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1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福听力TPO原文文本全摘要: 托福听力TPO 原文文本全!TPO是备考听力考试最有价值的资料,因此,小编在这里为大家整理了TPO听力的原文文本,希望利用这些文本可以帮助大家更好的来备考托福听力考试。TPO 1 Conversation 2NarratorListen to part of a conversation between a student and his professor.ProfessorHi Mathew, Im glad you could come in today. Youve been observing Mr. Grables thir

2、d-grade class for your approaches to education paper, right?StudentUm, yes. I go over to Johnson Elementary School, you know, to watch Mr. Grable teach the children in class. Its been amazing, I mean, Im just learning so much from just watching him. Im so glad the classroom observations are a requir

3、ement for the education program. I mean its like the best thing ever to prepare you to be a good teacher.ProfessorWell, Im glad to see you feel that way, Mathew. You know, thats the goal. So, Ive been reading over your observation notes and Im quite interested in whats going on, in particular with t

4、he astronomy unit hes been teaching.StudentThe astronomy unit?ProfessorIt seems that Mr. Grable has mastered the interdisciplinary approach to teaching that weve been talking about in class.StudentOh! OK, yeah, so like when he was teaching them astronomy, he didnt just teach them the names of the pl

5、anets, he used it as a way to teach mythology.ProfessorReally! So, how did he do that?StudentWell, some of the students could already name the planets, but they didnt know that the names had any meaning the stories behind them.ProfessorSo, heStudentHe introduced Greek and Roman mythology as a way of

6、 explaining. Like, you know, how like Jupiters the biggest planet, right, and how Jupiter was the name of the king of the gods in Roman mythology, right? So since Jupiter, the planet, is the largest planet in our solar system, its like the king of the planets, like Jupiter was the king of all the go

7、ds.ProfessorOh, Mathew, thats a great example.StudentYeah! And each student chose a planet and then did research on it to write a report and make a presentation. They went to the library to do the research, then they made presentations about the planet they chose.ProfessorSo, in one science unit, in

8、 which the focus was astronomy, the students also learned about the literature of Greek and Roman mythology, used research skills in the library, wrote a report and practiced their oral presentation skills.StudentExactly! He used this one topic to teach third-graders all that stuff how to use the bo

9、oks in the library, to write reports, and even how to speak in public. Plus they had a great time doing it.ProfessorYou know, Mathew, this is just what weve been talking about in our class. Im sure everyone can learn something from your experience. You know, Mathew, Id love for you to talk about thi

10、s astronomy unit in class on Wednesday.StudentReally?! Um cause I dont really think Ill have any time to write my paper by then.ProfessorOh, you wont need to write anything new just yet. For Wednesday, use your class observation notes and explain the things weve discussed today.StudentOk, that sound

11、s all right.翻译独白:听一段学生和教授的对话。教授:嗨,马修,很高兴你今天能来。你一直将观察 Grable 老师的三年级课堂作为你的毕业论文的突破口,是吧?学生:嗯,是的。我在回顾约翰逊小学来观察 Grable 老师的课堂授课情况。这个过程让我受益匪浅,我是说只是看着他授课也能学到很多东西。很高兴课堂见习能作为教育课程的一项指标。教授:嗯,很高兴你能这样想,马修。要知道,这就是目的所在。这样,我一直在仔细阅读你的见习日志,我对你的所见所闻也很感兴趣,尤其是他教授的“什么是天文学”单元。学生:天文学单元?教授:看似 Grable 老师已经掌握了我们课堂讨论过的跨学科教学法。学生:哦,

12、是的,比如在他教学生天文学的时候,他不仅教学生各行星的名字,他把神学的教学法融入其中。教授:真的? 那他是怎么教的?学生:其实,有一些学生能叫出各行星的名字,但是他们并不知道那些名字的含义名字背后的故事。教授:所以,他学生:他将希腊和罗马神话作为引子。比如,木星怎么是最大的行星,同时朱庇特(木星的音译)又怎么在罗马神话里成了诸神之首等,是吧? 又因为木星是太阳系里最大的行星,所以朱庇特(木星的音译) 是诸神之首。教授:很好,马修,这是一个不错的例子。学生:是的。这样每个学生选择一个行星然后着手调查并写一份报告和作陈述。他们去图书馆做调研,之后就他们所选的行星进行展述。教授:那么,在将天文学视为

13、焦点的理科单元里,同学们也能学到关于希腊和罗马的知识,学会图书馆里的调研方法,提高了写报告和作口头陈述的能力。学生:完全赞同! 他用这一方法教三年级所有的东西 如何运用图书馆里的书,如何写报告,甚至如何当众讲话。此外,这个过程乐趣横生。教授:要知道,马修,这个方法在我们课堂里一直有讨论。我相信各位都能从你的经历中学到东西。马同学,我希望你这周三给大家展示一下关于天文学(这个单位)的授课方法。学生:不会吧? 嗯,我只是担心到时候我没有时间来写我的毕业论文了。教授:哦,你不必添加新的东西了。周三的展示就用你的见习日志同时解释一下我们今天讨论的这些概念即可。学生:好,这个应该没问题。相关推荐新托福听力精听的材料与方法2015年托福听力的难度和形式解读新托福听力文章结构和意图解析相关字搜索: 托福听力TPO


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