1、1妙用孙子兵法投资中国记马来西亚华商庄迪君中国经济快速崛起,吸引了各国企业纷纷前来投资,欲分享庞大的经济蛋糕然而不少企业的经历并不是那么甜美,不是铩羽而归,就是碰得焦头烂额,深感在中国投资经商或与中国人做生意不是那么容易可是对在中国工作及投资 10余年的马来西亚“商人”庄迪君来说,在中国投资或经商并不那么困难 目前协助多家在中国投资的公司进行企业诊断的庄迪君,并不是纸上谈兵,他以本身的实战经验及战绩,作为其看法的论据庄迪君进入企业界前只是一介书生,完全没有企业及管理的经验,但他以实在谦虚的工作态度及合理分配的精神,打造出一片亮丽的天地必须把工人当人看 1991 年庄迪君转换跑道,从教育界跨入企
2、业界,并被马来西亚著名企业丰隆集团派到深圳,管理投资已有五六年一度由美国人担任总经理的麦克来特空调公司熟读孙子兵法的他,很快就让公司摆脱困扰多年的劳资纠纷,使业绩走上轨道,成为丰隆集团在中国投资少数成功的企业计划之一 他随后离开“丰隆”,与中国人合资接管濒临倒闭的天加空调,一年内就取得骄人成绩,该公司也成为中国大陆成长最迅速的企业之一庄迪君的成功秘诀很简单,“教导中国工人及合理分配公司财富”2现年 60岁的庄迪君强调:“中国工人绝对没有问题,他们都很勤奋效率高他们的适应能力很强,只要教导他们工作就行了”他认为,投资者必须把中国工人当人看待,若中国工人能获得合理的公司财务分配,整个公司运作就能很
3、顺畅进行 此外,庄迪君认为公司管理层应该是外国人还是中国人,这也是一个关系到投资成败的管理问题“这是很微妙的,自己不去管理比较困难,企业不用中国人也不长久,因为自己不能也做不上”他以一家在中国投资的马来西亚公司的经验为例,这家公司就因为不起用中国人,全数外国人的管理层不知道该在那里采购原料,以致产品的生产成本比销售价还高 可是他觉得,完全起用中国人担任主管也有问题,因为管理及工作文化不同,易导致滥用权力他认为,较好的管理方法是培养子弟兵,向他们灌输正确的管理思维及方法 庄迪君因投资理念与合资人出现分歧而在今年初退休,目前专注搞个人企管网站 ,希望把本身的实战经验经商理念及管理思维散播开来,协助
4、塑造健康的企业文化他这么做的理由很简单,就是希望中国能够富强起来“中国富强对提升海外华人的地位有帮助,因此,中国的改革只许成功,不许失败” 看好中小企业 庄迪君认为当前在中国投资的最大问题是合资伙伴诚信问题,虽然这种情况与 10年前比已经好得多“中国商人缺乏诚信主要是因为3中国从 80年代改革开放以来,从未发生过经济不景气,不知道生意是要实实在在地做”此外,他相信中国经济与国际接轨,将有助于增加诚信商人的出现他希望中国政府对没有诚信的商人或企业不要姑息养奸 他还希望中国企业以日本及韩国企业为鉴“美国人在二战结束后,为了防止日本军工业的发展,大力压制日本大企业的发展,以致中小型企业有发展的空间,
5、演变成今日国际著名品牌的跨国公司韩国大企业则相反,它是在政府扶持推动下成长,当亚洲金融风暴一来时就被打回原形” 庄迪君看好中国的中小型企业,认为这是中国经济未来的希望“中国中小型企业有如海外华人先辈,他们非常勤奋,比较实在,学习也快,这是中国的希望”不过,他担心这些企业长大了之后,企业领导思想不能升华,那就不是好事“中小型企业很注重发财,这是企业成长的动力,也是中国企业富不过三代的原因” 庄迪君表示,中国商人还犯上虚荣心重的毛病他批评国企对外收购:“他们应该把基本功做好,本身的管理若不好,收购外企也没什么作用”他不认为对外的收购计划是正确的企业战略行动“如果希望通过收购别人来把自己的东西做好,
6、那是不对的这是中国人的心态表现,希望自己快点大点” 他提醒中国企业,美国 500强企业会有今天的成就,是长时期拼搏出来的,“你以为个子大就可以上擂台,上去后就给人家打死”他认为搞企业没有速成的,速成蛋糕里面是空的 4庄迪君在领导天加企业时曾为公司制定一套“天加文化”,这是天加人必须树立的工作态度:“实在谦虚发挥自己的优势,超越同行,建立一个合理分配的新企业模式”这也是值得中国企业参考的企业文化 The high-speed boom of Chinese economy has drawn all fields of enterprises from every country to inve
7、st in China.But most of them have had unsatisfied experiences , and they all felt it is difficut to do business in China .Some have stopped their business in China , some have overthrown by many arduous troubles.However, it is quiet different to the Malaysian Businessman, an overseas Chinese,Zhuang
8、Dijun who has invested in China for more than ten years.In 1991,Zhuang Dijunstrode into business circlesfrom the educationand was sent by Honglong Group,an Malaysian famous enterprise, to Shenzhen to manage its air-conditioner company,invested in Shenzhen for nearly six years , Zhuang , being famili
9、ar with the Art of War bySunTzu , took especially uncommon approach to make the company to break away from the long-timedispute between labour and capital,to obtain outstanding achievement , and to be one of the rare successful enterprises of Honglong Group investing in China . Not long after that ,
10、Zhuang Dijun left HongLong 5Group,cooperating with a Chinese, to take over the Tianjia air-conditioner company which had been nearly close down. To everyones surprise, Zhuang Dijun had accomplished extraodinary achievement within a year and the company became one of the most rapidly developing enter
11、prises in China. His effort is not in vain. Zhuang Dijuns successful secretis very simple: He knows how to enlight Chinese workers and how to distribute the companys wealth reasonably. Zhuang Dijun, at the age of 60, emphasizes that the Chinese workers , in fact, are very exellent for their diligenc
12、e, high efficencyand their strong adapting capacity.They can work very well only after being taught.If Chinese workers would get the equitable financialdistribution,the company, in which they work,can performance smoothly.Zhuang Dijun possesses the opinion that, whether the management personnels of
13、a company are foreigners or Chinese, is the crucial managment problem, ralating to the success or failure of a companys investment . He even took an Malaysian company for an example . As the management personnels of the company were all the foreigners , unknown where to buy the raw materials, as a r
14、esult, the production cost of the product was much higher than the selling cost of it .But He 6also considers that ,on the contrary, if all the management personnels are Chinese ,there would be some troubles such as abusing their power because of the different management methods and culture between
15、two countries.Zhuang Dijun thinks that the better managment way is to cultivate the employees by instiling into them the right management thought and ways. Zhuang Dijun now is focusing on establishing his personal enterprise management net , to hope to spread his rich realexperience, business ideas
16、 and management thoughts in order to help to found a health enterprise culture. The reason for him to do this is very simple, that he hopes China to be morestronger and stronger.The stronger of China can help to raise the position of overseas Chinese. Thus ,the reform of China must be successful but
17、 not fail. Zhuang thinks that at thecurrent time the biggest problem of investing in China is the honesty of the partner,although this phenomenon is much better than that of ten years ago.He says , someChinese bussinessmen are lack of honesty ,that is because China has never took place any economic
18、depression since the reform and opening up to the outside world .And he believes, honesty and trustwill help provide the opportunities for the more honest businessmen emerging owing to Chinese 7economic globalization. He also hopes that Chinese government will punish severely the dishonest traders a
19、nd the enterprises with evil. Zhuang Dijun takes a fancy to the small-and-medium-sized enterprises and regards them as the prospect of Chinese economic future. He points out that the small-and-medium-sized enterprises owners are like the older generation of overseas Chinese.They are the hope of Chin
20、a for their special diligence and reality and their learning fast. But what he worrys about is that the leaders thought of the enterprises could not raise to keep pace with the development of the enterprises.The small-and-medium-sized enterprises always pay their full attention on making fortune, th
21、at is the motive force of an enterprises growing and that is the reason why Chinese enterprises could not flourish for a long time. Zhuang Dijun had made a set of Tianjia culturein the course of his dominating Tianjia company,which was the working attitude that the Tianjias personnels must have in terms of being honest and modest , exploiting ones advantage and surpassing the courtparts, establishing new enterprise model along with a suitable distribution.All these are the enterprise culture being worthy referred to by Chinese enterprises. 8(Translated by Liang Liyan)