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1、TPO21Section 111. 这段对话主要是讲一位新生在学校没有找到 orientation 的地点。老师说:you cant find your orientation session? 于是答案在 A 和 C 当中,但是后来老师又告诉他,usually, they are in the auditorium。但是男生表示他前几天去过了,那是 general orientation。他说:yes the general ones,I once went to one of those sessions earlier day, but now I need the one for my

2、 major, engineering. 这里就可以得出他找不到的是 engineering department 的 orientation。2. 问找不到地点的原因。对话中,男生说,my schedule said the meeting was in Johnsonhall 然而地图上画的这栋楼叫做 Morgen Hall。但是老实说 this used to be Jonhson hall, the problem is they changed the name to morgen hall。老师说他很吃惊学校给了他原来的地名的地图,但是后来男生又说,这张地图是一个月前的 mail,

3、也就是寄过来的。 他说了 I get the second one recently最后重点在:I left that one in the dorm room. 也就是说他用的地图上的名字没有更新。3. 问这栋楼为什么更新名字,因为老师又说了:this building is renamed after one of out professors. She retired a few months ago. She is really well known in the world of physics. 这说明这位叫做 morgen 的人是很有名很重要的物理学家,所以以他命名。4. 男生说

4、:that why I transfer to this university. I am impressed with all the researches you guys had in the laboratories.他还说他知道这所学校是第一所开设 aerospace engineering她和学校,并且说 a couple of students who graduate from here became astronauts. 他还get a minor in math。并且老师跟他说,学习 aero space engineering 并且辅修 math 会让他 go far(

5、you will go far with that degree) 这些都表示男生对这个学校印象很好在这里来是抱着重大理想的。如果你还不确定,也可以用排除。A 和 C 没有提到。B 正好反了,因为他说他知道这所学校 aerospace engineering 是第一个开设的有着优秀的传统。5. 问老师的观点,就要注意老师的话。当男生说他 minor in math 的时候,老师说 you will go far with that degree, more of our students should do that. there are so many more opportunities

6、available in the field when you have a strong math background. 说明 A 的内容。21. Lecture 一开始老师说:how throughout history, it has often be difficult for people to give up to ideas which had long been taken for granted, such as scientific truth, even if these ideas were false, in astronomy for example, the d

7、istinction between the solar system and the universe was not clear until 接着就开始讲了后面的主干部分,讲了几古代的关于天文学的学说的顽固性,所以是讲 the persistence of traditional theories.2. 这道题的答案要从 well it made sense to them 开始。因为前面说 the ancient Greeks believe earth is the center of the universe, 所以说明这句后面就要说为什么他们geocentric view。 她说

8、observation of the sky made it appears as if the sun and the moon and stars all revolved around the earth every day. 说明第一个是理由。And the view was also supported by the philosophical and religious belief about the origin structure of the universe.。 。 。这一句就说明第三个也是对的。3. 当天文学家发现他们的观察与以前的这种 belief 矛盾的时候,他们并

9、没有考虑要修改这个 theory。The ancient Greeks didnt really consider the theory. It was so intuitive so sensible that the earth was the center of the universe. 4. 出现了 epicycle theory 的这一段,主要是在说,天文学家们精确地观察到这些planet move backwards,但是他们并不质疑以地球为中心的学说,所以他们就要给这种观察结果找个理由,于是就有了 epicycle theory。 所以 C 是对的。5. However, th

10、ere were a few scientists in Greece and other places who didnt agree with the geocentric views. For example。 。 。然后他就说了 Aristotle。从这个位置就要开始注意。 Aristotle recognized from his calculation that the sun is much larger that the earth and other planets. It was probably this discovery that made him to conclu

11、de that the universe is heliocentric.6. However, his proposition was rejected.从这个位置开始就要注意了。因为既然说了他的观点被反对,那么紧接着就是为什么会被反对了。听力中说:They believed that everything that moves creates its own wind又说到 didnt fit in with the ancient understanding of gravity.所以选的两个原因应该是 2 和 4 个。3.1. 整篇文章的大意讲的就是这个,一开始说了这捷克来讲 test

12、ers,那些找毛病的人,然后后面有举例子对比了两个不通的团队。他们当中 developer 和 tester 的配合好坏不同所造成的不同的效果,由此来表明好的软件开发需要不同的角色,developer 和 tester 的好配合。2. there is a story behind this term.听到这里就要开始注意了。 Back in the 1940s, when the computer industry is just starting, a group of computer scientists was working late one night, and there wa

13、s a problem in one of the computer circuits. When they examined it, they found a 5 centimeters long moth cut in there. Once they de- bug the computer, it worked just fine, and ever since then, every kind of computer problem has been known as bugs.3. 老师说的两个特点 They have to be different groups of peopl

14、e because developers often have bias in their work and it blind them to problems that might be obvious to someone else the 和 mainality of software developer was constructive, creative. 分别是 A 和 D。4. 通过对老师最后一部分关于他研究的两个 project 比较的讲述, 会发现两个 project的不同在于 project unity 里面大家都很团结,没有争吵,developer 没有 defensiv

15、e 而在project split 里面双方从一开始就是 conflict, 所以 unity 更加有效率的原因应该选 C5.两者的产品最后有什么不同。听力里面说了最后那个 split 的产品。 。 。we end up in havingwhich was obviously not ideal. 重点在 not ideal,而说到 unity 他还说了 we even put on some improvements havent plan, 说明质量方面,split 的不如 unity 的产品,所以 D 的内容 split was inferior 很符合。6. and you can

16、sense the conflicts just by walking into the room, literally ,the debelopers and testers sat on opposite sides of the table说明对这个气氛的描写是想强调双方的矛盾。C B AD C D ASection21. 听力的主旨,大意就是学生去找老师,询问关于选课的建议。学生说:I am trying to figure out what elective courses to take. My advisor suggested me to take ecnomics and a

17、ccounting but Im not really sure. 2. 老师说:but in PR, you develop realtion with a larger range of audiences.3. 说道大学的例子的时候,老是说 do you remember the PR straregy I alluded to you the other day? 然后学生说 you mean how the university invite local residence to attend certain lectures and classes for free?所以第三题选

18、B4. 老师说。Advertising principle and intrued marketing . This way you find out marketing someways you really want to persue. Graduate 教育很贵,This courses will give you good overview of the field before commiting yourself. 这说明老师在建议她不能浪费学费一定要学对自己有用并且确定感兴趣的课程。5. 老是说:OK,OK,I hear it. 前面女生说了她在高中 endured zccou

19、nting 和 ecnomics,表明她并不是很喜欢这两个课,还说 they were so虽然没有说完,但是根据语境她说了endure 说明上这个课十分煎熬,说明她觉得 boring 或者不感兴趣。老师的话说之前还笑了笑,就是对此表示理解。1. 文章的大意。首先讲的是蛇,其次讲了不同类蛇的进化。所以答案要包括 snake evolutin 所以选 B2. 老师在说了一大堆:学生以前可能学到的东西以后说:now what if I told you that (这里就要开始注意了,因为有明显的转折) theris a good chance that most everything I jus

20、t said is wrongthe basic theory about snake revolution has been challenged by a recent study that reveal the whole new understanding of revolunary relationships for所以她前面说的那些学生从前学的知识都是铺垫,这一句引出了她今天要讲的挑战原有学说的一个新的理论。3. traditionally to understand the evolutionary relationships, we looked very easily obs

21、erved physical characteristics of the animals. And classify them based on similiarity and diffenrences,这里说的就是题目中问到得传统的根据外表特征分类,然后她又说 the problem with this method is the characteristic that appears similar might actually have developed in quite diffenrent ways. 这一句就说出了这种方法的 weakness,就是题目中D 说的这个意思。他们长

22、得一样不一定进化的一样。4. what seperates colubrids with other snakes weve been classified as venomous is not the lack of venom, but the lack of dffective way to deliver venom into its prey. 答案就在这一段话里面。然后他又举例子说在大多数 venomous 里面他们用 venom 捕食,(the venom is used to catch and moblized the prey.) But in colubrid, veno

23、m is delivered Onto the prey after the pray is in the snakes mouth. 说明 colubrid 额区别在于不用 venom 捕食。5. 再说到 constrictor sanke 的进化时, 她说也许 they were once venomous 他们的venomous 不需要所以就渐渐消失了, 然后又提到了这个例子 there is one species of snake the brown tree snakes that uses both contrictions and venom depending on its

24、prey, so well it is possible. 这个 it is possible 就是用来说明原来举这个例子是为了证实老师说的关于 constrictor snake 的进化。6. 在最后老师说了在这个方面的 medicalresearch,说: now it sound far fast. So far only one proaching has been targeted for study as a potential drug .but who knows, maybe someday. 这表明她觉得一切都还太早的态度。1. 老师在一开始就说 Neel 是把 reali

25、sm 和 expressionism 结合起来的,所以是在讨论他的作品的风格。C2. 听力中说了,当时照相处于优势地位,人们就不是很重视 portrait。After photograhy became regarded as an art form, portrait painting became less perstigious, less respctive as an art form. And photography kind of took its place, 所以是选 B.3. 他说 first, Neel uses bold colors,like subjects clo

26、thing for instance, it appears brighter than it really was(说明 color 是 expressionism 的一个方面 ). And the subject ,the people being portratit, Neel paid special attentions to faces. The way she paints the eyes and how the faces are portrait, this are quite realistic.(这句说明了 B 不能选) Like the realists work.

27、But another thing Neel did was sort of strechy figures.(这个说明 C 是对的,figures 就是说 subject的姿态,shape of the body.)所以 答案 CD 4. But neel felt that painting should reflect reality, and to her individuals, people, best reflcet the reality of their timeso she painted portraits. 这一段说明了她选择画人像的原因,是因为他觉得这样最能反映所在的时代。A5.its not just formal dipictions of presidents and ancestors. 老师讲到他的人物像老人女人小孩跨越了性别和年龄,是为了突出他的作品的独特特点。D6. 教授说的话是:她到了 70 多岁才举行第一次展览。后面接着说了这是因为在当时由于photography 被认为是艺术,所以 portrait 的地位下降了,被替代了,就是想表明他作为portrait artist 并不受到认可。 (听力中:Portrait artists would have a difficult time finding acceptance.)所以选 C


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