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1、1脚手架和梯子作业安全交底编号: SD-OP-006工程项目名称 沙特朱拜尔港口物流铁路项目交底日期 2012.9.23交底内容 脚手架和梯子安全脚手架和梯子作业安全交底SCAFFOLD AND LADDERS SAFETY脚手架和梯子安全Scaffold A temporary elevated platform (supported or underhung) and its supporting components (including ties) used for supporting workmen, materials, or both.脚手架:可承载作业人员、材料的临时高处平台

2、。类型包括:支撑式脚手架:脚手架立柱支撑在地面或基础。Scaffolding Tag 脚手架挂牌要求RED-Indicates the scaffold has not been inspected or is not safe for use (by anyone other than scaffold craftsmen) 红色脚手架挂牌是用来表明脚手架还没有经过检查或是不能安全使用的标识(除脚手架搭人员以外,其他任何人严禁使用)。GREEN-Indicates scaffold is complete, has been inspected, and is safe for use at

3、 the time of inspection绿色脚手架挂牌是用来表明脚手架已经完成,经过检查,检查可以安全使用的标识。YELLOW-Indicates scaffold has been inspected and may be used only by 2workers wearing a properly anchored personal fall arrest system, including a full body harness and lanyard黄色脚手架挂牌是用来表明脚手架已经经过检查,仅仅适合带安全带的人可以使用的标识。Scaffolding Requirements

4、 脚手架要求All Scaffolds must have a complete hand rail, mid rail and toe board, complete deck and scaffold tag in order to be considered complete.所有的脚手架要有完整的横杆、脚踏板和标牌。All Scaffolds must be tagged like RED or GREEEN or YELLOW. 所有脚手架必须挂上红色、绿色或黄色的挂牌。You should check the scaffold tag inspection validity bef

5、ore climb on it.在爬上脚手架之前要查看色标检查的有效期。Never work or climb on a scaffold that does not have a tag or a RED tag placed on it.不要爬上和在没有色标或挂红色标的脚手架上工作。You should refuse to work if the scaffold doesnt have valid inspection tag.如果脚手架没有挂在有效检查期内的色标,不要在上面工作。Never try to climb a ladder while carrying anything in

6、 your hands. Always follow the three point contact rule. 在手里拿东西的情况下不要攀爬梯子。永远遵守三点接触原则。Use a rope to lift all the materials. 提升所有设备都必须用绳子。Ladders must be secured and use only ladder to climb on the scaffold.确保梯子安全,攀爬脚手架必须用梯子。Scaffolding will be erected or modified under the direction of a trained and suitably qualified Scaffold Supervisor. Scaffolding must not be erected, disturbed or altered by unauthorized persons.脚手架的搭设、拆除和修改必须专门的架设工施工。严禁非脚手架工人对任何的脚手架拆除修改脚手架All the scaffold should have a tag to identified whether its safe for use or 3not. 所有的脚手架必须挂有标牌以提示它是否可以安全使用。交底人:胡建荣 安全负责人:胡建荣受底人:


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