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1、纳米银抗菌粉 TEB9600纳米银抗菌粉 TEB9600 适用于棉、丝、毛、涤纶、锦纶及其混纺等对手感与白度要求不高的织物的抗菌整理。纳米银离子通过载体与织物结合,溶出的 Ag+与细胞膜及膜蛋白结合,导致细胞立体结构损伤并产生机能障碍。它可以高效完全去除织物上的金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、白色念珠菌和霉菌,从而防止运动装、内衣、袜子、鞋衬里、毛巾、地毯、过滤材料、装饰用布、家纺,军队与医疗用纺织品等的霉变和臭味。SGS、Intertek 等全球多家权威检测机构一致证明: ATB9800 符合美国 AATCC100 标准及日本 JIS L 1902-2002 标准等。赫特公司提供世界著名的 HER

2、ST 吊牌,并免费提供织物抗菌性能测试。HERST 公司主要产品有:防紫外整理剂、抗紫外线整理剂、抗菌整理剂、抗菌助剂、纺织抗菌剂、纳米银抗菌处理剂、吸湿排汗整理剂、吸汗速干加工剂、 纳米香味微胶囊整理剂、香味加工剂、织物面料抗菌剂、纳米维生素微胶囊加工剂、阻燃整理剂、 防火整理剂、纺织阻燃剂、阻燃涂层胶剂、阻燃助剂、甲壳素整理剂、防螨抗菌整理剂、抗菌防霉防螨整理剂、皮革防霉抗菌剂、防霉整理剂、抗静电整理剂、防静电剂、防蚊加工剂、 防虫加工剂、防油防水整理剂,含氟拒油拒水防污整理剂、芦荟丝素胶原保湿剂、无甲醛免烫整理剂、纳米银抗菌剂、羽绒抗菌除臭剂、纺织品防霉剂、纳米负离子加工剂、纳米远红外加

3、工剂、远红外负离子发生剂、高发泡印花浆、珠光印花浆、金粉印花浆、银粉印花浆、 仿活性印花粘合剂、富锗整理剂、天然物(丝素蛋白、绿茶、艾蒿、卵磷脂、仙人掌 )整理剂、舒适性(凉感、调温、唐辛子暖感、自发热)整理剂等精细化工产品。周帅Nanometer silver Finishing Agent TEB9600 UseThe anti-bacterial and anti-odor finishing agent TEB9600 is made of Nanometer silver, which suitable for finishing cotton, polyester, nylon,

4、polyamide and their mixed fiber, such as sports garment, working clothes, underwear, socking, shoe lining, towel, carpet, leather, filter material, sheet, quilt cover, textile for army and etc. All over the world, many authorized units prove: fiber treated by TEB9600 has excellent in anti-bacterial,

5、 anti-odor and anti-mould. It is non-toxic to the human body and non-stimulation to the skin and formaldehyde-free or ion of heavy metal. Furthermore, the fabric can provide prevention and cure of ringworm of the foot, eczema, odor from sweat, foot odor, and skin itches. TEB9600 is accord with Ameri

6、can standard AATCC100 and Japanese standard JISL1902-2002. Anti-bacteria and anti-odor finishing agent TEB9600 has highly efficient and extensive for anti G+ or G-. etc. G+ G- mould and yeast Mite MRSA E.coli Candida albicans Dust mites Bacillus subtilis Streptococcus pneumoniae Staphylococcus epide

7、rmidis Leather mites S.aureus Pseudomonas aeruginosa Aspergillus niger Tsutsugamushi mites PropertyChemical composition Inorganic compound of Nanometer silverAppearance White powder Solubility Disperse in waterToxicity/Pollution Non-toxic and safe to body, no phenol and heavy metal chemical compound

8、, no oral takingFeature and advantageFeature AdvantageEfficient anti-bacteria property Low density has excellent anti-bacterial property anti-bacterial propertyBroad spectrum G+ , G- , fungi and mould Excellent in anti-odor Can reduce the odor by bacteria breeding Safe to body Non-toxic and non-irritating to skin Good compatibility Easy to use, and take the same bath with another agent, like softener


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