牌alpha wave:阿尔法波(813 赫兹), 反映正常人常见的脑电图intestinal polyps:肠息肉centrifugal force:n. 离心力centripetal force:n. 向心力3.爆炸级食品minestrone:n.(意大利式)蔬菜浓汤,浓肉汁菜汤chicken carbonara:鸡肉烤面条加干酪沙司ketchup:番茄酱4.精选语录Leonard: I

19、m fine. Pennys fine. The guy shes kissing is really fine.Howard: Kissing, what kind of kissing? Cheeks? Lips?Chaste? French?Leonard: What is wrong with you?Howard: Im a romantic.浪漫猥琐男Sheldon: Well, at least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted, smoldering wreckage that was once your f

20、antasy of dating her and analyze the data so that you dont crash into geek mountain.真损呐 SheldonSheldon: Ok, look, I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a

21、flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.Sheldon 越来越复杂的解释Penny: So whats new in the world of physics?Leonard: Nothing.Penny: Really? Nothing?Leonard: Well, with the exception of string theory, not much has happened since the 1930s. And you cant prove string theory. At best you can say, “Hey, look,

22、 my idea has an internal logical consistency.“Penny: Huh, well, Im sure things will pick up.傻妞 Penny5.地道表达lock and load:重新装弹,准备射击swat off:用力打击penny for your thoughts:分享一下你在想什么quibble over:争辩琐事, 诡辩bounce back:受挫折后恢复原状6.本集八卦Leonard 失恋的恢复模式:two weeks of moping tedious emo songs and calling Sheldon to c

23、ome down to pet stores to look at catsPenny 失恋的恢复模式:Find a cute guy, commence with 36 hours of meaningless sex over a weekend. It does lead to emotional chafing, however.Leonard 晕车、有恐慌症。 。 。Sheldon 有哮喘(真的假的)TBBT 笔记(B 版)104 发光鱼效应1.普通级词汇spelunking:n.洞穴探察consonant:n. 辅音vis-a-vis:n. 面对面 ,相对着savor:vt. 尝到

24、或闻到, 尽情享受jumbo:a. 巨大的sabbatical:a. 安息日的kowtow:n. vi. 磕头mediocre:a. 平庸的, 平凡的caliper: n. 制动钳mutilation:n. 切断,毁损manganese:n. 锰tampon:n.( 塞伤口用的)棉塞 ; 月经棉塞menopause:n. 【生理学】绝经;绝经期;更年期luminous:a. 发光的, 发亮的jellyfish:n. 水母,海蜇loom:n. 织布机smoldering:a. 阴燃的, 闷骚的lasik:n. 激光眼科手术bobcat:n. 山猫licorice:n. 甘草fissionable:a.可分裂的, 可裂变的dynamite:n. 氨爆炸药


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