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1、BEC 中级听力全真试题及答案BEC 中级听力全真试题(附参考答案)UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATEExaminations in English as a Foreign LanguageBUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATETest of ListeningPART ONEQuestions 1-12You will hear three telephone conversations or messages.Write one or two words or a number in the numb

2、ered spaces on the notes or forms below.You will hear each recording twice.* Conversation one (Questions 1-4)Look at note below.You will hear a man phoning company about an order.Lewis & ThornPrintersTelephone MessageMessage for: Mark HansonOliver Martin rang from (1)_. He hasnt received the (2)_ he

3、 ordered for a (3) _ later this month .Wants to change the quantity to (4) _ - to be ready tomorrow. Will fax details if needed.* Conversation Two (Question 5-8)Look at the notes below.You will hear a conversation between two friends about a job vacancy.Job with Alba as (5)_Responsible for (6) _Must

4、 have knowledge of (7)_Apply by (8)_* Conversation Three (Questions 9-12)Look at the notes below.You will hear a telephone conversation about arranging a meeting.FINANCE MEETINGNeed to discuss (9)_.Aim to produce new (10) _.Check that the Sales Co-ordinator and the (11)_ can come.Arrange for a (12)

5、_ to be available.PART TWOQuestions 13-22Section One(Questions 13-17)You will hear five short recordings. Each person is talking on the phone.For each recording, decide what is the main topic of their call.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.Do not use any letter more than onc

6、e.You will hear the five recordings twice.13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _A a departmental meetingB a job interviewC negotiations with buyersD a visit to a factoryE a shareholders meetingF a training sessionG a conference H a visit to trade exhibitionSection Two (Question 18-22) You will hear another five s

7、hort recordings. Each speaker recently attended an interview. For each recording, decide what the speaker is saying about the interview they attended. Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.Do not use any letter more than once.You will hear the five recordings twice.18 _ 19_ 20_

8、21_ 22_ A I didnt express myself well.B I misunderstood the advertisement.C It was shorter than I expected.D I wasnt appropriately dressed.E It was poorly organized.F There were too many applicants.G I did too much preparation.H One of the questions surprised me.PART THREEQuestions 23-30 You will he

9、ar a radio interview with Peter Williams about training within small businesses. For each question 23-30, make one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice.23 What was Peter Williams doing immediately before he started his research?A He was managing the training d

10、epartment of a large company.B He was running a training programme at a university.C He was running his own small business.24 In his research, what did Peter Williams find about training in small firms?A They spend too little on training.B They are unaware of their training expenses.C They receive s

11、tate subsidies for training.25 Small firms do not have specific training budgets because A they do not want to invest in training.B they do not have time to provide training.C they do not plan their training.26 When calculating the cost of in-house training, many small firms do not include A course

12、fees .B managers time.C accountants costs.27 What do the majority of small firms spend on training?A less than 1% of their payroll.B 1-5% of their annual payroll.C more than 10% of their payroll.28 Peter Williams thinks that the best training involvesA observing an expert do the jobB going on specia

13、l training courses.C doing the job under supervision.29 Above all else, small businesses want training that A will answer their short-term needs.B does not require immediate investment.C will help their planning procedures.30 The first university courses for small companies will deal withA business

14、growth.B computing needs.C structural change.You now have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer Sheet.参考答案及听力材料LISTENING1.Worldwide Holidays 2.invitation cards reception 4.400 5.Marketing Manager 6.Sales Planning 7. foreign languages 8. 3 July 9.rising costs 10. department bu

15、dgets 11. buildings manager 12. laptop 13. D 14.F 15.C 16.G 17.A 18.C 19.H 20.E 21.A 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.C 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.A 30.BTranscriptsPart I1. F: Good morning, Lewis & Thorn Printers.M: Hello, its Oliver Martin here. Can I speak to Mark Hanson?F: Im afraid he is not in the office now. Can I ta

16、ke a message?M: Yes, Im phoning from Worldwide Holidays. I made an order recently. Mark was dealing with it. There were several things, mainly brochures and pricelists. Weve received those and they are fine, but we havent got the invitation cards that were ordered. F: When did you order them?M: It w

17、as about a week ago, last Thursday, I think. But its rather urgent now. Theyre for a business reception at the end of the month. And they need to be sent to the tour operators and hotel managers. F: Were quite busy at the moment, but Im sure hell get them to you for tomorrow. How is it for?M: It was

18、 originally 300, but can you make that 400? We may need more than we thought.F: Yes. Fine. Has Mark the details? M: He should have. If theres a problem, I can fax them.F: Thanks, Mr. Martin. Ill phone you if we need them.2. F: Hello, Mike. Its Carrion here. Ive just been reading the paper and the jo

19、b in there with Alba, the publishing group. I think it will be perfect for you. M: Oh, whats the job? F: They want a marketing manager. Isnt that the kind of thing youre looking for?M: Yes. Does it say what the job involves?F: Theres a quite a big job description, but the main thing seems to be that

20、 youll be in charge of sales planning. Sounds quite interesting.M: Well, it will be better than the administration work Im doing at the moment. What sort of qualifications are they looking for? I suppose they want you to have an MBA.F: No, theres nothing here about that. But it does say that theyre

21、looking for someone who can speak foreign languages. Well, thats OK for you because youve lived abroad and you speak German, dont you?M: Yes, and Spanish, too. When do the applications have to be in by?F: Whats it today? The 9th of June. So youve plenty to time. The 3rd of July is the closing date.

22、Do you want me to fax you the adverts so you can see yourself.M: Yes. Thatll be great. Thanks.F: OK. Ill do it now.3.M: Hello! Mike here.F: Mike. Its Angela.M: Oh, Hi.M: Oh, look, Mike. Im phoning because Im quite worried about last months figures.M: They dont make pretty reading, do they?F: No, the

23、y dont. I think we need to have a meeting to talk about the rising costs.M: Sounds like a good idea. When were you thinking of?F: As soon as possible. I think we should try to put together new department budgets. Each department will then have set limits for their spending.M: Yes. Im sure that will

24、help. Who would you specially like to have at the meeting?F: Well, us, obviously. And can you make sure that the sales coordinator is available. And also the buildings manager? Well need their input.M: Sure. Ill get on to them. And Ill book the boardroom.F: Oh, can you make sure that therell be a la

25、ptop available there on the day. Id like to show the figures for this year and last year.M: No problem. Ill get back to you later to confirm the details.F: Fine. Thanks.Part II13. Very useful indeed! The general manager and the research director showed us around their high-tech production unit and t

26、here was a presentation of some of the products theyre planning. Theyre certainly coming up with plans for some innovative products. Im fairly sure we can come to some agreement about working together on at least two of them, though therell be some hard bargaining, I should think.14. They were reall

27、y excellent. The best group Ive ever worked with. I was able to cover the theoretical ground very quickly and got to the practical stuff earlier than Id expected. This meant that they had much more practice than other groups and wont need too much support from us, even in the initial stage of using

28、the program.15. They werent easy, Mark. They were not easy! They asked us extremely detailed questions about our products and our ability to meet deadlines. In fact, at one point I thought were going to have to withdraw because it looked as if we wouldnt be able to meet all their requirements. But t

29、hen they made a number of concessions. In the end I think weve managed to get a good deal. Certainly its the biggest contract Ive been involved with.16.The first day was particularly useful because there were some interesting speakers, mainly from big multinationals, talking on such as Im interested

30、 in, like the international aspects of industrial relations and employment law. Then in the evening I had some extremely interesting conversations with ? speakers. I hope therell useful contacts in the future. But other delegates thought it wasnt very well attended, because the organizers ad decided

31、 against having an exhibition area so fewer people came. 17. We revealed the months work and discussed next months targets. We decided that we definitely need some extra help with the personnel selection because theres just too much for one person. Generally I think were a pretty good team. Of cours

32、e therere a few problems now and again, but we always discuss them in a very calm and sensible way and come up with solutions that work, so far, anyway.18. All I can say is that Id stood out as the best applicant straight away or they took an instant dislike to me. Id expected it to last at least 45

33、 minutes, and possibly to involve 2 sessions. But I left I managed to go for a swim and do some shopping before I got back to the office for lunch.19. Ive been over all the obvious things I knew they would ask me with a colleague and I practiced all my answers over and over again. I felt sure I coul

34、d deal with anything theyd put to me. Well, they started asking me what I though my weaknesses were. I just hadnt prepared for that, but because I had done so much preparation for other questions I managed to come up with a really good answer.20. Well, I got there and I thought I am really well prep

35、ared for this. I was wearing my best suit. I arrived on time and so did the other three applicants. But they kept us waiting for an hour and a half while they tried to sort themselves out. By the time I went I was so patient with the company I didnt want the job any more. 21. Its fine, isnt it. I ca

36、n do it now. I knew what they were going to ask me. But when you are under all that pressure and all those questions are coming at you, something let you down. And whatever you say, you know you havent got the message across right and they havent understood what you really meant. If only could get a

37、 second chance. 22. I got home late from the meeting than I before (?) and I was really tired, but I lay awake all night. I guess I should have thought more carefully about wearing the right sort of things. But I was a bit disorganized and rushed out of the flat as if it was just an ordinary day and

38、 then felt like an odd one out when I got there and saw everyone else in suits. I was so embarrassed.Part IIIF: With me today is Peter Williams from Kingston University. Welcome! Peter.M: Thank you.F: Peter, you recently a large research study on training in small businesses. What made you focus on

39、small businesses? After all, most of your experience has been with the huge multinational Cleantex. And in fact you eventually you ran their training department, didnt you?M: Well, you are partly right. You see, when I joined the university a year ago they wanted me to start a training program for s

40、mall businesses. Id just sold my own small business, which Id started when I left Cleantex. The 8 years I ran my own business taught me more about training than all my years with Cleantex. But I felt I couldnt base a training program on my experience alone. So I decided to do research first.F: And h

41、ow much training did you find in most small companies. Can they afford to do much training? M: Well, firstly small businesses are often accused of not doing enough training. But that is the opinion of big businesses of course. Its true that the government is encouraging small firms to increase their

42、 training budgets. Theyre trying to introduce financial assistance for this. But I have to say I find lots of training going on. The real problem is that most small businesses dont always know how much training theyre providing or how much its actually costing them. F: But surely businesses have bud

43、gets and training records. M: Unfortunately most small companies dont set aside a specific training budget. Its not that they dont want to spend the money but that they operate differently. You see, things change very quickly in small firms and its impossible to predict the training needs. An employ

44、ee can be moved to a new project very suddenly and then training has to be organized within days. And most small businesses prefer to use their experienced staff to do any training on the job. F: Did you manage to work out the costs of training?M: Well, it took time to work out the indirect costs. Y

45、ou see, most small business managers dont include these costs in their calculations. Most of them keep records of obvious expenses, like, many expenses like external courses, travel, training manual, and videos, etc. But not many firms have specific training accounts and they dont include the time m

46、anagers spend on training, waste of materials, lost of productivity and so on. I spent hours with company accountants trying to see where these hidden costs were. F: How much are small firms spending on training?M: More than half of the businesses I surveyed spent at least 1% of their annual salary

47、bill on training. And some of these spent up to 5% of their pay roll. In fact smaller firms are investing on average over 10% more on training per employee than larger firms. F: How good is that training?M: As I said, small firms usually get an experienced employee to show new staff how to do that j

48、ob. This can be useful if the person is carefully selected and well-trained himself. But its not really enough. The trainee needs to do the job with the experienced employee on hand for guidance and feedback. This gets trainees much better skills than any packaged courses. F: And has your study helped you plan new


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