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1、口语精华: 1. Im inclined to give you a shot.我想给你个机会。2. Youre awfully chipper!你真的很兴奋!3. She completely shut me out.她彻底把我踢出局了。4. Zip it,Im talking.住嘴,我讲话呢!5. Hes an anchor dragging you down.他会拖你的后腿。6. I can multitask.我可以一心二用。7. Oh,fire away!好吧,开始吧!8. Okay,hotshot!Fire up the laptop.好吧,牛人!把电脑打开。9. He is a

2、total package.他是绝对的可造之材。10. Didnt think youd have the guts to show up.没想到你还有胆量出现。11. Next year,you wont get away with it. 明年,你就不会那么轻易地逃脱了。1. Mike:See, you think that you can mess with my life,and I cant mess with yours, but I can. The only thing thats stopped me until now is the fact that I actually

3、 cared about you. But now, after this, I really dont give a shit about you anymore. You might not have my memory, but you better remember that.看吧,你觉得你能毁了我的生活而我却毁不了你的,但是我可以。到目前为止阻止我这么做的唯一理由,就是我真心关心你。但是现在,经过这件事,我完全不再管你了。你可能没我那么好的记忆力,但你最好给我记住这点。2. Harvey:If you come back, heres whats gonna happen.Your

4、daughters gonna find out what kind man her father is.Everything. You think I wont do that? I will.如果你要回来,这就是你将面对的。你女儿会知道她父亲是一个怎样的人。每一件事情。你觉得我不会这么做吗?我会的。3. Ms. Harrison:Standing there in your fancy suit calling my story bullshit? You dont even know what it is.穿着昂贵的西装站在这说别人的事是狗屁?你根本连实际情况都没了解。4. Jessic

5、a: You know, you and Daniel are cut from the same cloth.你知道吗,你和 Daniel 简直就是师出同门。Harvey:Thats why I dont like him.There can be only one.那就是为什么我不喜欢他的原因。一山不容二虎。1.My deepest apologies.我深表歉意。2.Have as much as you like.想喝多少就喝多少。3.I would be honored.我会非常荣幸。4.You were nowhere to be found.你还真是不好找呢。5.Im sorry

6、 for your loss.对你的损失我深表同情。6.You brought this on yourself.这是你自找的。7.I didnt like the way he was talking about Robb.我不喜欢他谈论 Robb 的语气。8.He didnt know anything about anything.他什么都不懂。9.You have my word.我保证。10.Your roof, your rules.你的地盘你说了算。11.Have you grown fond of me?你已经开始喜欢我了么?1.Tyrion:Wish I could stay

7、 and celebrate,but there is work to be done.我倒是希望我能留下来庆祝,但是我还有事要做。2.Joffrey:Hell make a much better fool than a knight.他做傻瓜肯定比做骑士要做的更好。3.Tyrion:Im a slave to the truth.我是真相的忠实追随者。1.Somebody up there must like me.上面肯定有神仙看上我了(指运气好,手气)。2.Who the hell are you, huh?你到底是什么人?3.Theres no way youre getting o

8、ut of here alive.你休想活着逃出去。4.Sometimes, you try to do the right thing,and you just- you cause more damage.有时你努力去把事情做对,但是造成更多的麻烦。5.I want you to honor our deal.我希望你信守承诺。6.Well, the bigger the lie , the easier it is to believe.越大的谎言,越是容易被人们相信。7.You cant enjoy living like this.你这样活着肯定不好受。8.Youre not in

9、control anymore.你已经不是当家人了。9.Otherwise, I would have you dissolved today.不然 我今天就让你就死翘翘。10.Something else is going on here. 这事另有隐情。11.What I want to know is how the hell this could have happened?我只想知道这事怎么可能发生。12.Id like to have a word with Alex in private.我想单独和艾丽克丝谈谈。13.What do you care what I want?你干

10、嘛要在乎我的想法?14. Because I like to plan for tomorrow.And I need to earn your trust.因为我喜欢未雨绸缪,我需要赢得你的信任。15.Give me a chance to do this my way.给我一个机会让我按照我的方式来?16.He told me that my son Justin would pay the price for my insult. 他告诉我,我儿子会为我的行为付出代价。17.God, you know, I forgot how dense you guys can be. 老天 我忘了

11、你俩那么笨 我快后悔救你们。18. How would you get past me?你怎么过我这一关呢?19 You guys want to bring heat down on yourselves, thats fine. I cant afford it. I got lots to lose. 你们想成为众矢之的 我管不着 但我担不起 我会失去很多。20.Hate to break it to you guys. 其实不想告诉你们。21 So I cant go around your back the way that you just went around mine. 那我

12、不能像你刚才打我小报告一样,去打你的小报告了。22.The situation is still fluid, and Im not interested in conceding defeat yet.现在形势还很难说,我还不想投降。23. Your father raised you better than that你父亲可不是这样教你的。24. Dont you ever mention my father.你再敢提我父亲。 (我灭了你 )1 you have your pursuits, I have mine.你有你的追求,我也有我的。2. Until the dust settle

13、s, keep your head down.保持低调,直到尘埃落定3. Variety is the spice of life.多样性是生活的调味品。4. Hes got quite the swagger.他还挺趾高气扬的。5. But whats regret gonna get me?但是后悔有什么用呢?6. Maybe I could come in a close second.也许我可以紧随其后。7. I wonder if you have anything to do with that.我想知道你是否和那件事相关。8. I didnt mean to cause you

14、any trouble.我不是有意给你惹麻烦的。9. Who knows what will turn up?谁知道会发生些什么?10. A hard beginning makes a good ending.先苦后甜。11. Paradise comes at a price.快乐是要有代价的。 1. Mozzie: I vetted a lot of locations for our final refuge,with our very specific demands for lifestyle and security, its a short list.我为了我们最终的避难所调查

15、了很多地方,但是考虑到我们对于生活方式以及安全性的特殊要求,这样的地方就很少了。Neal: Big enough to blend in, small enough to limit exposure.大到足以鱼目混珠,小到足以避免暴露。2. Mozzie: And if a cerntain cafe girl gets wind of your little good deed?如果某位酒吧的姑娘听到你做的这些好事呢?Neal: Added bonus.额外的奖励啊。3. Neal: Ill never be an open book,but New York was a pretty b

16、ig chapter.我从来不是一个愿意向别人敞开心扉的人,但是纽约确实是我生活中极为重要的一章。4. Mozzie: But this is highway robbery.By sea. Seaway robbery!但这就是拦路抢劫。不,走海路,拦海抢劫!1.Aim high.目标远大啊!2.normal and mundane.一切正常。3.Thats the spirit.要的就是这种干劲。4.Well, that explains it.如此 ,这就解释得通了。5. Please dont be alarmed.别紧张。6.I was just hoping I could use

17、 your phone.我只是在想可不可以用一下你的电话。7.Ill do whatever you want.你想我做什么都行。8.I never said yes in the first place.一开始我就没答应过。9.You needed some normal in your life.你需要过回正常人的生活。10.You can embrace what you truly are.坦然面对真实的你吧。11.Somethings up with your mother.你妈妈有点不对劲。12.I dont know why you just dont come clean我不明

18、白你为什么不坦白呢。13.And you have got to get a life.而你也得去放松一下自己了。14.Sometimes I feel like Im going to explode.有时候我觉得我要爆炸了。1.Klaus:But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go.但你每喝一次血,离释怀就更近一分。2.Damon:You should have met me in 1864.You would have liked me.在 1864 年我们就该见面,你那时会喜欢我的。3.Elena:Hold

19、on to that.Never let that go.务必牢记在心中,永远别忘了。 4.Elena:You can survive this. Whatever you do, I love you, Stefan.你可以撑过去,不管你做了什么 ,我都爱你,Stefan 。Pull over! 把车子开到旁边。 Drop me a line! 写封信给我。 Give me a ring. =Call me. 来个电话吧! For here or to go? 堂食或外卖。 Cool! Thats cool! 等于现在年轻人常用的口语“酷“,表示“不赖嘛!“ 用于人或事均可。Whats up

20、? =Whats happening? =Whats new? 见面时随口问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?“一般的回答是 “Nothing much!“或“Nothing new!“ Cut it out! =Knock it out! =Stop it! 少来这套!同学之间开玩笑的话。 Dont give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好! Get yourself together! 振作点行不行! Do you have “the“ time? 现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。 Hang in there. =Dont give up. =Keep try

21、ing. 再撑一下。 Give me a break! 你饶了我吧! (开玩笑的话) Hang on. 请稍候。 Blow it. =Screw up. 搞砸了。 What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。 What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。 Go for it. 加油! You bet. =Of course. 当然;看我的! Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 Dont be so fussy! 别那么挑剔好不好。 Its a long story. 唉!说来话长。 How have you been? =How are you doing?

22、你过得如何?近来可好? Take things for granted. 自以为理所当然。 Dont put on airs. 别摆架子。 Give me a lift. =Give me a ride. 送我一程吧! Have a crush on someone. 迷恋某人。 Whats the catch? 有什么内幕? Party animal. Party 狂(喜欢参加舞会的人) 。 Pain in the neck. =Pain in the ass. 讨厌的东西、人或事。 Skeleton in the closet. 家丑。 Dont get on my nerve! 别把我惹

23、火了! A faint chance. =A poor chance. 机会很小。 I am racking my brains. 我正在绞尽脑汁。 Shes a real drag. 她真有点碍手碍脚。 Spacing out. =Daydreaming. 做白日梦。 I am so fed up. 我受够了! It doesnt go with your dress. 跟你的衣服不配。 Whats the point? =What are you trying to say? 你的重点是什么? By all means. =Definitely. 一定是。 steam 蒸, poach 水

24、煮,boil 煮,toast 烤(面包) ,grill 烤、煎, roast(duck) 烘烤、红烧(烤鸭) ,braise 油炸过用温火炖,pure 煮成浓汤,broil 烧、烤,season 加调味料,panbroil 用浅锅烧烤,seasoning 调味料,fry 炸、炒,dressing 沙拉酱,bake 烤,gravy 肉汁,saute 用温火慢炒,appetizer 饭前菜、小菜,stew 炖、焖、红烧,entree 主菜,simmer 慢炖、煨,snack 点心、小点,stir fry 快炒、大火炒,marinate 腌、用卤泡、卤,smoke 熏。 Lets get a bit

25、e. =Lets go eat. 去吃点东西吧!1. Im on fire.我现在干劲十足。2. Nailed it.搞定。3. Were trying something new and I dont want him getting cold feet.我们在尝试一些新东西,我不希望他临阵退缩。4. Would you get off the mans back?你能不能不要再纠缠这个人啊?5. Im over it.我无所谓。6. Well, I wont be taking a shot at her.好的,我不会拿她开涮。7. Mackenzie would cook me and

26、eat me.Machenzie 会吃了我的。Mackenzie 会把我煮了吃了。8. Are you freaking kidding me?你在跟我开国际玩笑吧?9. And heres where I think Im on firmer ground这是我觉得我有道理的地方。10. Lets jump right in.让我们直奔主题。11. I have to give you credit for thinking you can chew me out.你觉得你可以气冲冲的批评我,我欣赏你的胆量。12. Reese got in your head.你是 Reese 上身了吧?1

27、3. You know how bad you screwed up, right?你知道你把事情弄得有多糟糕了吧?14. Can you put her on the phone?你能让她接电话吗?1. Were not a hundred percent sure.我们不能百分百肯定。2. Im a people person.我是个容易跟人相处的人。3. You have very acute hearing.你耳朵可真灵。4. Show of hands. 来举手表决吧。5. Im off at 4:00.我四点下班。6. Sweet of you to ask.多谢你问起。7. An

28、y recent shoot-outs at your high school? 你最近在学校打架了吗?8. When did my signature get so girlie?我的签名什么时候变得那么娘们了?9. Youre just trying to scare me.你只是在吓唬我。10. Im not an only child.我不是独生子女。经典台词:1. House: Next time you want to get my attention, wear something fun. Low-rider jeans are hot.下次想要吸引我的注意力的话,就穿点有趣点

29、的,比如低腰牛仔裤,够火辣。2. House: Thirty percent of all dads dont realize theyre raising someone elses kid.百分之三十的父亲不知道自己养着别人的孩子。3. House: This kids gonna be picking up his diploma in diapers and a wheelchair.这孩子要穿着尿布坐着轮椅领他的毕业证书了。1. Things got ugly. 事情搞砸了。2. I m just out of sorts.我只是心情不好。3. You suck!你们逊毙了!4. N

30、ot like that.不是那样。5. I just need to be by myself for a while.我只想一个人待会儿。6. How about if we split it?(当买某个东西时,太贵) 我们合伙买怎么样?7. He made a move on me.他调戏我。8. Its time for you to swoop in.该你趁虚而入了。9. Hows it going? 事情怎么样了?10. Thats the rule.这就是规则。11. Here he comes.他过来了。12. Everythings A-Okay.一切都十分顺利。经典台词:1

31、. Ross: I m having enough trouble with the image of you and Susan together.光想你和 Susan 在一起就够我受的了。2. Monica: Come on, two on one. 来吧,二对一。3. Chandler: Youre there for her.你会在她身边给她支持。4. Ross: Well, it looks like we kicked your butts.看起来,我们把你们打的屁滚尿流。5. Ross: You should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you.你应该和一个知道拥有你是多幸福的人在一起。6. Ross: I dont think swearing off guys altogether is the answer.我不认为避开所有男人是个好答案。


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