1、 TEXTILE TESTING APPLICATION(纺织品测试申请表) No: _英文报告中文报告(请用中文或英文填写此表内容; 号处为必填项目,一份申请表对应一份报告, 请用中英文大写对照填写; 两种版本同时申请,加收 RMB240。报告完成后如需修改 报告内容,将收取修改费RMB240/份。 Applicant (申请单位):(显示在报告抬头) 中英文Buyer:(买 家 )Address:(地址,中英文)Post code:(邮 编 )Contact Person: (联系人)Tel:(电 话 )Fax:(传真)Email:(电子邮件) Payer (付款单位) : Departm
2、ent (部门):Address (地址,中文):Post Code (邮编):Contact Person: (联系人) Tel (电话):Fax (传真):Fax:(传真)Email: (电子邮件) Report Delivered to: Applicant Payer Invoice Delivered to: Applicant Payer By Fax By Email(报告原件寄至) (上述申请方) (上述付款方) (发票寄至) (上述申请方) 上述付款方) (传真) (邮件)Sample Description (样品描述) :Color( 颜色 ): Supplier (供应
3、商):Style No.(款号): Exported to(出口目的国 ):Order No.(订单号): End Uses(最终用途):Composition(成份): No. of Sample( 样品数 ):Care Instruction (使用须知标签) * Care instruction should be indicated if applying for dimensional stability, color fastness to washing or appearance retention test. (如申请尺寸稳定性,皂洗牢度或外观持久性测试请务必注明使用须知标签
4、)* 对于尺寸稳定性测试洗涤后是否熨烫,除用符号表示外,请在方框内打说明:需熨烫 不需熨烫Test Required: please tick() as appropriate.(请在所需测试项目前打 ,或在空白栏中填写所需测试的项目)Dimensional Stability (尺寸稳定性) Physical (物理性能) Chemical (化学性能) Washing (水洗): 1 3 Tensile Strength (拉伸/断裂强度) Fibre Content (成份分析) Dry cleaning (干洗) 1 inch 2 inch pH Value (pH 值)Appeara
5、nce Retention (外观稳定性) Tear Strength (撕破强度) Formaldehyde Content (甲醛含量 ) Washing (水洗): 1 3 Seam Slippage (接缝滑移) AZO Test (偶氮测试 ) Dry Cleaning (干洗 ) Seam Strength (接缝强度)Color Fastness (染色坚牢度) Bursting Strength (顶破强度) Functional (功能性) Washing (皂洗) Abrasion Resistance (耐磨牢度) Flammability (燃烧性能 ) Perspir
6、ation (汗渍 ) ( ) cycles Water Repellency (防水性能) Water (水渍) Pilling Resistance (抗起毛球性) ( ) Spray Rating (泼水) Dry Cleaning (干洗 ) Snagging Resistance (防钩丝) ( ) Rain Test (雨淋) Actual Laundering (实际洗涤) Yarn Count (纱线密度 /纱支) ( ) Hydrostatic Pressure Test (静水压) Light (光照) : ( ) 级 ( )个褪色单位 Fabric Weight (织物重
7、量) Requirement(要求 ) : mm Rubbing/Crocking (摩擦) Threads Per Unit Length (织物密度) Air Permeability (透气性) Sea Water (海水) Stretch & Recovery (伸展及回复性) Water Vapour Permeability (透湿性) Chlorinated Water (氯水) Accessories Test (辅料测试)CL 浓度 : PPM Zipper Strength (拉链强度) Other Testing (其它项目) Chlorine Bleach (氯漂) D
8、urability of Zipper (拉链耐用度) Care Instruction (水洗方法验证/建议) Attachment of Snap (纽扣紧固性)( )Recommendation 建议 ( )Verification 验证 Rust/Tarnish (防锈及防腐蚀性)Standards/Methods used (采用标准 /方法): ISO AATCC/ASTM AS BS DIN JIS CAN/CGSB GB Others (please specify) :_Service Required(服务种类): Regular (5 working days) Expr
9、ess (3 working days) (常规 6 个工作日) (加急, 4 工作日 , 加 100%附加费) Comment (评语) Chinese Report (中文报告/额外收费)Return remaining sample (是否要退还剩余样品): Yes 是 No 否Return tested sample(是否退还测试样品 ):Yes 是 No 否2/2联系人:施静电话:0510-82605847 传真:0510-82031663 手机:15995275560邮寄地址:无锡市滨湖区太湖大道 1188 号润华国际1208 室 E-mail:无锡客户服务中心:服务热线:15358007867Authorized Signature and company Chop(申请人签名及盖章): _Date (日期): _Received and Checked by Laboratory (实验室查收): _Date 日期 : 本申请是否涉及法律纠纷? 如有,请说明: Is this application involved in legal proceeding? If yes, please specify the case.