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1、一、参赛对象全市 35 周岁以下(含 35 周岁)的初中英语教师。二、比赛时间与地点赛前一周另行通知三、比赛内容与方式 1.比赛内容分定题演讲(Prepared speech)和现场问答(Q&A)两部分。参赛者简单自我介绍后在演讲前根据自身能力及爱好进行个性自我介绍。限时:30 秒,进行命题演讲限时 5 分钟,不得少于 3 分钟;现场问答为评委老师随机提问(1-2 个问题),时间为 2 分钟。超时或不足时都将扣分,不得携带演讲稿上台。2.比赛采取指定话题 、提前准备、抽签依序的方式进行。四、演讲话题 1. Communicative Approach and English Grammar I

2、nstructionsMany teachers say that they use Communicative Approach in language teaching. However when asked what they mean by “communicative”, explanations vary widely. What is the communicative teaching approach about? What can you do in your English grammar instructions with the theory? Please give

3、 a speech with some examples to support you.2. The Relations between Teachers and TextbooksWould you please make a speech on how we teachers should use textbooks properly and efficiently according to the reality of your students learning, as textbooks ought to be the main resource in teaching langua

4、ge? (Teaching cases are needed to explain, please)3 . What are Your Understanding and Practices of Group Work?As we all know, one of the effective activities in language teaching is group work. In what way is it helpful to your students and what good experience and suggestions would you like to shar

5、e with us?Please give a speech about it. (Several teaching cases to support your views, please)4. Teaching Large Multilevel ClassesBig class poses challenges for language teaching. This occurs especially in China. As a successful language teacher, how do you cope with the problems arising from the l

6、arge scale of class? What measures have you taken efficiently? Lets share your creative thinking and doing.5. Which of them is more important to junior school students English, accuracy or fluency?Some think errors are inevitable in the process of language learning. So we should focus mainly on fost

7、ering the students competence of using the language fluently, and errors the students make can be ignored. Whats your opinion about this perspective? Please make a speech to express your points of view with your own teaching experience to support you.五、演讲要求参赛者必须根据指定的话题,依据相关语言教学理论,并结合各自对新课标的理解及现行课标教材

8、的教学实践进行准备。演讲要求全部使用英语,内容积极向上,观点要鲜明,阐述要清晰,语言要简练,案例应该来源于自身的教学实际。具体评分标准见附件一。六、相关要求1.各县、区、各直属校要执行层层选拔机制,应保证具有参赛资格的老师都有报名参赛的机会。2. 参加市比赛选手名额分配:赣榆县、东海县各 4 名,灌云县、灌南县、连云区、新浦区各 3 名,海州区、直属初中各 2 名,开发区、徐圩新区、科教园区各 1 名。3请各县、区,各学校于 2011 年 12 月 31 日前按分配名额将参赛教师信息表(附件二)发至邮箱 。附件一:连云港市首届初中英语教师英语演讲比赛评分标准附件二:各县、区,各直属初中参加比赛

9、教师信息表附件一:连云港市首届初中英语教师英语演讲比赛评分标准项 目 评 分 标 准演讲内容(40 分)内容、格调积极向上,主题鲜明、切题,中心思想突出,语义表述明白,话语表达的逻辑性强,语言表达地道(无语法错误,无语用错误,无语言文化方面的错误),体现较高的专业学术素养;语音语调(10 分) 语音清晰、纯正,语调规范 ,音高合适;表达流畅(15 分) 表达流利,意群、连读、重音、浊化、失去爆破等处理恰当,语速适中,节奏感强;演讲技巧(10 分) 脱稿演讲,表达流畅,有感染力,能处理好各种情况;形象风度(5 分) 着装整洁,仪表大方,体态语言得当;现场答辩(20 分) 回答问题切题,内容正确,有理有据,意思表达清楚。注:前后时间出入不得超过 30 秒,否则,超出 30 秒后,每超出 10 秒,从总分中扣去 1 分。附件二:各县、区,各直属初中参赛教师信息表(县、区) 学校序号 姓 名 学 校出 生年 月任 教年 月职 称 联 系 方 式1 2 3 4 5 6


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