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1、FAITH: What is Genuine Saving Faith? (Hebrews 11; Romans 4:16-25; James 2:14-26)信心: 什麼是真實得救的信心?,Our first study revealed the importance of Repentance for a genuine salvation experience 我們第一個講題顯示出真實得救經驗中悔改的重要性.The Holy Spirit brings us to repentance by convicting us that we have broken Gods Law (i.e.

2、 10 Commandments; John 16:7-11; Rom. 7:7-11)聖靈帶領我們悔改, 因祂使我們認知我們破壞了上帝的律法.,First We must realize we are under eternal condemnation for having broken Gods Law.首先, 我們必須明白,因破壞上帝的律法我們被祂永遠的定罪.Then we are receptive to receiving Gods gift of salvation by Faith in His Son Jesus Christ.其次我們憑相信祂的兒子耶穌基督, 接受上帝救恩的

3、禮物.Repentance qualifies a man for salvation but it takes faith in Christ to acquire it. (Acts 20:21)悔改使一個人有得救的資格, 但它需要相信基督才可獲得.,What is Faith? 什麼是信心?,Everyone Has Faith!每個人都有信心!Faith is universally understood because it is universally practiced普世的人都明白信心, 因全世界的人都使用它.No one can live in this world with

4、out exercising Faith every day. 無人生活在這世界上而不每天使用信心.,illustration: eating breakfast,Every minor detail of simply eating requires Faith光吃東西的每個細節就需要信心.,CRUCIAL QUESTION: WHO OR WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING to obtain Eternal Life?關鍵問題: 你相信什麼人或事物, 來獲得永生?,Some people have faith in Mohammed who lies in his grave 有

5、些人相信躺在墳墓裡的穆罕默德.,WHO OR WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING to obtain Eternal Life?你相信什麼人或事物, 來獲得永生?,Some trust in Buddha: died eating bad meat; body cremated; has a temple for his tooth 有些人相信因吃腐肉而死的佛祖; 他的身體被火化, 有人為他的牙齒 建立廟宇.,WHO OR WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING to obtain Eternal Life?你相信什麼人或事物, 來獲得永生?,Some trust in theor

6、etical science (constantly changes)有些人相信理論科學(不斷在改變). Empirical Science admits it cant study spiritual realities實證科學承認, 它無法研究靈界的實際.,Faith is only as good as the Object you put your faith in信心的對象必須牢靠才有用,Gary Hoy, 38 yr. old Toronto Lawyer died trying to show how strong the windows were!,THE ONE TRUE S

7、OURCE OF ETERNAL LIFE永生唯一真實的來源,There is only one true Heb. 13:7).這樣的信心來自上帝的話語.,4 key events Reveal Jesus is the 1 True savior:四個關鍵事件顯明耶穌是唯一真正的救主:The virgin birth, Death on the Cross; 藉童貞女出生 死在十字架上 Resurrection; Ascension 復活 升天,WHAT IS FAITH? Web Definition:何謂信心? 韋氏字典的定義:,1. complete trust or confide

8、nce in someone or something: 對某人或某事完全的信任或信心.2. strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof (this is misleading)依據靈性的顧慮, 而不是證據, 對上帝或某宗教教義的堅強信任. (這個定義有誤導),Dictionary Definition: Merriam-Webster字典定義: 梅氏-韋氏,a (1) belief & trust in and loyalty

9、 to God 對上帝的信仰, 信靠, 與忠誠.(2) belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion 信仰某宗教的傳統教義.b (1) firm belief in something for which there is no proof (this is misleading)對一個沒有證據的事物堅定的信念.(這是誤導),New Atheists misapply the Misleading part of these Definitions to Christians新近無神論者錯用誤導的定義在基督徒身上,Sam Harris: “

10、The whole point of faith is to believe regardless of the evidence, which is the very antithesis of science.” 哈氏:信仰是不管有沒有證據都相信, 它根本上是與科學對立的.Illustration: “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” 例子: 鐵證待判,Some Christian web sites dont help matters某些基督教的網站幫倒忙,“ the biblical definition of faith is “trusting in

11、 something you cannot explicitly prove.” https:/www.gotquestions.org聖經對信心的定義是:信靠你 無法明確地證明的事物.But you can Prove Christianity beyond any reasonable doubt! Illus.: “Cold Case Christianity”但你可毫無疑問地證明基督教!,Why are such definitions WRONG when it comes to Christian Faith?為何這樣的定義對基督教的信仰是錯誤的?,Much of what we

12、believe as Christians is scientifically sound, and hasoverwhelming historical documentation, & irrefutable personal experience (John 9:25).基督徒所信仰的大多合乎科學, 且具有絕大多數歷史文字紀錄, 和無法駁斥的個人經驗.,BIBLICAL DEFINITIONS OF FAITH聖經對信心的定義,Faith is an act of both the mind & the heart. 信心是心思與心靈的動作.With our mind we believ

13、e the facts & revelation of Jesus as taught in Gods Word.我們用心思來相信上帝的話語所教導有關耶穌的事實和啟示.,Faith is also an act of the heart信心也是心靈的一個動作,(Rom 10:9) “if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 羅10:9 -你若口裡

14、認耶穌為主,心裡信上帝叫他從死裡復活,就必得救。Some people are only 12 inches from salvation,Faith is also an act of the heart信心也是心靈的一個動作,(10:10) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.羅10:10 -因為人心裡相信,就可以稱義; 口裡承認,就可以得救.Biblical Faith is believing & trustin

15、g what God says in His Word is true. 聖經所謂的信心,是相信並信靠上帝所說的話是真實的.,We then trust Gods Word enough to begin rebuilding our lives based on His Truth. 我們信靠上帝的話語, 根據祂的真理開始重建人生.(Rom. 4:21) being fully persuaded that, what (God has) promised, He is able to perform.”羅4:21 -滿心相信神所應許的必能做成。 Like Sara we “judge hi

16、m faithful who has promised” (Heb. 11:11).就如撒拉, 我們 以為那應許他的是可信的。(來11:11),Illustration: David Livingstone,True saving faith comes from believing what God says in the Bible真實得救的信心來自相信上帝在聖經裡說的話,The Bible is “the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3) 聖經是從前交付聖徒的真道.(Rom 10:17) “So then f

17、aith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” 羅10:17 -可見信道是從聽道來的,聽道是從上帝的話來的。,True saving faith comes from believing what God says in the Bible真實得救的信心來自相信上帝在聖經裡說的話,“from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in C

18、hrist Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15).提後3:15 -並且知道你是從小明白聖經,這聖經能使你因信基督耶穌,有得救的智慧。,Faith begins with trusting Gods Word信心從信靠上帝的話語開始,But when we trust Gods word it will bring us into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ當我們信靠上帝的話語時, 它將帶領我們進入與耶穌基督親密的關係.,Faith leads to Knowing God Himself!信心引導我們認識上帝自己!,(John 5:

19、39) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 約5:39 -你們應當查考聖經,因你們以為內中有永生;給我作見證的就是這經。 (5:40) And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. (see I John 5:10-13; 2 Cor. 13:5) 約5:40 -然而,你們不肯到我這裡來得生命。,The most complete discussion on Fa

20、ith in Hebrews 11希伯來書11章最完整地討論信心,(Heb 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 來11:1 -信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。“substance” = Greek “hupostasis.” Literally means “that which stands under” thus “the foundation” or “assurance.”實底=希臘文“hupostasis.” , 字義為站在下方的, 所以意

21、為根基或保證.,(Heb 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 來11:1 -信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。“evidence” is the Greek “elegchos.” Refers to that by which a thing is proved or tested; conviction確據是希臘文“elegchos.” ,指的是經過證明或驗證的事; 深信.,2 Examples 兩個例子,(Heb 11:7) By faith N

22、oah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house 來11:7 -挪亞因著信,既蒙神指示他未見的事,動了敬畏的心,預備了一隻方舟,使他全家得救(Heb 11:27) By faith Moses forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. 來11:27 摩西因著信,就離開埃及

23、,不怕王怒;因為他恆心忍耐,如同看見那不能看見的主。,Faith is a spiritual reality that enables us “see” things that are invisible to our physical eyes (Eph. 1:17-19). 信心是屬靈的實際, 使我們能夠看見肉眼看不見的事物(弗1:17-19)This is totally different than a “firm belief in something for which there is no proof.”這與堅定相信沒有證據的某事物完全不同.,Scientists study

24、 invisible things all the time. 科學家一直在研究看不見的事物. They observe it but the things which are not seen are eternal. 林後4:18 -原來我們不是顧念所見的,乃是顧念所不見的;因為所見的是暫時的,所不見的是永遠的。,The Christian faith is Scientifically sound:基督教信仰合乎科學:,Faith begins with an “understanding that the worlds (aion) were framed by the word of

25、 God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Heb. 11:3; Genesis 1:1)信心的開始是 -知道諸世界是藉神話語造成的;這樣,所看見的,並不是從顯然之物造出來的。 (來11:3; 創1:1),The special creation of the universe is the very first object of genuine saving faith宇宙特別的創造是真實得救信心首要的對象,The word for “worlds” is the Greek “

26、aion:” can mean either “age” or “the physical world,” or both. 諸世界的希臘文是“aion”, 意為世紀或 物質的世界, 或兩者.It anticipates our present scientific understanding of the cosmos as a space/time/matter continuum. 它預料我們目前科學對宇宙的了解,是一空間/時間/物質的連續.,“not made of things which do appear” (Heb. 11:3)並不是從顯然之物造出來的,The Bible te

27、aches Almighty God Created every thing from nothing by His Word. God is the uncaused cause of everything that exists. 聖經教導全能的上帝用祂的話,從無有創造萬有.上帝是存在的萬有的第一無肇因的因.Atheists who deny God are stuck with the intellectual embarrassment of believing that nothing made everything (Ps. 14:1)否認上帝的無神論者,被卡在相信無有創造萬有的知

28、性困窘中.,“Big Bang” Everything Came from Nothing大爆炸 無有產生萬有,Choose Carefully the Foundation on which you build your Faith小心選擇您建立信仰的根基,The Revelation of God: “In the Beginning God created.” 上帝的啟示: 起初上帝創造If true, we are special; our life has eternal value, high morals, meaning 我們的生命有永恆的價值, 高等道德, 意義與目的.,Ch

29、oose Carefully the Foundation on which you build your Faith小心選擇您建立信仰的根基,The Theory of men: In the Beginning Nothing Created something; then something evolved itself into everything. 人的理論: 起初無有創造了某物,然後某物進化成萬物.If true you are an accident; your life has no value, meaning or purpose若果為真, 那麼你是一個意外, 你的生命沒

30、有價值, 意義或目的.,Christian Faith can stand up against the Theory of Evolution基督教信仰能夠對抗進化理論,They equivocate 3 Definitions of Evolution 1.“Change over time” If all evolution means is change then everyone of us can agree evolution is a fact: if this is all you mean by evolution.經歷長時間而變化- 倘若進化論所有的定義就是變化, 那麼我

31、們都同意進化論是事實: 倘若這就是進化理論的全部.,2.“Special Theory of Evolution” (Micro-evolution) Many observations of this nature were recorded in Darwins book “On The Origin of Species” 特別進化理論(微進化) 對自然的許多觀察被記錄在達爾文的書物種原始論裡.Microevolution is the small changes that take place in species, over time, to produce new characte

32、ristics. (empirical & observable). 微進化是在物種當中, 經過時間, 產生新的特徵(實證, 可觀察到的).,Examples of Micro-evolution微進化例子,1. Darwins Finches: change in their beaks due to changes in their environment. 達爾文的雀鳥:鳥嘴因環境改變而變化.2. Antibiotic resistant bacteria. 抵抗抗生素的細菌.3. All the dog breeds 所有狗的品種.4. Changes in humans: skin

33、color, height, eyes 人類的改變: 膚色, 身高, 眼睛,3. The General Theory of Evolution (macro-evolution). This definition “unscientifically” claims one species can evolve into a new species一般進化論(大進化) 這個理論非科學地宣稱, 一個物種能夠進化到另一個新的物種. This definition is not a fact but unproven “Theory.” It Is unobservable這個定義不是事實, 而是沒

34、有經過證實的理論, 它也觀察不到.,Examples of Macro-evolution 大進化例子,1. The supposed evolution of reptiles to birds 虛設的爬蟲類進化到鳥類.2. Supposed evolution of land mammals to whales 虛設的陸地哺乳動物進化到鯨魚.3. Supposed evolution of apes to humans 虛設的猿猴類進化到人類.,So when someone uses “evolution” to attack your Christian Faith, ask them

35、:當人使用進化論攻擊你的基督教信仰時, 反問:,“What definition of evolution are you using?你使用的進化論定義是什麼?If they use definition #1 or #2 we can agree with them. It is observable science BUT does not disprove anything in the Bible! 倘若他們使用的是定義1或2, 我們也同意, 因那是可觀察到的科學, 但它們不否認聖經任何部分.,But if they are assuming definition #3 then w

36、e must disagree that their definition is not science but unproven theory!但倘若他們假設定義3, 那麼我們必須拒絕那個定義不是科學, 只是沒有經過證實的理論!,The Bible has Incredible Scientific Revelations!聖經有許多令人難以置信的科學啟示!,Deut. 23:12-14 personal hygiene that would prevent many deadly diseases 申23:12-14: 個人衛生,預防許多致死的疾病.Leviticus 13-14 the

37、means to control contagious diseases 利15:2-11:觸摸死屍或漏症之後的洗淨.,CHRISTIAN FAITH IS BASED ON OVERWHELMING HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION基督教信仰是根據大量的歷史文獻,In Fact the Bible contains the most accurate and best documented ancient history that exists today. 事實上, 聖經包含今日現存最正確與最優良的古代歷史文獻.,Illustration: Robert Dick Wils

38、on,“A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament” 一個對舊約科學性的調查,Illustration: William M. Ramsay,“The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament”- 就新約可信度新近發現的證據,CHRISTIAN FAITH INVOLVES IRREFUTABLE EXPERIENCE (John 9:25) 基督教信仰是可體驗的,When you put your faith in Mohammed you

39、 dont meet Mohammed or God.當你將信心放在穆罕默德身上時, 你不遇見穆罕默德或上帝.When you put your faith in Buddha you dont meet Buddha or God.當你將信心放在佛祖身上時, 你不遇見佛祖或上帝.But when you put your faith in Jesus you meet God!但當你將信心放在耶穌身上時, 你遇見上帝.,Illus.: The bullet proof George Washington,John 約翰福音 14:23,“Jesus said: “If a man love

40、me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” (also John 14:17, 21; I John 4:15-16)耶穌回答說:人若愛我,就必遵守我的道;我父也必愛他,並且我們要到他那裡去,與他同住。,Important Lessons 重要功課,Saving Faith involves both my mind & heart 得救的信心需要心思與心靈的參與.From the Word of God we c

41、ome to the intellectual conviction that Jesus Christ is God manifest in human flesh (I Tim. 3:16).我們從上帝的話語抵達知性的深信 耶穌基督是上帝在肉身顯現 (提前3:16).,Important Lessons 重要功課,Once we know who Jesus Christ really is, we surrender our heart to Him in loving obedience as our LORD & Savior (Phil. 2:10-11)一旦我們認識耶穌基督到底是誰, 我們將心降服給祂, 並以愛順服祂作我們的主和救主(腓2:10-11).At that time you will know you have eternal life & can begin to experience the adventurous Life of Faith with Jesus as your LORD and Savior在那個時刻, 你會知道你有永生, 且可開始體驗以耶穌為主與救主,活在信心探險的生活中.,


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