1、By Dave Batty,Teen Challenge Staff Training Course T510.01iTeenChallenge.org,1,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,TC started in New York City in 1958 1958 年青年挑战建立于纽约,青年挑战历史概览,2,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,十字架与弹簧刀,3,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Europe in 1969 欧洲,1969,4,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,C.What is Gods desire f
2、or your nation, state, city, region? 神对你的国家,省份和城市地区的愿望是什么?,5,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Psalm 127:1 NIVUnless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.诗篇 127:1如果不是耶和华建造房屋,建造的人就徒然劳苦;如果不是耶和华看守城池,看守的人就徒然警醒。,6,T510.01 9-
3、2009 Ver. 1.01,7,Which wing is more important?哪一个更重要?,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Like 2 wings of an airplanewhich wing is more important? 像飞机的两翼-哪一个更重要?Teen Challenge is more than drug recovery 青年挑战不止是戒毒,8,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,What is life transformation? 什么是生命更新?,9,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Street
4、 contact with drug addicts, including coffeehouse ministry街头巷尾与吸毒者接触,包括咖啡屋事工,10,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Living Free Support Groups 自由生活支持小组Day program for drug addicts为吸毒者设计的白天项目,11,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Traditional Teen Challenge approach 传统的青年挑战方法步骤 InductionMonths 1-4 入门阶段-1-4个月 TrainingMonth
5、s 5-1 培训阶段-512个月 Re-entry into society 重返社会,12,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Adolescent ministries for those 12-17 years old 针对12-17岁的青少年事工Childrens ministriesHIV/AIDS orphans Swaziland, Africa and Mumbai, India 儿童事工-艾滋病孤儿,非洲史瓦基兰和印度孟买,13,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,The mission of Teen Challenge is to evange
6、lize and disciple persons with life-controlling problems and initiate the discipleship process to the point where the student can function as a Christian in society, applying spiritually motivated biblical principles in relationships in the family, church, chosen vocation, and community.青年挑战的使命是向有生命
7、控制问题的人群宣讲福音并进行门徒训练,直到学员成为一名社会中的基督徒,在家庭,教会,所在工作岗位上和社区里实践圣经中的原则。,14,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Relationship with Jesus 与耶稣的关系Love for hurting people 对受伤人群的爱 Have a teachable spirit 有一个受教的灵-we all need training to be more effective我们都需要接受培训,变得更有影响力,15,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,Understand healthy living 明白健康的生活方式Dysfunctional staff create dysfunctional disciples 不正常的员工培养出不正常的门徒TC ministry is hard work 青年挑战事工是一项艰苦的工作,16,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,17,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,www.Globaltc.orgwww.iTeenChallenge.org,联系方式:,18,T510.01 9-2009 Ver. 1.01,