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1、8AU6一、单词1、 captain n. 船长,机长 (区分:capital n. 首都)eg: The captain refused to leave his sinking ship. 船长拒绝离开正在下沉的船。 v. 担任队长、统帅、指挥eg: He will captain the basketball team next season. 他将在下个赛季担任该篮球队的队长。2、lost lose 的过去式或过去分词 遗失a. 迷路的,迷失的 eg: He took the lost child to the policeman. 他把迷路的小孩领到警察那里。 3、 explore

2、v. 探索,探究(The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links. 大会探讨了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性。 )explorer n. 探索者(He is an Arctic explorer. 他是个北极探险家。 )unexplored a. 无人涉足的(The ancient cave was found 16m ( 52ft) underground in an unexplored area. 这个古老的洞穴在地底下 16 公尺处一个无人涉足的地方被发现。 )4、storey n. 楼层 复数:storeys

3、eg: This two-storey house has indoor swimming pools for any occasion purpose.这两层楼的房子有任何场合多功能室内游泳池。5、approach v. 靠近,接近approach to 接近 (The number of new workers this year approaches to three thousand. 今年新工人的人数近三千人。) n. 方法,方式;态度(可数) ( like her approach to the problem. 我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。 )6、big“大的,巨大的” ,常指程

4、度,范围,规模,容积,重量,数量等(还可表示“伟大,重要”之意)常可与 large 互换,多用于具体的、有形的人或物(其反义词多为little/small。 )如:This is a big cock.这是只大公鸡。large“大的,巨大的 ”,常指面积,范围,可表示数和量(当它直接用于人时,可表示身体的大) ,其反义词为 small。如:They say China is a large and beautiful country.他们说中国是一个面积大而美丽的国家。huge 指体积的巨大或超过标准的巨大,有“very large”的意思。如:There is a huge building

5、 near the river. 河边有幢大楼。 giant: 形容超强的,巨人,庞大的,大力士 7、except 示 “除去,不包括 ”,强调所排除的“不包括在内” ,一般表示同类之间的关系,常同 nothing, all, none, nobody, any 等不定代词以及 every 连用。例如:The office is open every day except Sundays. 除了星期日这家公司每天都营业。except for 也表示“除以外” ,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。它同except 的区别是:except for 后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类的

6、,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面;而 except 后接的词同整体词(主语)一般是同类,指在同类的整体中除去一个部分。例如: Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。而 besides 作“ 除之外“时则表示“ 另外附加“的含义,相当于 “in addition to“。如:We need 3 more persons to finish the job besidesin addition to us two. 除了我们俩还需要 3 个人完成工作。8、peace n. 和平 pea

7、ceful a. 和平的 in peace 和平地9、favour n. 帮助,恩惠 do sb. a favour 帮某人的忙be in favour of 支持10、offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. to sb. 给予某人某物11、arrange v. 安排,筹备 arrangement n. 安排eg:It was arranged that they should leave the following spring. 已安排他们于第二年春天离开。二、词组1、 take plac

8、e2、 in trouble3、 run out of4、 close to5、 in pieces6、 a story about space adventure 7、 a space telescope8、 a rocket9、 a comet10、 bring down=take off11、 land on an unexplored planet12、 open a little13、 go through it and enter a huge cave14、 be similar to the type on the Earth15、 get out of here16、 hop

9、 in17、 turn our blood to ice18、 press a button19、 be caught like rats20、 pull our guns from our hands21、 be wrong about being friendly22、 be the last one to die23、 turn towards me24、 some opinions about the story25、 go hiking26、 make the arrangements27、 use at before exact times28、 at our school gat

10、e29、 take the underground to30、 walk to the campsite31、 watch a tennis match with her32、 had better do33、 the number of students34、 two whole days35、 wake up 36、 look out of the window37、 on the twentieth floor38、 hear a small explosion39、 fall asleep40、 land in the forest near the hills41、 follow a

11、 narrow path42、 feel terrified43、 draw some lines on a piece of paper44、 make up stories45、 tell the truth46、 report it to the police47、 spread their wings三、语法1、The simple future tensewill: We can use will with a verb to refer(把归类于) to the future.eg: Where is the telephone book? 电话薄在哪?Ill get it for

12、 you. 我去给你拿。(临时想法)be going to: We can use be going to with a verb when we plan for something to happen in the future or when we think something will probably happen in the future.eg: Why are you taking it out? 干吗要把它拿出来?Im going to wash it. 我想把它洗一洗。 (事先考虑)2、Adverbs and adverbial phrases for the futur

13、eI will callphoneseeyouhimthemat 5 p.m./3 oclock.onTuesday/4 December.in the afternoon.in an hour.this evening.tomorrow.next week/month/year.soon.The rules:We use at before exact(准确的,精确的) times, on before days and in or at before parts of days. We also use in before periods(期间) of time.We dont use i

14、n, at or on before this,tomorrow, nextor soon.3、Question tags (反义疑问句)Tips:We put a comma(逗号) before a question tag.The verb in the tag must have the same tense as the verb in the statement sentence. After a positive or negative , use will you ?After an imperative starting with Lets, use shall we?.四、

15、句型1、Lam, our pilot, brought us down gently in a valley close to a great cliff of smooth, black rock. In the cliff there were doors each two storeys high!2、The furniture inside was similar to the type on the Earth, but huge! 3、It looked almost human except that it had a single, huge, red eye.4、He gav

16、e a roar that turned our blood to ice.5、Before we could move, Gork pressed a button on the wall beside him. Steel bars sprang from the ground around us and closed over our heads.6、Gork pressed another button, and a powerful magnet above the cage pulled our guns from our hands.7、You will see.8、When he spoke, his voice shook.


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