1、從球桿設計與功能屬性 淺談揮桿理論暨肢體整合與運用,清泉崗球場總經理 林 瑞 榮,1,“I learn something new about the game almost every time I step on the course.”( 幾乎每次上球場我對高爾夫都有新的體認 )從戰鬥中學習! Ben Hogan, Golfer班侯根 (1912-1997) 為美國史上最出色的高爾夫球手之一,以擊球能力聞名,並對於高爾夫球揮桿理論有深遠的影響。,2,本作品僅供參考,綱 目,壹、認識球桿設計與功能貳、觀念物理與高爾夫運動力學參、肢體整合互動與揮桿運用肆、問題研討,3,本作品僅供參考,從冷兵
2、器刀劍的長度、重量分配、重心位置等設計變化,了解其功能、操控方式與困難度(包含眼手協調、 單或雙手操控、腳法或重心轉移、生理或心理狀況、其他應變等 ),才能有效運用與發揮最大的戰鬥力。使用武器有許多訣竅,不同的武器有不同的施展方法,設計功能也有不同的重點,劍以刺、割、挑為要;刀以砍、斫、劈為主;語謂單刀看手、雙刀看走。參考【十八般武器總說】林保淳先生撰。高爾夫的運用訣竅,亦應如此!上述器具的功能與設計雖有不同,但從操控模式上研析,發現聚焦在共同的力學論點-轉動慣量/慣性矩( MOI)。 這項論點亦廣泛運用在高爾夫球具設計方面,例如:揮桿重量的調配、開球木桿或推桿桿頭高MOI設計,以提高準確率與
3、容錯率等。,壹、認識球桿設計與功能,4,本作品僅供參考,中華傳統古劍,柄長:24.5cm刃長:75cm重量:1200g(不含鞘),大唐玄鐵劍,柄長:27.5cm刃長:81cm重量:880g(不含鞘),戰國烏金劍,參考延平刀劍,5,本作品僅供參考,重量分配、重心集中在握把端,單手操控,困難度高,西洋刀劍,海軍指揮刀,弓型鈍劍,參考 尚宇世界精品名刀,6,本作品僅供參考,重量分配、重心集中在握把端,單手操控,困難度高,西歐中世紀長劍單雙手皆可使用,正式名稱為手半劍,4045吋 / 33.5磅 與日本武士刀相若 美國Albion公司出產,九環刀,日本武士刀,柄長:28.5cm刃長:72cm重量:12
4、00g(參考 延平刀劍),7,本作品僅供參考,柄長:29.8cm刃長:69.5cm重量:1890g(參考宏均國際),重量分配、重心往刀刃中間調整,單雙手操控,困難度高,青龍偃月關刀,8,參考網址 ,三國西晉重量級武器九尺五寸 八 十二斤 概約 230公分 50公斤重量分配、重心往刀刃前端集中 雙手操控,困難度極高體適能要求非比尋常,流星錘,印地安捕獸繩,9,本作品僅供參考,重量分配、重心遠離握把端,單雙手旋轉操控,困難度高,球拍總長度不得大於68cm,拍面的長度應低於29cm,寬度低於23cm。,本作品僅供參考,10,重量分配、重心集中在握把端,單手操控,困難度高。羽球運動員需要良好的身心素質
5、,及堅強的意志品質。,丹麥 彼得蓋德,參考維基百科,羽球運動,棒球運動,本作品僅供參考,11,參考 PSP遊戲,美國職業棒球大聯盟,球棒須為平滑之圓型棒,最粗部分之直徑不得大於2.75吋,長度不得長於42吋,須用一根木材製成。凡金屬、木片或竹片接合製成之球棒,經認可後准予使用。,重量分配、重心集中前端,雙手握棒,旋轉操控打擊,困難度高,體適能要求高。,Driver試打?新款服裝? ? 設計,男子鏈球 重 7.257kg 長121.5cm女子鏈球 重 4.000kg 長119.5cm,12,本作品僅供參考,重量分配、重心 遠離握把端雙手掌握,透過重心旋轉操控困難度中,體適能的要求較高,Golf球
6、具設計尼克華尼/我的袋中武器 參考高爾夫文摘 中文版,13,本作品僅供參考,重量分配、重心,遠離握把端,雙手握桿透過重心轉移操控,困難度高,體適能影響差點,本作品僅供參考,14,Best movie sabre duel 西洋軍刀決鬥,the last samurai, bokken test 末代武士,Wu dang Sword 武當太乙玄門剑,Shaolin Breeze Sword 少林清風劍,Jet Li Sword Demo 李連杰刀術表演,Shaolin Meteor Hammer 少林流星錘,以上介紹的刀劍武器、鏈球或Golf球桿,設若拿握在各位手上,所要認知的要點如下:,15,
7、腦筋動一動,A、功能上有何不同?B、重量的分配如何?C、操控的方式如何?D、操控困難度如何?,本作品僅供參考,The Science of Golf Clubs,Precept Golf , a brand of Bridgestone Golf , Inc.,16,本作品僅供參考,本作品僅供參考,17,Dynamic loft will change by the kick point of the shaft.動態桿面角度隨桿身的轉折點高低變化When using a driver, if the head comes ahead of the grip at impact (lead),
8、 the dynamic loft will be greater than the real or original loft at address.瞬間擊球時,若是桿頭超前握把,動態桿面角度大於原始球桿設計角度。,Loft angle is an angle (3) made by shafts center axis (1) and the club face(2).,When the face is turned right, it is slice and indicates minus. The face is left, it is hook and indicates plus
9、.,Face Angle桿面開闔角度,Loft angle桿面拋射角度,動態桿面角度,本作品僅供參考,18,Functional effects 改變底角影響球桿效能Changing the lie angle affects the direction of the club face, thus influencing the direction of the ball. Also, side-ward spin rate will change causing a change in ball flight. 改變底角就改變桿面擊球方向,於是側向旋轉率的改變,亦將造成球的飛行狀況的變化。
10、,Lie angle 桿頸角度 (底角/仰角),For driver and long irons, adjusting the lie angle more upright will correct the slice spin.適當調整長鐵、木桿的底角更高直些,可修正右曲側旋狀況。,本作品僅供參考,19,Balance is also called Swing Weight, and it is a standard to show the ease of swing. 揮桿平衡又稱為揮桿重量,Length from grip end to the center of gravity of
11、 the club, minus 14 inch (A), multiplied by weight of the club is called inch/ounce.揮桿重量公式 : Club weight (ounce) x A (inch)(1 inch = 25.4mm, 1 ounce = 28.35g),Frequency is measured by using a frequency analytic machine. An optic sensor records the number of times the shaft oscillates (cpm :cycles pe
12、r minute).,Standard values : 桿身振盪頻率標準值 (頻率越高,揮桿速度要求越快)DriverR=250-260 S=260-270 Iron.R=290-300 S=300-310,揮桿的難易度就要看揮桿重量,類似轉動力學公式 - 轉動慣量 =質量 x 旋轉半徑平方,本作品僅供參考,20,Bulge and roll takes important role in this gear effect.水平弧度及垂直弧度之桿面設計,在齒輪效應中扮演重要的角色。Unless the ball is hit directly in the center of the clu
13、b face, the club head will rotate. 桿面中心點未擊中球時,將會造成桿頭滾轉情形;When the club head rotates, gear effect will occur between the ball and head.當桿頭滾轉時,球與桿頭之間,即發生齒輪效應現象。,Gear Effect 齒 輪 效 應,垂直弧度,水平弧度,本作品僅供參考,21,Deep Head 厚背型桿頭設計The club head is considered deep when the head shape is thick. The center of gravit
14、y will be higher which creates a stronger ball flight. 桿頭重心較高,擊球速度要求高,出球飛行強勁。,Shallow Head 扁平型桿頭設計The club head is considered shallow when the head shapes thin. The center of gravity becomes lower and the ball gets airborne with greater ease.桿頭重心較低,很容易將球擊出升空。,Shallow Back 淺背型桿頭設計When the back of the
15、 club head is thinner than the face.The center of gravity is low ever though the face is still thick.桿頭重心低,保留厚高的桿 面,擊球表現佳。,桿頭後端結構較深,桿頭後端結構較淺,後端結構切角設計,W 1#木桿重心設計 Fw木桿重心設計,22,參考網址www.prgr-,本作品僅供參考,Hybrid重心設計,23,參考網址www.prgr-,本作品僅供參考,Iron鐵桿重心設計,The Science ofGolf Balls,Precept Golf , a brand of Bridges
16、tone Golf , Inc.,24,本作品僅供參考,The dimples of a typical golf ball,25,本作品僅供參考,參考維基百科,Golf Ball Dimples & Drag,Ideal frictionless flow field around a sphere (b) the resulting pressure distribution,26,本作品僅供參考,參考維基百科,(a)Actual separated flow field around a sphere (b) the resulting pressure distribution,Gol
17、f Ball Dimples & Drag,27,本作品僅供參考,參考維基百科,Octahedral 392 dimples八面體392個凹洞,Icosahedral 432 dimples二十面體432個凹洞,Dimple Configuration : Dimples differ greatly in their impact depending on alignment and depth of depressions球面凹洞組態:配置上不同之處,在於它們的圖形排列與凹陷深度,Two of the principal effects of dimples are to increase
18、 lift and reduce air resistance ,which results in longer distances and greater stability in shot trajectory.球面凹洞有兩項主要的效能:提高升力和降低空氣阻力,因此獲得較遠的擊球距離,以及較為穩定的彈道飛行軌跡。,28,本作品僅供參考,29,Spin Defined 旋轉的定義(正旋、後旋、側旋) A ball can rotate in a number of directions: In the direction of flight; Against the direction of
19、 flight (back spin);or Sideways (side spin).,In approach shots, the ball is not greatly deformed, and the type of material used in the cover determines the amount of spin. 短鐵擊球,球變形不大,後旋量多寡,取決於球表層材料的特性。.,Driver and long iron shots ,長桿擊球the ball itself is deformed (flattened). Large deformation means
20、less spin and longer carries. 變形大,後旋少,飛距遠。If deformation exceeds a certain level, initial velocity will fall, causing a loss of distance. 過度變形,出球速度降低,減損距離。,本作品僅供參考,30,出球速度與天氣溫度的依存關係Temperature dependence of initial velocity,多 層 球,二 層 球,纏 繞 球,出球速度,溫 度,mph,本作品僅供參考,31,順逆風對開球距離的影響The effect of wind on d
21、istanceAt 11.2MPH(5 m/s), the wind will only cause the pin flags to wave , a simulation of trajectories, along with data for driver shots ( head speed of 100MPH=45 m/s ).Compared to windless conditions, a 11.2MPH(5 m/s) tail wind results in a 10.9 yard increase in distance. a 11.2MPH(5 m/s) head win
22、d results in a 14.3 yard reduction in distance.,目測風速 簡易法則*Rules of Thumb on Wind Speed,1.5 3.3 Wind cannot be felt. Impossible to tell the direction of the wind.,3.5 7.8 Wind can be felt on the golfers face. Leaves on trees move.,7.8 12.3 Small branches on trees move continuously. Pin flags wave.,12.3 17.9 Dust is kicked up, and scraps of paper fly about.,More than 17.9 Whitewater blows across the surface of ponds; Shrubbery begins to shake.,(英里/小時),Golf impacts - Slow motion video,Hi-speed video of a golf ball compressed by driver,Rory Mcllroy using Quintic Ball Roll,32,本作品僅供參考,本作品僅供參考,33,